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Once upon a time there was a boy named
NIGHT OF Jack, who was very excited because
Halloween night was coming. That day
HALLOWEEN from very early I was very eager to put on
his costume and go out to ask for many
Jack when he got home from school told
him that his parents wanted to go out very
early to the streets to ask the neighbors
for sweets.
In the afternoon Jack came out very
happy with his ghost costume and his best
Friends on the Street and they all went
together to knock on the doors of their
neighbors houses.
When he got home Jack was very happy
because he had collected many sweets
and wanted to start counting them.
The next morning Jack noticed that his
bag was missing some sweets and asked
his parents if they had taken them, and
they answered no, Jack thought it was
very starnge but he left it like that and
went to school.
When he got home from school, Jack saw
that now there were more sweets missing
than before and he asked his parents
again if they were sure they hadn¨t taken
them, to which they answered no.
Jack was very puzzled by the fact that
the candy mysteriously, disappeared,
and ended up thinking that it was some
ghost that was taking them.
That night Jack decided to hide inside the
closed to see what happened, when
suddenly he heard some noises and
decided to go out and oh surprise when
he saw his pet Max taking out the sweets.
And in this way Jack discovered the
mystery of why his sweets disappeared
from Halloween.

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