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−Computer Vision−

Week 04: Computer Vision

Lab 03: YOLO Object Detection

Date: Wednesday, 11 October, 2023

1200 - 1300
1400 - 1700

Course Instructor: Dr. Momina Moetesum

Lab Engineer: Haider Ali

Lab 3: YOLO Object Detection (GRADED)

NOTE: Read Exercise details. There are enough hints and resources that will help you to
complete this lab.

In this lab, we'll focus on YOLO (You Only Look Once) object detection and delve into the core
concepts of transfer learning within this context. YOLO is a popular deep learning model for
real-time object detection, and transfer learning can be a powerful technique to adapt YOLO for
specific object detection tasks without starting from scratch. Throughout this lab, you will
engage in a series of exercises that explore the principles and methodologies of transfer learning
for YOLO, covering topics such as:

1. Leveraging Pre-trained YOLO Models for Custom Object Detection Tasks: You'll
learn how to use pre-trained YOLO models and adapt them to new object detection tasks,
saving time and computational resources.
2. Fine-tuning YOLO Model Architectures for Specific Domains: You'll understand how
to fine-tune the architecture of YOLO models to better suit the specific requirements of
your object detection domain, such as adjusting the number of anchor boxes or layers.
3. Optimizing Transfer Learning for Enhanced YOLO Performance: You'll explore
techniques for optimizing the transfer learning process to achieve better object detection
performance, including adjusting learning rates, batch sizes, and other hyperparameters.
4. Real-world Applications of Transfer Learning in YOLO Object Detection: You'll
examine real-world applications of YOLO-based transfer learning in computer vision,
such as custom object detection in autonomous vehicles, security systems, and robotics.

Tools/Software Requirements:

Google Colab: Ensure you have access to Google Colab for this exercise. Make sure to change
the runtime type to GPU from the menu to leverage GPU acceleration for faster training and

Exercise 1: Fine-tune YOLO Object Detection for Custom Dataset


In this exercise, your task is to perform object detection on a custom dataset using a pre-trained
YOLO (You Only Look Once) architecture. YOLO is a highly efficient and accurate deep
learning model for object detection, and you can take advantage of its pre-trained weights to
expedite the process of detecting objects in your own dataset.

Specifically, the goal of this exercise is to implement a YOLO model that can identify and locate
cups within images. This has practical applications in scenarios like inventory management,
object recognition in robotics, or even in everyday computer vision tasks.

During this exercise, you will:

● Set up the environment: You will configure your deep learning environment, making sure
you have the necessary libraries and tools installed.
● Obtain pre-trained YOLO weights: You'll download pre-trained YOLO weights, which
serve as a foundation for your custom object detection task.
● Adapt the model to your custom dataset: You will fine-tune the pre-trained YOLO model
to recognize cups within your specific dataset. This process involves adjusting the
model's parameters and training it on your custom data.
● Evaluate the model: You will assess the performance of your custom YOLO model on the
cup detection task, looking at metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall.

To complete this exercise, you should follow the instructions provided in the documentation
available at It is essential that you thoroughly understand the
content on the documentation's home page. You can also supplement your learning by watching
related instructional videos.
If there is code available on GitHub as a resource, you may use it as a reference, but ensure that
you do not directly copy and paste all of the code. It's important to engage with the code to gain a
deeper understanding of the implementation and adapt it to your specific needs.

Exercise 2: Real-time Object Detection in Video


In this practical exercise, your objective is to create a real-time object detection model using
YOLO (You Only Look Once). The goal is to perform seamless and efficient object detection
within video streams. You can watch the expected performance of the object detection model in
action by viewing this demonstration video: Real-Time Object Detection Video.

By the end of this exercise, you should be able to build a real-time object detection system that
can identify and track objects within video feeds, offering a valuable skill with applications in
fields such as computer vision, surveillance, and more.

You can capture the video frames by using below code:


Task 1: Setting Up YOLO

● Install the necessary libraries and dependencies, including OpenCV, to work with YOLO.

Task 2: Obtaining YOLO Pre-trained Weights

● Download YOLO's pre-trained weights, which serve as the foundation for your object
detection task.

Task 3: Object Detection on Images

● Implement YOLO for object detection on a set of static images. Annotate and visualize
the detected objects.

Task 4: Real-time Object Detection in Video

● Configure YOLO to perform real-time object detection within a live video stream. You'll
learn how to access the video feed, process each frame, and display annotated video in

Task 5: Performance Analysis (Optional)

● Evaluate the performance of YOLO in terms of detection accuracy, speed, and resource

Task 6: Custom Object Detection (Optional)

● Explore how to adapt YOLO for custom object detection tasks. You'll fine-tune YOLO to
recognize specific objects relevant to your application.

Task 7: Advanced Object Detection (Optional)

● If you want to challenge yourself, consider more advanced tasks like object tracking,
multi-object detection, or integrating YOLO into a real-world project.

​ YOLO official documentation.
​ Pre-trained YOLO models for download.
​ Online tutorials and videos explaining YOLO implementation.

Lab 3: YOLO Object Detection (UNGRADED)

Optional: You can choose to attempt it or leave it unattempted, or you can attempt it from home;
it's ungraded. We highly encourage you to give it a try

Objective: Enhance YOLO's ability to detect multiple objects in a single image or video frame
and develop strategies for effective result management and display (CHALLENGING).

● Adapt YOLO for multi-object detection.
● Handle overlapping or occluded objects.
● Create clear visualizations of detection results.
● Optimize for real-time performance.
● Test the model's performance on diverse datasets.

Completion Criteria: Successfully adapt YOLO for accurate multi-object detection and
demonstrate effective result management and display.
Additional Notes: Multi-object detection is crucial for various computer vision applications, and
this task equips you with essential skills in handling complex scenarios.

—---GOOD LUCK—---

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