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Q1: A book by Laura Ingalls Wilder's great-grandson is appropriately called this "on Rocky


The crrect Answer is: <i>Little House</i>

Q2: This country's Rand was named for a gold mining region?

The crrect Answer is: South Africa

Q3: (VIDEO DAILY DOUBLE):"(Hi, I'm Jay Leno) Car buffs like me know in starting some
classic cars you pull out the choke to constrict airflow to this part"?

The crrect Answer is: Carburetor

Q4: Nicknamed "Bubble" & looking like a hot tub the Cray-2 is the world's fastest of these?

The crrect Answer is: water-cooled computer

Q5: Julia Roberts played this title crusader in a 2000 film while the real woman had a cameo
as a waitress?

The crrect Answer is: Erin Brockovich

Q6: Pick up a walking stick & you'll see that it has this many legs?

The crrect Answer is: six

Q7: On June 14, 1971 the first in this chain of restaurants opened in London?

The crrect Answer is: the Hard Rock Cafe

Q8: It's secreted by the liver, stored in the gallbladder & released into the duodenum after

The crrect Answer is: Bile

Q9: The female cockroach has a packing case for these & carries it until she finds a good
spot for them?

The crrect Answer is: her eggs

Q10: The atheist believed his existence would conclude with his final excursion to the

The crrect Answer is: cemetery

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