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Title: Analysis of Production Loss on Ring Frame Machine

in Rider’s textile Company

Concept Note:

Production loss refers to the decline in output and efficiency caused by various factors that
hinder the smooth functioning of ring frame machines. This phenomenon has a negative impact
on the overall productivity, profitability, and competitiveness of textile enterprises. It can be
attributed to a multitude of factors, including equipment malfunction, operator error, material
shortage, and inadequate maintenance. In the case of the Rider’s textile industry, production loss
on ring frame machines is a persistent challenge that needs to be effectively addressed. To tackle
this issue, my research focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of production loss
through different methods, such as conducting a comprehensive snap study of the entire
machine. The snap study will primarily concentrate on factors that may contribute to production
loss, such as standard air condition of the company, machine setting, regular cleaning of the
machine and equipment maintenance, idle spindle, yarn breakage, operator error and raw
material qualities. By thoroughly examining and justifying the production loss on ring frame
machines in Rider’s textile company, we can optimize their production processes and ultimately
enhance their profitability. In order to achieve this, the snap study will be recording the overall
information through different communication means with the company employee’s and compare
it with standard production of the company without loss and put the possible recommendations to
minimize the problem.

Abel Taye

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