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Spring boot project ideas

Sure, here are some Spring Boot project ideas that you can work on to learn Spring Boot and deploy
them to a cloud platform like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud:

1. **Task Manager Application**:

Create a task manager application that allows users to create, update, and delete tasks. You can
also add features like task categories, due dates, and priority levels. Deploy the application to a
cloud platform and set up a database service for data storage.

2. **E-commerce Website**:

Build a simple e-commerce website where users can browse products, add them to their cart, and
proceed to checkout. Implement user authentication, product catalog management, and payment
integration using a cloud-based payment gateway.

3. **Blog Platform**:

Develop a blog platform where users can create and publish blog posts. Implement features like
user registration, authentication, post editing, and commenting. Deploy the blog platform to a cloud
platform and set up a database and storage service for managing posts and images.

4. **Weather Forecast App**:

Create a weather forecast application that provides weather information based on user's location
or city input. Utilize an external weather API to fetch weather data. Deploy the app to a cloud
platform and set up scheduled tasks to fetch and update weather data.

5. **Online Quiz System**:

Build an online quiz system where users can take quizzes on different topics. Implement features
like quiz creation, question randomization, score calculation, and leaderboards. Deploy the system
to a cloud platform and ensure scalability to handle multiple users simultaneously.

6. **Recipe Sharing Platform**:

Develop a platform for sharing and discovering recipes. Users can submit their recipes, search for
recipes by ingredients or categories, and rate/comment on recipes. Deploy the platform to a cloud
platform and set up search functionality using a cloud-based search service.

7. **Expense Tracker App**:

Create an expense tracker application that helps users manage their expenses. Implement features
like expense categories, budgeting, and monthly reports. Deploy the app to a cloud platform and set
up database storage for user transactions.

8. **Online Marketplace**:

Build an online marketplace where users can list products for sale and others can purchase them.
Implement features like product listings, shopping cart, order processing, and payment integration.
Deploy the marketplace to a cloud platform and set up secure payment processing.

9. **Fitness Tracking App**:

Develop a fitness tracking app that allows users to log their workouts, track progress, and set
fitness goals. Implement features like exercise tracking, goal setting, and data visualization. Deploy
the app to a cloud platform and set up data storage for user workouts.

10. **Real-time Chat Application**:

Create a real-time chat application where users can join chat rooms and exchange messages.
Implement features like user authentication, room creation, and message broadcasting. Deploy the
chat app to a cloud platform and utilize real-time communication services.

When working on these projects, you'll have the opportunity to explore various Spring Boot
features, cloud services, and deployment strategies. Additionally, you can experiment with different
cloud providers and services to gain hands-on experience in deploying and managing applications in
the cloud.

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