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AIM - Draw the ER diagram for the Health/Patients/Medical records management



An Entity Relationship Diagram is a diagram that represents relationships among entities in a

database. It is commonly known as an ER Diagram.
It acts as a framework created with specialised symbols for the purpose of defining the
relationship between the database entities.

1. Entity: A definable thing having its own identity—such as a person, object, concept or
event —that can have data stored about it.

Entity type: Description of entities with common relationships and attributes.

2. Relationship: It depicts the relationship between two or more entities. The diamond shape
showcases a relationship in the ER diagram. Degree of relationship is the number of entity
types that participate in that relationship. One to one, many to one, one to many and many to
many are the types.

Cardinality of relationship: Cardinality specifies how many instances of an

entity relate to one instance of another entity

3. Attributes: An attribute exhibits the properties of an entity. Drawn as ovals and are
connected with a line to exactly one entity or relationship set. Key attribute is the unique,
distinguishing characteristic of the entity.
E-R Diagram for Health/Patients/Medical records management system:


1. Safety First: Prioritize safety by identifying and mitigating potential hazards.

2. Peer Review: Seek feedback from experts to refine your experiment.
3. Redundancy & Replication: Use backups and repeated trials for reliability.
4. Label Samples: Clearly document and label all specimens and samples.

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