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The artifact that I chose was the Honey Badger video that displayed the

symbiotic relationship between Honey Badgers and Honeyguide Birds. The purpose of
this video was to show their unique and mutually beneficial understanding between one
another and appeals to a viewer's logos by showing an example of the message that in
nature, animals work together to survive and gives evidence to support this. The
audience of this video is all people interested in nature, and more specifically those
interested in the methods that Honey Badgers use to find food. This video also employs
the use of pathos and viewers are left conflicted because they are happy for the honey
badger and the bird because they know that they need to eat, but also left feeling sad
for the bees who worked so hard to make the honey. Ethos is also used because as a
viewer, I know that this video is coming from National Geographic, a company with an
established amount of credibility, and I am seeing the actions of the Honey Badger with
my own eyes, making me know without a doubt that the information being told to me is
true. The genre of this video is Nonfiction and it was very informative. The only
constraint that I would say this video has is that it is only 3 minutes long and only shows
partial clips of the process so I do not know the whole process that the honey Badger
and the bird took to end up in this situation.

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