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1. What is your problem/situation that you need to add awareness about?

In other words - what

are you promoting and why? And why now? What behavior are you trying to influence? Ticket
sales? Cause-following?

I am promoting the women's tennis team. I am doing this because in past years the women's
tennis team gets very little crowds that come out and support the team. I’m promoting them now
because their season starts in the spring and it is good to spread awareness so people know
what to look forward to and have it on their radar. I’m trying to influence larger crowds and a
strong Butler community.

2. Who is your audience?

My audience is Butler students, professors, and community members. This includes friends,
families, and peers as well.

3. Social Media Post A: Instagram post (picture of schedule)

Come support your Dawgs this upcoming tennis season! Schedule posted above
#ButlerWay #GoDawgs

4. Social Media Post B: Instagram story (picture of a player) Add location as Butler Bubble
Butler Tennis Match TODAY! Come out and support at the Bubble at 3pm!
#ButlerTennis #GoDawgs

5. Social Media Post C: Twitter (picture of team match and team against)
Butler Tennis Today vs _ Come out and support the dawgs at 3pm at Bubble!
#ButlerWay #GoDawgs

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