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Khali Robinson

Professor Janea Triplett-Newell

EDUC 204

10, September 2022

Visualizing Self in Historical Context

I chose to photoshop myself into this picture of the very first TV ever made. This day was

important to me because I use a TV all the time. I use it for entertainment purposes as well

educational purposes. I think that TV’s are also very useful when people are presenting their

ideas and use visual aids. I think the invention of the TV also allowed people to branch off ideas

that eventually brought us smartphones. Overall the television is one of the greatest inventions of

all time.

As I look at the photo that I put myself in, next to the man who invented the TV it makes

me feel special. It’s almost like we were codesigners in this evolution of technology. I almost feel

honored to be standing next to him and next to “our” invention. Looking at this image also

inspires me to look outside the box, to try and create life changing equipment. Sometimes I think

that everything is already invented, we have everything we need, from phones and TV’s to

planes and cars. But this image makes me feel like I can do more. This man probably felt similar

to me, that everything was good as is, but eventually he stepped out of his comfort zone and

designed something great.

As I was researching different events to choose, I was drawn to this one for some reason.

Like I mentioned previously, I really enjoy the TV and all that it has to offer. I didn’t really learn

anything new in researching it, but I do think it was pretty cool to see myself side by side with
the creator himself. This assignment was actually really cool. It was nice to see myself in a real

life historical event and somewhat grasp what it felt like to actually be there.

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