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Quiz for Relative Clause

1. Students _____ will be awarded scholarships. B. that

A.who pass with excellent grades D.whose
B.they pass with excellent grades E.whom
C.they who pass with excellent grades
D.pass with excellent grades 7.’Is everybody graduated from SMA I invited to pass with excellent grades the party?’
‘Well the party is exclusively for those _____ .’
2. Yanto was a young writer _____ novel won
the first prize in the national competition. A.they graduated in 1990
B.were 1990 graduates
A. when whom are 1990 graduates
B. which D.who graduated in 1990
C. whom E.the 1990 graduation.
D. who
E. whose 8. The lady, _____ this letter is addressed,has
moved to another city.
3. • The student succeeded in getting a scholar
ship. A.who
• The teachers like him. which whom
The above sentences can be joined as follows: D.whom
The student _______ succeeded in getting E.which
a scholarship.
9.The doctor is treating a patient _____ leg was
A.whom the teachers like broken in accident
B.he is liked by the teachers
C.the teachers like him A.who
D.which the teachers like B.whose
E. is like by the teachers C.which
4.This is the lates news about the kidnapping of E.whom
the richest businessman in town ____ we
receive a few minutes ago. 10.Tom’s father, _______ health hasn’t been so
good lately,is in hospital now.
A. whom
B. who A.who is
C. where B.whose
D. whose C.his
E. which D.of whom
E.of which
5.”What is pediatrician?”
“Oh,it’s a doctor _______ specialization is
treating children.”

B. which

6.Her father, ______ has been to Paris,has just

A. who

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