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Good afternoon everybody. Today is the 13th of November 2021, 12 noon, my time.

And I hear some people are getting threatened with termination if they don't take
the poison. And even there's some testing involved. So my tactic is to point out
the nature of this employment relationship and how it works. And some people have
never had a real job, they've been contractors or something like that. So what we
see on the screen here is a Jack in the Box application.

And in a typical application you have the name, address, and then right here is the
last four digits of the Social Security number. And that's people fill this out.
When they fill out the application, it goes to the employer who's employing this
application. The name is the Social Security number. And they create an employee
ID, an employee name, and then the time, the labor involved, working 40 hours a
week or whatever, goes on a timecard by weekly or even weekly. And that timecard,
the bill of lady, taking your most precious commodity, which is your time, gets
logged down onto that timecard, signed by the quote unquote employee, transferred
to the employer who signs for it. And that's a bill of lady where your time
commodity is then converted to the bill of lady. I'm still waiting to hear back
from the IRS about 1099 OIDs are required on bills of lady.

So we have this application for employment is no different really than this

application for a visa card. We have names, Social Security number, telephone
number, and even some of these have an employment history. We want to know about
the employment history for getting a credit card. So it seems like every
application is an application for credit. And under UCC article five, letters of
credit is what these applications are all applications of credit and certificates
or securities, otherwise it'd be a notice declaration or more. And so this is how
the employment contract begins.

So that's just like with a credit application, they take that credit application
run it through a TT and L and TT and L account tax terminal loan account and create
a credit line. And it's that credit line that's created where the user credit card
when I swipe the card it comes out of that credit line to pay the vendor. And then
every month we get a statement showing a positive amount of credit that was used
out of that credit line which was created by the credit application that I signed.
So every time I signed something on authorizing this extension of credit and the
Treasury goes into debt to provide that credit.

Because the government got out of the money and pointing business back in 33 when
bankrupt. And that's when they put all the gold in the Federal Reserve Building,
all that the exchange stabilization fund, the 34, then the exchange stabilization
fund created the IMF World Bank as a strong end. And the IMF is an agency of the
UN. So social security numbers, the IN numbers are sourced from the UN through the
IMF administered by the Social Security Administration, and is enforced by the IMF
by the IRS. So the IRS SSI IMF, UN and exchange stabilization plan are all foreign
to the United States.

So with this, so when they, when they're going to come and I'll show you this
header. Okey-dokey. So I'm going to toggle over to the W-4 process and then go into
how these statutes apply, which statutes apply to us. I call it the W-4 process.
Here are the parties that are liable for the tax. Liability for the tax is under
26-2603. So here are the parties that are liable under 26-3, personal liability for
the tax.

And if we see the highlighted underlines in 1, 2, and 3, you have a transferee, a

trustee, and a transferor. So the transferee, when I wanted electricity, I filled
out a credit application and took that Article 5 letter of credit and transferred
it to the electric company. And that article 5 letter of credit application is what
funds that electric account.
The same way if someone does work for me, like puts on a new roof and I transfer
$10,000 to them, well, the person who the transferee becomes liable for the taxes.
If I don't report who I gave the 10 grand to, I pay the taxes. But if I do report
who the $10,000 goes to, the transferee pays the taxes. That's an example of a

Taxable termination, you have a foreclosure, the car repossession, if they shut
down a bank account, shut down a credit card account. Anytime they terminated
accounts, foreclosure, car repo, the credit card, well, they terminated my interest
in that account. And the trustee, whoever signed the order to terminate the account
or whoever unilaterally elected to terminate the account becomes a trustee and a
trustee's liable for the tax liability.

Skip person, we talked about the time card, that bill of lading that we do every
two weeks or every week. And that time card is monetized using that credit line,
that job application, the employer then usually doesn't come out and hand me cash
in my hand, usually they take and try and either do a direct deposit to the bank or
they give you a check and you can go deposit the check in the bank, but they never
pay me. It always goes to the bank. And so they skip paying me and it goes to the
bank. And the skip person see the direct script other than a direct script, there's
a skip person and the bank is the skip person.

So the transfer takes my value of my labor and transfers it to the bank and
skipping me. So the employer is actually liable for that excise tax. They try to
pay it on us, but we'll deal with that.

Recasting the W2 into the proper excise tax later on. So these are the parties that
are liable for the taxes and they're only liable for the taxes when I tell the IRS
about it. It's like if I don't tell the IRS I paid this contract for 10 grand, well
then I'm going to pay taxes on the 10 grand and they'll get the cash and the credit
will just run with them and they're all the better for it. That's what's happening
with these banks and credit cards and the ports and everything else. So 2603 is the
starting point.

Let's talk about policy. This whole mandate thing, I'll jump off of the mandate
real quick. This mandate thing, mandate is just an offer. It's not a court order or
anything like that, it's an offer. That banner doesn't go away.

It's from Alexis Nexus mandate, Black's law. There's six definitions in here. In
order from an appellate court, voters or authors, judicial command directed to an
officer of the court. That's in-house.

Politics, electorate, overwhelming show approval of a given political candidate.

One of these elections to work, right, when a democracy, 50% or more participation,
once we register to vote, that registration leaves equitable title with a registrar
and we get the legal right to vote. And it's the registration that is the mandate
of the people. And so as long as we have more than 50% of the people registered to
vote, that corporation in DC will still have a mandate. If everyone were to go to
register with Raytheon or maybe Chipotle or McDonald's, we all go registered. And
the people registered with that corporation, well, that corporation would be
responsible for carrying out the will of the people.

So this registration process is where the mandate to rule comes from and that's why
we won't have a constitutional convention. Because even if all 50 states wanted to
have a constitutional convention, the people have still registered with a registrar
for the voting laws and the people have spoken by registering their equitable value
with that registration for the voting. So that's why there's, even though there's
more than enough states to call a convention, it's not going to happen.
So Roman Civil Law, I've written command by a principal to an agent. I'm the
principal and they're the agents. And then number four, five, Louisiana law, a
contract by which one person, the principal, confers authority on another person
that mandatory to transact one or more business affairs. So when they talk about
this mandate, this mandate is just an offer to contract and they make it sound like
you haven't been doing anything like that. So this is the trick about the mandate.
So I'm going to go back to the slideshow.

And so even when they write an executive order or here in Arizona, they have a
policy they have about this mask wearing and everything. The policy only, but I
work at Derek Queen, they have a policy, the policy after where this cute little
outfit when I work at Derek Queen. And that when someone comes into Derek Queen,
this customer, a client comes into Derek Queen, they don't have to put on this cute
little outfit. Well, if they have the money, but anyone who's an employee does have
to put on this cute little uniform, because that's the policy of that. Under that,
anyone related to that corporation has these policies like can't wear Daisy Dukes,
things like that. So the policy only applies to those under that particular
umbrella. Just case the executive branch making policy for those under the
executive out here in the private, it'd be like Chipotle making a new rule that
everyone has to wear a beret in their hair. Well, I'm not under Chipotle, so I
don't have to wear a beret in there because I'm not a big policy. And you see the
top part, the month's not shrinking for some reason.

Whoever makes the order has to pay, right? Okay. Whoever makes the order is the
debtor, whoever makes the offer is the debtor, and whoever orders something has to
pay. It says here if I go into Derek Queen and the D and the Derek Lee employees
demand I wear the Derek Lee uniform or else the employees or else the employees are
making an offer. And the demand versus to demand performance under contract and a
lawsuit for a payment of a debt or the debt performance of an act, the party suing
the plaintiff should allege that he is he she it demanded payment for performance.

And I go to Walmart and I buy that that that brand new underwear because I finally
need you to work with men keep them forever. And that goes on that conveyor belt.
Walmart is offering all of her stuff for sale. So when I go to the counter and put
that that special you get for four underwear plus two for for a dollar amount that
they're offering to sell it for. Derek Queen is making the offer.

And it's and if I get to the counter they say it's $50 do the inflation. I go, oh,
that's way too expensive. At that point at the counter, even though they've scanned
in the barcode, I can walk away I can walk out of Walmart and the security guard
for Walmart's not going to chase me down and bring me back to that counter to make
me force me to pay that $50 it's because it's because they scanned it, because the
debtor is the offer and the acceptor is the creditor. Most people see it the other
way. Check out Walmart's asking them for money to buy this product and they think
that the debtor that if someone's asking me for money, I couldn't be the debtor.
I'd have to be the creditor. It's the same reason when I have need money to go to
Vegas. I set up a yard sale on my patio and start selling my junk because I want
money to go to Vegas so I need more money because I'm a debtor and everyone who
comes to my car for to buy my cool stuff. The creditors giving me money so I can go
to Vegas whoever makes the offer is the debtor whoever accepts the offers the
creditor and offer can be full offer or conditional offer that the acceptor
controls the contract.

They say demand I order. The Derek being employees place an order order of
performance a demand in these scenarios place unqualified orders. If someone orders
me to do something, we should agree on a price first but they don't they just order
me to do something.
So my providing the goods and services for whatever wearing a mask or getting a jab
or whatever they're attempting to order from me under their policy. The service
ordered by Derek being agents employees, which in this instance is wearing a Derek
Queen uniform under their policy that only place Derek Queen employees, but they're
trying to stuff their policy on the me then I became a facto employee with one
major benefit for me. Unqualified order the Derek Queen employees bargained for a
minimum wage in exchange for their obeying Derek Queen policy.

I did not. I ordered a hamburger at Ritz Carlton without looking at the menu and
they charge some big bucks. I got to pay. I should have read the menu and bargain
the price of Ritz Carlton. And this is what the Ritz Carlton in Miami looks like.

Here's the menu. A classic burger 20 bucks signature $22 a garden burger 18 this is
the actually the menu from the Ritz Carlton $90 for a chicken and deep sea. I see
you got to go to Wendy's and get a cheaper one, but this is the I would have to
look at the menu to know what I'm ordering before I order it otherwise I'm obliged
to pay these prices because I took the benefit by taking the benefit I have an
obligation to prepare the liability. This is the Ritz's burger menu. For instance,
how would you your shoes worth if you're out in the desert someone demands your
shoes out. It's hot out there.

How much are your shoes worth? Who determines the value of the shoes. The value of
my shoes is huge. I can set a price that no one and no one can say that's too much.
So so an order something and they don't bar we don't bargain on a price and I named
the price for fulfilling that order they can't come back later and pitch about it
anymore than I can say. Oh man a burger for 20 bucks that's too expensive I could I
could have gone to Wendy's for $2 instead but too late.

Someone demands performance so when the American when Dairy Queen demands that I
provide this and services from me but Dairy Queen does not bargain the price of my
performance and in the performance and the performance is a good thing policy and I
that the fact alone for me may assess the value $500 for $1500 or $5000 for the
unqualified order and when I leave Dairy Queen I leave without without getting
without getting paid for the value of the good and services so they order something
from me I provide the good and services and then they don't pay me and dairy mean
they can Dairy Queen doesn't pay me they would help my pay for the good and
services provided. And then and to prove it I have my dairy Queen receipt has
proved that I was on site at Dairy Queen at the time and the Dairy Queen was
ordering demanding performance from customers treated as the fact of employees. The
problem is how do I get paid how do I get paid my withheld fees. I use a
withholding certificate because they perform services the value of the services
were received by Dairy Queen that they would they didn't pay me they would help my
pay this happens to be a withholding certificate. This is the old one 2019 ever
wonder why line six and the W for is there additional amount you want additional
amount if any one withheld each paycheck. And line six is where I assess the value
of the performance I did as a factor.

Because they would held. They would help that $5,000 from my paycheck service and
that mine seven you right. There's a online six I put $5,000 the question is, am I
making the claim for that. because whoever makes the claim has to prove it.

Line 6 says, additional amount if any you want with help of a paycheck. The amount
I put in line 6, I'm saying, don't pay me $5,000. E.g., I authorized the employer
to withhold five grants.

Putting the value in this line 6 is not a claim, it's an anti-claim. If I were to
tell somebody, hey Derek, you owe me $10,000, that's a claim. And now we have a
controversy, we're going to have to go to court. But if I go to Derek, I say, you
know what Derek, don't pay me $10,000. I'm telling someone not to pay you $10,000,
that doesn't hurt Derek at all. So this line 6 is an anti-claim. Don't pay me the
$5,000, and now it's a withholding credit. It's a really good one.

So I'm not making a claim, it's a big thing. The way I have to make the claim has
to prove it. Real-word example, every home $5,000 a month, this is like when I have
a job job, a real job job, I bring home $5,000 a month. If I write $5,000 online, 6
of the W-4, then my pay stub will shift my pay stub, my pay statement will show
zero every month. However, the W-2 will show $60,000 in withholding. And when I do
the 1040, the total withholding for the year will be in excess of what a tax
liability that may or may not be there, and I get my $60,000 back as a tax return.
So in a similar way, I do all these $5,000 for Walmart demanding or Derectine
demanding I wear a mask.

When I do the W-4 for all the mask wearing, with all the receipts, the proof I was
there, well that becomes a withholding credit for me. The tricky part is under
subtitle C versus subtitle E, subtitle A, the W-4 withholding is what is used to
fund and credit my FICA, and that is my social security benefits. In normal
employment, the employer has to pay 6.5% comes out from the employer and 6.5% comes
out of my gross pay.

That 13% contribution to SSA is mandatory under subtitle C, subtitle 26. So

subtitle C has an enforcement statute in subtitle C. It's mandatory because there's
a third party involved in the subtitle C. There's subtitle A, subtitle A though,
subtitle C is employment, subtitle A is individual partnership or fiduciary.
Subtitle A has no enforcement statutes because there's no third party involved in
subtitle A. If the lender in subtitle A wants to narc on whoever got the credit
from the lender, well that's the lender's election, they're not going to force the
lender. No lender, you're going to have to file so you can get your credit back. So
there's no enforcement subtitle A, it's the lender's election whether or not the
lender pays the taxes or the recipient pays the tax, the transfer E for instance or
the trustee.

And on that W-4, an 8, 9 and 10 at the bottom, so at the top you have name, social
security, number and address. And if you remember on that Dairy Queen application,
you have name, social security, number and address, same thing on that credit card,
name, number and address. So the top part, name, number and address, you have this
disclosing information in the middle which is formed. Name, 6 is a dollar amount,
line 7, I'm saying I'm exempt from back of the voting, down in 8, 9, 10 is the
party who receives my time card and who receives the credit application because the
employer in 8, 9 and 10, the employer is employing the name and social security
member, employing as mean they're using the name and social security member from
that credit application. And that's where the employment comes in. The W-4 that you
just held up, it kind of resembles a check, does it not? Yeah, we're going to get
into that. We're going to get into that on another screen. Okay, 8, 9 and 10.

So Dairy Queen essentially might defectively becomes my defective employer when

Dairy Queen borders this services, mask wearing under Dairy Queen or if Dairy Queen
demands that the employees take a jab which they can't take off the jab when they
leave work so they're actually employing these employees for life if they actually
jab somebody to employ for life because you can never take off what that employment
contract, that employment contract ever is. I wouldn't get the jab if it wasn't. So
Dairy Queen becomes a defective employer. I never do.

It makes sense to put Dairy Queen online 8 and 11-4, but the first day Dairy Queen
put the first Dairy Queen date of the year online, 9 when they demanded the
services and if Dairy Queen's EIN by calling online or writing or you can go look
up the 10K, Dairy Queen's 10K and the 10K will have Dairy Queen's EIN number on the
form 10K. I just said he stands for Mission 125. This is where we put
the straw man's information. We went over this line three, put however you file,
line four, and line five, you put zero, zero dependence for the maximum ability and
then signing at the bottom where the signature is. I put above the swiggle my
signature. I put the qualify under three-402, authorize signature of a represented
person, done in good faith, because that removes my liability under three-402.
That's how liability is limited.

That quoted section in three-402 is one of the only places I've ever seen anything
quoted in the UCC. They put it in quotes saying, hey, page in to this line in
three-402. I do that generally with every single signature every time. I says, I've
found corporations' mask policy on their website. When I walk into the store, they
have a friendly offer, publicly offered, put on a mask. Since they're making the
offer to provide goods and services, I can wear a mask over my mouth and breathe
through my nose and still charge them $5,000. This mask Nazi area, here's what goes
to the IRS. Some evidence of a mask policy, you get it off, take a picture of the
sign as you go in.

All original receipts from the store, put on a card, receipts from the year. Every
time I walk into Walmart, I have all the receipts, I put a little check mark on the
upper right-hand corner. Then I add up all the receipts. I scan them, add up all
the receipts, and $5,000 per receipt for providing the goods and services. Every
time I go in there, they still have this offer to provide goods and services.

I add the total amount of all the times I went there, times $5,000 or $15,000 if
they want me to cover my nose. All the receipts, I put that amount on the online
6th of the W-4. The 1040B states the largest value is $100 million. No checks of
$100 million or more may be accepted. The maximum amount you can do for the W-4 is
$100 million. See on box 3 of the 1040B, it tells you how to write on the receipts.

Amount you are paying by check or money order, make your check of money you are
payable to, not pay to the order of, payable to the United States gradually. Pay to
the order of makes it negotiable. Pay to is not negotiable.

Notice where we get this on the receipt, you write pay to the United States
Treasury and that's the signature line we'll get into that. So we write pay to the
United States Treasury on each receipt, you would check mark of the upper right-
hand corner on the face and on the back I write pay to the United States Treasury,
signature, social screening number, red number in the back. The same goes on the
contract. The EG, the policy where the photo prints out and a little more.

I want to take whatever their offer is, I'm going to send that to the Treasury.
Here's their offer, there's the debtor, wherever makes the offer is the debtor. So
that evidence of debt which is the order to pay, order to wear a mask, that's a
debt. We send that to the Treasury along with the W-4 and the receipt.

The contract that begets all this is the mask wearing goods and services ordered
under corporate policy. So I would accept the offer, remember whoever makes the
offer is the debtor, whoever accepts the offer is the creditor and controls the
contract. Accept their offer by writing something like accepted by name SSN on
behalf of the United States Treasury signed down in good faith. Like a title 18,
section 8 states, other representatives of value of whatever denomination are
obligations of the United States. So the value of that offer, which is a not set in
stone and dollar amounts, is an obligation to the United States. The mask policy
has value at least to the company and apparently to the nation, either the coup and
apparently to some Carons and Dairons out there. That's an interesting video.

Sending the W-4 sandwich. The W-4 sandwiches, the W-4 all filled out and line 6
total, received with the check market and check market the upper right hand corner
and third party endorsement on the back. The contract negotiated in the United
States Treasury, Form 1043 with box 3 total the same as the W-4 line 6 and some
folks signed the back of the 1040V.

I really don't have a reference either way. I haven't seen a difference yet. The W-
4 sandwich, I had been sending to Ogden, Utah. And then I found an internal revenue
IRM section where it talks about, here's where the IRM is talking about remittances
and bills of exchange and here's the address. So the remittances and bills of
exchange, that's what I write pay to and sign it to fill of exchange goes to room
3413 at 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest Washington, D.C. That's where by next,
that is going to go.

To employ methods, they have employed to collect data. So employment is not

necessarily digging the hole. Company is employing using the name and so security
methods. Anytime anyone uses the outcaps name and SSN, they're employing the IMF
SSN person. As the agent for the SSN, I have three duties. I have three duties.

The place order is keep records and reports to my principal through the IRS on a
yearly quarterly basis. Those are the three duties I have for that social security.
If I don't report any of the value transferred or tax-determinated or skip person
transferred by the transfer or if I don't tell the IRS about it, I'm the agent of
some sort. And I become liable because I didn't do my agency duties. But if I do
tell the IRS, hey, IRS, I gave the electric company $10,000 last year and they send
them either the statement and the contract, and the IRS goes, oh, you guys were
employing our social security member. Well, we're going to have to audit the books.

Now, all of a sudden, the electric company is scrambling to try to make sure their
books are clean and they got the most accurate meter reading or the lowest meter
reading so they pay as little tax as possible. But if I don't tell the IRS that I
transferred my credit to the electric company, well then the electric company runs
away with the credit or the bank runs away with the credit. They make it through
key buildings and live like kings while we sit here and scrape and bend and bow and
not by not reclaiming our credit, we damage ourselves and damage the treasury by
putting them in full debt.

To whom is the duty owed? I only have a duty to report to the employment of the SSN
person to the IRS. My duty is to report to the IRS. Some people were sending these
W4s to the employer and all of this kind of, you know, they start kicking up a
bunch of dust and even shutting down their account stupidly because there's a
termination there. So I send the W4 to the IRS because that's who I have a duty to
report to. Do not send the W4 to the line A person.

It freaks them out. They get pissed off at you and they start a bunch of she-ite.
Send our report to the IRS and let line A yell at the IRS. And I really like to be
there when they start arguing with the IRS. It doesn't ever go to the IRS stupidly
to do it.

And that's it for a mass service. Wearing a mask is that the fact alone, doing
services on a corporate policy, which is peace work is one type. There are other
situations where the SSN person is employed and that is used by some company,
application for electricity, internet, utilities, bank accounts, credit cards,
mortgages, any SSN application linked account gets a W4.

Every application, every declaration is a declaration of war. Every notice is a

warning. Every memorial is a record of a dead thing. Memorandum is a recording of
what it is.

And every certificate is a security. Every application is an application for

credit. Article 5, letters of credit. Every notice, every application uses the name
SSN and a signature date and paid to article 5, letters of credit. Letter of credit
means a definite undertaking that satisfies requirements of 104 by an issuer to
have beneficiary at the request for some account or an applicant in the case of a
financial institution to itself or for its own account to honor a documentary
presentation by payment or delivery of an item of value.

It's not like that. It's in Section 8. And don't forget the memo line. The memo
line, there was a guy who was doing a modification back in the 2008-08 day of
sweeping up property and they did a modification for six months. He was sending in
his checks, paying the modification and after six months, they came before closed
on his house. He called him and said, hey, I made all the six months payment. What
are you doing for a closing? I said, well, when you send them the checks, there was
nothing in the memo line. So we didn't know how to apply it. So we put it in an
escrow account. So you never successfully did the modification.

So we're still going to close. How's that for dirty people? That's what the memo
line is for. If I don't give someone instructions and want to do with that check by
putting down on the memo line for apply to principal or settlement and closure, if
I don't memorialize what I intend for that amount of that instrument they'll apply
to, they can use it for whatever they want. And they did back in 2008.

The reason I'm applying for an electrical account is because I'm interested in
electricity. The interest is why I filled out an application for the internet, the
bank, the credit card, driver's license or employment. If I am not interested in or
do not have an interest in whatever the corporation is offering, I wouldn't submit
or tender an application. And here's how it normally goes.

I tender, submit an application in the name in SSN and that name is the name on the
account. At the end of each month, the company sends out a bill, as some call it,
also called a statement and at work it's called advice. The bill shows up, shows
how much goods and services I use and there is a dollar amount, but that dollar
amount is always positive. Most of the monthly statement has a positive dollar
amount showing the
statement of account. And the statement of account is a UCC article 9 instrument.
Where I am with the agency duties for the IMF, this, for that account number, the
duties to order, to make records and report to the IMF, enforcement agency, IRS
revenue agents on a yearly basis. And for the reasons I require these tax
identification numbers from these employers down on line eight. Each transferee and
receipt of the estate for 20, out of 26, 63, 24, the estate already has a lien on
it. That's what 6324 says.

Who as the executor, the employer as the executor on the 2002 and fiduciary in the
2203 has a tax liability as qualified errors having tax liability reporting that I
am duty bound to report to my principal. And I am duty bound to account for the
alternate valuation of the estate. I want to get into that, what an alternate
valuation of the estate is. For the, because that alternate valuation of the state
has to go before probate, referee, ratification, or determination, why it's solved
with the officers of the IRS for reporting to my principal to their points of
contact, the IRS. Each fiduciary having actual constructed possession of the state
property must be bonded for title 26, 2032 a 11 by the secretary of state and
Puerto Rico.

So that's the, the W for process is essentially a Garrett was saying is like a
check. Be funny my here. So we go over here, there's the application, there's that
application. W4.

So if you look at the check here, right, this is a chase-band check. In the upper
left-hand corner we start with a name, with a name and address of the person. On
the W4, and 1, 2, we have a name and address up in the top part, the social media
number we'll get to. Then we go down to, we have a pay-to-the-order of some
employer name or account number down there. And in line 6, we have a dollar amount,
just like we do on line 6.

The pay-to-person is down here in number 8. Number 8 is the one who's receiving the
time card and the credit application. And the line 8 person is the employer.

Then we go down to 8, 9, 10, the EIN number. So when I go to the bank and I do an
application to open a bank account, that social security number in number 2 gets
wrapped down here in the account number. So the account number is essentially a
mask for the social security number. And the memo line would be the account number,
because down here in the W4, down the W4, you would put the Dairy Queen and
whatever the receipts you get from the, you get a receipt from Dairy Queen. You get
a receipt number. Or some of these accounts have a, when you do your little card,
you get discounts by typing in the phone number. We check out, you put the phone
number down there next to that employer to identify uniquely this employment

So it's odd that the W4 looks like a check, because when I fill out a check and I
put a dollar amount in there, I'm not really making a claim I'm doing a
disbursement. The W4 is the same way by putting a dollar amount, how much I don't
want to get paid is actually authorizing a disbursement from the social security
account. The only thing that the W4 has to go along with is some contract, because
the contract's an evidence of value. Contracts, receipts, or statements, the
statements we get in the mail, some monthly statements we have, and all that would
go with the W4, because under the W4 instructions, I'll just pull it up again, 1040
instructions, 1040 instructions tell us to provide a statement.

Instructions, let's go down here, come up in a minute. Let's go to number 108,

10800, paper of redemption ag notice, down here 108. Our legal right to ask for
information is internal revenue code 6001, 6001, 612A, and their regulations. They
say you must file a return for statements. So when I take all the statements I get
from all these transactions I go through, the statements go along with the W4,
because that's where it demands a statement. So all the statements, even that
receipt, that receipt itself is not only a statement of how much credit was
transferred to their till, but it's also a security I get redeemed for that credit.
So this is where the W4 process then notifies the internal revenue service that,
hey, Walmart, or Dairy Queen, or the electric company, or the banks, that they
received credit that was sourced or linked to a social security number, and as
transfer ease, they have a libel of pay.

For the bank, I add up all the closets and all the statements. For the electric
company, all the charges are the banks. And then for credit cards, same thing,
charges and payments, you add both sides, both sides together. And that total
amount of either deposits plus withdrawals would actually go on line six for the

There's a woman who drives truck that I work with for a couple years now. She was
up in Northern California TGI Fridays. And this old guy came in there chatting up
the cute little girl at the front of TGI Fridays. And since they're on the truck
road, they asked the girl at the TGI Friday said, where are you going? So a lot of
you just cashed out everything in California, it's getting crazy.

And he says, Oh, what'd you do on the second generation banker, not going to move
to Texas. Well, that's what put up the truck driver's ears when she asked, she and
her partner asked that the old, the second generation 80 year old banker would like
to join them and sit down. And he said, Oh, sure, those guys like to talk to
people. And in the course of the conversation, the lady truck driver sprung a
question on him. She asked the truck driver, I mean, the banker, you know, what
would happen if the members of your bank were to, were to add all the deposits and
all the draws and put that as additional withholding on the W four. She said he
kind of his eyes lit up and he kind of set up and set up in his, in his booth. And
he said, and he said, they would never think to do that, which is an admission,
they would never think to do that.

The last line's key do that. And so the W four process. And so you add up both
sides of the ledger because both are so pretty number source exempted mindset,
evidences of debt go evidence of debts attached with the 1040 v and send it off to
room 3413. And the other thing I would suggest doing fill out a W four and that
withholding section, the amount in line six or line four C will see the current W
four, that amount I would put down as withholding down at the bottom of the 1040.
You can send a multiple 1040 journey. Now we just put the withholding section down
at the bottom. So now that withholding section is documented on the 1040 for you.

Here's the new W four, which I don't like. It's too busy. Same stuff at the top.

And this middle stuff multiple jobs, the number dependents right here in four C
instead of additional amount withholding that extra withholding. And this is again
with a dollar amount goes only debtors have deductions creditors don't have
deductions. And so the withholding amount goes here and in the instructions for
this new W four or you have to write under under here, you have to write under
here, you have to write exempt, you have to write it in. I don't give you a box
seven, like they used to do down here, we write exempt, you know, MPD. Yeah, they
don't they don't have that box anymore for whatever reason. So just for a point of
clarification smoking baby.

When you say contract, I know a lot of people may have not comprehended what you
were articulating is a policy of another corporation that I am being coerced into
following. Is that a contract and if it is a contract, is the best way to prove it
by asking or inquiring about a physical copy of Dairy Queen's policy that they're
enforcing upon me. Well, usually, you know, the the idiots that working at the
counter don't really have the policy, I just go download it, or I write a letter
for it. So for clarity's purposes, the policy they're enforcing on you is in fact
the evidence of the contract, correct? Well, that's the source of the offer that
the I mean, it's binding to the employees, but it's not binding on the customer.
But if the employees want to bind me to their employee policy, they're actually
ordering goods and services and thereby creating the contract on that form. Thank
you for providing that clarity for everybody out there. Please continue on and let
me know when you're ready for questions.

Okay, here's the interesting about the Treasury. This is an interesting I had to go
back in our archive to get it. Where is the elusive Treasury? Can you say Puerto
Rico? Down here. Down here, it's 27 CFR 2050 11.

Remember under title 2620 32 AE 11, anyone administering our estates have to be
bonded. So your employer using that social security number, the bank using the
social security number, the courts using social security number, they all have to
be bonded because they're trying to loot the estate. And they have to be bonded
because the estate already has a lien on it under 63 24. And the bond comes from
the Secretary in Puerto Rico, because that's where the IRS is located.

Back to the first certificate. This is what I use instead of the W4. As it you
know, W4 has an employee-employee relationship. This has a pay or and a payee. But
there's a pay or we have a pay or appear instead of an employer up here. And I know
people are getting far that they don't do this.

We'll get to the firing thing. You notice on the other W4, let me put them
together. See how the W4 here is all chopped up in little boxes. And they have that
perjury statement down there in the signature underpins. We don't have any of that
on the W4B. It's all nice and smooth.

No perjury statement at the bottom. And this is called a voluntary withholding

request versus employees withholding allowance certificate. Voluntary withholding
request. I put in all the information like normal down here.
The identification number would be the employee ID, the employee ID, whatever
identifying number you could use for an employer.

And I check off box seven. I want you to stop withholding federal income tax from
payments. He says payments, you know, it's not my income. And we have payments. We
have pay or pay e payments and a signature without a signature without the
appropriate statement. So this is what I like using.

Would I got five? With this stop any federal income withholding tax say that you
initiated when you first started working for a corporation? What do you mean? I
mean, there's no federal, there's no sub-catalay being taken out. It would still
take out FICA. You would still get your unemployment, your workman's comp, and your
social media Medicare that 13%, 6.5, 6.5 would still come out of it, which is fine
with me. We don't even see the 6.5%. And if they don't withhold the 6.5% because
it's contemplated and what the hourly rate or the salary they're contemplating,
that 6.5% already contemplated. So even if I went into playing a contractor, I
don't think, you know, renegotiate on the contract to get your 6.5% back. But as
long as the employer has to cough up half, I'm perfectly happy to do the W4B. But
there's no, there's no sub-catalay withholding done with this W4B versus the W4.

And this employer versus pay everything employer, this is from the 1939 Public
Salaries Tax Act, 1939 Public Salary Tax Act, 1939, where they redefine employee.
That's right up here, words comp, you see, gross income, related to the gross
income is amended, inserting the words compensation for personal service, the
following, including personal service as an officer, including, which is a limiting
word, an officer, employee of a state, a political division thereof, or any agency
or instrumentality of one of them or foregoing. You have to hold public office in
order for this employee status to attach.

Compensation, the United States here by consents to the taxation of compensation

received after 31st on 1938 for personal services as an officer, employee, United
States Treasury possession, District of Columbia, home agency thereof. So this is
where they redefined employee of the sum. And then that W4 goes in there and people
say, oh, this withholding as an employee, so they're kind of consenting to have it
withholded for the federal sub-catalay tax withholding. So this is where the trick
happened in 1939.

Then the regulations give us the federal, the Title 26 regulations still give us a
way out claiming to be a person not subject to withholding. The W4B takes care of
that. The tricky part in here is that when we talk about a payee here, reliance to
the customer forms and trust, financial trust, a form, I have to turn in a form, a
W9 form for the beneficiary owner claiming to be a payee. See down here, I'm
claiming to be a payee. I need to supply a W9 along with my W4B. Beneficiary owner
or payee's claim of US status in general and a paragraph B1 of the section, a
withholding agent is not required to withhold under sub-chapter 3 of the code on
payments to a US page. So these are the regulations that come into play. There's a
whole bunch in here that are really cool.

We're going to get to, remember we get statements in the mail, right? We get
statements in the mail. We have a statement and then we have to do a notice and
then we have to do a proof of claim, right? So we have a statement, we have a W4
and we have a 1040B. So we have a statement of intertural revenue service, we have
a notice of federal taxes due, and we have a proof of claim that the taxes are due.
Then we have a 4810 prompt assessment. Everything kind of happens in fees.

And you see over here, we have a gift to state employment and excise taxes on the
4810. This is an enforcement form here. We have these statements we get from the
electric company or the offer to get jabs or the offer to wear the mask, that's a

Then we do the notice, the W4, and then we do the 1040B with a voucher. You notice
down here, they have the kind of tax in part two. Number two says the kind of tax,
same thing on the notice, kind of tax, and the same thing on the 2373. It always
happens in trees for whatever reason.

And then we have down here, the interesting tax practice here. IRS is a claimant of
the estate. Death waits for no one, not including the IRS. The very first one.

Death waits for no one, including the IRS. And this is where I learned about these
three forms down here. In the IRS notices section over here on the left hand side,
IRS notices. IRS typically uses three forms to notify the executor, who's the
executor, 22002, who is liable for the tax. And who's the executor, under 2273, is
anyone with actual or constricted possession of the seat in a state property,
anything tied to that social security number, anyone administering a name and
number of account are the fiduciaries, who as executors have a liability for the
tax. And here's the form, 1041944982373.

This is where this came from. I'll make this available to Derek. This guy's good.
You can find him out there. He has a whole bunch of great articles. Death waits for
no one, including the IRS. That'd be a great teacher.

And here's 6322. If the delinquent tax is on the right, just below the death and
the paragraph below it, if the delinquent tax is our state tax, the IRS can be
expected to pursue 6324, a state tax lien, or more readily, than the 6321 general
lien. That's why these fiduciaries have to be bonded by the Secretary of the
Treasury, in case they run off with a tax credit, that bond is there, they can
liquidate the bond. That's required under 2321811, because there's an existing lien
on the estate. And that's what the bond is there to remedy. Oh, there's mandate.

Add in. Okay. So for, let me go back here at the beginning. That one here, here.

Here's my Sears card. And I know that people are getting fired, but how do we
assess the value that goes on W4? That's where we're at right now. We've been
through the W4 process. Whoever makes the offer, whoever makes the offer is the
debtor. Whoever accepts the offer is the creditor. We can accept the offer
conditionally. There is a, so let's say they go ahead and terminate me from the job
because I don't want the poison. And they don't accept my religious exemption
because they don't believe my firmly held religious beliefs, which is their
religion, because of belief is a religion. I don't believe you.

Well, that's your religion. You're a heretic. You burn your stake in pleasure.

So if they go ahead and terminate me, when I, at the time of termination, let's say
I'm making $100,000 a year. So that $100,000 a year, the value of that paycheck for
that bill of lading time commodity comes out of the credit application that funded
the entire operation at the beginning. That's where your paycheck, your credit
application is paying you your own paycheck. And it's also paying the overhead rate
to give you toilets, toilet paper, the coffee, the cafeteria, the maid service, the
electricity, the air conditioning is all funded by the credit lines from the
employment applications. So for me, and so that's where the credit comes from.
And at 75 years of age, we have to start collecting social security. And it's just
so happens at 75 years of age, a domestic vessel must be retired under title 46. 75
years is the life of a domestic vessel. So if I'm 55 years old, and I get hired at
$100,000 a year to charter to in order for them to use that name and social
security number, that name and social security number is a vessel. You notice every
vessel has a name and number, you know, the, was it on a Saturday night live the
raging queen and you had to go there's a whole number on the boat. So that's to
that name and social security numbers a vessel, and the employer is going to
charter that vessel. And the type of charter that it is, is a bare boat charter,
their boat charter, charter, charter, charter, go to Wikipedia. They do a better
job of summarizing it.

Put demise charter. Demise charter. The bare boat charter or demise charter is an
arrangement for traveling or hiring of a ship or boat as a name and social security
number, whereby no crew of provisions are included as part of the agreement.
Instead, people who rent the vessel, the employer from the owner, that's me, are
responsible for taking care of such things the act is coming call all they known as
a bare boat charter. They talk about some legal differences down there.

The time the time voyage would be a independent contractor. So, then the
corporation has a job opportunity, and they started the vessel. They take the
application, and then they didn't need a crewman to come on board the crewman earns
wages under the Sherman act the wage earner is the least powerful and most
protected on the ship. So, they charter the vessel, give me a little cube to sit in
a little computer and a little air conditioning and coffee and bear toilets,
smelling each other's curry parts. And that's the voyage run.

And it's somewhere along the way, the manager is getting intimidated or want me to
dress up for him a certain way or want to get me drunk to see what secrets they can
get out of me and all kinds of really queer stuff like that. And then they throw me
off the boat. They throw me off the boat that they the check the trick is when they
chartered the vessel for those 55 to 75 years, they front load the they take the
entire credit line up front. So, all those 20 years, that credit line is cashed out
at the very beginning to pay for the entirety of the charter they might throw me
off the boat, the entire value of that work contract out to 75 that charter out to
75 they're still sitting on that credit. And it never even though they fire me they
never returned my credit line, which means they're withholding
my credit line. And so, how I'm going to handle that credit line, it's $100,000
out to out to 20 years.

And that's the amount that I assess and I use the termination, and they, you know,
they fire me. That's a taxable termination they terminate me from from my voyage
that I'm funding. So that termination paperwork, I say pay to the United States
Treasury, and then I do the assessment of $100,000 for the next 20 years as $2
million that goes online for my line six of the w four line for C of the new W

And now I have it now I have assessed the credit line that funded their operation
that they just wanted to throw me off the boat and run away with the last employer
hadn't laid off anybody in 34 years. And then a year and a half after being there
all the Sunday lay off an entire department, they take a take out a billion dollar
loan to upgrade their facility facilities all the Sunday have a billion dollars and
they just laid off an entire department that they hadn't laid off anybody in 34
years. All those credit lines of all the past employees have been sitting there,
unclaimed. And that's what they use as the collateral for getting that billion
dollar loan on a project, which amazingly failed but I'm sure this, I'm sure the
CEOs have their hands on the pockets on the company's doing the work and it just
flooded them.
So that how much I was getting paid from the data was hired until the date I until
75 is the amount of withheld credit that I assess upon termination. And that's what
the people who are facing being terminated. That's how much they would assess
whether or not you accept the jab or not, you can conditionally accept the jab.
And, but you still have that assessment out there to do to report to the IRS.

I guess Derek can go into what happened over in Ohio on that on the kids wearing
the mask. But the, here's an interesting case. This plays into the notices that
Derek is talking about.

And this is the basis of my actually creating my own account. This case to be a
little bit shalala. The case represents a dilemma created when an administrative
agency taxes are all administrative, lose its own records and fails to reconstruct
them or conduct a new inquiry on the merits resulting in tenury. I mean, loss of
money or at least serious hardship for the impoverished citizen. Sounds like me.

I'm an impoverished citizen. To summarize that first paragraph, it states he who

fails to produce or recreate the record must expect the court to rule contrary to
their position. And this even goes into the social security act and everything else
down here. So when I have this is a Sears card that I opened when I was a kid back
in 1984. And in 2004 they shut it down. And the maximum credit limit credit line on
there was $1,200. I've written to Sears. I've asked them for an accounting because
all this credit that went through this account is a transfer e taxably liable
credit. And then they terminated my account.

So again, we have a tax determination when you have transfer e taxes. So they are
under two different parts of that. That's 2603.

The way I assess the credits. This is not employment. This is for when they shut
down an account. I calculate the months between the opening date and closing date.
This case it's 238 months. The initial credit line, you know, so they don't report
the initial credit line. They just show the high limit credit line at the very end.

Because I don't know, maybe in 1984 was $50 or $25 or $100. Who knows what it was
back in. I don't remember.

But the only thing they're admitting to is a high limit is $1,220. But okay, I'll
take what you offer there is $1,220. And so the final credit limits is $1,220. My
assessment, I'm reading up here, my assessment of the Social Security number source
credit that flowed through the Sears card is, I just say I maxed out the card every
single month from when it opened. And until the until it was terminated.

So that's 238 by 1220. That's 2029, 29360. And then I paid the full amount every
single month, even though I made like $360 a month back then. But I since I don't
have the accounting, I do the payments are equal value. Would you see the balance
right here, the balance amount $49. I give them the $49.

So I add up the charges of the payments, I subtract the balance. And so the total
amount that goes online online for C of the W four is 590,671 dollars. And when I
when I write to Sears, or in this case, Citibank took over Sears, I let them know
this is my accounting on the account, whatever the account number is, of how much
credit went through that account. This is my good faith best assessment based on
the information you're reporting on the credit report. If you have a different
accounting, please send me that accounting. However, if you fail to respond, we
agree that this is the accounting. This is a, this is a with prejudice, nil decent

And when they don't respond, they've, I mean, they want their $49. They don't, you
know, they don't, they don't care about the, the how much credit went through it.
They just want their $49.

But they're admitting to having $580,000 of my credit, which goes on the W four.
And the evidence of debt is the letter they don't respond to when I send it off to
the IRS. So they're greedy. They want their $49 and they get hit with $580,000 tax
liability. I think it's hilarious.

Oh, and then that $580,000 tax liability actually comes back to you as a creditor
as taxable credits, which are just like monopoly casino money, correct. You can buy
houses with tax credits, you can buy cars with tax credits, businesses with tax
credits, correct. And that tax credits are money. I haven't called the franchise
tax for it. And I asked Gordon who was on the phone with us, yeah, do you guys
accept tax credits? Oh, yes, we take tax, we take tax credits with the franchise
tax board in California.

So this, this is how I go back and recreate the record. Because it says interview,
Liberty should a huge bill to produce or recreate the record must expect the Port
de Rue Contreras position. So I take what they admit on the credit report because
they call this a credit report, right? That's because they're telling me how much
of my credit these companies are holding on to. They're withholding from me. These
companies are admitting to having Social Security credit because they didn't create
the credit. My signature did.

So they're admitting to how much of my credit they're holding on to. And they just
don't know that I'm the actual source to credit. And the IRS doesn't know that the
Social Security person is the source of the credit until I fill out the W for
withholding statements that goes in there. So I have this statement here with the W
for suffices.

The instructions in the 1040 paper reduction that online went away. Did I have to
send in a statement. So this is how I go back and recreate the record to assess the
value of the estate currently being held by Sears, or in this case, City Corp. City
Corp is holding on to that credit line and as a fiduciary, having actual
constructed possession of that property as a tax liability under 22 at 2002. And of
this alternate valuation of the estate. This may not be the real value, but it's an
alternate value. This is how I assess the taxes.

So anyone getting the job. If you were to take their or take their mandate their
offer, you could conditionally accept their offer. And I would write a
conditionally accepted on the top was a conditionally accepted. I can just accept
your offer to take the job. And however, I require proof that the job will not
cause me any harm either psychologically or physically or religiously. And in order
to indemnify me for your offer that may or may not cause harm, which you haven't
proven yet, I demand a 100 million or $50 million bond upfront, irrevocably put
into escrow.

And the performance on this accepted offer does not commence until you prove
conclusively that the job will cause me no harm to my psychological, spiritual, or
physical body in any way, shape, or form. And now the onus is on them to prove up.
So I've, they've agreed to take the job, but they have to prove there is no harm
put up a bond and no performance happens until they prove there is no harm. And of
course, they won't have all the full data and until 2027.

So that's how I would handle that offer mandate that offer to be jazzed. Let's say
that they agree to that offer. The next step would be putting notice of liability
onto the physician or physician assistant that would be willing to administer
Well, that's okay. One is the offer from the one is the offer from the corporation
to to be jabbed. And that would be $150 million, $25 million bond, you know,
indemnity bond irrevocably put into escrow. And then you would have a separate one
for these, for these health professionals are happily out there murdering people
with a jab. And you would have a separate one in like manner that the, the health
practitioner both nurse and doctor, and even the facility they would have you would
do the same type conditional acceptance that they would be bound by $100 million,
$50 million bond that must be placed up front and you must swear that it's
completely safe and no harm and you take personal civil criminal professional
liability for that performance. And you must bomb me ahead of time and show proof
that it will provide no harm the same way. And then of course the bottom of that
practitioner is that and I retain first right of refusal. I would still get myself
a way out saying first right of review. Absolutely.

And in doing so, you can still attach your religious exemption and belief in there
by doing the conditional acceptance. Well, the tricky part is if I'm really my
firmly held religious beliefs say don't don't fuck with my temple. I can't take any
stance otherwise I'm being double minded about my face. But the, just because the
company makes the offer, I can conditionally accept it that way and still say and I
want them to prove that this jab does not violate my firmly held religious beliefs
you could add that condition that we have a religious exception. That's how you get
around that.

You have to prove not only that it's safe psychological spiritual things. You have
to prove it doesn't violate my firmly held religious beliefs but I've already
accepted the offer you already got to pay for it. And that can add terms and
conditions and now they're just screwed. Right, because at that point if they
refuse they're now in commercial dishonor, correct they may not you accepted the
offer now they're bound to a contract. And if they don't pay they were held that I
would with the hit them with withholding for the $15 million. And now by hitting
them with holding completely subverts the necessity of going into a court and
quibbling over semantics, correct? Yeah, it's all administrative.

They've admitted to the withholding of the value. Now we just give it

administratively to the IRS here. They admitted to withhold it. And so they
withheld it. So now you can go collect at IRS. You guys get a big scoop out of

And the IRS is foreign to the United States. They don't care. The president, Nancy
Pelosi, you know, the dog catcher, me, the IRS doesn't care who you are. They're
going to go after whoever they go after, Al Capone. I mean, they weren't even
afraid of the month.

So essentially, you're putting the big demon on the little demon and you're
allowing them to duke it out for you. And you just sit back and pop a bowl of
popcorn and watch the shit show then. I'm just a lowly agent. My duty is to order,
keep records and report, and they can go argue with the IRS. I would love to sit
there and watch them argue with the IRS.

It's absolutely brilliant smoking, baby. It's a wonderful presentation you've put
on for everybody here today. Are you, go ahead.

Here's this one right here for the check system. So I can give this out. And you
can go there and see what the check system is gossiping about you behind your back
for the check systems. Any, because it uses the social, I want anything that uses
the social security number, I want to know about it because I'm going to assess
taxes because you guys are admitting to holding on to my credit. And over here,
here's a link to Lexis Nexus is a fourth mystery credit reporting agency. It's a
fourth one.

And here's the online request form for them to produce whatever Lexis Nexus holds
on the back end as a credit reporting agency on top of annual credit report. And
you annual credit report right now is you can get your credit reports every week.
During the COVID pandemic, accessing your credit report is important. That's why
Equifax, Experian and Transnion are continuing to offer free weekly online credit
reports until April 2, 2021 or something like that. So you go, and I want my credit
reports because I want to see who is admitting to holding on to my credit. That's
why I want it.

So what happens when, let's say, Dairy Queen has made the offer to enforce the
policy on you, you've accepted it, but they refuse to give you a W9. On the W4, do
you just write down their address, location and the name of the business if they
will not give you the W9 and what do you put in the spot where the EIN or TIN
numbers should be? I say W9, affidavit. Somewhere in the regs, somewhere in the
regs, if they refuse to do it, I have to write up an affidavit, write up an
affidavit, somewhere in the internal revenue manual. There's a $50 penalty.

I make sure I notify them about the $50, then I have a standard template, I can
hand out to Dairy. But if they refuse to do it, it says in the regulations, I, the
agent, write out an affidavit that they have refused. I know people just write
refuse in there, but it actually talks about an affidavit. I'll have to find that

We're in the regulations, it says, do an affidavit. You can call them up. Some of
these debt collectors, these fly-by-dash North Carolina assurance, there's some of
these dirtbag debt collector corporations out there, and they don't like handing it
out. I'm not afraid of these debt collectors when they come because I get to do my
own assessment of the full value of the estate. They're not going to give me the
full 9-210 UCC article 9-210 accounting. I just come up with my DeVila versus

I come up with my alternate accounting, and I offer them to come back with their
accounting, and I'll use theirs. But if they don't come back with anything, then my
accounting stands. The fact that now they get slammed. That 13% coming out of
$580,000, huge. That's a huge hit for that corporation.

Absolutely brilliant. I don't think I've ever had anybody explain it to me quite as
eloquently as you have explained it here. It's wonderful.

There was a guy in Appalachia, North Carolina, African-American. When we started

this in 2014, I had a meter reading, and he had a house out there. I just wrote
down $260 on a $26, a month up in Chicago. I wrote down $260 for the withholding. I
can handle that much. I figured that was timid about playing with it.

I just put down $260, Robert over in Appalachia, North Carolina. He wrote down
$30,000 for Duke Energy. On my instance, it was the middle of winter with
snowdrifts, two-story tall icicles that would crush you if it fell on you. All of a
sudden, I get a letter two weeks later after turning in the W-4, taking the
statement for the ComEd and writing pay to United States Treasury, signed it, put
it on the W-4, and then put the 1040B with the same amount. All of a sudden, I get
a letter from ComEd saying, oh, we've made several attempts to read your meter.
It's behind a locked gate. By law, we have to read the meter every two months.
Could you please help us by either taking a picture or letting us in so that we can
get the most accurate reading on your meter? I called her up and said, how did you
guys get in there before? I've been here six months. How did you get in there the
last time? Oh, I don't have that information. I said, okay, here's the property
manager. They can let you in. I don't have a key to the locked area, so contact the
property manager. The snowdrift, there were two stories tall. I don't know how they
got in there.

I asked her, well, when was the last time the meter was read? She said, oh, it
looks like five years ago. I go, wait a minute. I've only been here six months. How
do I know if I'm using the right mind of electricity? Maybe the people before me
have been growing green leafy plants that people like to smoke and talk about.

She laughed. She said, well, that's why we have to read the meter. I said, well,
that makes sense to me. I called Robert and told him what was going on. He said, he
told me, well, I put $30,000 down on the W-4. I said, what happened? He said, next
thing I know, two white guys from Duke Energy are showing up at my house. They
were, oh, no, what happened? He goes, no, no, no.

They came in and they put insulation in my roof, insulation under the house, new
seals around the doors and windows, wrapped the pipes and gave me energy-efficient
light bulbs. He said, I asked them, how do you guys do that? Do this sort of thing.
They said, well, not very often. We're just sitting around the most of the time and
we're happy. We have something to do. Then Robert and I got talking.

I said, Robert, now that the IRS knows that the electric company is using the name
of social security member, they owe subtitle C, 13% taxes. They want my meter,
which hasn't been read in five years, as accurate as possible. They want your house
as efficient as possible so the electric companies pay as little employment taxes
as possible. They have a vested interest in making sure your house is really
efficient. My meter is really, really accurate because they have to pay taxes and
they want to pay as little as possible.

That's absolutely brilliant. The proof is in the concept. It's been proven multiple

Are you willing to take questions or up for questions? I can take questions. We can
go back up a little bit. Is there sound? Yes, it does. Melika, they need to make
sense. 10K, we can make a next one.

What's the effect of this process, Melika? By doing the W-4 and taking that
withholding amount, when you send it in and sending it along with a Form 1040 and
just putting the excise tax down there, just filling in the excise tax as a
statement only, not signing it as a statement, you keep copies for yourself as
well. Now that amount of withholding now becomes a withholding credit on your
account. I'm changing over my accounting method from cash to approval. Eon has a
class about cash account versus approval because the approval amount rolls over
where the tax credits keep rolling over. That's the effect. The process is, oh,
it's also the process.

My retirement was like $1,200 when I started this in 2014. Now it's over $3,000. I
haven't checked it in the year or two, but it's like $3,000, $4,000 as a social
security benefit because all these corporations are now paying 30% into my social
security Medicare. I haven't tried it, but I should actually get unemployment from
all these W4s, from all these corporations, employees, the electric company,
internet banking. I should be able to get unemployment based on the W4 withholding.

Melika says, this could be done with any type of bank account, quads, banks like
PayPal. Yes, anyone using social security linked accounts, they all have
applications, they're all type of social. They all have a tax liability. That's why
they get so big because if I don't assess the tax, then I pay the taxes and they
keep the credit. When I assess the tax, they pay the tax and
I get my credit back.
How many years can I go back? I'm never not the debtor. I can go all the way back
to the beginning. If I have my credit reports and evidence of the debt, I can
recreate the record. I can go all the way back. Only a debtor can only go back
three years, but a creditor, I'm never not a creditor. It's always my credit. I can
go do that anytime I want.

Then ordering the goods and services and our acceptance by performance creates the
contract. Yes, Melika does. Does that mean religious immunity, religious exemption
notice? No. I would do the religious exemption to have them violate the
constitutional right. That just adds more gravy to the gravy.

Notice of liability against employers mandatory vaccination offers that that's

really a SARS protein uptake. Could you send them in voice first? No, my duty is to
report to the IRS. I have no duty to report to Walmart or anybody else about
anything. My duty is to report because they don't want us to go to war with each
other like we did in the Civil War.

They created this overarching agency, the Internal Revenue Service or the IMF and
the Postal Service so that we could actually take our controversies to the
administrative level. At the administrative level, affidavits are facts. When you
go on board declaratory judgment, which is what the tax court is, if you go into an
administrative hearing, affidavits are fact. Then once the declaratory judgment,
once the hearing body, the data integrity board hearing, the Tata 555QQA, the data
integrity board hearing, the DIPED or the tax court or even a private
administrative where the facts are determined.

Because a corporation cannot sign an affidavit, I can. If I come out to this

corporation and I have my affidavit of stating a fact, who's going to come in and
swear out the corporation statement of facts? Well, they can't. There's no
affidavit. Anything the corporation would bring in would be arguable.

Here's saying, because it's not sworn to. So I have no duty to report to an invoice
to the corporation. My job is to send the invoice to the Internal Revenue Service.
At the Internal Revenue Service, take action on it.

Oh, we have a statement right here that says, you guys have been using the credit
and even when they send me a statement in the mail from these corporations, these
corporations are confessing to having my credit. Otherwise, they wouldn't be
sending me a statement. So these statements every month or the credit report and
these credit reports, all these trade lines are confessing to having my credit that
was sourced from my social security number and account. They admit it. That's

Nothing like getting the other side to self-confess. Pursuit of the bailout, all
those recipients, banks, and many for the whole time. Well, they're holding on to
the people's credits because I haven't assessed the credit to them back to me yet.
I'm reading through the comments here. There's also a blurb somewhere in the code
where if you don't get the credit, you could be held liable for the tax.

There's everything. It has three times. Not three times. That's three times.

I just fell out of Napa Davis saying they refuse. And they don't do it. But in
there, I said, there's a $50 fine on the face of the W-9. And the reason they put
that little, that chintzy little $50 fine because it gives the IRS the ability to
put a hook in the corporation. Now they can drag them in because now they have a
fine interest, financial interest in there, not obey. How would you handle a lock-
in letter from the IRS? That lock-in letter, if you got a copy, who is this? This
is Caroline. Caroline, if you got a lock-in letter, if they gave you a copy, but
they probably have Title 26, 6331, to strengthen levy. And we're going to change
your W-4 to zero and start withholding in two weeks unless you hear back from you
and blah, blah, blah.

Well, if you looked at that code, 6331, they always start with number B. They never
give you number A. Those yada-yadas. And if you look at 26, 6331, I got one of
those in my last employer. I'm now suing them because I have a letter from the tax
work that says I've never had a tax liability.

So this is levy and this is train. It's out of 26. This is the lock-in letter. They
quote this in the lock-in letter.

Any person liable to pay the tax in the tax to do so, levy may be made right here.
Levy may be paid upon the accrued salary or wages of any officer, employee, elected
official of the United States, District of Columbia, or any agency or
instrumentality of the United States, the District of Columbia, by serving a notice
of levy on the employer, such officer, employee, elected official. Remember in the
Public Salary Tax Act, this is through the people that are liable and it's not me.

So they conveniently leave part A out. And if we go further, if we go further and

look at the parallel table authorities, let's see what the levy may be disraining
the price to right here, parallel table authorities. Let's go to the US Code
Statutes. I've got a title 26, 6331, the total of 6331. Look at that.

6331 is a title 27 alcohol, tobacco, and firearms liability. I wrote a FOIA to the
FBI asking them if I've ever had a tax tool event under the Attorney General's
Enforcement Manual. And I can get to that to the Derek, but I mentioned alcohol,
tobacco, gambling, cotton, it's all these enforceable events, criminal events under
title 27. And none of them, title 27 is alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. It has
nothing to do with wages or income. It has wages or income derived from alcohol,
tobacco, firearms, cotton, drugs, and those items. So they're trying to apply
alcohol sales or gun sales or drug sales as if that's where you get your income

And the IRS is so crafty about doing that because they use the transaction code
TC150 in your electronic transcript. TC150 is a class two tax out of the Virgin
Islands. So they take whatever income we make on that W2. They say, this is Virgin
Islands income under class tax two under alcohol, tobacco, and firearms out of the
Virgin Islands. They have a little code and they flip the codes around on the back
end of the IRS. But as we saw, that lock in letter, they're just playing a game.
Where's my chat? There's a tax petition kit.

Miss Lock-In Letter, I don't remember your name, Caroline. I would look up Carrie
Zulman. I would look up Carrie Zulman on YouTube and get a hold of them.

And there's a tax petition kit that you'll send to the tax score, denying you ever
got a Hinoza deficiency and denied that there was never a determination for
collection. And you'll get a no jurisdiction letter. And then at that point, your
employer has not committed theft and conversion because that Lock-In Letter is not
signed. That's not statutorily sufficient.

There's no signature by any responsible party with their, do they have a, what type
of badge do they have? Do they have an A badge? Administrative? Do they have an E
badge? Enforcement badge? Who's ordering the unilateral change of your W-4, which
is a violation of a federal court case? I went to that in 2019. And now I'm going
to be suing that employer, suing Chase Bank, suing Baker America Bank for the theft
and conversion of property without a court order, without a writ, and without a
warrant. Well, we got a letter that says we have to do this. I said, well, I'll
give you a letter and you'll steal that car over there. Will you do that? No.
Well, no, why are you obeying that letter? It's not signed by anybody. It's not a
court order. It's not a writ and it's not a warrant.

You're just going to take my ship because someone says so? Okay. So, I'm going to
do a search and conversion racketeering, and store, and you go ahead and knock
yourself out. But I don't consent to it. I gave you notice at the end. I'll give
you a hand. That's how I'm still in the midst of doing that piece, going after

How would I handle a lock-in letter that's there? Can someone like this work if JAB
is mandated by school? The school's, it's the same thing. They are employing your
name as social security member and now they want you at that kind of get-chapped.
You can do the same type of conditional acceptance. And if they do terminate you,
that's when you do the, out to 75 years, how much money would you have made until
75? And that becomes the alternate valuation of that charter, of that name and
social security member. I just assess it.

So, there we go. Because if the employer would want to come back and say, no, we
didn't front-load the account, they said, well, fine, show me the MoneyNet Daily
Transaction Report, log 120 from the Federal Reserve, showing the source and
destination of the funds and what funds were transferred. Pull that out and we'll
see whether or not they front-loaded the account. MoneyNet Daily Transaction
Report, log 120, shows what the source of the funds and the destination of the
funds and how much the funds are.

And I request a W9 from my employer of 10 years, or do I need a new hire? No, no, I
request W9 from corporations all the time, just for shoulds and do this. Because
then when they don't cough it up, I just send it to the IRS with a suspicious
activity report and a Form 211 so I can get paid because they're refusing to give
me the, if they're not going to give me the tax ID number, they must be up to no
good. And so I find corporations that piss me off and I just go ahead and demand
their W9 and then sick the IRS on them under Form 3949A just to cause a misery when
the IRS comes to not be. I love the IRS. They're terrified of the IRS and that
makes me love them because I'm their agent.

But some can do, so what can someone do if they go, got, let go because they didn't
take the job? That was at 124. Okay, if they terminated your job, that job had
value because when you turned in the
credit application to begin work, the value of your salary is what they projected
out to 75 years. So if I'm 55, I had a $100,000 a year job. They actually took
$100,000 for the next 20 years and scooped it all up at the very beginning to fund
the charter. So that's $2 million that my last employer is sitting on. And when
they threw me off the boat, I couldn't do my time cards anymore.

So they withheld that credit line. So I assessed the value of that credit line on a
W4, take my termination documents, when they give me determination documents, tax
determination, taxable per $26.03 up to $26.00. And then I do an assessed value to
it and I send it off to the IRS with a W4, 1040V because that tax determination is
that's why they give you a termination document.

Okay, if that makes sense, Eric. They didn't let go. They threw you off the boat
and they terminated you. They terminated your interest in the contract. Now they
got a pay for the full value of the contract, they terminated.

I did a 1099A, 1099C on court cases for $2 million and 29 case. On 29 cases,
Martha, you are a busy girl. 29 cases, you're up to the side. You're having a good
And the IRS approved them. Can I do the W4 and each of them? Yeah, I would for the
court. So whatever court was holding onto those cases, and that case number is the
account number.

And yes, I would do the W4 so they have to pay into social care and Medicare. And
I'm really happy these people want to employ my person, pay all these taxes because
I want a fat, fat, fat retirement account, even though it's supposed to go bankrupt
in 2028. What is the list of form statements, statement list to file for each
corporate debtor business? How often would these files be files, these per debtor?
How often would you file them? You could do it quarterly. I mean, it might be
easier to do it quarterly because the paperwork that piles up is just huge. Shoe
boxes will look like receipts. You can do it quarterly. You can do it yearly with
all the little statements, plus the mask and everything. I'm not sure which
recounting you're talking about, Malika, for that little, that 125 PM.

I recently got a property tax bill on my mother's home. She passed last year. I'm
trying to sell it. I've tried to pay the property taxes before with a 1099A. They
wouldn't accept it. How would I handle that? Well, Dukow, I would do the tax
petition kit that Kerry Zulman talks about because if the... And the last call, in
fact, Kerry goes over this property tax issue because the property tax is the same
tax. It's an excise tax like every other tax out there. And if the tax court rules,
there's no... I would even do a tax petition kit for your dead mother. And for the
entire time she worked for her entire life, because if your mother never had a tax
liability, you as the executor can go back in your mother's past and scoop up all
the taxes she's ever paid now comes to the estate. And then you would do the same
thing for yourself.

But if you don't have a tax... If the person does not have a tax liability, then
the question is, okay, Mr. County Assessor, who are you collecting taxes for? The
cartels, the Russians, because the tax court says there is no tax liability. Who
are you collected for? What taxing authority are you taking money for? Because the
tax court says no, there's no liability. And that becomes a conundrum. And you
would also go back and get all your property taxes back too. What if your company
fires you on some technicality after you start the ball rolling with a... They got
the ball rolling on $50 million. I'm not sure what that means.

$50 million, what? I know dollars or something. The ball rolling with a $50 million
offer. Who offered them $50 million? That was a helpful answer.

You welcome, Caroline. Notice of deficiency. And what else? It's a notice of
determination and a notice of deficiency. And Kerry Zulman goes over that. Derek,
probably... I'll make sure Derek gets the most recent email from a Balmain and

And they have 33 attachments. And there's a template for a tax petition kit that we
send to the tax court. And you just fill it out. And Kerry has calls on every other
Tuesday and every Thursday. There's a call with Kerry Zulman. And we talk about
this stuff. And I'm smoking baby on these calls as well.

Kerry... No, C-A-R-Y-Z-O-L-M-A-N. Kerry Zulman. You type it in there. C-A-R-Y-Z-O-


You see, would you do a 1041 since I'm a... No, the social security number is tied
to the... Social security numbers tied to the W-4 tied to the 1040.

If you wanted to take some... If you had... You realize you don't have any tax
liability. And 100% of what is earned at this employment stuff is all an excise
tax. So there is no income at the top. There's only excise tax on the bottom. And
there's even a regulation, 26-13-41, where there's a claim of right. A claim of
right because my labor is a deductible issue.

So there's no reason... Unless I'm going to earn money under my estate or trust EIN
number, when I ever needed to do the 1041. Because if I get 100% back using the
1040, I'm happy using the 1040. And it's interesting because the 1040... Amazing.

There's a tax system... Charter... There's that one... There is my... Well, here it
is. 26-13. I really can't see. There's that...

You know, when we get a job, we fill out a W-4 in an I-9 form, right? That's what
we do. We fill out a W-4 in an I-9 form. The tricky part is that we do this 1040
tax thing. We fill out a form 1040, and the I-9 form, 26, 1040...

I-9 is an agricultural form. It's the Department of Agriculture. That's what the I-
9 is.

We're a farm hand. Because the 1040 tax and the form 1040, they transfer a certain
farm, et cetera, real property. Transferring farm property.

My labor, my body is a land of the state that produces agricultural products. My

signature, my time, my EKG, my blood, my breath. All this is an agricultural
product, including my time commodity. If you rent a car or a horse to plow the
field, that's a time commodity. So the 1040 tax is a farm tax. An I-9 is a farm
form. So that's what the 1040 is. So ridiculous. So that's how that 1040 works.

We are just getting started, and now we'll show you all the other side of the
point. Oh, that's there. I guess I'm gonna stop it there.

1040. There's another interesting publication. I contacted a...

Because I have a lien out there, $74,000 lien at Cook County. And it was
shenanigans. Anyway, so there's a lien out there. And when I go look up the lien by
going in there and finding the recording, it says it's $74,423. And the type of tax
on that lien, on the 688Y Notice of Federal Tax Lien, says type of tax, 1040. The
1040 tax, well, the 1040 tax is the farm tax.

So when I fill out those... Remember the forms I showed you, the 2373, the 10492,
and the 4490? And the 888, and really, that's down here. When I fill out the forms,
the 2373 and 10492, it says type of tax, right? This kind of tax, I will put on
that first column, 2603 tax. That's the type of tax, 2603, just like they put 1040
on the federal tax, on that Notice of Federal Tax Lien. But it's interesting, on
that 688Y Notice of Federal Tax Lien, everyone says, oh, that's fraudulent, you
can't do it, blah, blah, blah. Well, there was $74,000 of unbalanced tax credits.

Because I quit doing the whole filing thing back when I got in trouble with the IRS
back in 2002 or 2003 or something like that. And I went to tax court, and I did a
tax petition kit. And you have 90 days to file a tax petition kit when the IRS
starts barking at you. And so on the 82nd day, I did an awesome petition, which is
great to the tax court. And I sent it in, and the IRS wrote back a week later
saying, motion to dismiss on the grounds that petitioner failed to respond in the
timely matter.

I go, wait a minute, I had 90 days. I sent it down the 82nd day, it got there
before the 90th day. And in the IRS's petition, they wrote that petitioner didn't
file on the timely matter, because 82 days is just as good as 90. And they showed a
court case where 82 days is just as good as 90.

And so I, and I was thinking about it, I said, so the IRS sent me a demand to give
them $12,000 back. And I didn't respond within four days. So on the fourth day, I
became the debtor. I don't care if it's, I don't care if it's 100 days. Two years,
it doesn't matter on the fourth day, when they wrote a notice, and I had three days
to rebut, I didn't rebut within the four day period, you know, within three days,
the first on the fourth day, I became the debtor. So I wrote back to the tax court,
and I told the tax court that petitioner agrees with respond at that 82 days is
just as good as 90, just as three days, just like four days is just as good as 90.
And however, it's more than apparent that I am, I am not well schooled and
untrained in regards to the public policy and the internal revenue code and tax
matters. And until I get caught up and educated and ensure that I understand how it
works, I will not be filing any more returns because I must file an independent of
the aburgery. And it's more than apparent, I don't know what I'm doing. I'm not
going to purge it myself.

And he sent it back to the tax court, and the tax court wrote back, he said that,
he said, petitioner, and he put it in quotes, petitioner agrees with responded, and
that petitioner will endeavor to better understand the tax code, blah, blah, blah,
blah, and then I haven't filed a census, and I just haven't done anything since
then, because they never trained me how to use this tax code or do anything like
that, they haven't trained me. So in the meantime, there's all this excise tax, all
this unbalance of accounts setting up to 74,000 in 2014, and all of a sudden I get
this notice of federal taxing, they had the hearing without me and everything else,
blah, blah. And so that's $74,000 is an excise tax that's unbalanced. And people
say, that's fraudulent. I go until I looked into the Cook County records where it
said that the IRS is the grantor and smoking baby is the grantee. It's not a
creditor-debtor relationship, it's a grantor-grantee relationship.

So what happens is this guy's a private investigator and some kind of, the dude
that, the guy's name, Mr. Fisher, his name, and he has this little, his IRS number
in there, Mr. Fisher came and scooped up that $74,000 of unbalanced excise tax.

He put it in his pocket, named himself the grantee, and named me, named himself the
grantor, and named me the grantee, and thereby locking up in a perpetuity. It's a
tax credit for him, he's probably investing the shit out of it. So it's not
fraudulent because Mr. Fisher filed a lien against himself. He didn't file a lien
against me, he filed a lien against Mr. Fisher, because he's the grantee, and he
never paid me the grant, he withheld the grant. So my recouping of that $74,000 is
going to be via W-4, where I assess the taxes, and now the excise taxes that are
unbalanced are no longer unbalanced, and now Mr.

Fisher, as the grantee, has to turn over that grant. And the fun thing about grants
is, if I get a grant, $10,000 grant to go to school, I don't pay back the grant.
It's not a loan. So that's the fun part about it. about that.

This is applied to mortgages, yes. Mortgages is more involved. We can have a longer
class on that because of the complexity of all the Scuttlebutt. There are at least
seven different defects in what they call a mortgage. There's seven different
defects and it's much longer than this class.

Just talking about people who are facing, losing their job. They still have a
credit line out to 75 years and I get to assess the tax. I get to assess the value.
That's how much are my shoes worth in the desert? Well, I'm gonna assess the value.
I'm gonna do a good faith value. I'm not gonna be Mr.

Evil getting a Gagillion, but billions of a zillion dollars like it's solely on the
Austin Power Show. But I'll make it a good faith based on the value of the contract
at the time of termination. I was making 150,000 at the time of termination. I
would do the assessment of 150 out until 20 years and do that withholding.
Because if they, and so that's different than a mortgage. The mortgage is
completely different. There's multiple W4s, multiple 1040s, there's multiple 40s,
there's multiple defects. And not to mention a mechanics lien and an agricultural
lien that goes into the mortgage saying, and the mortgage and the foreclosure
processes, they do not blink at having a mechanics liens four times the value of
the house. They don't blink. They don't blink at all. This is a lot of words,
probably a lot of words that maybe float over people. I hope I didn't boggle the
brain instead of refresh the brain.

To basically, I have to determine the value of the estate out of all the deposits
and all of the jaws or how much the value I'm earning now out to 75 years because
the vessel has to retire at 75 years. And that's the amount of value that they took
and withheld from them. And that's why I use the withholding certificate. I just
have to produce the evidence of it.

Either put them in default or use their own statements. And that goes with the W4
along with the 1040V. And I fill out whatever's on the W4, put it on the
withholding section of the 1040 and send it all in to room 3413, 1500 Pennsylvania
Avenue with a cover letter saying this is my good faith estimate because as it is
my intent to be in voluntary compliance with the internal revenue code. And in
furtherance of my intending to be in voluntary compliance with internal revenue
code, I present this as good faith estimate and statement of withheld credit
transferred to transferee or terminated by trustee, dubtaxable termination, job
number or a skip person who's transferring credits to a skip person to transfer
who's liable under 2603.

This is my good faith effort. If there's a better way you want me to do it, please
let me know. If you have any suggestions how to make it better or if there's any
mistakes, please let me know.

I am here to assist the internal revenue service for it is my intent to be in

voluntary compliance with the internal revenue code. Kindly yours, agent, smoking
baby. And so now I can't be a tax protester. It can't be a tax protester. When I've
stated multiple times it's my intent to be voluntary compliance and I need your
help IRS. So the IRS can't bitch about me.

They don't give me help. They can't come back right when I gave them. Told them I
needed the help. They can't come back and do anything other than help me. Certainly
can't charge me with it. It's a type of evasion.

Use the IRS under. I love the IRS. I love it.

And if the enemies know anything about the IRS they could turn around and hit the
Clintons for the liability they just knew how to. I intend, maybe the group here,
I've been trying to put together false statements by Fucci and by that Whizalinsky,
that nasty beast. And by the NIH and the NAID, I'm trying to find false statements
where they made factually false statements. Because under Title 15, 78FF false
statements have a $25 million liability. And realize any representative of value is
an obligation of the United States. And that statutory penalty of $25 million wants
to assess based on a false statement. Because I'm gonna send Fucci a little letter
saying, here's all your statements. I've seen no facts or evidence that these
statements are not false. Please respond with proof that these statements are
indeed not false.

And when he doesn't do it, it's an automatic default. And it's a $25 million
because he admits to making false statements by not rebudding my negative everment
affidavit. And then I'll just send it all to the IRS. There you go, Mr.

Fucci has a $25 million false statement penalty. And now Fucci has to go play with
the IRS and convince the IRS that his statements aren't false. Imagine him doing
that at Fucci, Fucci making the statements not false. Same thing that Whizalinsky,
all these other dirtbags out there, making false statements, even the newscasters
and everybody else.

Because you can't sue them because the jab murders people, but you can sue them for
making false statements under consumer protection. And that falls under Title 15,
1692 E and Title 15, 1692, 78 FF, is that correct? It's Title 15, 1692 E and 78 FF.
So consumer protection says they can't make false statements. Of course you can't
sue them for the jab. That's gonna murder everybody, but you can hit them for the
false statements. Consumer protection.

Can you pull that up on the screen so people can see what you're speaking of if
it's not too much? Sorry about that. I was just having fun seeing it in my brain.
Sure, appreciate all the guidance that you're providing today. Oh, I love hitting
people with taxes. It's so much fun.

People, by people I mean debt corporations. The debt collector may not use false or
misleading to subject tax and the connection committed to debt without limiting the
general application of the, without limiting the general application of the phone,
the following context is violated. False representation, application of the debt
collector. Because you realize they're getting all kinds of money for this jab
stuff, right? So since they're getting all kinds of money for this jab stuff, okay,
you guys are collecting, you're collecting debts for the American taxpayers for
your poison and you're making false statements to collect it. So this is the, I
realize I'm consturing this.

Let them go argue it's not true. Imagine them going to argue this stuff. That'd be

Now they have to prove it wrong. They go back, they can't see, I can't see the
line. I have to shrink it again. It's where the banner's not shrinking away there.
How much is it? 15, 78 at the. What banner are you speaking of? You know the stop
sharing and all the controls at the top of the screen. Oh yeah, I can't see it on
my end, but that is the thing I'm gonna ask you.

Here you go, willful violations, false misleading statements, 5 million and 25
million. And prison, 20 years. I just assess it and let them, now let them go, all
right, I'm just doing a good faith assessment based on why they're here. I don't
have to have any first that knowledge. Neither does the IRS have to have first that
knowledge. Nothing that IRS says, prints or set, says, prints or mails out is
factual. The Supreme Court says you can't rely on anything the IRS says, because
it's the taxpayers job and though the law, not the IRS. Well, since I've been
acting as a tax assessor, I can allege and assess all these things in good faith
based on these statutes.

And now Mr. Fucci and Mr. Wieselicki and NIH and NAID and Brian Seltzer and all
these other douchebags out there lying on the news. Oh, now they can go argue with
the IRS and prove that they are indeed not making false statements or proof that it
doesn't apply to them. Call them up in court and everything like that.

The IRS is gonna be collecting 13% upfront and they can fight to get the 13% back
if it's wrong. I love the IRS. And I've registered as a foreign agent on behalf of
the IMF with the Department of Justice. Well, that's the only way, so maybe you're

I wanna be a foreign agent, show them my badge. I'm an IMF agent. I need to see all
your books. I need to see all your accounting related to this account number. So,
security number, I'm an IMF agent. Show.
So, yes, yeah, so consumer protection is where I'm hitting them with lying to the
public. So, anyone lying to the public, you just assess a tax for it and let them
go argue themselves out of a bag. Because all crimes are commercial under CFR. What
is it, 27? I can't
remember it now. 72, all crimes are commercial under CFR 27, 72, 11. All crimes
are commercial.

So, Pauline asks this question. Even when faced with a non-judicial foreclosure
where the home is sold to an enterprise, to a enterprise, the tax credits, and
perhaps keep the home as well. You're the creditor. You don't have a debt. You
can't have a debt. You engage in a third-party retail and summon agreement as an
undisclosed third-party investor and an undisclosed third-party beneficiary to your
brokerable trust. There's so many defects and there's, yeah, you're the source of

Even if the house is gone, do you still go back and hit them with a taxes? Can you
show all the docs needed to stop the bags, for examples? I only heard about this
last night. I'll be working up with Derek to make a template as far as the
assessment. And there's a couple other really good websites out there about the
religious exemptions. But there's also a tax form.

10, NEC, NEC, NEC, NEC. NEC, NEC, NEC. Non-employee compensation is open to

That's a little left. Emotional. Look at this.

The United States damages received on account of emotional distress, including

physical symptoms, such as insomnia, headaches, stomach disorders. You can hit the
1099 NEC. You can assess the tax for these things on the 1099 NEC.

Emotional distress. This is a new form, by the way. Also report liquidated damages
received under age discrimination, foreign agricultural workers, FACTA.

There's all kinds of really good stuff in this NEC. It used to be part of the
miscellaneous, but they really broke this stuff out really nicely here for the NEC.
So you see the MISC and NEC, they split them up recently. And you still have the
1098 F, 1099, 1099, 1098 F. That's not my liquor came up with that, I'm sure.

1098 F for fees and fines. 1098 F. Yeah, fines, penalties, another amount.

This is another funnel. So, I think that's a good point. So, if they cause you
distress, you can get them with that. I mean, how much is your distress worth? You
can put a value to it. And I can sign an affidavit. I've seen no facts or evidence.

The value of my distress is not $50,000 or $100,000. You don't wanna do a good
billion, but billion, and a billion, like Dr. G. Holbrook.

There might even be some court cases for the intentional affliction of emotional
distress. Might be some awards out there which are reasonable awards given the
circumstances. And so, you can use the 1099 and you see, this is my jam right here
to show you, I showed you some of the code. I will do a session.

Oh, that's all finesse with the houses or outside the idea of employment. I have a
transcription of the CEO of my employer making false statements. Can I build a case
from him? I'll be made false statements. Yeah, you could hit him with a false
statement then. Let's see what he does. Fun to do. Could you just doing this in
good faith? I always write done in good faith. Here we go again.
So I can go back to 2008 when I lost five pounds to foreclosure and use this
process to assess the taxes. Yeah, so you can do that. But right now we're dealing
with employers. So there's multiple, multiple, multiple defects in the real estate
part. I mean, you look into it, run with it. But I mean, if you just get 1% back,
you're going to Vegas for a long time.

Is there a false claim form for the IRS should we use as a statement? No, no, the
false claims under consumer protection in title 15 just establishes a value for
being a douche bag of 25 million. So once we establish the representative of value,
which is title 18, section eight, which is the obligation of the United States,
well then we just take that false claim, send it to the United States for that 25
million. Now whoever made the false statements owes the United States 25 million.
And they'll get hit by IRS.

This is where you're doing your civic duty to make sure the United States Treasury
isn't being robbed because you're an investor in the United States Treasury. You
have an interest in bringing down the national debt. And so these corporations,
they scoop out a chunk out of these corporations and put it back in the Treasury
and it comes back to us as credit. So these corporations will like now have to
behave because these corporations, they can't just run amok. As long as I let the
corporations, if I don't assess the amount of transfer, taxable terminations and
skip version transfer or value, if I let these corporations run away with all that
credit, I'll be impoverished slaving away while these corporations build bigger and
bigger and bigger buildings and buy bigger and bigger yachts, going to bigger,
bigger private islands, Mr. Amazon and all you other assholes out there because
they're running away with the credit, right? Because I'm not assessing the transfer
taxes that are liable to whoever the transfer is or trustee is. We start assessing
all these taxes. Imagine if we had just 100,000 Americans hit Pfizer with 25
million and false claims and false statements act, Pfizer would be destroyed. Same
thing with all these other assholes, they'd be destroyed.

So the false, let's not a false statement report. We send taxes, we do an

assessment. We established the value of the false statement at 25 million. Now that
we've established the value of 25 million, anything that represents value is a
Title 18, Section 8 obligation of the United States. In so sense, it's the
obligation of the United States.

I take the value of that 25 million in whatever evidence I have, shows that they
defaulted in made false statements. I write paid to United States Treasury, done a
good faith, by, shall not survive the name. And then I attach it to a W-4 with 25
million with the evidence of a representative of value with a 1040V and a 1040,
with 25 million sent down there. And I sent it off to 3413, 3415, 1500 Pennsylvania
Avenue, with a letter saying this is my good faith assessment of the value of this
false statement. And if I'm here to help you, it's my intent to be in voluntary
compliance. If you can, any way to make it better, please let me know.

If there's training, I would love to get training. And if there's anything you
need, please let me know. And I'm coming in, because I'm their agent now. I'm
working with the IRS, I am the assessor. I do the tax assessment. They're not my

So it's not a false statement report. It's a report of 25 million liability from
the false statements. I mean, that's the representative of value. And that's the
IRS goes into that collection.

Correct me if I'm wrong. I believe it's 25 million. If it's an individual making

the false statement, it's 100 million if it was based upon the corporation making
the false statement.
Is that what it says? I don't know. I believe so. Is that a 78FF? Yeah, 78FF. I see
5 million, 25 million. Oh, it's in there.

2 million issuer. Might have been title 15, 1692E was 100 million. No, no, 1692E is
the circumstance in 78FF is the obvious.

I see 5 in 25. There you go. And 20 years. And 20 years.

Let me see, Rushmore alone is the response to my remittance. In response to my

remittance, stated to me in a letter, they don't deal with it, deal and UCCs are
1099s. Well, that's fine.

I'll assess of tax and even talk to the IRS. Now we'll send that letter with them
too. Oh, here's what these people, I'm not sure what to do with this, but here's my
assessment of the amount of transfer credit to the transfer E on line eight and the
amount transferred on line six. Here we go. Got it.

I used with the W-4 credit. It's used with the W-4 credit. Yes, the W-4 is the
assessment. The W-4 is the basis of the amount of credit transferred to the number,
the line eight person or the employer. The W-4 is the assessment because the W-4 is
not a claim, it's an anti-claim. Don't pay me $30,000, which means they have
$30,000 in credit.

It goes with the W-4, the 1040B to the 1040B. Just like the 2373, the 10492 and the
449. The prompt assessment, 4810 is the 3949A. They're parallels. It's always

What would be a guideline for assessing the tax against the utility company since
we use that service for life? Well, actually, you're interested in that service of
life and that's why you loan them credit. Since you loan them a principal amount of
credit, you get paid your interest payment up front. There's principal and
interest. Usually the interest is paid first and the principal last. Well, when I
turned on my electric, I got electric because I was interested in electricity.

I issued an Article 5 letter of credit, which became the credit that funded my
account. The principal amount that was funded is all the statements plus all the
payments. The interest payment, I get the interest payment up front. I get
electricity right now up front. I get my interest up front because I was interested
in electricity, but the principal amount of the credit, the $10,000, $5,000 in
statements, $5,000 in payments, that principal amount of loaned credit at the end
of the year, W-4, 1040B statements, and the 1040, I get my 10 grand back, but I get
my interest payment up front, so electricity or water or internet or banking.
Interest doesn't have to be in chicken. It doesn't have to be in dollar bills,
maybe in chickens and light bulbs and stuff like that.

This is better than Marycroft ending for the thought thinking. This is really fun
because I don't have to argue anything. I just come in as the agent and do a good
faith assessment based on the evidence I've acquired and let the IRS go run with
them. So, Chvod, I really do like doing this.

There was a case where this guy got a judgment against this people he did sprinkler
service for in Northern Utah, and it was a $3,000 judgment. He was moaning and
groaning about, oh, I don't know how to collect it. I don't know how to collect
it. They don't want to pay me.

So, my paralegal background, I went over to the court and said, yeah, I'm here for
a judgment debtor, and we need to come in and begin the collection actions. And the
clerk at the window, he's very nice, he says, oh, you want a motion and
supplemental hearing? Okay, here's a packet. He gave me this motion and
supplemental hearing where we moved the court for a supplemental hearing for rites
of garnishment, seizure, attachment, and whatever the other one is. We're talking a

And so, we brought up the motion and supplemental hearing, and I included with that
motion and supplemental hearing to form 433A, which is an individual, and 433B,
that's for a business where then the IRS comes to seize your stuff. They send you
out of 433A and 433B, so you can write down all your assets. So, the IRS knows
where to go to stoop them. So, in this motion and supplemental hearing, I moved the
judge to order the judgment debtor to fill out these 433A and 433Bs, showing all
their assets, because if they're cheating the judgment creditor, they're probably
also cheating the Internal Revenue Service in the United States as well. They got
hit with that, and they come running into court.

No, no, we'll come in. We'll make a payment plan. We don't want to fill out these
433A, we'll just make a payment plan. They're terrified of the IRS, so there's a
motion and supplemental hearing.

Why not use them to our advantage? What's them? So, the tax-adjusted utility
policy. Why not us them to our advantage? I don't know what that means, or I'm
hogging up a lot of time. Use them.

What is them? What is it that them be though they, he, she, it, we? What is them?
Pronouns kill me. Pronoun trouble. The second pronoun trouble in Google, and you'll
see Bugs Bunny, but I don't want to. Sorry. Where are the forms again? Oh, 433Alpha
and 433Bravo. 433A and 433B.

Because if they're cheating, cheating me, they're probably cheating the IRS too.
The judge looked at it and says, oh, that's reasonable. You went ahead and wrote
the order.

They treat you completely different than the judgment credit. You don't have to pay
anything. You just come in there and follow along. Make sure the judge is

What, that's worth we are. We are using the IRS. I'm not using it to my advantage.
I'm actually an IRS agent because I have to do place order, key workers, and report
to the IRS. I'm an agent for the IRS in the first place. And if I want to go to war
with my principal, I don't know why I want to do that. And I just call and ask them
for help. Hey, I need your help. How do I do this? They only tell me to try to do
that. Most people go half-bought to just do whatever they want. They don't sign a
good thing.

I like getting instruction ahead of time because once I put them on notice, this is
what I intend to do. This is how I'm going to do it. Here's an example of what I'm
going to do. If you see anything inappropriate or any way to improve it, please let
me know. Otherwise, if I don't hear it back from you, I'll go ahead and proceed.

I sent out IRS has something called enrolled agents. In the Catholic church, you
have cardinals, red robes, and everything. Enrolled agents are like cardinals in
the Catholic church. They can go anywhere and represent anybody anywhere across
state lines where a CPA is stuck within their boundaries.

So this enrolled agent, oh, so I found a enrolled agent. I tried to call him up. I
tried to call him up. He never answered the phone. Never returned my phone call.

So in October of 2016, I wrote an email to the IRS asking them about this enrolled
agent. I said, do you have any information about this enrolled agent? I contacted
him several times, but he's not actually responding. And I need his assistance so
that I can be involuntarily compliant. Two years later to the day, plus 10, two
years later on October 18, 2018, the IRS wrote me back saying, do you still need
help with this enrolled agent? If you do, please submit another request. It took
him two years to respond to an email.

So when I give him a notice ahead of time, this is what I intend to do. Here's my
example. If I need some help, please let me know if I can do it better.

I give them notice and fair hearing to show that I'm on the other side of my
client. I'll hack off just doing whatever I want to, like the due course, because
I'm the agent. As the agent, I have a duty to check in with my principal and get
direction from my principal. Under the law of agency, there's a book out there, the
law of agency, because it's old. So I give him notice.

And now they can't come back and say, I did it locally or just like that. And no,
here's my, see right here, this email, essentially. Yeah, here we go. I asked you
for help. You didn't provide it. And now you're getting a bitch about it. I shipped
a liability as soon as I gave you notice and you didn't do anything. Now the
liability rests on you. You have a primary active degree of hope. Don't bitch at

How would you work this process from an estate perspective? An estate, what's the
source of the credit for the estate? Original L. I don't, I mean, estate, trust in
the States are for three things. Managing corporations, managing, controlling
governments, controlling corporations, if we're asset flow, that's what these,
that's what these trusts in the States are for. Managing governments, controlling
corporations, and for asset flow. That's the purpose of a trust and a trust in the
State. It's limiting liability. Otherwise, I just use the social. Yeah, I like the

Well, yeah, it's a DC and a state, but again, estates are for asset flow. And an
estate by itself is not a business entity. If you start using an estate EIN out
there, now it becomes a trust and a state and it's taxed like a trust in the state.
And if it's a grantor, grantor, trust or estate, then it's taxed at the same rate
as the grantor is, unless you have an exchanger instead of a grantor. And so I just
like using the social because of the social is a direct hit to the IMF, which is
the source of the source of the value behind, behind the money because my birth
certificate funded it all when they got the Social Security member. So that's my
IMF account, the social security numbers, my IMF account. I'm happy with it. People
want to get rid of it and everything.

Why? I don't have a tax liability. Has no jurisdiction over the state of a person
who is effective. Yeah, you have to come back and prove you're alive.

I agree with all that. But we're talking about taxes right now. There's still tax
liability unless you take a fiduciary fee or 100% everything the trust makes, but I
want to get all that credit back. I don't want to have a zero tax liability. I want
to have a net positive. If you get all the excise tax credit back, I want the tax
credit back. I just don't want it to go to zero.

If you sent for your master, yeah, the master file, I'm going to subpoena my master
file through the tax court. IRS won't cut. Yeah, I guess they do for some people.
They give me a run around for like three years trying to get my BMF and IMF.
There's also an IMF, I ask, there's a couple of different ones.

So I'm going to subpoena through the tax court so I can change that domicile from
Virgin Islands back to Alabama. TC150 is a Virgin Island code and that's how I get
everybody into Title 27 because they falsified their records because no one correct
the record or knew it existed to state where our domicile is. So the domiciles
presumed to be in the District of Columbia or one of its possessions and that's how
the IRS gets away with it.

Yeah, I mean, you could do all that. But again, I just play with the social. The W-
4 only takes a social. The W-4 doesn't take anything else. So if I want to assess
taxes, I hit them with the W-4.

That takes a social. Anything else is, you know, anyway. All social. I'm not afraid
of the social.

I don't have a tax liability. The tax court already ruled a tax liability, which
makes me a tax predator. I'm not...

Everyone's using these LLCs and they're trying to minimize what's going to say
evade, but that's too harsh, minimize their taxes. I don't have a tax liability.
Yes, that's all true, but it has nothing to do with the W-4 process and how these
people who are going to get fired from their job, when they're terminated from
their job, go back and assess all that credit that was front loaded when they
started their job at the very beginning. Because if they get terminated, now they
get to go assess the remaining value of that bareboat charter of $100,000 a year
out to your $75,000 and assess that tax determination of that account because you
are interested in that account and they threw you off the boat and you're the one
that funded the operation, fine, give me all my credit back. You don't get to throw
me off the boat that I funded the operation for and then say, I can't come eat
there anymore. Screw you. I'm going to assess the tax. I'm going to assess the
remaining value of the estate as a withholding tax and then watch them weep. Yeah,
there's that Dr.

Evil laugh I was waiting for. How good. How good.

Yes, they're weeping via praise to God as his righteousness. Their weeping will
prove how righteous God is. Right. Amen to that.

Any other questions for smoking baby before we shift gears? We're getting ready to
go into the private side of it, not saying that what smoking baby is shared with
you is not on the private side. Just another aspect of the private side. It's an
excellent seminar on tax assessment using the W-4 for getting your credits.

All other ideas are for other purposes. So the so the so Derek, I suspect that the
process you're doing would be the offensive process when you're going to contact
them to get to some to get them to admit something. That's correct.

We're going to come in and in a position of being a man or a woman. We're going to
stray away from using things like defendant interloper, inter pleater, witness,
plaintiff. And we are going to attack the subject matter mono a mono man versus man
woman versus woman or woman versus man. And we leave the fictional realm and we
come into reality where we hold our own court and what ends up happening and we're
in the middle of this process.

Now it's already been proven to work many of times before it was presented to me a
few years back and I kind of pushed it off to the back burner for a while. And I
got tired of grinding statutes, codes, city ordinances, rules, regulations, and I
saw a much simpler path to bringing forward a claim, not a complaint. The important
thing about it was to identify the difference in the jury.

Now you're not your blanket. You just you just like you can't touch it. It's
tangible. You can't smell it. You can't taste it. You can't feel it. All right.
It's something that you either know that exists or you don't have any knowledge of
it. And when you don't have any knowledge by default, you fall subject to be prey.
And look, I start talking enough says I have unstable internet. I know. Yeah. And
this is what happens during every one of my classes.

But anyway, we will do our best to get through it. So what I'm going to be and
first of all, let me start off by saying thank you, smoking baby. What a brilliant
presentation. And for those of you that went over your head, don't worry if you're
a participating member, you will get an audio video copy of this and an MP4 form.
So don't fret if it went over your head, you'll be able to go back and recap over
and over and over again until those seeds mature and manifest in your mind and give
you a adequate knowledge base for standing your square and executing that process.
It's very simplistic. It's really, it went into great detail about it. It is
actually very, very simple. Okay. And his process avoids all the semantics of going
into court and trying to put forth any argument or anything like that. Okay. It's
just the same process I execute is similar in the fact that one, there is no
argument at the end of the day.

It's just here, sign this writ of execution because we effectively have given
notice to them about a future trust pass that will cause us harm. And we are going
to ask them if it is their intent. Now failure to respond to this notice is
acquiescence by tacit agreement. And at that point, if they move against you, you
have your first notice, your first correspondence in place that actually proves
that their intent was in fact, they were noticed about the fact that if they moved
against you, it would in fact cause you harm and be perceived to be a trust pass
against your unalienable rights for which you are rightfully doing owing just
compensation, not an income, not a reward, just compensation. So we'll get started
off on that here in just a moment. That's all before we get going.

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