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CORE VIDEO 1 ( https://youtu.

The essence of the video is a focus on the principles of social justice for all Indonesian
people. And there are values such as:
 Develop noble actions that reflect the attitude and atmosphere of family and
mutual cooperation.
 Be fair.
 Maintain a balance between rights and obligations.
 Respect the rights of others.
 Likes helping others.
 Avoid blackmail towards other people.
 Not wasteful.
 Not a luxurious lifestyle
 Do not commit acts that are detrimental to the public interest.
 Likes to work hard.
 Appreciating the work of others.
 Together" to realize progress that is equitable and socially just
In this context, the values of family, mutual cooperation, justice, balance between rights
and obligations, and the principle of the absence of poverty in Indonesia are in the
spotlight. And the video also involves the legal context, law enforcement, and related
institutions such as the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court, Judicial Commission,
Corruption Eradication Commission, police, and their role in realizing a sense of justice
in society. This fifth principle emphasizes the importance of ensuring that all people
Indonesia has access to basic needs such as education, health and employment
opportunities. Overall, the video highlights the importance of Pancasila as a unifying
force for the Indonesian nation and emphasizes the need to uphold these principles in
all aspects of life.


In this video, we discuss legal injustice affecting poverty rates in Indonesia. The first
part of the presentation discusses the importance of Pancasila as the ideology of the
Indonesian state and its role in guiding citizens in everyday life. Placing Pancasila as
the state ideology which is a guideline for every citizen in carrying out their lives, with
values that must be practiced and implemented in everyday life. Second presentation,
Values of the Fifth Principle of Pancasila Reflects the values that require all Indonesian
people to realizing social justice, such as family attitudes, mutual cooperation, being
fair, respecting other people's rights, not committing acts that are detrimental to the
public interest, and trying to realize equitable progress. social issues in the Fifth
Principle of Pancasila are still not in accordance with actual conditions in Indonesia,
especially regarding legal injustice which affects poverty rates in Indonesia. The fourth
presentation of this presentation provides an example of how the fifth principle of
Pancasila has been violated in Maluku Province, where the government failed to
distribute resources fairly. .
From all the presentations there are solutions and problem solving, such as highlighting
the need for the central government to manage resources fairly and evenly in order to
reduce disparities and provide equal opportunities for all Indonesian people to advance
their welfare. The final part of the presentation concludes that legal injustice and poverty
are multidimensional problems that require a comprehensive approach to overcome
them. Underlines the importance of clear policy support, the role of community groups
and non-governmental organizations in dealing with problems of social injustice that
result in poverty, as well as the need for significant changes in overcoming social


In this video we discuss justice issues in Indonesia. Social justice means justice that
belongs to every individual in society, comprehensive fair social justice that applies to all
Indonesian people. The Reality of the Fifth Principle highlights that in reality, the
implementation of the values of the Fifth Principle of Pancasila still has many
shortcomings in realizing justice for all Indonesian people. There is discrimination,
injustice in law, economics, education, health, as well as a lack of protection for the poor
and neglected children. However, in reality there are various problems with
discrimination by the authorities and corruption in the legal system as well as cases of
corruption among public officials, economic problems, unequal education and poor
health services, which are proof that social justice has not been realized properly. This
causes poverty and inequality in Indonesia. This group suggests that the solution to
these problems is for individuals to realize the need for change and for the government
to take action to ensure social justice is upheld that the values of Pancasila, especially
the Fifth Principle, have been neglected by both society and the government, only
remaining in the realm of theory without experience the real one.

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