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Daily Buzz Cafe Project

Team member: Hexu Zheng | Yanzhe Li | Mingzhao Qu | Jinglei Ye | Yuning Liang | Jinxin Meng


Table of Content

1. Team Profile..........................................................................................................................3
2.Rich Pictures .............................................................................................................................6
3.Stakeholder Analysis...............................................................................................................7
4.Business Case ..........................................................................................................................9
5.Work Breakdown Structure..................................................................................................11
6.Project Network/ Schedule...................................................................................................12
7.Estimate Project Budget.......................................................................................................16
8.Project Risk..............................................................................................................................19
9.Quality Management ..............................................................................................................23
10.Procurement ..........................................................................................................................26


1. Team Profile

Introduction of the team members:


Team building activities

Our group members are a mix of engineering students and project management

students. To get to know other group members better, we first introduced ourselves,

including name, major, hobbies, and many other things like the place we lived, the

beach we went to in Australia. These topics helped us get familiar with others quickly,

and found some common topics. Apart from chatting, we also considered and

discussed how to take a novel group name and photo together. During this process,

we were all happy, and atmosphere was harmonious. Theses small activities let us

know about some characteristics of other people, and gradually began to trust other

members. This is quite important for the following team work, because during the team

work, assigning proper work to members with different characteristics can make greatly

improve the efficiency.

RACI matrix

The RACI matrix is shown in the following picture. We first discussed the stakeholders

together, which is one of the most important part. Then, based on the stakeholders we

decided, each of us was assigned different parts. Also, we ensured that everyone’s

workload and contributions do not vary too much. When writing the assignment, we

discussed timely to resolve and unify our different opinions.



For the Daily Buzz team, there may be slight differences in team building activities

during different periods.

In the initial formation period of the team, in order to promote members' familiarity and

understanding with each other, team members can carry out personality test or Belbin

team role test together after introducing themselves. This is an activity combining

understanding each person's personality and adapting them to work roles, which is

beneficial to team members' mutual familiarity and preparation for future work.

After the team has be in the stabilized period, it is more important to maintain close

connections between teams. Everyone can participate in activities that emphasize

connections and group work, such as hiking together. During this kind of activities,

everyone can immerse themselves in the same goal, work together, and encourage

each other, which are beneficial for maintaining communication among members,

enhancing everyone's sense of belonging, and enhancing the cohesion of the entire

group. These activities also have positive effect on work.

In daily work time, as well as in the implementation process of phased projects, it is

even more important for everyone to maintain communication and ensure follow-up on

work progress. During this period, entertainment activities can be reduced accordingly.

Therefore periodic reports and project meetings can be used to maintain connection.

On the basis of ensuring communication among members, this is also of great help for

the smooth progress of the project.


2.Rich Pictures


First, the introduction and goal setting (5 minutes).

1. Overview of the purpose and agenda of the seminar

2. Project objectives and expected results

Second, the introduction of SOA technology (10 minutes).

1. Definition and basic principles of SOA technology

2. Application Scenarios and Benefits of SOA Technology

Third, analyze the current situation in Daily Buzz (15 minutes).

1. Daily Buzz's business model and operating conditions

2. Existing Issues and Challenges in Daily Buzz

Fourth, analysis of SOA solutions (20 minutes)

1. Analyze the impact and potential value of SOA solutions on Daily Buzz.

2. Advantages and Risks of SOA Solutions

Fifth, plan the implementation of SOA solutions (20 minutes).

1. Define the phases and timelines for implementing SOA solutions.

2. Determine the resources and budget needed to implement SOA solutions.

Sixth, make an evaluation and monitoring plan (10 minutes).

1. Develop metrics to evaluate and monitor Daily Buzz SOA solution.


2. Determine how the evaluation and monitoring plan will be implemented.

Seventh, summary and discussion (10 minutes)

1. Summarize the main contents and conclusions of the seminar.

2. Discuss possible problems and challenges

3. Determine the next action plan

3.Stakeholder Analysis

Sr. No. Role Category Interest Influence Expectations Comms Comms

requirements Frequency
1 Software Internal Strong Strong The software ZOOM Weekly
Company Stakeholde company develop
r the SOA system to
support online order
2 Daily Buzz Internal Medium Medium They are taking Regular training Monthly
Staff Stakeholde responsibility for
r handling the order
and customer
3 Information External High High They ensure data Face-to-face Monthly
Security stakeholder storage security for meeting
Departmen all online orders and
t related customers.
They also need to
supervise the SOA
4 Customer Internal Low High The customer is the Regular Survey 3 – 6 months
stakeholder internal
stakeholder, and
the end user uses
the SOA System to
make online orders.
5 Social External Low Low Social media We do not need Six months
Media Stakeholde platforms are to organise
Platforms r external regular
stakeholders that communication
can be used to with social
promote the media platforms
6 Bus External Medium Medium The SOA system Organise Six months


company Stakeholde can reduce the regular

r waiting sequence at meetings with
nearby bus stops. bus companies
to promote a
7 Residents External Medium Medium The residents can Organise Six months.
stakeholder be considered regular surveys
external to collect
stakeholders. The feedback from
SOA system can residents
improve their
lifestyle and living


Consider the stakeholder interests and concerns that customs is one of the critical

stakeholders to consider in this project. First, the designed SOA system must satisfy

their requirements and find possible solutions based on their request. To maintain an

excellent customer satisfaction rate, it is necessary to solicit feedback from these

customers and ensure their demands. Daily Buzz Staff are the critical stakeholders

who provide the goods and services to the target customers. Ensuring these workers


have a good working environment and well-paid salaries is essential.

The software company needs a comprehensive requirement from us to ensure the

designed SOA system can fully satisfy our demands. We must establish an effective

online communication channel to discuss the project regularly and completed features.

The information security department needs a regular meetings with the project team

to ensure data security because the designed SOA system contains confidential

information. Therefore, regular meetings and supervision can support coffee shops in

monitoring data security.

Residents and bus companies are the stakeholders that do not need regular meetings

to control. The designed online survey is enough to manage their concerns and


By evaluating the power/interest matrix, it is necessary to consider the project goals.

Each stakeholder's confirmed position is related to project goals and objectives.

Therefore, the designed stakeholder position cannot be changed unless the project

goals and objectives are changed during the project development process.

4.Business Case

Horizon 1: This stage starts from the establishment and opening of the coffee shop

until the customer base exceeds the current capacity of the coffee shop. During this

period, the most common manual ordering service was used in the store. During this

period, the coffee shop mainly maintained stable daily operations, with a relatively ideal

and stable customer base. The service pressure of the staff in the shop was relatively

low, and it could provide customers with detailed and comprehensive services.

However, the current size of the store is relatively small and the efficiency of using

traditional ordering modes is low. The transportation around the coffee shop is very

convenient, and during peak morning hours with extremely high pedestrian flow, the

staff in the shop do not have enough time and energy to serve every customer who

has a need to drink coffee. As a result, a large number of problems emerged: a large

number of customers queuing at the entrance affected the transportation of nearby


residents; Some customers have reduced the likelihood of coming back to the store

for consumption due to waiting too long for the coffee to be made; Some potential

customers have given up entering the store and shifted their targets due to long queues.

With the increasing possibility of customer flow, the impact on the surrounding

residents' environment, and the difficulty of further improving income, the reform of

stores is urgent.

Horizon 2: With the owner of the store proposing to upgrade the ordering system within

the store, the development and operation of coffee shops have officially entered the

second stage. After the completion of this project, customers can not only order in the

traditional mode in the store, but also make remote reservations and orders through

their mobile phones, and pick up and enjoy meals within the expected time. In this

mode, customers can save queuing and waiting time. Employees in the store can make

reasonable use of their time to disperse the originally concentrated pressure during

the morning rush hour. In addition, using the discount mechanism of buying nine cups

and getting one free can attract customers to continue making purchases.

Horizon 3: To further develop the store, it is necessary to improve product quality and

expand business scope. In terms of improving quality, stores can strengthen

supervision over the quality and source of coffee beans used in the store. In terms of

expanding business scope, enhancing the design of product appearance, increasing

research and development of by-products, and expanding chain business.


TH1 short term: Within 6 months of the system being put into use, establish a smoothly

running network ordering system to attract new customers as much as possible while

stabilizing the original customer base of the store, such as increasing the number of

customers by 1.2 times. At the same time, accumulate funds as much as possible to

prepare for future development, and achieve 1.2 times the original revenue. Reduce

complaints from surrounding residents to 20% of the number before optimization.

TH2- medium term: Within 2 years of the system being put into use, achieve system

upgrades and ensure stable operation at low cost, attract new customers who are twice

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the number of original customers, and increase profits. Provide technical and service

training to employees to improve service quality while providing customers with higher

quality coffee, such as increasing the variety of coffee.

TH3 – long term: Within 10 years of the system being put into use, maintain high

customer satisfaction (over 95%), ensure good reputation, expand the influence of the

store in its field, and become a leader in related fields. Expand and develop business

in related fields, and broaden development prospects. Expand the service range of

point order systems to attract customers from different fields.


(1). As the owner of Daily Buzz Café, I need to make a strategic decision on the CAS

project so that I can control the development direction of the Café and give it a

promising future.

(2). As a customer of Daily Buzz Café, I need to adapt to the newly developed ordering

system of the Café as soon as possible so that I can enjoy coffee while saving the

most time and not affecting your travel plan.

(3). As an employee of Daily Buzz Café, I need to adapt to the new system in the store

and make coffee in a reasonable schedule, so that I can distribute work pressure

evenly to avoid the impact of not being able to complete orders on time during peak

hours that has a bad effect on customer experience.

(4). As a APP developer in the software company, I need to carefully develop a mature

and stable ordering system based on the requirements of the Daily Buzz Café, so that

I can successfully deliver products and receive rewards.

5.Work Breakdown Structure

(a) Positive: The key process items have been included, which are relatively

comprehensive and divide the whole project well.

Negative: The WBS here is divided according to time rather than deliverables, which

not only makes it impossible to clearly see the deliverables of the project, but also

makes it inconvenient to modify the WBS if there are any changes in the course of the

project, and there will be a lot of contents to be modified.

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Here, the customer's trial was conducted only after the system was purchased. I think

the order should be adjusted, and the trial of advanced customers should be advanced.

After obtaining their opinions, the system should be modified before formal purchase.

(c) 2.Sign a contract with the system supplier

3.Ensure the normal functions of SOA system.

4.Improve some operating modes of current cafes.

5.Get customer comments and feedback to help optimize the system.

6.Subsequent operation and upgrade of SOA system

6.Project Network/ Schedule

Notwithstanding your team’s inexperience, work through the steps below and

develop a reasonable schedule for the Daily Buzz Cafe scenario:

a) Arrange the work packages/ activities (Level-3) of your WBS into a logical

execution order and identify the type of dependencies between them in tabular

Activity/Task Predecessor Dependency
1.1 Start Finish-Start
1.2 1.1 Finish-Start
1.3 1.2 Finish-Start
1.4 1.3;6.4 Finish-Start
2.1 1.1;1.2 Finish-Start

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2.2 2.1 Finish-Start

2.3 2.2 Finish-Start
2.4 2.3 Finish-Start
3.1 2.4 Finish-Start
3.2 3.1 Finish-Start
3.3 3.2 Finish-Start
3.4 3.3 Finish-Start
4.1 3.4 Finish-Finish
4.2 2.1;4.1 Finish-Start
4.3 4.2 Finish-Start
4.4 4.3 Finish-Start
5.1 3.4;4.3 Start-Start
5.2 5.1 Start-Start
5.3 5.2 Finish-Start
5.4 5.3 Finish-Start
6.1 5.4 Finish-Start
6.2 6.1 Finish-Start
6.3 1.4 Finish-Finish
6.4 6.2 Start-Start

b) Present your interim work as a network diagram (without any durations)

illustrating only the different logical dependencies – show at least 3 types of


c) Identify who might be best placed to provide that information or estimate for

each work package.

No. Activity/Task Role

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1.1 Project initiation

1.2 Project planning
1.3 Project monitoring
Project manager
1.4 Project closure
2.1 Market research
2.2 System function determination
2.3 Determine the software vendor
Purchasing manager
2.4 Buy SOA software
3.1 Software installation
3.2 Data collation and import
IT department
3.3 System software testing
3.4 Training and support
4.1 Operations process optimization
Operation manager
4.2 Marketing strategy formulation
4.3 Customer feedback analysis Customer service manager
4.4 Performance evaluation Operation manager
5.1 Trial plan design Project manager
5.2 Recruitment of probationers Human resources manager
5.3 Data collection and analysis
5.4 Evaluation of trial results
Project manager
6.1 SOA operation plan design
6.2 SOA operation implementation
6.3 User support and services Customer service manager
6.4 SOA data analysis Project manager

d) Describe methods you would use to obtain an estimate of time/effort required

for each work package.

The estimation methods I used were analogy estimation, three point estimation and

top-down estimation.

Analogy estimation:

Estimating the time or workload of a project task or work package by comparing

similar tasks or work packages. This approach can directly apply the experience of

similar tasks or projects to new projects, but it also needs to ensure that similar tasks

or projects are similar to the situation of new projects.

Three point estimation:

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The estimated completion time of each work package is calculated by estimating the

most optimistic, pessimistic and probable time. This method can take into account

uncertainties, but requires more complex calculations.

Top-down estimation:

Top-down estimation is an empirical estimation method used to determine the overall

time and cost of a project. The method is based on a high-level decomposition of the

entire project, allocating the cost and time of the entire project to each subtask or

work package.

e) From the above considerations, make an estimate (i.e. educated guess) for

the durations of these activities and determine an overall project schedule needed to

deliver the project described.

f) Identify which “network path” might be expected to have the longest duration

explaining your reasoning/ answer and explaining what it represents.

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The red arrow represents the critical path of the network diagram, and task ES=EF

LS=LF on the critical path represents a series of activities that need to be completed

according to the planned schedule to ensure timely delivery of the project. When the

Critical Path Task is delayed, the entire project is also delayed.

7.Estimate Project Budget

a) Make a reasoned estimate of the personnel, materials and equipment / facilities

required for

b) each work package.

We start by identifying the skills and people with the expertise needed to successfully

execute the work package and determine the type of people needed, including project

managers, engineers, technicians, or specialists. In tasks1.1-2.2, 5.1, 5.3-6.2, 6.4, we

need the Project manager, Task 2.3-2.4 need Purchasing manager, We need the IT

department in 3.1-3.4 , for Task 4.1-4.2 and 4.4 we need Operation manager, we need

Customer service manager in 4.3 and 6.3, In 5.2 we need Human resources manager.

Then, we need to assess the amount of work required for each task in the work

package to estimate the number of people needed. Next, we determine the material

requirements, which require us to consult with relevant experts and suppliers to choose

the materials and resources needed to complete each task, including raw materials,

equipment components, software licenses, tools, or consumables. Their availability,

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capacity, and compatibility with project requirements are also evaluated, as well as

potential risks and contingencies that may exist, such as equipment failure, delays,

material shortages, or changes in scope. The assessment is reviewed and updated

periodically as the project progresses and new conditions arise. Following reasonable

estimates, we give the following reasonable expectations.

Personnel: Project manager with 64/h payment, Purchasing manager with 85/h, IT

department with 57/h, Operation manager with 75/h, Customer service manager with

49/h, Human resources manager with 66/h.

Materials and Equipment: The cost of registering a business in Sydney could be AUD

700. The fees for permits and licenses may be AUD 1500. For the Equipment and

Supplies, coffee-making equipment have been installed at stores. The cost of coffee

beans or grounds could not be included. The training fee should be total AUD 1500.

We also need allocate a budget for marketing activities such as website development,

social media advertising, online listings, and printed materials, which can attain AUD

100 per day. Then, we consider the cost of technology infrastructure, including website

development, online ordering systems, and POS software. The budget approximately

is AUD 1,000 for one machine initial setup and ongoing maintenance, and we estimate

that we should apply 3 delivery app. Besides, we need to take operational costs into

consideration, as a rough estimate, budget around AUD 200 per day. The details of

budget are as follows.

Personnel Materials Equipment Total
Tasks Nu Day $ Num Unit $ Num Unit $ Budget Actua
m l
1.1 2 1 64/ 1024
1.2 2 1 h Licenses 1 1.5k 2524
1.3 2 3 Registratio 1 700 3772
1.4 2 2 2048
2.1 2 2 64/ 1024
2.2 2 1 h 1024
2.3 2 1 85/ 1360
2.4 2 1 h POS 3 3k 10360

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3.1 3 2 57/ 2736
3.2 3 1 h 1368
3.3 3 2 2736
3.4 3 1 Training 1 1.5k 2868
4.1 2 1 75/ 1200
4.2 2 2 h Marketing 2 100 2600
4.3 1 1 49/ 392
4.4 2 2 75/ 2400
5.1 2 2 64/ 2048
5.2 1 1 66/ 528
5.3 2 2 64/ 2048
5.4 2 1 h 1024
6.1 2 2 64/ 2048
6.2 2 4 h Box.. 1 25 Operation 4 150 4721
6.3 1 5 49/ Box.. 1 25 1985
6.4 2 2 64/ Box.. 1 25 25
b) From the above considerations, provide an initial estimate of (i.e. educated guess)

of the

overall project budget needed to execute the project described.

The overall project budget can be calculated by adding every column, that is AUD


c) Explain any assumptions and briefly describe how you came to the estimate.


The workers' wages are equal to the Australian average.

They work 8h per day, and they are all adult full-time employees.

The employees' hourly rate is the Australian average.

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The purchased equipment is undamaged and working properly.

The required business registration certificates and operating licenses are processed


The cost of materials for takeaway supplies is the average for materials in Australia.

d) Finally, make a judgement on the confidence you have on the estimate and what

level of

contingency (plus or minus xx%) you would advise the project use

Since our team had not done a similar project before, we used below-average figures

in estimating the project cost and did not include some product materials such as

coffee beans that needed to be purchased additionally, the cost of transporting goods,

the cost of staffing, and the fees paid to the takeaway platform. In addition, in reality,

the number of staff required may be insufficient and the configuration of purchased pos

machines, etc., may fail, so the confidence level may be minus 20%.

8.Project Risk
Risk Risk Title Risk Summary Action Pre- Risk Mitigation Plan Post-
No. Authority mitigation mitigation
risk level Level
1 The changing The unstable and Project 4 Develop acceptance of the 6
corporate frequently changing Manager project management plan
politics may business environment based on the project goals
have a and management and objectives. The
negative process may become project manager can list
influence on the cohesive factor. the details of each
the project. Therefore, corporate requirement. More
strategic decisions may importantly, Change
not be effective in Management Plan must
supporting project be considered in the
development. project development
2 Core The increasing Project 3 The project manager can 5
stakeholder pressure from team, establish a clear written
dissatisfaction stakeholders may push Project document for the project
can drive bad the project team to manager team to execute the
strategic complete the goals and project management plan.
decisions for objectives without A clear understanding of
the project effective project goals and

— 19 —

team. communication and objectives can help the

good evaluation. project team to develop
Unexpected the SOA system properly
managerial decisions and comprehensively. The
can be generated project team can also
deliver agreed
measurables based on the
confirmed project quality
and tasks. Core
stakeholders also need to
give information about the
project requirements that
can assist the project team
in making informed
decisions. More
importantly, the project
team can also overcome
the potential threats and
risks to make intelligent
3 Poor Project quality Project 2 Project performance must 4
management measurables Team be reported monthly to
support demonstrate poor support the project team's
reduces the performance, and the supervision. Regular
project project may be delayed performance valuation can
performance or cancelled. help the project manager
to check the project's
performance. The project
manager will have a
superior quality assurance
plan and extensive
industry expertise. It is
untenable to fail to meet
the project's scope,
budget, or schedule, and it
is necessary to do so for
project performance to
meet all of the established
parameters. The project
sponsor will evaluate the
project manager's
performance weekly to
guarantee strong
accountability for the

— 20 —

project's results.
4 The project The project Project 2 The project development 43
sponsor unable development plan does manager, plan is not effective in
to approve the not meet the project project meeting the project goals
project sponsor's sponsor and objectives based on
development requirements, causing the business case.
plan the project
development plan
5 Project Unexpected changing Project 3 The Project Manager and 54
requirement requirements may Manager Functional Managers will
changes occur during the project investigate and
development process. incorporate reasonably
anticipated context
changes into the project
requirements to the
requirements specialist.
6 A core project The core project team Project 2 The project manager 55
team member member may leave the Manager needs to prepare a backup
left team due to personal plan to ensure additional
reasons, sick or other team members can handle
reasons. this issue.
7 Poor Poor communication Project 1 The project manager must 46
communication channels can Manager establish an online
channel negatively influence the communication channel to
project team. ensure all the project
stakeholders can
exchange and discuss the
project online.
8 Project funding Project cost running out Project 5 The Project budget is 7
exceeds the of funds. Manager substantial, even when the
given budget worst-case scenario is
considered. As a result,
there is some flexibility in
the budget, as it is
possible to reduce
personnel consumption
without negatively
impacting the project. The
project manager needs to
consider a cost
management plan before
the project is developed at
the execution stage.

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9 User data The data leaking may Project 1 Following Australian 2

transfer happen during the Manager, Security Classification
unsecured transaction through the Information Requirements, all user
designed SOA system. security information will be held in
department the utmost confidence.
More importantly, the
project manager must
ensure the designed
system can fully protect
confidential information.
The information security
department must generate
the security report
10 Internal conflict Misunderstanding Project 3 The project manager 5
within the project goals and Manager should ensure an effective
project team objectives can cause communication channel
internal conflict within and avoid unnecessary
the project team. internal conflict. Once an
internal conflict happens,
the project team need to
report this kind of conflict
directly to the project
Risk No. Impact Likelihood Total Score
1 5 4 20
2 5 3 15
3 5 3 15
4 4 5 20
5 5 5 25
6 5 5 25
7 4 4 16
8 4 3 12
9 4 5 20
10 4 5 20

Very Low Low Medium High Very High
Likelihood Very High 5 10 15 20 25
High 4 8 12 16 20
Medium 3 6 9 12 15
Low 2 4 6 8 10
Very Low 1 2 3 4 5

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All the confirmed project risks have medium to very high impact and likelihood for this

development. The confirmed risks may happen in different project developing stages

that include the initiation stage, planning stage, execution stage and project closure

stage. These project risks can be controlled by the mitigation plan to ensure all the

confirmed risks can be solved directly before it happens. It is necessary to analyze the

project plan, the inputs provided by stakeholders, and the potential risks to determine

which of the Level-3 work packages poses the most significant risk. To ensure the

successful completion of the project, the project manager must maintain close

collaboration with the project team and stakeholders to identify, analyse, and eliminate

any threats to the successful completion of each work bundle.

9.Quality Management

Package 2.2 System function determination

2 NFRs:

①. Maintainability of system functions. When using software in the future, if the system

needs regular maintenance, its maintainability should be considered early in system

design period.

②. Future scalability of system functions. Due to the use of software, the commercial

layout of the store may expand and the number of users may increase, and the system

may need to be upgraded in the future. Therefore, the system should be expandable

during design to facilitate the addition of new functions in the future.

These requirements need to clarify design requirements with candidate software

companies to be contacted.

Package 3.2 Data collation and import

2 NFRs:

①. Security of imported data. As collected user data and store data, their security is

crucial and must be taken into account.

②. Scalability of subsequent data storage. Data will continue to increase with the use

of software. To ensure normal operation, data storage should be designed in a type

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that facilitates memory expansion.

These requirements need to clarify storage requirements with candidate software

companies in contact.

Package 3.3 System Software testing

2 NFRs:

①. The ease of operation of the system. Only a user-friendly system that is friendly to

all users, including customers and shop assistants, can be of great help to the

operation of the store.

②. The security of software transactions. Due to the need for software to bear the flow

of funds, the security of transactions also needs to be guaranteed.

These requirements need to clarify the information collection requirements for software

usage with users and employees.

Package 4.2 Marketing strategy formulation

2 NFRs:

①. The convenient of operation. The strategy should be easy to carried out and be

turned into reality, otherwise it is of no value.

② . Understandable of planning documents. The planning document requires being

exact and not likely to cause misunderstandings, which can influence the outcome


These requirements need to clarify the requirements for information collection with the

implementation team and project management personnel.

Package 4.3 Customer feedback analysis

2 NFRs:

①. Integrity of data results. The analysis should base on the feedback from all the data


② . Confidentiality of obtained data. The data collected from participants should be

secret to all the others and only used for analysis.

These requirements need to clarify the design requirements with the software

company, and also clarify the requirements for collecting information and conducting

analysis with feedback participants.

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Package 2.4 Buy SOA software

Standard: For this system, if the company's system determined in the 2.3 work

package is purchased at a price not exceeding the budget before the specified date, it

can be considered as meeting the acceptance standards. If one item above is not met,

it is considered as not meeting the standards.

Method to adopt a quality assurance process: Develop a complete and generous

procurement plan in advance, and ensure that the plan is specific and clear. It can be

specified to the specific model and company or even designer of the system that needs

to be purchased, and determine the procurement date and budget as loose as possible.

Package 3.4 Training and support

Standard: The testing of an employee's training achievements can be based on the

number of service projects completed on the software within a fixed time after training.

If you complete fifteen operations within ten minutes, you can pass the training,

otherwise it will be considered a failure.

Method to adopt a quality assurance process: Periodic training and Q&A meetings can

be established during the training cycle to provide answers to employees' confused

operational behaviors.

Package 4.4 Performance Evaluation

Standard: For the evaluation of optimization results, the average number of orders

after optimized during the morning peak period can be used as the evaluation standard.

For example, assuming that the morning peak period of a coffee store is between 7:00

and 9:00, the average daily order count for the first three days of optimization is x. If

the average daily order count for the three days after optimization can reach 1.2 times

of the origin numberx, it can be considered that the optimization has saved operation

time and met the requirements of acceptance standards.

Method to adopt a quality assurance process: Conducting short-term testing during the

optimization process to confirm the effectiveness of optimization in improving

operational duration, and continuously adjusting the optimization direction based on

the effectiveness to ensure the achievement of goals.

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(a) We analyze and decide the work packages which are needed to find an external

source (except project management). From the WBS, we roughly have 5 branches,

which are: Research/ buy SOA, implement SOA, adjust cafe operations, customer

trials, and SOA operations.

i) In the first branch: Research/ buy SOA, the first thing is the research of market, which

can be done directly by the staff in this cafe. They need to define their target buyers

and market, engage with them to know how to meet their demands. What’s more, they

also need to research on their competitors. After collecting data and information, the

market research is basically completed. The next step is to decide the function of the

new system, which can be decided by the manager. He may discuss this issue with

staffs, and get some inspiration from market research. Then they should gather the

information of different software vendors, and compare their advantages, as well as

the price, to find out what is the most suitable one for this cafe. After they decide the

vendor, they need to procure this software, which definitely requires a sub-contractor.

ii) In the second branch: implement SOA, the first thing is to install the software, then

collect the data and import it into the software. These things can be done by the staff

or manager of the cafe, following the instruction manual. The following work packages

requires the professional knowledge from sub contractor ( the vendor of SOA),

because as the software developer, they know how to do the testing of this software,

make sure it works properly and meet the requirements of the cafe. And they are also

responsible for teaching the staff in the cafe the functions of this application.

iii) In the third branch: adjust cafe operations, it is more like the transformation and

upgrading of this cafe. The first work package is optimizing the operation process after

using the application, because they need to get familiar to the new operations based

on the old ones. The next step is to form a new market strategy, which may be better

if they find an external marketing team to decide a new strategy. Because the external,

and professional one can be more objective, detailed, innovated, and comprehensive.

After they apply the new method, they can get the feedback by doing the survey or

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having conversations with customers. These data can be analyzed by the cafe

manager or other staffs. According to the feedback and business volume, the manage

of cafe can make the evaluation.

iv) In the forth branch: customer trials, it can be given to an sub-contractor to design a

better and more professional trial plan. The application testers should be found from

external source, so that they can give reasonable evaluations. After applying the trial

plan, the cafe can analyse the newly collected data to see if there is a positive trend.

v) In the last trend: SOA operations, first of all, the design part should also be done by

a sub-contractor, because staffs in cafe cannot develop the application. After SOA is

developed, it can be used and advertised by the cafe. And then the manager will

analyze the data after they use this application.

After analyzing the WBS, we make the following list of the work packages that need


Work packages need sub-contractor

Buy SOA software

System software testing

Training and support

Marketing strategy formulation

Trial plan design

Recruitment of probationers

SOA operation plan design

(b) The two work packages that we chose are: i) Buy SOA software; ii) Recruitment of


i) Buy SOA software

The development of this SOA is a short-term project, because the current problems of

Daily Buzz Cafe are urgently needed to be solved. The cafe does not have the staff

who has the skills to develop software, so if they use build decision, despite the high

safety factor, it takes too long, and quite expensive. So for the sake of time cost and

economic budget, the cafe should use buy decision to find a sub-contractor.

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For the ways to select a supplier for developing this application, considering the scale

of this cafe is not large, and do not have much experience on selecting an external

supplier, assessment selection should be used. It requires the staff in cafe to conduct

thorough researches on different sub-contractors. And then compare, analysis, and

evaluate these sub-contractors, to find out the most suitable one.

The type of contract chosen is Time and Materials Contract . Because for this project,

the scope is not clear, and there are lots of uncertainties, so the risk is high. As is

mentioned before, Daily Buzz Cafe is a small scaled cafe, so this contract can protect

the cafe against runaway costs, which means the risk is mitigated. Also, when there is

something need to be changed, for example, some new functions added to the

software, it is easy to do the adjustments. So T&M contract will be beneficial to this

software project.

The criteria for the software company: 1) The ability to develop software as required.

2) Credit of the sub-contractor is good. 3) Reasonable price 4) Meet the requirement

of developing the software within a relatively short time. 5) The quality of the software

is high, and the functions are comprehensive. 6) Good service attitude, effective


The decision-making process: Because this cafe is not a big company, so first is RFT

(Request of Tender), after they got the information of these suppliers, they do the

assessment selection. Combined this with the price that the suppliers offered, they can

have a weighted scoring on these suppliers to find out the most suitable one. At last,

they sign the contract.

ii) Recruitment of probationers

The recruitment of probationers is needed when the trial plan is decided, and the cafe

need some software testers to give some opinions on the new software. This should

be done within a short time, because they must find out whether this software is good

or not, where they can adjust, and how to make it better. And there is no need for them

to build a team in the cafe for testing this software, because it is a waste of time and

effort. So the cafe needs to use the buy decision to hire some testers from external


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For the ways to select a supplier for testing the software, assessment, and negotiation

selection can be used. The staff in cafe can define a range of testers, then compare

and negotiate with them to find out the most suitable one.

The type of contract chosen is Fixed Price Contract. For this project, although the

scope is not clear, time is urgent, probably a few days. Also, testing the new application

does not have risk, so fixed price contract can be used.

The criteria for recruit probationers: 1) Responsible and conscientious. 2) Credit of the

probationers are good. 3) Reasonable price 4) Meet the requirement of testing the

software within a relatively short time. 5) Give fair appraisals and advice after testing.

6) Good service attitude, effective communication.

The decision-making process: Because this cafe is not a big company, so first is RFT

(Request of Tender), after they got the information of these testers, they do the

assessment selection and negotiate with them on the price and requirements. If they

reach an agreement, they sign the contract.

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