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In today’s hustle and speed culture filled life, one must slow down and appreciate the ones

us, especially our grandparents. They are the pillars of our existence and the reason for a lot of our
familial values and culture.

A few weeks ago, I decided to spend a full day with my grandfather as soon I would be busy with my
coursework and examinations. We went to the park to soak up the winter sun and ate oranges after
a small walk, then we went for a drive to the nearby market and picked up some essentials from the
supermarket, which included vegetables, snacks and some sweets to stock up his cellar.

We then took a small detour to our favourite café where we ate lunch, which consisted of our
favourite regular order of Arrabbiata pasta, a club burger, peach iced tea and hot coffee. After
thoroughly enjoying our meal we ate ice cream from the local dairy. We went back home for some
rest. My grandfather took an afternoon siesta and on waking up I made him his evening tea and a
special cake which I had prepared the day prior as someone who loves baking I had made a small
chocolate cake for him.

I had a wonderful day with him and cannot wait for my schedules to clear up so that I can spend
more time with him and have a good time, please do give time and energy to your grandparents as
they are precious gems who like to be around their grandchildren and cherish the time spent with

Ankita Kumar


BBA (gen)

Sem 3 Section C

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