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Trick or Treat

Main cast
1. Debora
2. Arin
3. Jeje ( yang cosplay jadi setan pembunuh)
Support Cast
1. Anak kecil yang minta permen : Nadin, Hastu, Tegar, tambah 3 orang temen sekelas yang mau.
2. Nania


Scene 1 : Di depan pintu rumah

(Suara bel rumah berbunyi)
(Anak-anak datang secara bergantian)
Anak 1 : Trick or treat...
Anak 2 : Trick or treat…
Arin & Debora : Trick or treat
Arin : Oh my godness, so adorable. Logan’s five and Kevin’s two. Oh They’re so precious.
Debora : (bicara ke anak 2) and what are you supposed to be?
Anak 2 : A ghost.
Debora : Oh, ghost. That’s pretty spooky. Here, here’s some more candy so you don’t hurt me alright.
( bicara ke anak 1) you want some more? Here you go. Oh look, that you guys lucked out ( sambil
memperlihatkan tempat permen yang sudah kosong).
Anak 1 & 2 : Thank you
Arin : Oh, you’re welcome.
Anak 1 & 2 : Happy Halloween!
Arin : Happy halloween!
Debora : See yaa!
Arin : Bye, Thank you!

Scene 2 : shoot bagian dekorasi untuk memperlihatkan lampu belum dimatikan

Setan berjalan menuju ke rumah Arin dan Debora lalu melihat lampu yang masih hidup.

Scene 3 : di dalam rumah

(sambil membersihkan meja dan dapur)
Arin : Ah, that was fun. First halloween in this town.
Debora : Why don't you come out and say hello to the kids? they are all so cool
Hastu : Ah, I'm too lazy to meet many people, especially small children, ewh they're too noisy, just a
waste of my time
Debora : ck, come on you should start socializing in this new place.
(Hastu meninggalkan Debora dan Arin)
Arin : never mind, let her live in her solitude
(Debora membuang sampah plastik bekas wadah permen)
Debora : anyway, I can’t believe any kids showed up. I wish I would have stashed some candy for
Arin : (ketawa kecil)
Debora : I’m serious like why can’t we hand out meatballs or corn the cob, huh?
Arin : Like you need more cavities
Debora : Whoa, I have not had any cavities that passed two dentist checks, thank you.
Arin : You go to the dentist every three months.
Debora : Ah, okay I admit it. But weren't those kids really cute?
Arin : Yes, that's right. I didn't think that this area still often does things like trick or treat. Even there
are still teenagers who do it.
(suara bel berbunyi)
Arin : did you turn the light off?
Debora : Oh, shit. I think I forgot.
Arin : Deb..
Debora : Sorry..

(Arin keluar membuka pintu, Debora menghidupkan kompor dan menghangatkan makanan)

Scene 4 : di pintu
( Arin membuka pintu lalu terkejut)
Arin : Oh my god, I’m sorry I wasn’t expecting someone so tall.
(Jeje meminta permen tanpa bersuara)
Arin : Ah, we are actually all out of candy, I’m so sorry. I really like your costume though. I wish I could
just make some candy magically appear for you but like I said we’re all out. You know we really don’t
have any more candy.
( Jeje menunjuk ke arah lampu)
Arin : I know, the light honest mistake. So, have a good night.
( Arin menutup pintu tapi ditahan sama Jeje)
Arin : Hey!
Debora : Is there a problem here?
(Jeje menunjuk lampu)
Debora : Yeah, dude you made your point but we don’t have any candy.
(Karena tidak ada permen, jeje memberikan sebuah trick yaitu membuat makanan mereka
(Arin&Debora melihat ke arah kompor, lalu saat melihat ke arah luar, Jeje sudah menghilang)
(Mereka masuk dan menutup pintu)

Scene 5 : di dalam rumah

Debora : Oh, shit. (melihat makanannya hangus)
(Arin terlihat shock)
Debora : I think we should call the cops.
Arin : No, he’s a stupid teenager playing a prank.
Debora : Rin, come on what have you pranked somebody by trying to barge into their house?
Arin : Well, I haven’t but we didn’t used to light bags of dog shit on fire on people’s doorsteps.
Debora : You did that.
Arin : I was a little mischievous
Debora : So, I’m learning.
Arin : (tertawa kecil) Deb, it was a dumb kid having fun on hallowen. We’ll be fine.
Debora : Well, he better watch out cause I will etiquette I know.
Arin : (menghela nafas) look, why don’t you start some new popcorn. Pick out a scary movie and just
cool down. Okay, I’m gonna take out the trash amd finish cleaning the patio
Debora : Alright, I’m gonna give this another try
(Debora memasak makanan lagi, lalu mengambil minuman di kulkas dan meminumnya sambil duduk)
(Tiba-tiba bel berbunyi)
Debora : You fucking kidding me.
(Bel berbunyi berkali-kali)
Debora : Rin, i'm gonna hit a kid tonight
(keluar rumah)

Scene 6 : di luar rumah

Debora : good one kid, you got us. it's time to go home now
(Jeje muncul tiba²)
Debora : okay he got us (clap) great fucking job, it's time to go home now
(Jeje menunjukkan tangan, trick or treat)
Debora : you want me to pick one?
(Jeje mengangguk)
Debora : this is stupid because you know we don't have it again
(Jeje menunjukkan tangan, trick?)
Debora : yeah
(Jeje jempol)
(Jeje sulap)
Debora : ah the old pick a card any card
Debora : If i do this you'll go home and leave us alone?
(Jeje melanjutkan sulap)
Debora : alright cool very nice, time to go home okay
(Jeje berusaha menunjukkan sulap lagi)
Debora : no no listen i'm done playing games you either need to go home now or i'm gonna call the
Debora : great and i guess it's gonna reappear one right?
(Jeje akan sulap lagi)
Debora : cool i already know this one
(Jeje mengeluarkan pisau)
Debora : fuck you(?)
(Jeje menusuk Debora)

Scene 7 : di belakang rumah

(wine tumpah)
Arin : oh shit
(membersihkan wine yg tumpah)
(tiba-tiba Hastu datang membawa beberapa snack)
Hastu : you are very careless, where is Debora?
Arin: she is receiving guests in the front yard
Hastu : don't we run out of candy? how can there be guests?
Arin : long story. ah, can you get me another tissue? it's over
Hastu : where did you put the tissue?
Arin : I just bought it, it's still in my room, while arranging the new wine again
Hast: okay
(Arin mendengar sesuatu dari luar)
Arin : hello?
(Jeje muncul tiba²)
Arin : what are you doing back here?
( Jeje menunjukkan tangan, trick or treat?)
Arin : i don't understand
Arin : jazz hands
(Jeje menunjukkan tangan, trick or treat)
Arin : okay you want me to pick one
(Jeje mengangguk)
Arin : okay well we're out of candy so i guess i have to pick a trick
(Jeje jempol)
(Jeje sulap)
Arin : okay that's, that's pretty cool
(Jeje masih sulap)
Arin : look can you let us go to bed now?
(Jeje sulap)
Arin : look i remember what it's like to be a bored teenager but if my friend finds you back here she's
gonna call the cops, so you better go
Arin : ah your choice
(arin mulai berjalan meninggalkan jeje)
(jeje menghalangi)
(jeje menunjukkan sulap lagi, menggunakan topinya)
Arin : yeah it's empty
(jeje mengeluarkan tali dari topinya)
(jeje menyuruh w mengambil sesuatu dari topinya)
(arin mengambil sepotong telinga)
Arin : uhh (memegang telinga yang berlumuran darah)
(arin melemparnya)
(saat ingin lari, arin terjatuh karena kakinya terikat)
Arin : what the fuck
(Arin merangkak ke dalam rumah, sambil berteriak)
(Jeje mendekati arin)
arin : what do you want?
(Jeje mengeluarkan pisau)
Arin : no no please, no no aaaaa
(Jeje menusuk arin)
(Jeje memakai topinya kembali dan menuju rumah lain)

Scene 8 : di dalam rumah

Hastu : How could Arin put her groceries under her bed, it's just a bother
(Hastu lanjut menyiapkan wine yang Arin minta)
(Jeje datang tiba² menghampiri H)
Hastu : dude, who are you? Why you can be here?
(H memanggil² arin namun tak ada jawaban)
(Jeje menunjukkan tangan, trick or treat)
Hastu : what are you doing, stupid? I will call the police as you have entered someone's house without
(Jeje menunjukkan tangan, trick)
Hastu : stop your cheap jokes, I'm not interested at all
(H mencoba pergi)
(Jeje menghalagi)
Hastu : ENOUGH!
(Jeje memberikan topinya)
Hastu : Oh shit, let me go
(Jeje mengeluarkan pisau dari dalam topinya)
Hastu : what are you going to do with that knife? you're not crazy are you??
(Jeje mulai mengarahkan pisaunya ke H)
H : You really crazy
(H lari menghindari Jeje)
(Jeje mengejar H di dalam rumah)
(H tertangkap)
Hastu : please please don't kill me, I have no problem with you
(Jeje menggeleng)
(Jeje menusuk H berkali-kali)
(Jeje membenarkan posisi topinya dan mulai menuju rumah lain)

Last scene : di rumah orang lain

(jeje mengetuk pintu)
Nania : wow dope costume bro
(mengangkat topinya, berharap permen)
(Nania memberi permen)
Nania : give you, you know what you get an extra hands. you uh, you know any tricks?
(blank space)

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