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Review of Consumer Perceptions of and Behavior Toward the Price of Organic Food.”

The Journal of Consumer Affairs, vol. 51, no. 1, 2017, pp. 211–51. JSTOR, Accessed 21 Sept. 2023.

In the journal article, organic food prices are studied. Aschemann-Witzel and Zielke

investigate the role of perceived price, willingness to buy, price knowledge, and reactions to

prices on organic foods. In this study, they came to the conclusion that price is the critical factor

in whether or not a consumer will purchase an organic product. They see a differentiation of data

when comparing a nonorganic to an organic consumer. Compared to the organic, a nonorganic

consumer is less likely to purchase any of the foods due to the premium price.

Nuttavuthisit, Krittinee, and John Thøgersen. "The Importance of Consumer Trust for the

Emergence of a Market for Green Products: The Case of Organic Food: JBE." Journal of

Business Ethics, vol. 140, no. 2, 2017, pp. 323-337. ProQuest,



Consumer trust is a key term in the scholarly journal by Nuttavuthisit and Thogersen. For

companies to sell a product, they need consumer trust to establish a market for credence goods.

Having mistrust in a company's products can be a barrier to consumers' purchases. The journal
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continues to examine the development and low trust of organic food in Thailand. They used two

groups and ten interviews to reveal the knowledge on low trust, certification, control, and

labeling of organic food. Overall, mistrust in the control system and authenticity of the food

negatively impacts buying.

Smith-Spangler C, Crystal, Brandeau ML, Hunter GE, Bavinger JC, Pearson M, Eschbach PJ,

Sundaram V, Liu H, Schirmer P, Stave C, Olkin I, Bravata DM,. “Are Organic Foods Safer or

Healthier than Conventional Alternatives?: A Systematic Review.” EBSCOhost, 2012 American

College of Physician, 4 Sept. 2012,


In “Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional Alternatives?: A Systematic


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