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A dog with a plastic bag next to it

Max was a clever dog that also would find all possible ways to solve
a clue. He loved Halloween dearly because he could get lots of
hearty dog treats. Whenever Halloween came he would get lots of
candy in his basket. Time for getting some yummy treats!
Slowly night came and Max gazed out of the dusty window with
bits of cobwebs sticking out of each corner and he saw children
hither and thither ringing door bells - the whole atmosphere was
completely covered with quick, busy children.
Now the worst thing was children came to happen to go outside
their doorbell and ring their doorbell. Max’s owner carefully dropped
a candy into each of the children’s excited baskets. Time flew by
and still Max was waiting patiently for his owner to quickly finish
handing out the sweets. Max couldn’t wait any more so he dashed
through the tiny gap of the door. He started with the house at
the end of the street where spooky cobwebs and skeletons hung
over the tips of the roof. When max arrived quickly at the front of
the door max bark loudly like always he did but the wind carried
the echo away. Time flew by after failed attempts of trying to ring
the doorbell and he tumbled down in grief. Today, is going to be a
worser Halloween then last year, Max could barley stand that it was
the worst Halloween ever since.

Well, Max waited for few hours for some joyful child[ren to come
and ring the doorbell of the house at the end of the street because
he knew that many children would start in houses to order and the
house in the end of the street will be the last house for some
children to get their goodies from. An another idea dawned into his
mind - he could go to another house where the children were and
when the children rang the doorbell, he could bark as loud as he
can to get the candy giver’s full attention and point sharply into his
bag so the person would give goodies in his basket. As Max ran
like the lightning bolt up the street to search for a child with a
candy bag, he spotted one and when the child rang the doorbell he
did what he planned. The plan was smooth as max had anticipated.
Candy was the best way to celebrate Halloween.

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