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21 Principles To Awaken Your Warrior Within
The Book Of Nightshade Samurai

It is stated that the legendary fighter Miyamoto Musashi gained a tremendous

deal of knowledge over the course of his long and philosophical life as a
swordsman, and the information that he gained is documented in 2 main
pieces of literature, that being 'The Book Of 5 Rings' and "The Dokkodo".

"The Dokkodo" was written by Musashi towards the end of his life. It gave
readers a glimpse into the mind and heart of a genuine warrior by providing 21
guiding principles that he considered to be most important on the path of
becoming a warrior.

When taken as a whole, these tenets constitute what is known as the "Way of
Walking Alone," which is a code of conduct for cultivating one's skills as a
warrior and realising one's full potential in martial arts.

Martial artists, warriors, and those looking for spiritual enlightenment have all
studied Dokkodo during the span of its many centuries of existence in the
hopes of learning its fabled "secrets" to become a genuine warrior. The
concepts presented in the text are relevant not only to those who engage in
actual fighting but also to anybody who wishes to embrace the mind, spirit
and personality of a warrior. It doesn't matter if you're a martial artist, a
businessperson, or someone who just wants to get the most out of life; the
ideas presented in the Dokkodo can help you achieve success in whatever you
set your mind to.

Unfortunately, Musashi's 'Dokkodo' doesn’t provide any commentary, context

or deep insight into his ideas, which has left readers with a thirst for a deeper
understanding of his principles that haven't been fully dissected in deep
detail - until now.

The Book Of Nightshade Samurai examines each of the 21 tenets in depth,

delving into their ideas deeply to discover how they came to be and examining
how they might be applied to contemporary living. Every principle, from
"Accept Everything Just the Way It Is" to "Do Not Fear Death," is creatively
and deeply articulated and is provided by instructions to help in one's day-to-
day activities and interactions with others. This will be done by investigating
the background of these concepts and analysing how they operated within the
context of many different historical and fictional 'aspirational' and
'detrimental' characters.

We are going to have a conversation on how these ideas can be updated to be

relevant in the modern period, as well as how they may be utilised to make
one's life better in a variety of ways, such as one's career, personal growth,
relationships, and other aspects of life.
The Book Of Nightshade Samurai

The Book Of Nightshade Samurai will provide you with several stories and
examples from real-life and fictional characters throughout the book to
demonstrate how others have successfully applied these ideas. These can be
found in a variety of places across the entirety of the book.

This book is filled with exercises and meditations that are meant to help you
internalise and practise the presented concepts. The purpose of these
activities is to assist readers in gaining an understanding of the foundations
and putting that knowledge into practice in their own lives. Anecdotes from
real life illustrate how the teachings of the Dokkodo can be put into practice
to accomplish goals, triumph over challenges, and live a richer and more
satisfying life.
A Warrior's Life
What does it mean to be a warrior?

What truly is a warrior? Well, a warrior is unafraid to put oneself in harm's way
to protect the values they hold dear. They aren't hesitant to take risks or give
up some comforts in pursuit of success. They are unfazed by the fact that they
have to work hard and face challenges in order to succeed. As a result, they
show courage and determination in the face of adversity.

Being a warrior means you personify virtues such as strength, bravery, and
resolve. It's the ability to face adversity head-on and back up again after
falling. It means never giving up and charging headfirst into any difficulty. By
this definition, taking on a warrior's mentality and attitude can help
significantly improve one's life in many ways.

A strong will and a plan for your life are hallmarks of the warrior mentality. It's
necessary to be brave, try something different, accept challenges, and seize
possibilities. It means to be disciplined to control your behaviour and your
thoughts. Concentrated attention and purposeful effort toward a goal
constitute being on the right path.

Resilience in the face of adversity is a hallmark of the warrior spirit. True

warriors can keep their composure under fire. Maintaining composure under
duress allows them to think things through and make sound choices. They
acknowledge that uncertainty and worry are normal emotions but don't allow
them to dictate their behaviour. They can persevere and advance despite
seemingly insurmountable obstacles.s

One's entire life can benefit from adopting a warrior mentality, and this is
what you will achieve while reading The Book Of Nightshade Samurai.

The mindset of a warrior helps you succeed in any endeavour, whether it is

your work, your relationships, or your development. It will assure you and
resolve to follow your professional passions and advance in your chosen
profession. It can help you be more patient and considerate in your
relationships and more assertive and secure in placing limits on inappropriate
behaviour. And it can help you develop as a person by encouraging you to
follow your dreams.

Being a fighter is hard work, no doubt about it. This endeavour calls for self-
control, concentration, and perseverance. Having the courage to overcome
obstacles is essential. Sacrifices may also be necessary, like letting go of
people or things holding you back. Living a life of a warrior, meaning adopting
the mindset and spirit of one, is a life full of meaning and fulfilment. Simply
put, it can help you realise your full potential and give your life meaning.
A Warrior's Life
What does it mean to be a warrior?

If you want to live a simple, uncomplicated life, this isn't the way or book for
you. I suggest you put this book back where you found it and continue your
life like nothing ever happened.

However, if you are still here and genuinely want to adopt a warrior's mindset,
attitude and spirit, welcome.

You're about to embark on a journey of strength, courage, determination,

focus, discipline, self-control and mental fortitude. This book will, without a
doubt, help you guide you onto the path of stepping into the way of the

However, I would like to remind you that this is a guide - the guide itself isn't
going to change your life. Only YOU can absorb the deep knowledge curated
and cultivated from thousands of years of history - and only YOU can
implement the concepts and principles into your life.

Don't view this as simply 'just a book'. View it as a guide to re-read and refer to
in times of hardship continually. Don't expect any change to come by lightly
skimming it once, as only a few will come of that.

However, if you slowly take your time to dedicate yourself to the teachings
covered in this book, it will help you become the best version of yourself and
help you succeed in all areas of life.

And on that note, I wish you all the best on your journey, my good friend.

Yours Sincerely -
Nightshade Samurai .
The Structure
How to read

The principles in this book can get quite profound and overwhelming. So The
Book Of Nightshade Samurai has been designed to deliver a solid, well-
rounded structure to help articulate the relevant principle in the most
powerful way possible.

Because of this design, you need to understand how this book is structured
before you get started to extract the proper strength and knowledge from
Musashi’s ideas.

Each chapter is broken down into eight sections, designed to guide you
through the material logically and in a cohesive way.

1) Premise
The first section, called "Premise," provides a quick introduction and
summary of the discussed principle. This will give you a general idea of
the chapter and help you better understand the context in which the
principle is being presented.

2) Aspirational Character
The second section, called "Aspirational Character," uses a narrative
and character to help convey the idea more articulately. Stories and
characters are a powerful way to communicate ideas, and I hope that
by using them in this book, I will be able to help you better understand
and remember the principles being discussed.

3) Aspirational Explanation
The third section, called "Aspirational Explanation," discusses and
dissects the Aspirational Character in detail - and how they benefited
from living by the relevant principle.

4) Detrimental Character
The fourth section, called "Detrimental Character”, is the opposite of
the ‘Aspirational Character’ - a person who decides to go against the
relevant principle and suffers greatly.

5) Detrimental Explanation
The fifth section, called "Detrimental Explanation," is once again the
opposite of ‘Aspirational Explanation’ - I.e. how the suffered the
consequences of not following the relevant principle

6) Musashi’s Perspective
The sixth section, called "Musashi’s Perspective, " discusses the
principle in more detail and views it from multiple angles. This section
is a dive into the possibilities of what I think Musashi’s perspective was
and what he was trying to articulate.
The Structure
How to read

7) The Framework
The seventh section, called "The Framework," provides a framework
with direct instructions for you to follow to incorporate the principle
into your life. These are practical, concrete steps that you can take to
start applying the idea to your situation.

8) Reversal
Finally, the eighth section, called "Reversal," covers counterarguments
and ensures you have a well-rounded understanding of the principle.
It's important to consider all sides of an issue, and I want to ensure that
you have a complete and balanced understanding of the presented
ideas. Nothing in life is inevitable - so I want to ensure that we also
cover, address and highlight the counterargument to ensure that you
have a proper deep understanding of the principle.

Now it's time to begin your journey

of a warrior.
Disclaimer: Dear reader, as stated above, many different historical and fictional characters are used
throughout this book. Even though all the aspirational and detrimental characters have all been carefully
selected and heavily researched - I want to stress that life is not simply black or white. Many of our
'aspirational' characters were not perfect, and many of our 'detrimental' characters were not pure evil either.

I want to highlight this because I don't want you to wholly worship the aspirational characters or completely
demonise the detrimental characters - no one is perfect (Musashi included).

By all means, use the characters as a strong reference point to help you understand the principle being
explained; however, try to view all characters rationally. Try not to view/judge the characters through any
historical, political or ethical biases.

As you will learn reading this book, a vital part of a warrior mindset is to be able to put your emotional thinking
and judgements to the side and keep an open mind - this way, you're then able to digest the lessons fully and
be able to internalise everything much more easily and quickly.

In essence, take each character with a pinch of salt.

Also, history is typically written by the victors - so even though I've conducted as much deep research as
possible in the creation of this book, I'm by no means a PHD historical expert - so there may potentially be
some minor discrepancies and things that may not 110% historically accurate. If you would like to discuss
more or highlight potential errors, please contact me through the website, and I
will be more than willing to have a conversation.
Table Of
01 1) Accept everything just the way it is
Page 13

02 2) Do not seek pleasure for its own sake

Page 33

3) Do not, under any circumstances, depend on a
partial feeling
Page 52

04 4) Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world

Page 69

05 5) Be detached from desire your whole life long

Page 86
Table Of
06 6) Do not regret what you have done.
Page 104

07 7) Never be jealous.
Page 122

08 8) Never let yourself be saddened by a separation

Page 139

9) Resentment and complaint are appropriate
neither for oneself nor others.
Page 156

10 10) Do not let yourself be guided by the feeling of

lust or love
Page 172
Table Of
11 11) In all things have no preferences
Page 190

12 12) Be indifferent to where you live

Page 208

13 13) Do not pursue the taste of good food

Page 224

14 14) Do not hold on to possessions you no longer

Page 239

15 15) Do not act following customary beliefs

Page 255
Table Of
16) Do not collect weapons or practice with
weapons beyond what is useful.
Page 275

17 17) Do not fear death

Page 293

18) Do not seek to possess either goods or fiefs for
your old age
Page 311

19 19) Respect Buddha and the gods without counting on

their help.
Page 327

20 20) You may abandon your own body but you must
preserve your honour
Page 345
Table Of
21 21) Never stray from the Way
Page 363
Principle 1

Viktor Frankl / Tsar Nicholas II
This requires a willingness to confront any
circumstances' realities, even though
such realisations may be unsettling. If we
do this, we will be better able to deal with
difficult situations and emerge victorious
from them.

However, putting this into action is

trickier than it initially appears. It is part
of the human condition to be set in one's
ways and to resist any efforts to alter
one's predetermined standards and

On the other hand, the fighter is well

aware that such a perspective brings
them nothing but misery. The only way to
acquire serenity and clarity within
ourselves is to embrace this moment for
what it is.
Aspirational Character
Accept everything as it is

Viktor Frankl was a man who made a remarkable difference in his life. He was
born on 26th March 1905 in Vienna, Austria, to a family of Jewish descent.
Frankl's early curiosity for the mind and behaviour led him to study psychiatry
and eventually become a qualified psychiatrist.

He started medical school at the University of Vienna in 1923, where he was

exposed to the concepts of Sigmund Freud. A graduate of the class of 1930,
he received a medical degree in 1938 with a focus on neurological and
psychiatric disorders.

Frankl had much early-career success. In addition to his position as chief of

neurology at Vienna's Rothschild Hospital, he also had a thriving private
practice. Furthermore, he started formulating ideas regarding the human
mind, which would become the cornerstone of his logotherapy.

But when the Nazis came to power in Austria, everything dramatically changed
for Frankl. He was captured in 1942 and taken to Auschwitz concentration
camp along with his family. Frankl endured some of the worst horrors in the
camp, but he also had a fundamental realisation: that the human spirit can
find meaning and purpose in even the darkest situations.
Aspirational Character
Accept everything as it is

Frankl found that people were more likely to live if they could find some good
to come out of their ordeal, while those who gave up were more likely to
perish. As a result of this insight, he developed the notion of logotherapy,
which suggests that pursuing meaning rather than sensual gratification serves
humanity's fundamental motivation.

He thought that if we could figure out why we were here and where we were
going, we could get through any hardship. Frankl returned to his job as a
psychiatrist in Vienna after the war. Several works, including the best-seller
"Man's Search for Meaning," chronicle his time spent in Nazi concentration
camps and his subsequent development of the logotherapy approach. The
book is a classic in the field of psychology and was a massive success around
the world.

The work of Victor Frankl has had far-reaching effects on the fields of
psychology and psychiatry, as well as on people from all walks of life.
Business, education, and medicine are just a few industries that have
benefited from his work, which has been translated into more than 30
languages. He also founded the Viktor Frankl Institute of Logotherapy to
spread his thoughts and theories.
Aspirational Character
Accept everything as it is

Frankl endured unprecedented pain and adversity throughout his life, yet he
never gave up hope in the human race's potential. His life's work has inspired
and guided many long after his death, and he spent it helping others find
meaning and purpose in the face of adversity. He died of heart failure in
Vienna on 2 September 1997.

Frankl's thoughts and concepts demonstrate the strength of the human spirit
and the importance of giving our lives meaning and direction. He will be
remembered as a man who never gave up in the face of adversity and taught
us that there is always a reason to keep fighting.

“Those who have a 'why' to live, can bear

with almost any 'how'.” ― Viktor E.
Aspirational Explanation
Accept everything as it is

As a prisoner in Auschwitz, Frankl saw firsthand the brutality of life under the
Nazis. Though he met many victims of unspeakable atrocities, he learned that
some had maintained their humanity and even found meaning in their
suffering. Frankl's experience in the concentration camps and the
development of logotherapy are examples of the concept that 'it is what it is'.

Because of this realisation, Frankl understood the importance of making peace

with his circumstances and finding meaning in his life.
Frankl witnessed the perseverance of the human spirit in the face of harsh
punishment directly, making the concentration camps a formative educational
experience for him.

Despite constantly being threatened with death and experiencing horrible

tragedies, Frankl refused to lose hope or his identity. If he wanted a chance at
survival, he understood he had to accept his situation and make the best of it.

The "will to meaning," the belief that pursuing what one finds meaning in life is
more essential than seeking pleasure is central to Frankl's brand of
Aspirational Explanation
Accept everything as it is

Finding one's "will to meaning," as Frankl terms it, requires an individual to

accept reality and develop the ability to find significance in even the most
trying of circumstances.

In his memoir, "Man's Search for Meaning," Frankl details his experience in the
camps and how he could find meaning despite his horrific circumstances.

The last of human freedoms, the ability to choose one's attitude in any given
set of circumstances, the freedom to choose one's course, is the only thing
that cannot be taken from a man.

This sentence exemplifies Frankl's belief that we can choose our attitude and
find meaning in our lives despite the gravity of the circumstances. Frankl's
books and talks have inspired people worldwide to accept the world as it is
and find meaning in their suffering.

His achievements serve as a reminder that it is possible to triumph against

adversity and find fulfilment in life. Frankl's message of hope and resilience is
more relevant than ever in a world where constant change and reality can be
tough to accept.
Aspirational Explanation
Accept everything as it is

Acceptance of reality is exemplified in Viktor Frankl's life and work.

Logotherapy, which Frankl founded after surviving the Nazi concentration
camps, is an attempt to help people find meaning and purpose in their lives
despite overwhelming adversity.

His words encourage many to face challenges head-on and discover meaning
in their lives despite their severity.

Frankl taught us that the first step toward a life with purpose is to accept the
world as it is and then look for the good in it.

Viktor E. Frankl,
Detrimental Character
The refusal to accept reality can lead to disastrous consequences.

As the final Russian emperor, Tsar Nicholas II's life was one of splendour,
grandeur, and tragedy. Tsar Alexander III and his wife Maria Feodorovna had
their first and only son, Nicholas, born in St. Petersburg in 1868. He was
educated and trained in the ways of war from a young age, with an eye
towards his eventual role as Tsar. Despite his wealthy upbringing, Nicholas
was an introverted and bashful kid who lacked his father's imposing charisma
and authoritative presence.

After his father died in 1894, Nicholas took his place as Tsar. Although he took
over a vast empire that extended from Europe to Asia, he inherited a country
with widespread poverty, political upheaval, and growing unhappiness with
the monarchy. Nicholas had a hard time finding effective solutions despite his
best intentions. He had a firm belief in God and a patriotic sense of duty, but
he was also a man who had trouble making up his mind and frequently sought
the counsel of others.

The Russo-Japanese War in 1904-1905 was a watershed event in Nicholas's

rule. The war was disastrous for Russia, sparking widespread anger and
contributing to the country's economic and political unsteadiness. The Bloody
Sunday massacre occurred in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1905 after a peaceful
march became violent. This was the first spark of the revolution that would
lead to the fall of the tsarist government.
Detrimental Character
The refusal to accept reality can lead to disastrous consequences.

Nicholas made the disastrous choice to lead the Russian military himself
during World War I. His wife, Alexandra, was forced to take over as regent in
his absence and proved to be a weak and unpopular leader. Rasputin, a
controversial spiritual healer, was said to have undue influence over the royal
family and was also a significant influence on Alexandra. Russia suffered a
devastating defeat in the war, and by 1917 the country was on the verge of
total collapse. After months of unrest, the tsarist regime finally fell in March of
that year, and the first Soviet government took power.

The entire Romanov family, including Nicholas, Alexandra, and their children,
were put under house arrest in the Siberian city of Tobolsk. They were
transferred to Ekaterinburg in 1918, where the Bolsheviks murdered them on
July 17. Following the Tsar's and his family's deaths, the Romanov dynasty
collapsed, and the Soviet era in Russia began.

Tsar Nicholas II left behind a legacy fraught with controversy and nuance. He
loved his wife and kids very much and was committed to his family. On the
other hand, he represented the failed policies of the previous administration
and the inability of the country's leader to implement the reforms his people
badly required.
Detrimental Character
The refusal to accept reality can lead to disastrous consequences.

Despite his shortcomings as a ruler, Nicholas's life and tragic end continue to
fascinate and inspire people worldwide; this is a monument to the Russian
monarchy's strength and enduring mystique. In the decades following his
death, the Romanov family has become a cultural icon, the subject of several
media depictions of their life and the events leading up to their demise.

“I shall never, under any circumstances, agree to a

representative form of government because I consider it
harmful to the people whom God has entrusted to my
care..” ― Nicholas II
Detrimental Explanation
The refusal to accept reality can lead to disastrous consequences

Tsar Nicholas II was a man who held firmly to his principles. As unrest spread
across his empire and a revolution seemed inevitable, he refused to give in
even then. His actions ensured the demise of his dynasty and his fate.

In addition to poverty, starvation, and political turmoil, Nicholas II inherited a

troubled Russia. The country required change and modernisation, but the Tsar
refused to see how bad the situation had become. Instead of adapting to the
changing world, he stuck to the monarchy's outmoded and dictatorial

Nicholas's response to the Bloody Sunday massacre in 1905 illustrates his

inability to face reality. For reforms and improved working conditions,
demonstrators assembled peacefully in front of the Winter Palace in St.
Petersburg on that fateful day. Many innocent people were killed and injured
when the Tsar ordered the soldiers to open fire on the crowd. The massacre
caused national anger, which in turn spurred revolutionary enthusiasm.
Detrimental Explanation
The refusal to accept reality can lead to disastrous consequences.

Nicholas refused to acknowledge the truth of the situation, opting instead to

isolate himself from the rest of the world despite the mounting indicators of
unrest and unhappiness among the people. He surrounded himself with
faithful advisors who only served to confirm his fantasies, further cutting him
off from the realities of running an empire. He famously said, "I shall never,
under any circumstances, agree to a representative form of government
because I consider it harmful to the people whom God has entrusted to my
care," demonstrating his complete disconnection from the people.

The effects of such a hard line and refusal to adapt were far-reaching.
Nicholas' incapacity to see the world as it was and adjust to its people's needs
led directly to the 1917 Russian Revolution. The Russian people had had
enough of their government's oppressive and antiquated ways and wanted
change. The Tsar's stubbornness and denial of the truth only exacerbated the
situation, and the subsequent revolution directly resulted from his
unwillingness to change course and lead Russia in a new direction.

Nicholas's flaws were just as well-known as his political blunders. He had

trouble governing his empire because he could not make up his mind and was
easily influenced by the thoughts and feelings of others around him. The
revolutionary spirit in Russia only grew due to his incompetence as a leader
and reluctance to make harsh decisions.
Detrimental Explanation
The refusal to accept reality can lead to disastrous consequences.

The fall of the Romanov dynasty was a watershed moment in Russian history,
marking the end of one period and the start of another. The Romanov dynasty
ended with the capture and execution of the Tsar and his family by the
Bolsheviks. However, Nicholas II's legacy is a reminder of the perils of denial
and the necessity of flexibility in the face of inevitable change.

Nicholas II of Russia
Musashi's Perspective
Accept everything as it is

Musashi highlights that this principle is rooted in the idea that true mastery
and understanding can only be achieved by embracing the present moment
and accepting reality rather than trying to resist or change it.

To truly accept everything the way it is, one must let go of preconceptions and
biases and approach each situation with an open mind and a willingness to
learn. This requires humility and detachment, which can be challenging but
essential for growth and progress.

In the words of Musashi, "The primary thing when you take a sword in your
hands is your intention to cut the enemy, whatever the means. Whenever you
parry, hit, spring, strike or touch the enemy's cutting sword, you must cut the
enemy in the same movement. It is essential to attain this. If you think only of
hitting, springing, striking or touching the enemy, you will not be able actually
to cut him."

This quote can be understood as a metaphor for accepting reality as it is, to

find the solution in the same movement without getting caught up in
preconceived notions.
Musashi's Perspective
Accept everything as it is

One of the key benefits of accepting everything the way it is is that it allows
for greater flexibility and adaptability in the face of change. Instead of fighting
against the tide, one can learn to flow with it and use it to one's advantage.
This is particularly important in martial arts, where the ability to react quickly
and effectively in the face of unexpected challenges is crucial for survival.

This principle of accepting everything the way it is can be applied in many

aspects of life, such as business, relationships, and personal growth. In
business, for instance, accepting the market conditions and adapting
accordingly can lead to tremendous success than trying to change them.
But the principle of accepting everything the way it is is not just limited to the
physical realm. It also applies to our emotional and mental states.

By accepting our thoughts and emotions, we can learn to observe them

objectively rather than getting caught up in them. This can help us to reduce
stress and anxiety and to make more thoughtful and rational decisions. When
we can accept our thoughts and emotions as they are, we can learn to detach
ourselves from them and make decisions that align with our values and goals.
Musashi's Perspective
Accept everything as it is

Accepting everything the way it is is not about being passive or resigned.

Instead, it is about embracing reality, being open to new experiences, and
learning to adapt and grow in the face of change.

By adhering to this principle, we can tap into our inner strength and achieve
true mastery in all aspects of our lives. It is a principle that can be applied in
all areas of life, from martial arts to business, relationships, and personal
growth. It can help us to find peace and clarity in the present moment and to
make better decisions for our future.

Just realise that implementing this compelling principle can help us find
peace, clarity, and success. It is a principle that can help us to detach
ourselves from preconceived notions and to make the best out of the current
situation. Adopting this principle is to take the first step towards mastery in
any field we pursue.

"Accept everything just the way it is"

The framework
Accept everything as it is

It is challenging to put into practice in day-to-day life the act of accepting

reality in all of its flawed splendour, but the rewards for doing so are
tremendously satisfying. This theory can be put into practice by following this
step-by-step guide:

Be in the here and now with entire presence: It is essential to carve out
some time in your schedule to practise mindfulness and to allow yourself
to get completely engrossed in the here and now. If you do so, you might
be able to calm your mind and direct your attention to the here and now
rather than the never-ending stream of thoughts that torment it.

Put aside any preconceived assumptions you may have: You should fight
the impulse to put a value on things that have happened since it's in our
nature as humans to do so. Acceptance doesn't mean you agree with the
current state of affairs; instead, it means you recognise them for what they

Learn the art of detachment: You will be able to go with the flow of events
and accept them for what they are if you can learn to let go of the results
and expectations that you have for situations, even if this is not an easy
skill to acquire.
The framework
Accept everything as it is

You are the one who must accept responsibility for what happened: Take
ownership of your thoughts and actions and accept responsibility for
them. If you do so, you will be able to learn and develop as a result of your
experiences rather than remaining mired in the past.

Practicing gratitude: Gratitude can assist you in embracing the here and
now and letting go of the desire for things to be different. It does this by
directing your attention to the positive elements of your life and
encouraging you to be grateful for what you already possess.
Accept everything as it is

The guiding concept "Accept everything the way it is" implies that we should
not fight against the change process but rather welcome and accept
everything in its current state. Even though this principle unquestionably has
a great deal of value, it is essential to bear in mind that there may be
circumstances in which it is necessary to take action to alter a situation that is
either difficult or unwanted.

Suppose we were to blindly accept a difficult challenge or obstacle as it is, for

instance. In that case, this could impede us from finding a solution to the
problem or overcoming the impediment. We may continue to develop as
individuals and learn new things if we persistently inquire about and contest
the established order. Acceptance is critical in this regard, but it should not be
taken to an extreme.

It is essential to have the ability to adapt and the willingness to do so if we

wish to make headway and improve our circumstances. In addition, having an
attitude of acceptance toward everything in one's environment may result in a
lack of personal development and complacency.

Rather than merely accepting things in their current state, we must

continually push ourselves beyond our comfort zones and work toward
bettering ourselves. This has the potential to assist us in furthering our
personal growth and development.
Accept everything as it is

In addition, having an unquestioning acceptance of everything as it poses the

risk of allowing behaviours that are harmful or unjust to continue without
being challenged. While it is essential to have an open mind and to be
receptive to the opinions held by others, it is equally necessary to advocate
for what is fair and proper in the world.

We can benefit the world around us if we challenge and work to improve

situations that are harmful or unjust and take action to do so.

In general, it is crucial to be accepting, which is an essential component of life,

and it is important not to get too caught up in resisting change. However, it is
also crucial to be proactive and take action when necessary to achieve
positive adjustments and improvements.

It is a delicate balance, but it is required for something to continue growing

and thriving.
Principle 2

Marcus Aurelius / King David
Musashi encourages us to exercise self-
control and not let our pursuit of pleasure
override our better judgement. As such, it
serves as a timely reminder that the
purpose of fleeting pleasures is rarely the
source of lasting fulfilment and

The guiding principle is a gentle nudge to

keep our focus on the now and not let our
pursuit of pleasure be the only motivation
for our actions. It's easy to give in to bad
habits or make hasty decisions when
focused on the short-term benefits rather
than the potential long-term costs.

Meaning and purpose, rather than fleeting

pleasures, bring about lasting fulfilment
and satisfaction, as this quote serves as a
reminder. Living a meaningful and joyful
life is possible when we give our attention
to the things that matter most to us and
will endure a lifetime.
Aspirational Character
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

In 121 AD, the later known great Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius was born to
a family of nobility in Rome. He was given a challenging education from an
early age, one that emphasised philosophy, ethics, and rhetoric to prepare
him for a leadership position. When he was younger, he found inspiration in
Stoicism, a school of thought that promoted the development of character
traits like fortitude, discipline, and sagacity.

Zeno, a Greek philosopher from the ancient period, is credited with

developing the principles of Stoicism. Instead of seeking happiness and
contentment via the pursuit of pleasure and worldly gain, it emphasised living
by reason and morality. This message struck a chord with Marcus Aurelius, and
he spent the rest of his life learning and applying Stoic philosophy.

A core principle of Stoicism is that all of life's adversities exist to strengthen

one's moral fibre. Marcus Aurelius saw his life as one long succession of such
trials, and he set out to overcome every one of them with dignity and good
judgement. Character traits like honesty, bravery, and sagacity, he thought,
were far more important than material possessions or political influence.
Aspirational Character
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

Marcus had a tough time of it as Roman Emperor. Barbarian tribes were a

continual menace to the empire, and he had to command multiple military
expeditions to protect its boundaries. His unflinching dedication to morals
and justice earned him a reputation for composure, even in the heat of
combat. However, he never let his feelings of success or failure influence his
adherence to Stoicism, no matter how terrible things got.

Marcus maintained his philosophical convictions despite the immense

pressure of leading the largest empire in history. He kept writing in his journal,
musing on the vastness of the cosmos, the significance of a good moral
character, and the value of a good ethical one. The "Meditations" that grew
out of his life are recognised as his most enduring legacy. His unflinching
dedication to Stoicism and faith in the strength of the human spirit is on full
display in this book, which is still read and revered by many today.

Marcus enjoyed widespread popular admiration from his subjects during his
reign. He was an upright monarch who put the needs of his people above his
own. He fought relentlessly for the rights of the underprivileged and saw to it
that everyone had access to food, housing, and healthcare. In addition, he
recognised the value of education and ensured that people of all backgrounds
had access to classroom instruction.
Aspirational Character
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

Marcus passed away at the age of 59 in 180 AD. The Roman people mourned
the death of this great and moral leader since it signalled the end of an era (he
was known as the last of the good Roman emperors). Despite his many
obligations as emperor, Marcus Aurelius maintained his philosophical
convictions. He kept writing in his journal, musing on the vastness of the
cosmos, the significance of a good moral character, and the value of a good
ethical one.

Today, we honour him as one of the most extraordinary emperors in history, a

man whose selfless and unselfish devotion continues to serve as an example
for all who want to find meaning and purpose in their lives.

“You have power over your mind - not

outside events. Realize this, and you will
find strength” ― Marcus Aurelius
Aspirational Explanation
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

Stoic philosophy, which posited that the pursuit of inner rather than outside
happiness was the true path to fulfilment, centred on this fundamental tenet.
Though he faced formidable obstacles and temptations, Marcus remained
steadfast in his adherence to this philosophy. Throughout his life, Marcus
practised what he preached. Because of this, he could live a meaningful life
that others would find inspirational for their success and contentment.

In Marcus's view, chasing after pleasures solely for their own sake was a recipe
for misery and emptiness. He believed those who seek pleasure are doomed
to perpetual dissatisfaction no matter how much they acquire. His attention
was directed towards more important pursuits, such as developing wisdom,
virtue, and serenity inside himself. His actions allowed him to develop an inner
feeling of meaning and satisfaction independent of his external environment.

One of the hardest things for Marcus to do was to strike a compromise

between his role as Emperor and his philosophical convictions. Given how
often he was confronted with challenging decisions and moral dilemmas, it
would have been simple for him to become caught up in the quest for
pleasure and power. He never wavered in his dedication to the Stoic
philosophy; instead, he used his insight and self-control to guide him towards
actions that were consistent with his values. He was able to lead honourably
and have a constructive effect on society.
Aspirational Explanation
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

Despite the danger posed by invading Germanic tribes, Marcus might have
decided to live a life of ease and let others deal with the situation. To him, it
was an absolute necessity to save his people from harm, and he could not
bear not to act. Instead, he led his troops into war, willing to give his life to his
countrymen. This daring and selfless deed exemplifies Marcus's ability to stay
true to his principles, even in adversity.

Like everyone else, Marcus had to resist the allure of material prosperity and
opulence. He thought that money and possessions might cause people pain
and misery by diverting their attention away from what was necessary.
Despite his position as Emperor, he opted for a life of austerity and simplicity.
By opting for a minimalist lifestyle, he could focus on what was most
important and find lasting happiness within himself regardless of his external

Aurelius could devote more time to his other interests—philosophy and

writing—by adhering to this minimalist lifestyle. He had more time to ponder
the nature of existence and the cosmos and to record his views on paper. The
result was his classic work "Meditations," which is now considered a classic
among philosophical writings. In this book, he examines the Stoic philosophy
and advises readers looking to improve their character and make more of their
Aspirational Explanation
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

Lastly, Marcus' capacity to persevere through adversity can be mainly

attributed to his refusal to pursue pleasure for its purpose. He was calm and
collected under pressure and handled difficult situations with poise and
dignity. Because he could keep his emotions and desires in check, he could
keep his mind clear and focused no matter how trying the situation became.
Because of this, he became a true leader who could motivate and direct his
followers even in the most trying circumstances.

The notion of not seeking pleasure for its own sake was central to Marcus' life
and legacy, which he was known for. He was able to face adversity with
composure, succeed where others had failed, and enjoy a level of
contentment that would be the envy of many. To this day, his legacy remains
an example to all who strive to live a life of understanding and morality.

Marcys Aurelius
Detrimental Character
The pursuit of pleasure can lead to destruction.

King David of Israel was a multifaceted and vital figure in the history of the
ancient world. His life was full of victories and tragedies, and he left an
indelible mark on the nation of Israel through his established legacy. Around
1000 BCE, David was born in the town of Bethlehem, which was located in the
tribe of Judah. He worked as a shepherd in the beginning despite being the
youngest of eight sons.

Nevertheless, when God selected him to be the next King of Israel, everything
in his life changed irrevocably. During this historical period, Israel was
controlled by King Saul, who was envious of David's fame and success as a

His victory over the Philistines, in which he killed the giant Goliath by slaying
him with a single stone from his sling, is probably the moment that brought
him the most fame. David's reputation as a formidable warrior was cemented
as a result of this triumph, which also garnered him the devotion and respect
of the people under his rule.

He was both a musician and a warrior for King Saul. As a musician, he would
play the harp to calm the king's disturbed mind. As a warrior, he would lead
Saul's soldiers to victory over their adversaries. Saul's resentment and envy
increased with David's rising stardom and popularity. In multiple instances, he
attempted to end David's life, but David was always able to evade his grasp.
After some time, the prophecy that God had spoken came to pass, and David
succeeded Saul as king.
Detrimental Character
The pursuit of pleasure can lead to destruction.

He ruled Israel from Jerusalem, which he established as the nation's capital,

and brought together all of Israel's diverse tribes to submit to his authority.
During his reign, David was successful in defeating a large number of
adversaries and expanding the territory of the Kingdom of Israel.

His reputation as a formidable warrior was cemented, which also garnered him
the devotion and respect of the people under his rule.

David is credited with writing a significant number of Psalms that can be

found in the Bible. In addition to his role as a military leader, David was also a
patron of the arts. He was a man of firm religious conviction, and the influence
of his faith on his leadership cannot be overstated. To honour God, he
constructed an altar in Jerusalem after establishing the city as a place of

David's life, however, was full of difficulties despite the outstanding

achievements he had accomplished. He fought many battles and disputes,
some with outside adversaries and others with those from within his kingdom.
He had to deal with disobedient subjects in addition to the issues of
administering a nation that was expanding and becoming more diverse.
Detrimental Character
The pursuit of pleasure can lead to destruction.

The fact that David had an affair with Bathsheba, which led to the death of her
husband, Uriah, is one of the most well-known occurrences in the story of
David's life. This occurrence had far-reaching repercussions, the most
significant of which was that it finally resulted in the partition of the kingdom
after David's death. He amassed a total of 40 years atop the throne before
passing away at the age of 70.

“Even though I walk through the valley

of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.”
― King David
Detrimental Explanation
The pursuit of pleasure can lead to destruction.

The Bible describes King David as a man after God's own heart and explains
how God looked favourably upon him because of this. His reign as king of
Israel was prosperous since God had selected him to lead the nation then.
Nevertheless, despite the many blessings and achievements, David was not
immune to the allure of temptation.

One day, as he was going on the roof of his palace, he saw a woman named
Bathsheba, who was washing. She was the wife of one of his guards. David was
overcome by his desire for her and sent for her even though he was aware
that this was the wrong thing to do. Bathsheba became pregnant due to their
connection, and David went to extreme lengths to cover up his wrongdoing to
protect his reputation.

Uriah, Bathsheba's husband, was put in a position where he was sure to be

slain and dispatched to the front lines of the war by this man. David then
married Bathsheba after Uriah passed away, but the results of his actions had
far-reaching repercussions for the kingdom.
Detrimental Explanation
The pursuit of pleasure can lead to destruction.

Because of David's adultery and murder, God was furious with him, and as a
kind of punishment, he allowed the upheaval and conflict that David caused
to spread throughout his own home. Absalom, one of David's sons, attempted
to overthrow his father and claim the throne, and Amnon, another of David's
sons, sexually assaulted Tamar, who was his half-sister.

These events, the origin of which can be traced back to David's pursuit of
pleasure for its own sake, resulting in tremendous pain for David and those
close to him.

The activities of David went against the concept of not pursuing pleasure for
pleasure itself. The idea that the pursuit of pleasure, despite being both
natural and pleasurable, should not be the main focus of our actions
underpins this principle. Instead, we ought to make it our mission to strike a
healthy balance and put our ethical and moral principles first.

In the instance of David, his passion for Bathsheba led him to act in a way that
was contrary to his ideals and convictions, which ultimately resulted in
devastating outcomes. This story is meant to warn about the perils of allowing
our need for pleasure to consume us to the point where it causes us to act in a
way that goes against our better judgement.
Detrimental Explanation
The pursuit of pleasure can lead to destruction.

Even while pleasure is a normal and essential component of life, it must not be
the primary motivation for our acts. This is a point that must be considered at
all times. The pursuit of pleasure should be done in moderation, and our
principles and morality should always precede. By adhering to this idea, we
can steer clear of the difficulties that King David encountered and live a life
that is both satisfying and honourable.

King David Of Israel

Musashi's Perspective
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

Musashi believed that seeking pleasure for its own sake substantially diverged
from the path to self-development and skill mastery. He taught that the way
to happiness lay in the hard work of perfecting one's abilities and developing
one's full potential. He reasoned that happiness and contentment would find
a person as long as they worked to become their best version. This is not just a
valuable principle in martial arts but in any field in which you aspire to excel.

The famous saying, "The way of the warrior is the way of life," reflects his all-
encompassing philosophy of personal development. Developing harmony
between one's physical, mental and spiritual self was, in his view, essential to
achieving true mastery. This call to self-improvement and self-discipline was
not limited to the realm of the body; it also encompassed the mind and spirit.

He warned his students about the perils of putting too much emphasis on
enjoyment. He argued that complacency and a failure to advance could result
when pleasure is the only motivation for action. Moreover, if one is always
looking for ways to improve their happiness, they risk living a shallow and
meaningless life. On the contrary, Musashi encouraged his students to enjoy
the process of self-improvement and the hard work it would take to reach
their goals.
Musashi's Perspective
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

On the contrary, Musashi encouraged his students to enjoy the process of

self-improvement and the hard work it would take to reach their goals.

The admonition to "not seek pleasure for its own sake" is universally
applicable advice. It serves as a timely reminder that the things that bring us
the most satisfaction in life are the results of the effort we put forth, the
challenges we overcome, and the personal development we achieve. Rather
than focusing on the final result, we should appreciate the process. By
adhering to this tenet, we can avoid being sidetracked by temporary pleasures
and instead take pleasure in the process of becoming our best selves.

Ultimately, this principle serves as a potent reminder from Musashi to

concentrate on developing one's character through discipline and hard work.
It teaches us that the work and commitment it takes to reach our goals is
worthwhile and that a life of balance and harmony is the most fulfilling state
to be in. By adhering to this rule, we can live a life connected to our deepest
beliefs and aspirations.

Do not seek pleasure for it's own sake

The framework
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

As a human being, it is far too simple to fall into the trap of pursuing pleasure
only to gratify that desire. However, Musashi emphasised numerous benefits
to adhering to the rule "do not seek pleasure for its own sake." This theory can
be put into practice by following this step-by-step guide:

Think about the values and goals that guide you: It is crucial to have a
distinct notion of what is most important to you and what it is that you
want to accomplish to have a satisfying life. Take a moment to pause and
give some thought to the things that are important to you and the factors
that steer the course of your life.

Strive to accomplish things that are meaningful to you and reflect your
ideals: If you are aware of what you stand for and why you are in this
world, you will be able to make decisions congruent with your values and
objectives set for yourself. You may keep your motivation and
concentration up by working toward a fundamental goal.

Train oneself in awareness and self-discipline: Attempting to cultivate

awareness and self-discipline is one way to combat the urge to indulge in a
never-ending pursuit of pleasure. This requires you to act in the current
moment in a manner that is congruent with your goals and values.
Fig 1.2 - Viktor Frankl leaving behind his legacy

The framework
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

Discover joy not only at the destination but also along the way: It is
preferable to search for satisfaction in the journey itself instead of chasing
after fleeting benefits. Investing time and energy into the activities you
pursue, the relationships you cultivate, and the experiences you seek out
is necessary if you wish for your life to have meaning and purpose.

Build up a strong emotional and mental fortitude: This is to weather the

inevitable lows that life will inevitably throw at you and the inevitable
highs that it will inevitably hand you. It is necessary to let go of the things
over which you have no control to be able to concentrate on those over
which you do have power. It also means finding strength in one's beliefs
and sense of mission when circumstances are challenging and drawing on
that strength in times of difficulty.

By adhering to the principle of "do not seek pleasure for its own sake" and
following the steps outlined in this article, you will be able to cultivate a
deeper and more meaningful feeling of enjoyment and purpose, which will
make it easier for you to deal with the challenges that life will inevitably
present to you
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

The guiding principle of Musashi's philosophy is a cautionary counsel against

the potential risks associated with unbridled hedonism. Pursuing pleasure as
one's primary purpose in life can lead to harmful activities and out of balance,
as well as a lack of fulfilment and meaning in one's life. It is essential, however,
to keep in mind that pleasure is an inherent part of the human experience and
a prerequisite for its fulfilment.

It's one of the primary reasons why getting to experience life has so many
advantages. Defeat and monotony would characterise a life devoid of joy.
There is scientific evidence to show and anecdotal evidence that the capacity
to feel pleasure and happiness has several benefits on one's physical and
mental health. It has been shown to reduce stress, improve cardiovascular
health, stimulate the immune system, and even lengthen the average lifespan.

Studies have shown that people who report higher levels of pleasure and well-
being tend to live longer and have lower sickness and illness rates than those
who say more subordinate levels of both factors. It is far more likely that we
will get forced and involved in life if we partake in activities that bring us
happiness and a sense of accomplishment. In addition, pursuing happiness
can drive both personal development and creative invention.
Do not seek pleasure for its own sake.

It is feasible to pleasure in pleasurable pursuits and adventures while

preserving a sense of life's overall harmony and significance. This can result in
the acquisition of new skills, the formation of significant relationships, and the
accomplishment of individual objectives. Nevertheless, it is critical to balance
pursuing pleasure and other essential aspects of life, such as one's career,
relationships, and personal development.

Even though it is vitally important to be aware of the potential adverse effects

that could result from seeking pleasure for its own sake, it is equally vitally
important to acknowledge and accept the positive impact that pleasure could
have on our lives. We can live more enjoyable and rewarding lives if we strike a
balance and do not entirely renounce the pursuit of happiness.
The End
Does your journey end here?

Dear reader,

I congratulate you for taking the first step towards releasing the warrior
mindset and spirit buried inside you as you finish reading The Book Of
Nightshade Samurai's accessible edition. It takes a special kind of person to
seek out knowledge and personal growth, and you should be proud of yourself
for making an effort.

Don't stop here, however. The actual voyage starts here. I'm here to tell you
about the complete edition of the book because there is so much more to

The entire Book Of Nightshade Samurai is a potent tool for transformation

rather than merely a collection of words on a page. It is 400 pages long and
contains 21 principles, each illustrated by a historical figure who exemplified
Musashi's concepts.

These examples will motivate you to develop self-control, bravery, and a

sense of purpose. You'll be able to endure challenges and hardship and
steadfast focus and resolve. Additionally, you'll receive the tools you need to
take charge of your life and blossom into the warrior you were always
destined to be.

The trip won't be simple; I won't lie to you. To confront your fears and
concerns head-on, you'll need to stretch yourself outside your comfort zone.
But have faith—the payoff will be worthwhile in the end. You'll come out of it
wiser, stronger, and more motivated than ever.

A trip is portrayed in The Book of Nightshade Samurai, not just a book. A

journey that will guide you through each of Musashi virtues step-by-step and
demonstrate how to incorporate them into your own life. You'll learn the value
of developing your inner fortitude, living honourably, and the integrity of
loyalty and allegiance.

Your interest in the biographies of the historical persons who exemplified

these ideas will grow as you read further into the book. You'll empathise
deeply with their tribulations and victories and be motivated to emulate them.

You can also feel the transformation these readers have gone through. You,
too, have the power to take charge of your life and blossom into the warrior
you were destined to be.
The End
Does your journey end here?

So, if you're prepared to advance on your adventure, I encourage you to get

The Book Of Nightshade Samurai immediately. You will receive all the skills
necessary to develop a warrior mindset and spirit for your life thanks to the
more than 42 historical character examples provided.

I appreciate your thoughts and time. I'm excited to go on this fantastic trip
with you.

Kindest regards,
Nightshade Samurai

Link to purchase The Complete Book Of Nightshade Samurai

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