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Q1: This ship, Columbus' favorite, made at least 5 trips to the New World?

The crrect Answer is: the <i>Nià ±a</i>

Q2: The Mary Tyler Moore statue, the "Purple Rain" house?

The crrect Answer is: Minneapolis

Q3: A 2005 court decision called intelligent design "a religious view, a mere re-labeling of"
this -ism, not science?

The crrect Answer is: creationism

Q4: Meryl Streep starred in this 1985 film, the only one with a continent in its title to win
"Best Picture"?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Out of Africa</i>

Q5: Daredevil?

The crrect Answer is: a baton

Q6: Arthur Kipps gives Ann Pornick "half" of this British coin as a token of his love?

The crrect Answer is: a sixpence

Q7: When Bill Clinton went digital, he chose this name of his dog as his password?

The crrect Answer is: Buddy

Q8: The World Peace Pagoda in this city also called Yangon was built to mark 2,500 years of

The crrect Answer is: Rangoon

Q9: Richard Sylvan Selzer was the real name of this Mr., known for his annual worst-
dressed lists?

The crrect Answer is: Mr. Blackwell

Q10: Clocked at 36 mph, one of the world's fastest insects is the Australian this seen here?

The crrect Answer is: a dragonfly

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