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Self Service Models


Interactive Value Assessment Data Source Assessment
A maturity assessment of the organization’s IT processes, technologies A data-driven workshop to determine and define a data strategy to support
and capabilities to determine gaps that Splunk can address over time. the organization’s key goals.
What should we do? What can we do?
Where do we start? How do we do it?
Output: A presentation highlighting the current usage of Splunk, alongside a
Output: A CxO presentation demonstrating the best roadmap of use
list of recommended additional use-cases and future licensing needs.
cases and capabilities to help the Customer fill their maturity gaps.
Analogy: You go to the GP, they run their tests/scans, determine a
diagnosis and prescribe a medicine.

Prescriptive Value Path Splunk Cloud Value Calculator
A number crunching exercise to find out the most cost-effective way to deploy
A brainstorming exercise with the Customer to help them document and quantify
Splunk, and to understand some of the lesser known benefits of Splunk Cloud.
the value they are, or will be, getting from Splunk in the form of Business Case. What’s the best way to deploy Splunk?
Why should we do this? Why should I pay more for Splunk Cloud, when I could just deploy it myself on
What do we get in return? AWS?
Output: A CxO presentation demonstrating why they should invest in Splunk and Output: A CxO presentation summarizing all the key financial numbers to
exactly what they will get in return. compare the various ways of consuming Splunk, but also all the added benefits of
Analogy: This is the best way to insure you fix a $1million problem with a $100k using Splunk as a service.
Analogy: What’s cheaper for me: buying a car, renting a car, or using Uber
solution, and not the other way around.
whenever I need to go somewhere? What about parking? And insurance? If only
there was an easy way to figure all of this out… (that’s how our Customers can
feel about software these days).

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