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Patricia Contreras IDA00151296

Unidad 3. Actividad 2. Entregable. Make sentences in present continous.

Make sentences in present continous.

Write 10 sentences using present continous: Questions and long answers:

What are Jim and Pan doing?
They are playing basketball.

1. Are you dancing merengue?

Yes, I'm dancing meringue. I like to dance meringue.

2. Are you traveling to Spain?

Yes, she travels to Spain for business.

3. Are they working?

No, we are not currently working.

4. Are you talking about what you will do on your vacation?

Yes, I'm talking about what I'll do on my vacation, I'll be leaving soon.

5. Are they coming to dinner?

No, they can't come to dinner today.

6. When are you going to Santiago?

I'm going to Santiago next week.

7. Are you studying for the exam?

She is not studying for the exam. because your head hurts

8. Since when do birds sing?

The birds always sing from dawn.

9. Are you listening to music?

They are listening to music because they like it.

10. Do you have chest pain?

Yes, I have a lot of chests pain

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