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Submitted by: Maria Dianne B.

Ulanday BSN2

In this activity, focus on art as the saving power of technology.

1. Look for an artwork HERE IN SIENA that 'reveals' the human person in the midst of
technology. Take a photo of the art.
2. Discuss the artwork in relation to the general concepts discussed in Martin Heidegger's The
Question Concerning Technology.
3. Follow this format.


According to Heidegger, artwork is a manifestation of human creativity and reveals the
essence of being. Siena Auditorium encapsulates this idea as it combines technological and
artistic elements to create an immersive experience for its audience. The grand structure,
adorned with intricate details and innovative design, reflects the human desire to push
boundaries and create something unique.

Heidegger emphasizes the idea of truth-revealing through artwork. In the case of Siena
Auditorium, this truth can be interpreted as the harmonious relationship between humans,
nature, and technology. The use of natural materials, such as wood and stone, alongside
advanced architectural techniques, presents a fusion of the traditional and the modern. This
integration provides a sense of balance and unity, reminding us of the interconnectedness of all
things. Thus, Siena Auditorium becomes a medium through which the truth of human
connection with their surroundings is revealed.

According to Heidegger, artwork holds within itself a world that allows humans to engage
with and experience their existence in a unique way. The auditorium transports its visitors into a
realm where their senses are heightened, and they can truly appreciate the beauty and power of
art. The carefully crafted acoustics, the arrangement of seats, and the play of light and shadows
create a transformative atmosphere that transcends ordinary experiences.

Through its architectural design, use of materials, and immersive atmosphere, it reveals
profound truths about the essence of being human. The auditorium elicits a sense of awe and
wonder, inviting visitors to interact with it and experience a world created by human imagination.
Siena Auditorium stands as a reminder of the power and beauty that can arise from the fusion of
technology, art, and the profound connection between humans and their environment.

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