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 What famous song by Louis Armstrong is mentioned in the Prologue?

o A.

What A Wonderful World

o B.

What Did I Do To Be So Black And Blue?

o C.

Mack The Knife

o D.

Hello, Dolly

 2.
The narrator slips in his speech after the Battle Royal by accidentally
saying which phrase?

o A.

Social responsibility

o B.

Social ability

o C.

Social value

o D.

Social equality

 3.
What was the name of the trustee that the narrator escorts?

o A.

o B.


o C.


o D.


 4.
Upon completion of his speech, the Narrator is presented with what gift?

o A.

A Bookbag

o B.

A Book

o C.

No gift

o D.


 5.
The narrator lives just outside of which Manhattan neighborhood?

o A.


o B.


o C.

o D.


 6.
How many light bulbs has the narrator installed in his "hole"?
Who advised the narrator’s father that the way to deal with whites
is to “agree ‘em to death and destruction”?
 The narrator’s mother

 The narrator’s grandfather

 Ras the Exhorter

 Booker T. Washington

2 of 5
During the battle royal, what do the participants have to do while
 Beat each other

 Bob for apples

 Scramble for coins

 Touch a naked woman

3 of 5
At the battle royal, what does the naked white woman have painted
on her stomach?
 The eye of God

 The American flag

 The Texas state seal

 George Washington’s portrait

4 of 5
After the battle royal, the narrator gives a speech, in which he
quotes large sections of an address by ___.
 Malcolm X

 Marcus Garvey

 Booker T. Washington

 Martin Luther King, Jr.

5 of 5
After the battle royal, what is in the calfskin briefcase that the
narrator receives?
 One hundred dollars

 A letter of recommendation

 A newspaper

 A college scholarship

Why does the narrator remain in his hole for a long while? (from Epilogue)

Because he was knocked unconscious

Because he is afraid the Brotherhood is still hunting for him

Because he is not able to reach the manhole cover.

Because he cannot determine his own intentions

What does the narrator want to do in Chapter 12? (from Chapter 12)

get a new job

make speeches
spend time alone

marry Mary Rambo

What surprises the narrator in relation to the riot? (from Chapter 25)

It was the inevitable end of the politics they had been preaching.

The Brotherhood knew nothing about it.

He had actually been used to help cause it.

The Brotherhood had instigated it.

Why does the narrator have difficulty getting along on his first two jobs? (from Chapter 10)

He is not correctly educated for the job

He is too highly educated for the job

He doesn't understand or fit in the blue-collar/union world

He is the only black person on the job

How does the audience react to the narrator's speech? (from Chapter 16)

He is booed

He is cheered

They get up and leave.

They sit in stunned silence

In chapter 9, the narrator walks a short distance with another man. What is the man doing
besides singing? (from Chapter 9)

Carrying blueprints


leading a dog

carrying a suitcase

What decision does the narrator accept for the time period that will be needed to clear the
charges against him? (from Chapter 18)

He decides to go out on his own.

He agrees to speak on the Woman Question

He insist on the continuation of his activities

He agrees to become inactive

For whom does the Brotherhood claim to work? (from Chapter 14)

Those of their own party

Black people

White people

all people

Which of the following is true about the narrator's position within the Brotherhood? (from
Chapter 18)

He has earned a lot of respect and status

He is an accepted leader

He is actually powerless

He is secretly admired

What apparent warning meets the narrator upon his return to Harlem (from Chapter 24)

The red light on the church spire

breaking glass

falling bird droppings

sounds of distant shouting

Where does Brother Jack send the narrator at the end of the meeting? (from Chapter 22)

Back to addressing the woman questions

Back to Brother Hambro for more indoctrination sessions

Back to his apartment at the men's center

to meet with Westrum

According to Mr. Brockway, what happened when the company tried to replace him? (from
Chapter 10)

The union went to bat for him.

All the paint went bad

The other workers went on strike

No one else would take the job

The narrator's need to give speeches is an example of what literary device? (from Chapter

audio imagery



What does the narrator notice about the whites in the city? (from Chapter 8)

They are rude to him.

They appear to be making fun of him.

The hardly seem to notice him.

They are very nice to him.

Why is the narrator initially concerned about finding work as soon as possible? (from Chapter

He is afraid he will run out of money for rent.

He is concerned about being able to buy food.

He does not want to appear broke if he has to ask for credit for his room rent.

He hopes to save enough money for his fall tuition.

In Chapter 14, why is Mary cooking cabbage? (from Chapter 14)

The narrator has asked for it.

It's all she can afford

It's a reminder of the south

She thinks it will please the narrator.

How does the narrator portray himself at the end of Chapter 22?(from Chapter 22)

As proud and defiant

As confused and frustrated

As determined and bold

As humbled and obedient

What does Dupre want to do prior to starting the fire? (from Chapter 25)

give people a chance to get their belongings

Make sure the building is evacuated

have the fire department standing by

contact the newspapers

Through his experiences, what has the narrator learned to value?(from Epilogue)





According to the vet, who controls "things"? (from Chapter 7)

black people

white, upper-class males

rich people

white people

Why is the narrator offended by the man behind the drugstore counter? (from Chapter 9)

The man wants to see his money before serving him.

The man overcharges him.

The man does not give him what he orders.

The man assumes will order the special of pork chops, grits, one egg, biscuits, and coffee.

Upon the narrator's return to Harlem, he learns which of the following individuals has
disappeared from the Brotherhood? (from Chapter 19)

Brother Clifton

Brother Jack

Brother Westrum

Brother Hambro

The narrator's anger is primarily focuses against (from Chapter 13)


Mr. Norton

Dr. Bledsoe

The Founder

Whose words does the narrator contemplate as proof that he can have two identities and still
be successful? (from Chapter 17)

His grandfather's words

The words of Saul and Paul

The words of Frederick Douglass

The words of Dr. Bledsoe

What do some of the black men carry? (from Chapter 8)


pouches strapped to their wrists


brief cases

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