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Republic of the Philippines

Department of education
Region v
Schools Division of Sorsogon

1st Quarter Examination in TLE- TECHNICAL DRAFTING-G7

NAME: _________________________________________ SET:____________________

GRADE & SECTION: _____________________________ DATE:__________________

L Multiple Choice.
Direction: Choose the best answer among the choices provided for Write the letter of the best answer in
a separate sheet of paper.

1. What term describes a person's perception of who they currently are?

a. Actual self.

b. Ideal self.

c. Self-knowledge.

d.None of the above.

2. Self-concept involves comparing the actual self with which self-image?

a. Past self.

b. Future self.

c. Ideal self.

d. None of the above.

3. Which aspect of self-concept focuses on self-awareness and self-understanding?

a. Actual self.

b. Ideal self.

c. Self-knowledge.

d. None of the above.

4. What quality is associated with overcoming obstacles and staying committed to goals?

a. Determination.

b. Self-confidence.

c. Persistence.

d. All of the above.

5. Which skill involves managing stress and adapting to challenging situations?

a. Problem-solving.

b. Creativity.

c. Stress management.

d. Time management.

6. What capacity involves coming up with innovative solutions and novel ideas?

a. Persistence.

b. Problem-solving skills.

c. Creativity.

d. Self-confidence.

7. In the story of taking charge of your future, which role involves actively shaping your

a. Moviegoer.

b. Actor.

c. Scriptwriter.

d. Spectator.

8. The story of taking charge of your future emphasizes being proactive, not just a passive...

a. Viewer.

b. Bystander.

c. Audience.

d. All of the above.

9. Which role in the story focuses on designing and crafting your life path?

a. Moviegoer.

b. Actor.

c. Scriptwriter.

d. Critic.

10. Which aspect of development relates to one's physical health and well-being?

a. Physical self.

b. Intellectual self.

c. Emotional self.

d. Sensual self.
11. The capacity to process information and learn is associated with which aspect of

a. Physical self.

b. Intellectual self.

c. Emotional self.

d. Sensual self.

12. Which aspect of development focuses on one's emotional intelligence and well-being?

a. Physical self.

b. Intellectual self.

c. Emotional self.

d. Sensual self.

13. In the story of the two wolves, what do the two wolves represent?

a. Good and evil.

b. Light and darkness.

c. Past and future.

d. None of the above.

14. Which wolf wins in the story of the two wolves?

a. The good wolf.

b. The evil wolf.

c. They both win.

d. None of the above.

15. What stage of development typically occurs from birth to approximately 2 years of age?

a. Prenatal.

b. Infancy.

c. Early childhood.

d. Late childhood.

16. Adolescence is a stage of development characterized by:

a. Exploration and identity formation.

b. Retirement and relaxation.

c. Raising a family.

d. Financial stability.
17. What stage of development is associated with individuals in their 40s and 50s, often focused
on career and family?

a. Early adulthood.

b. Middle age.

c. Old age.

d. Late childhood.

18. What is one of the key developmental tasks of early adulthood?

a. Building a career.

b. Maintaining physical health.

c. Nurturing social relationships.

d. Reflecting on life's meaning.

19. During adolescence, a critical developmental task is:

a. Adjusting to retirement.

b. Developing a sense of identity.

c. Starting a family.

d. Achieving financial success.

20. Middle adulthood often involves the developmental task of:

a. Building a career.

b. Parenting young children.

c. Focusing on physical health.

d. Preparing for old age.

21. What practice involves paying full attention to your breath and bodily sensations?

a. Listening deeply.

b. Cultivating insight.

c. Breathing mindfully.

d. Expressing gratitude.

22. Showing kindness and understanding to others is a core component of:

a. Practicing compassion.

b. Limiting reaction.

c. Building integrity.

d. Fostering leadership.
23. Which practice emphasizes acknowledging and appreciating the natural world?

a. Building integrity.

b. Expressing gratitude.

c. Nature mutual respect.

d. Practicing compassion

24. What practice involves reflecting on your actions and ensuring they align with your values?

a. Listening deeply.

b. Cultivating insight.

c. Practicing compassion.

d. Limiting reaction.

25. Which practice encourages individuals to acknowledge their personal strengths and

a. Building integrity.

b. Foster leadership.

c. Express gratitude.

d. Nature mutual respect.





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