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“I believe that a simple and unassuming manner of life is best for everyone, best both for the
body and the mind.”- Albert Einstein
2. a person’s tangible possessions like his or her car, house, clothes, even family and friends make
up his or her material self.
3. William James - the self is everything that an individual considers to be his or hers, not only his
or her body and material possessions but also his or her reputation and beliefs.
4. Components of Material Self- Body, Clothes, Immediate Family, and House, pets, and other
things they consider their possession.
5. Russel Belk- Are We What We Own? his work suggests that material possessions act as an
objective manifestation of the self.
6. Materialism - refers to giving more importance to material possessions than intangible values.
7. Compulsive buying disorder(CBD) - an obsession with shopping and buying behaviors.
8. Consumerism- the consumption of material goods and services in excess of one's basic needs.
9. “A man’s self is the sum total of all what he CAN call his” - William James

10. Spirituality includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves and it typically
involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience, something that
touches us all. People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a
deep sense of aliveness.
11. Christians believe in Trinitarian God. One God in three personas: Got the Father (Creator), God
the Son (Savior), and God the Holy Spirit (Sustainer Eternal life after death will be achieved
through faith in Jesus Christ.
12. There are seven Sacraments: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Anointing of the
Sick, Matrimony, and Holy Orders.
13. Christmas and Resurrection (Easter) are the two major celebrations in Christianity.
14. Judaism, monotheistic religion developed among the ancient Hebrews. Judaism is characterized
by a belief in one transcendent God who revealed himself to Abraham, Moses, and the Hebrew
prophets and by a religious life in accordance with Scriptures and rabbinic traditions. Judaism is
the complex phenomenon of a total way of life for the Jewish people, comprising theology, law,
and innumerable cultural traditions.
15. The sacred scripture of the Jews is called the Torah or the Law. The Torah is the guide of the
Jewish living. The study and interpretation of the Torah is part of the Jewish culture
16. The Jews believe in the coming of Messiah, the Savior.
17. Customs and Practices: Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot, Shabbat Meal.

18. Buddhism is a major religion in the world.

19. Nirvana is a conceptual state in which one has realized one's oneness with the universe and has
escaped all worldly suffering. Such a person will no longer go through the reincarnation cycle.
The personal self-ceases to exist while the person "exists" in a complex spiritual sense.
20. Nirvana literally means "to extinguish" or "to blow out," as in extinguishing a candle. A Buddhist
must eliminate all desire, positive and negative, physical, mental, and emotional, in order to
achieve this.
21. The four noble truth: Suffering, Origin of suffering, Cessation of suffering, and Path to the
cessation of suffering,
22. Skandha is translated as "heap, aggregate," and it refers to the explanation of any being's
psychophysical makeup. The Buddha taught that an individual is a combination of five
aggregates of existence, also called the Five Skandhas or the five heaps:
23. 1.Form
24. 2.Sensation
25. 3.Perception
26. 4.Mental Formations
27. 5.Consciousness
28. Busshism in Daily Life: Meditation, Mantra, Offering, and Dharma.

29. Hindiusm is the World’s oldest religion, Third-largest religion in the world, 95% of Indian
population are Hindus.
30. Hinduism embraces many religious ideas
31. -Most forms of Hinduism are henotheistic
32. -Hindus believe in the doctrines of samsara
33. -Hinduism is “atman”
34. -Hindus strive to achieve dharma
35. -Hindus revere all living creatures
36. -Food is an important part of life for Hindus.
37. The most common rituals practiced in all Hindu households are puja, meditation, silent prayers,
yoga, recitation of scriptures from Bhagavad Gita or bhajans, reading religious books,
participating in Satsang (prayer meets), performing charitable work, visiting a temple, and
chanting the name of their beloved God.
38. -Prayer or Pooja is an integral part of a Hindu devotee’s life
39. -Yajna
40. -Japa
41. Festivals include Diwali

42. Islam Second largest religion

43. -1.8 billion Muslims worldwide.
44. -Started in Mecca, in modern-day Saudi Arabia
45. -Muslims are monotheistic
46. -Followers of Islam aim to live a life of complete submission to Allah.
47. -Islam teaches that Allah’s word was revealed to the prophet Muhammad through the angel
48. -Muslims believe several prophets were sent to teach Allah’s law.
49. -They believe there will be a day of judgment, and life after death.
50. Five Pillars of Islam: Sawm, Zakat, Shahada, Salaah, Hajj
51. Eid-al Fitr and Eid-al Adha
52. Logotherapy is a term derived from “logos,” a Greek word that translates as “meaning,” and
therapy, which is defined as treatment of a condition, illness, or maladjustment. It is a
philosophy for the spiritually lost and an education for those who are confused. It offers support
in the face of suffering and healing for the sick.
53. Psychiatrist and psychotherapist Viktor Frankl developed logotherapy after surviving Nazi
concentration camps in the 1940s. His experience and theories are detailed in his book, "Man’s
Search for Meaning."
54. Basic tenets of logotheraphy:
55. human life has meaning,
56. · human beings long to experience their own sense of life meaning, and
57. · humans have the potential to experience meaning under any and every circumstance
(Schulenberg, 2003)
58. The Franklian Psychology has the basic concepts. These are the following:
59. · Life has meaning under all circumstances
60. · Main motivation for living is our will to find meaning in life
61. · Freedom to find meaning
62. Furthermore, Franklian Psychology aims to: (1) become aware of spiritual resources (2) make
conscious spiritual resources, and (3) use “defiant power of the human spirit” and stand up
against adversity.
63. Popova (2017) discussed Viktor Frankl’s work. These are three possible sources of the meaning
of life; purposeful work, courage in the face of difficulty and love.

64. “It is a useless life that is not consecrated to a great ideal. It is like a stone on the field without
becoming a part of any edifice” – Jose Rizal
65. Man is by nature a political Animal- Aristotle
68. The political self helps defining the structure and functions of the government, in telling and
understanding the relationship between the state and the citizens, and in describing their rights,
freedom and obligation as citizen.
69. CITIZENSHIP - becomes a salient basis for political self.
70. The Origins of Political Self Include
71. ➢ Authority is necessary in the development of the political self and identity.
72. ➢ Aristotle considers the state as a natural union of families, established for the common good
under a definite government.
73. ➢ Educational institutions are mandated to inculcate among the youth the value of patriotism
and nationalism.
74. ➢ Church emphasizes moral behavior that shape the ideals of citizenship.

75. “How can we expect another to keep our secret if we cannot keep it ourselves” - Francois de La
76. The digital self is our extended self in a digital world.
77. User ID – is a unique identifier, commonly used to log on to a website, app, account number, or
email address.
78. Digital Identity or Online Identity – is a characteristic and interaction that an internet user
establishes in online communities and websites.
79. Self-Presentation It is a process of controlling how one is perceived by other people (Goffman &
80. Self Enhancement refers to the tendency to think of oneself in a favorable light
81. Impression Management Refers to a deliberate attempt to distort one's responses in order to
create a favorable impression with others
82. Self-Promotion refers to the practice of purposefully trying to present oneself as highly
competent to other people
83. Ingratiation refers to behaviors that a person illicitly acts to make others like him/her or think
well of his/her qualities as a person
84. Exemplitication defined as a strategic self-presentation strategy whereby an individual attempts
to project an image of integrity and moral wordiness
85. Intimidation is intentional behavior that would cause a person of ordinary sensibilities to fear
injury or harm
86. Supplication strategy for self-presentation that involves depicting oneself as weak needy or
dependent so as to motivate others to provide assistance or care
87. Stick to safer sites
88. • Guard your passwords
89. • Be choosy about online friends
90. • Limit what you share
91. • Remember that anything you put online or post on a site is there forever, even if you try to
delete it.
92. • don't be mean or embarrass other people online
93. • Judith Butler conceptualized “Gender as performance”
94. • The ability of users to self-consciously adapt and play with different gender identities would
reveal the choices involved in the production of gender, breaking down binaries, and
encouraging fluidity in sexuality and gender expression.
95. • Social media has been celebrated for facilitating greater cultural participation and creativity.
The emergence of a “free culture” where individuals are empowered to engage in cultural
production using raw materials, ranging form homemade videos to mainstream television
characters to create new culture, memes, and humor.

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