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University of Prince Mugrin

Deanship of Educational Services

Department of General Studies

Preparatory Year Program

Course Syllabus


Preparatory Year Mathematics II (Science)

Math 002

Instructor Information

Instructor Email Office Location Phone/Extension

Babiker Ali B-217 1108
Office Hours:
Sunday 10:00-11:50 am.
Monday 11:00-12:15 pm.
Tuesday 11:00-11:50 pm.
Wednesday 11:00-12:15 pm.

Notes: Also by an appointment

Course Information

Semester Credit Pre-Requisites Co-Requisites Required

Fall 20-21 4 Hours Preparatory Year None
Mathematics I
Math 001

Course Description
This is the continuation of the Preparatory Year Mathematics I course covered in 15 weeks of
the second semester. The topics in this course will include exponential and Logarithm
functions, trigonometric functions; trigonometric equations and identities; vector operations
and applications. Systems of linear equations and matrices, determinants and sets of systems of
linear equations; analytic geometry in two dimensions (Parabolas, Ellipses and Hyperbolas).

University of Prince Mugrin
Deanship of Educational Services
Department of General Studies

Preparatory Year Program

Course Objectives

1. To prepare students for the rigors of introductory mathematics courses at the college level.
2. To familiarize students with basic mathematical terms in the English language.
3. To give students knowledge of basic algebra and basic trigonometry.
4. To develop students’ computational and problem-solving skills.
5. Apply mathematical terms, notations, principles and methods.
6. Apply algebra, statistic and functions in the field of science, technology and social management.

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: Please make sure it is the same as the course specification
1. Identify Composite Function, find its domain.[CLO 1.1]
2. Identify inverse function, domain, range and graphing of inverse function.[CLO 1.1]
3. Apply the concept of exponential, logarithmic, as well as graphs and the properties of these functions to solve related
equations.[CLO 2.1]
4. Identify, classify and use the trigonometric functions, as well as graphs and the properties of these functions and solve
related equations.[CLO 2.2]
5. Study trigonometric identities and use them to prove and drive other identities.[CLO 2.2]
6. Manipulate vectors and perform different operations on them. [CLO 1.3]
7. Solving systems of linear equations using various algebraic approaches, or with matrices(Row Echelon Form),Cramer’s Rule, and inverse
matrices. Perform simple matrix algebra computations .[CLO 2.4]
8. Determine conic equations such as (parabolas, ellipses and hyperbolas) and state their properties. [1.2]
Course Materials

Required Text
Algebra & Trigonometry : Graphs and Models, 9th/E, by Michael Sullivan, Pearson, Plus NEW MyMathLab,
ISBN: 9780321716569.

Recommended references:
 Algebra and Trigonometry: Graphs and Models Plus NEW MyMathLab, 5/E, by Marvin L. Bittinger, Judith A. Beecher, David J.
Ellenbogen, Judith A. Penna, Pearson,ISBN10:0321844475, ISBN-13: 9780321844477.

 Precalculus, (7th Edition), by Barnett, Ziegler, Byleen, Sobechi, McGraw Hill, ISBN: 978-0- 07-122176-4.

 College Algebra and Trigonometry (5th Edition), by Margaret Lial, John Hornsby, david Schneider, Callie Daniels, Pearson.

 College Algebra and Trigonometry (6th Edition), by Aufmann, Barker, Nation, McGraw Hill.

Electrinic Material

University of Prince Mugrin
Deanship of Educational Services
Department of General Studies

Preparatory Year Program

Assessments and Grading

Assessment Weight Date/Frequency of Evaluation

Homework 10% Every week
Class Work 10% Every week

Quizzes 10% Every two weeks

Midterm 30% 8th week
Final Exam 40% 16th week
Total 100%

Academic Polices

Academic Integrity Policy

 Academic misconduct is a violation of the UPM regulations and will not be tolerated. Academic misconduct includes any
form of cheating such as fully or partially copying answers in exams and/or assignments, plagiarism, or submitting any
work that is authored by the student himself/herself. Such violations will result in a grade of F for a test/assignment and/or
the course. In some cases, academic misconduct may result in suspension or expulsion from the University.
 Use of cellphones, laptops, tablets or any other electronic device is not allowed during the class except for class activities
with the instructor supervision and approval.
 In order to maintain a culture of academic integrity, members of the University of Prince Mugrin are expected to promote
honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.

Attendance Policy

As per the regulation of the Ministry of Education, the following attendance policy will be applied:
Percentage of Absences to Total Corresponding Number of Classes Action Required
Number of classes
=10% 9 HR First Warning
=15% 14 HR Second Warning
> 25 23 HR DN Provided
 A student is marked late if he/she attended the class 10-15 minutes late.

 A student who is more than 15 minutes late will be marked absent even if he/she attended the rest of the class.

 Every three lattes count as one absence.

 Attendance for remote classes will be taken as the name of the students appear on the screen. The instructor may assign
points for class participation that the student will miss if he/she did not respond to during the remote class session.

 The “DN-Notice” email is sent when student absence exceeds 25%, and accordingly:

University of Prince Mugrin
Deanship of Educational Services
Department of General Studies

Preparatory Year Program

i. The student has the right to review his/her absence record with the course instructor and discuss reasons of
absenteeism with the instructor and the HoD.
ii. The HoD may reject the DN grade if the student reasoning and/or course performance are convincing.
iii. The student has the right to file an appeal for the College Council no later than the two weeks before the exam
period to reject the DN grade. Students who filed an appeal of the DN grade have the right to sit in class and
participate in all class activities till the decision is declared.

Please note: Absence-Warnings and DN-Notices are valid even if the student did not check, see, or reply to the
emails. It is the student sole responsibility to regularly check his email and to refer to the IT department in case there is
any technical issues.

Exams Policy

 Students who miss any exam (first major, second major, midterm, and/or final) with a valid excuse should submit
formal proofs to the course instructor/coordinator within 48 hours of their return to study.
 The course instructor/coordinator prepares a list of all students who missed the exam with their excuses, and submits
that to the Head of Department for approval. The document submitted for approval should state the time and date of the
make-up exams for all the students.
 A student who does not submit his/her formal excuse documents within 48 hours of his/her return to study, his/her
excuse will not be considered, and the student will not be allowed to attend the make-up exam.

Online Classroom Rules

 General communication between the instructor and students or among students should take place in “Posts” in the Class
TEAMS group.
 The “Posts” in TEAMS is a space to get support from the instructor or from your classmates. In “Posts”, you can teach
and learn. You may also post inquiries about the assignments. Please use the “Posts” effectively, and share
thoughts/material that are related to the class, exclusively.
 Private communication whether personal, interpersonal, or professional will be handled via individual email or via the
communication features (voice, video, messages) in the TEAMS group.
 Please mute your mics during the class to avoid any distortion to the instructor or to the classmates. If you need to say
something, un-mute your mic, speak up, then mute your mic again.
 Assignments/Tasks are posted on TEAMS with comprehensive details about completion and submission.

 Due date and time for submission of each assignment/task/quiz is specified TEAMS.

Instructor Rules

 Late Work or HW
Late submission of assignment is allowed but with a penalty of 10% reduction if submission is made within one
week after the due date and 20% if the submission is made during the second week after the due date.

University of Prince Mugrin
Deanship of Educational Services
Department of General Studies

Preparatory Year Program

 No make up for Quizzes .

Course Outline

Week Date Topic Reading Assessment

1 Aug 30 – Sept 3 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Ch 6 HW-Work sheet
6.1 Composite Functions .
6.2 One-to-One Functions; Inverse Functions.
Important Deadlines(1):
Sept 3, 2020
 Last Day to accept semester postpone request for
Fall 2020
 Last Day to Accept Admission Applications for Fall
 Last day for students' reactivation for Fall 2020.
 Last day to accept visiting requests for Fall 2020.
 Last day to accept Change of College / Major
 Last day to Add / Drop courses for Fall 2020
2 Sept 6 – 10 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Ch 6 Quiz 1-HW-
6.3 Exponential Functions Work sheet

6.4 Logarithmic Functions

Important Deadlines:
Sept 10, 2020
 Last day to drop course(s) without permanent
3 Sept 13 – 17 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Ch 6, HW
6.5 Properties of Logarithms Work sheet
6.6 Logarithmic and Exponential Equations

4 Sept 20 – 22 Trigonometric Functions Ch 7 Quiz 2 -HW

7.1 Angles and Their Measure
7.2 Right Triangle Trigonometry

4 Sept 23 - 24 National Day Holiday

5 Sept 27 – Oct 1 Trigonometric Functions Ch 7 Work sheet -HW
7.3 Computing the Values of Trigonometric Functions
of Acute Angles
7.4 Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle

6 Oct 4 – 8 Trigonometric Functions Ch 7 Quiz 3-HW

7.5 Unit Circle Approach; Properties of the
Trigonometric Functions

University of Prince Mugrin
Deanship of Educational Services
Department of General Studies

Preparatory Year Program

Week Date Topic Reading Assessment

7.6 Graphs of the Sine and Cosine Functions
7.7 Graphs of the Tangent, Cotangent, Cosecant, and
Secant Functions
7 Oct 11 – 15 Trigonometric Functions Ch 7 & 8 HW -Work sheet
7.8 Phase Shift; Sinusoidal Curve Fitting
Analytic Trigonometry
8.1 The Inverse Sine, Cosine, and Tangent Functions
8.2 The Inverse Trigonometric Functions (Continued)

8 Oct 18 – 22 Analytic Trigonometry Ch 8 Quiz 4-HW

8.3 Trigonometric Equations
8.4 Trigonometric Identities

8 Oct 21 Midterm Exam 12:00 -

9 Oct 25 – 29 Analytic Trigonometry Ch 8 HW -Work sheet
8.5 Sum and Difference Formulas
8.6 Double-angle and Half-angle Formulas

10 Nov 1 – 5 Polar Coordinates;Vectors Ch 10 Quiz 5 -Work sheet

10.4 Vectors
10.5 The Dot Product

11 Nov 8 – 12 Analytic Geometry Ch 11 HW-Work sheet

11.1 Conics
11.2 The Parabola
11.3 The Ellipse
12 Nov 15 – 19 Analytic Geometry Ch 11 & Quiz 6 -HW
11.4 The Hyperbola 12
Systems of Equations and Inequalities
12.1 Systems of Linear Equations: Substitution
and Elimination

Important Deadlines:
Nov 19, 2020
 last day to Withdraw from course(s) with a "W"
13 Nov 22 – 26 Systems of Equations and Inequalities Ch 12 HW-Work sheet
12.2 Systems of Linear Equations: Matrices (2x2)
12.3 Systems of Linear Equations: Determinants (2x2)

Important Deadlines:
Nov 22 – Dec 3, 2020
 Withdrawal from all courses with a grade of
"WP/WF" thru Registrar’s Office .
14 Nov 29 – Dec 3 Systems of Equations and Inequalities Ch 12 Quiz 7-Hw

University of Prince Mugrin
Deanship of Educational Services
Department of General Studies

Preparatory Year Program

Week Date Topic Reading Assessment

12.4 Matrix Algebra Work sheet

15 Dec 6 – 10 Revision
16 Dec 13 – 17 Final Examination(2)
17 Dec 20 – 24 Final Examination
18 Dec 27 - 29 Final Examination
Please refer to the academic information for detailed/updated information.
Last day for faculty members to submit final grades, Dec 31, 2020.


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