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1 Understanding Ethics
2 Defining Business Ethics

We begin by exploring how people live their lives according to a standard of “right” or “wrong” behavior. Where
do people look for guidance in deciding what is right or wrong or good or bad? Once they have developed a
personal set of moral standards or ethical principles, how do people then interact with other members of their
community or society as a whole who may or may not share the same ethical principles?

With a basic understanding of ethics, we can then examine the concept of business ethics, where employees
face the dilemma of balancing their own moral standards with those of the company they work for and the
supervisor or manager to whom they report on a daily basis. We examine the question of whether the business
world should be viewed as an artificial environment where the rules by which you choose to live your own life
don’t necessarily apply.

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After studying this chapter, you should be able to:

1 Define ethics.

2 Explain the role of values in ethical decision making.

3 Understand opposing ethical theories and their limitations.

4 Discuss ethical relativism.

5 Explain an ethical dilemma and apply a process to resolve it.

Doing the Right Thing
egan is a rental agent for the Oxford Lake apartment complex. The work is fairly boring, but she’s
M going to school in the evening, so the quiet periods give her time to catch up on her studies, plus
the discounted rent is a great help to her budget. Business has been slow since two other apartment
complexes opened up, and their vacancies are starting to run a little high.
The company recently appointed a new regional director to “inject some energy and creativity” into their local cam-
paigns and generate some new rental leases. Her name is Kate Jones, and based on first impressions, Megan thinks Kate
would rent her grandmother an apartment as long as she could raise the rent first.
Kate’s first event is an open house, complete with free hot dogs and cokes and a clown making balloon animals for the
kids. They run ads in the paper and on the radio and manage to attract a good crowd of people.
Their first applicants are Michael and Tania Wilson, an African-American couple with one young son, Tyler. Megan
takes their application. They’re a nice couple with a stable work history, more than enough income to cover the rent, and
good references from their previous landlord. Megan advises them that they will do a background check as a standard
procedure and that things “look very good” for their application.
After they leave, Kate stops by the rental office. “How did that couple look? Any issues with their application?”
“None at all,” answers Megan. “I think they’ll be a perfect addition to our community.”
“Don’t rush their application through too quickly,” replies Kate. “We have time to find some more applicants, and, in
my experience, those people usually end up breaking their lease or skipping town with unpaid rent.”

1. What would be “the right thing” to do here? How would the “Golden Rule” on page 6 relate to Megan’s decision?
2. How would you resolve this ethical dilemma? Review the three-step process on page 9 for more details.
3. What should Megan do now?

Ethics is about how we meet the challenge
of doing the right thing when that will
cost more than we want to pay.
The Josephson Institute of Ethics

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>> What Is Ethics? collection of all these influences as they are built up
over your lifetime. A strict family upbringing or reli-
The field of ethics is the study of how we try to gious education would obviously have a direct impact
live our lives according to a standard of “right” or on your personal moral standards. These standards
“wrong” behavior—in both would then provide a moral compass (a sense of per-
Ethics The manner by how we think and behave sonal direction) to guide you in the choices you make
which we try to live our lives toward others and how in your life.
according to a standard
we would like them to
of “right” or “wrong”
behavior—in both how we think and behave toward
think and behave toward us. For some, it is a con- HOW SHOULD I LIVE?
others and how we would scious choice to follow a You do not acquire your personal moral standards in
like them to think and
behave toward us. set of moral standards or the same way that you learn the alphabet. Standards
ethical principles that pro- of ethical behavior are absorbed by osmosis as you
Society A structured
community of people vide guidance on how they observe the examples (both positive and negative) set
bound together by similar should conduct themselves by everyone around you—parents, family members,
traditions and customs. in their daily lives. For oth- friends, peers, and neighbors. Your adoption of those
Culture A particular set ers, where the choice is standards is ultimately unique to you as an individual.
of attitudes, beliefs, and not so clear, they look to For example, you may be influenced by the teachings
practices that characterize a
group of individuals.
the behavior of others to of your family’s religious beliefs and grow to believe
determine what is an ac- that behaving ethically toward others represents a
Value System A set
of personal principles
ceptable standard of right demonstration of religious devotion. However, that
formalized into a code of and wrong or good and bad devotion may just as easily be motivated by either fear
behavior. behavior. How they arrive of a divine punishment in the afterlife or anticipation
Intrinsic Value The quality at the definition of what’s of a reward for living a virtuous life.
by which a value is a good right or wrong is a result Alternatively, you may choose to reject religious
thing in itself and is pursued morality and instead base your ethical behavior on
of many factors, including
for its own sake, whether
anything comes from that how they were raised, their your experience of human existence rather than any
pursuit or not. religion, and the traditions abstract concepts of right and wrong as determined
and beliefs of their society. by a religious doctrine.
When individuals share similar standards in a
community, we can use the terms values and value
>> Understanding system. The terms morals and values are often used
to mean the same thing—a set of personal principles
Right and Wrong by which you aim to live your life.
Moral standards are principles When you try to formalize those
based on religious, cultural, or principles into a code of behavior,
philosophical beliefs by which then you are seen to be adopting a
judgments are made about good value system.
or bad behavior. These beliefs can
come from many different sources: THE VALUE OF A VALUE
• Friends Just as the word value is used to
• Family denote the worth of an item, a per-
• Ethnic background son’s values can be said to have a
• Religion specific “worth” for them. That
• School worth can be expressed in two
• The media—television, radio, ways:
newspapers, magazines, the 1. An intrinsic value—by which
Internet a value is a good thing in itself
• Personal role models and
and is pursued for its own sake,
mentors whether anything good comes
Your personal set of morals— from that pursuit or not. For
your morality—represents a example, happiness, health,

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and self-respect can all be said to have intrinsic 4. Rules of appropriate Instrumental Value The
value. behavior for a commu- quality by which the pursuit
of one value is a good way
2. An instrumental value—by which the pursuit of nity or society. to reach another value. For
one value is a good way to reach another value. example, money is valued
The first category—a sim- for what it can buy rather
For example, money is valued for what it can buy
ple truth—also may be than for itself.
rather than for itself.
expressed as simply doing
the right thing. It is something that most people can
VALUE CONFLICTS understand and support. It is this basic simplicity that
can lead you to take ethical behavior for granted—
The impact of a person’s or a group’s value system
you assume that everyone is committed to doing the
can be seen in the extent to which their daily lives
right thing, and it’s not until you are exposed to un-
are influenced by those values. However, the greatest
ethical behavior that you are reminded that, unfor-
test of any personal value system comes when you are
tunately, not all people share your interpretation of
presented with a situation that places those values in
what “the right thing” is, and even if they did, they
direct conflict with an action. For example:
may not share your commitment to doing it.
1 Lying is wrong—but what if you were lying to pro- The second category—personal integrity, demon-
tect the life of a loved one? strated by someone’s behavior—looks at ethics from
2. Stealing is wrong—but what if you were stealing an external rather than an internal viewpoint. All our
food for a starving child? classic comic-book heroes—Superman, Spider-Man,
3. Killing is wrong—but what if you had to kill some- Batman, and Wonder Woman, to name just a few—
one in self-defense to protect your own life? represent the ideal of personal integrity where a per-
son lives a life that is true to his or her moral
How do you resolve such con-
standards, often at the cost of considerable
flicts? Are there exceptions to
personal sacrifice.
these rules? Can you justify
Rules of appropriate individual be-
those actions based on special cir-
havior represent the idea that the
cumstances? Should you then start clari-
moral standards we develop for
fying the exceptions to your value system? If
ourselves impact our lives on a
so, can you really plan for every possible
daily basis in our behavior and the
other types of decisions we make.
It is this gray area that makes the
Rules of appropriate behavior
study of ethics so complex. We
Superman for a community or society remind
would like to believe that there has become us that we must eventually bring
are clearly defined rules of right a fictional
and wrong and that you can live representation of our personal value system into a
personal integrity. world that is shared with people
your life in direct observance Can you find examples who will probably have both simi-
of those rules. However, it is of individuals with personal
lar and very different value sys-
more likely that situations will integrity in your own life?
tems. Establishing an ethical ideal
arise that will require exceptions
for a community or society allows
to those rules. It is how you choose to respond to
that group of people to live with the confidence that
those situations and the specific choices you make
comes from knowing they share a common standard.
that really define your personal value system.
Each category represents a different feature of eth-
ics. On one level, the study of ethics seeks to under-
DOING THE RIGHT THING stand how people make the choices they make—how
they develop their own set of moral standards, how
If you asked your friends and family what ethics
they live their lives on the basis of those standards,
means to them, you would probably arrive at a list of
and how they judge the behavior of others in relation
four basic categories:
to those standards. On a second level, we then try to
1. Simple truth—right and wrong or good and bad. use that understanding to develop a set of ideals or
2. A question of someone’s personal character—his principles by which a group of ethical individuals
or her integrity. can combine as a community with a common under-
3. Rules of appropriate individual behavior. standing of how they “ought” to behave.

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debate, different schools
PROGRESS of thought have de-
veloped as to how we
1. What is the definition of ethics? should go about living
2. What is a moral compass, and how would you an ethical life.
apply it? Ethical theories can
3. Explain the difference between intrinsic and be divided into three
instrumental values.
categories: virtue eth-
ics, ethics for the great-
4. List the four basic categories of ethics.
er good, and universal
For some, the goal of living an ethical life is expressed VIRTUE ETHICS
by the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have The Greek philosopher
them do unto you, or treat others as you would like to Aristotle’s belief in individual character and integrity
be treated. This simple and very clear rule is shared by established a concept of living your life according to
many different religions in the world: a commitment to the achievement of a clear ideal—
• Buddhism: “Hurt not others in ways that you what sort of person would I like to become, and how do
yourself would find hurtful.”—Udana-Varga 5:18 I go about becoming that person?
• Christianity: “Therefore all things whatsoever ye The problem with virtue ethics is that societies
would that men should do to you, do ye even so to can place different emphasis on different virtues. For
them.”—Matthew 7:12 example, Greek society at the time of Aristotle valued
• Hinduism: “This is the sum of duty: do naught wisdom, courage, and justice. By contrast, Christian
unto others which would cause you pain if done to societies value faith, hope, and charity. So if the vir-
you.”—Mahabharata 5:1517 tues you hope to achieve aren’t a direct reflection of
the values of the society in which you live, there is a
The Golden Rule Do unto Of course, the danger real danger of value conflict.
others as you would have with the Golden Rule is
them do unto you. that not everyone thinks
Virtue Ethics A concept of like you, acts like you, or ETHICS FOR THE GREATER GOOD
living your life according believes in the same prin- As the name implies, ethics for the greater good is
to a commitment to the
achievement of a clear ideal— ciples that you do, so to live more focused on the outcome of your actions rather
what sort of person would I like your life on the assumption than the apparent virtue of the actions themselves—
to become, and how do I go that your pursuit of an eth- that is, a focus on the greatest good for the greatest
about becoming that person?
ical ideal will match others’ number of people. Originally proposed by a Scottish
Utilitarianism Ethical choices ethical ideals could get you philosopher named David Hume, this approach to
that offer the greatest good for
the greatest number of people.
into trouble. For example, ethics is also referred to as utilitarianism.
if you were the type of per- The problem with this approach to ethics is the idea
Universal Ethics Actions
that are taken out of duty and
son who values honesty in that the ends justify the means. If all you focus on is
obligation to a purely moral your personal value system, doing the greatest good for the greatest number of peo-
ideal rather than based on the and you found a wallet on ple, no one is accountable for the actions that are taken
needs of the situation, since
the universal principles are
the sidewalk, you would to achieve that outcome. The 20th century witnessed
seen to apply to everyone, try to return it to its right- one of the most extreme examples of this when Adolf
everywhere, all the time. ful owner. However, if you Hitler and his Nazi party launched a national genocide
lost your wallet, could you against Jews and “defective” people on the utilitarian
automatically expect that the person who found it grounds of restoring the Aryan race.
would make the same effort to return it to you?
>> Ethical Theories Originally attributed to a German philosopher
The subject of ethics has been a matter of philosophical named Immanuel Kant, universal ethics argues that
debate for over 2,500 years—as far back as the Greek there are certain and universal principles that should
philosopher Socrates. Over time and with considerable apply to all ethical judgments. Actions are taken out

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Life Skills
>> What do you stand for, or what will you stand
Your personal value system will guide you throughout your life, both in personal
and professional matters. How often you will decide to stand by those values
or deviate from them will be a matter of personal choice, but each one of those
choices will contribute to the ongoing development of your values. As the work of
Lawrence Kohlberg (page 11) points out, your understanding of moral complexities and
ethical dilemmas grows as your life experience and education grow. For that reason, you
will measure every choice you make against the value system you developed as a child
from your parents, friends, society, and often your religious upbringing. The cumulative
effect of all those choices is a value system that is unique to you. Of course, you will share many of the same
values as your family and friends, but some of your choices will differ from theirs because your values differ.
The great benefit of having such a guide to turn to when faced with a difficult decision is that you can
both step away from the emotion and pressure of a situation and, at the same time, turn to a system that
truly represents who you are as a person—someone with integrity who can be counted on to make a
reasoned and thoughtful choice.

of duty and obligation to a purely moral ideal rather justifiable? If not, how do Ethical Relativism Concept
that the traditions of your
than based on the needs of the situation, since the you explain that to the fam- society, your personal
universal principles are seen to apply to everyone, ev- ilies who lose loved ones opinions, and the
erywhere, all the time. waiting unsuccessfully for circumstances of the present
moment define your ethical
The problem with this approach is the reverse of organ transplants? principles.
the weakness in ethics for the greater good. If all
you focus on is abiding by a universal principle, no
one is accountable for the consequences of the ac- >> Ethical Relativism
tions taken to abide by those principles. Consider, When the limitations of each of these theories are re-
for example, the current debate over the use of stem viewed, it becomes clear that there is no truly com-
cells in researching a cure for Parkinson’s disease. prehensive theory of ethics, only a choice that is made
If you recognize the value of human life above all based on your personal value system. In this context,
else as a universal ethical principle, how do you jus- it is easier to understand why, when faced with the re-
tify the use of a human embryo in the harvesting of quirement to select a model

stem cells? Does the potential for curing many ma- of how we ought to live our
jor illnesses—Parkinson’s, cancer, heart disease, and lives, many people choose Why is the issue
kidney disease—make stem cell research ethically the idea of ethical relativ-
of accountability
ism, whereby the traditions
PROGRESS ✓QUESTIONS of their society, their per- relevant in considering
Study Alert

sonal opinions, and the cir- alternate ethical

cumstances of the present theories?
5. What is the Golden Rule? moment define their ethical
6. List the three basic ethical theories. principles.
7. Identify the limitations of each theory. The idea of relativism
8. Provide an example of each theory in practice. implies some degree of flex-
ibility as opposed to strict

Chapter 1 / Understanding Ethics • 7

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Applied Ethics The study of black-and-white rules. It and moral life. However, this ethical theory repre-
how ethical theories are put also offers the comfort of sents only half of the school of philosophy we recog-
into practice.
being a part of the ethical nize as ethics. At some point, these theories have to
Ethical Dilemma A situation majority in your commu- be put into practice, and we then move into the area
in which there is no obvious
nity or society instead of of applied ethics.
right or wrong decision, but
rather a right or right answer. standing by your individual The basic assumption of ethical theory is that you
beliefs as an outsider from as an individual or community are in control of all
the group. In our current society, when we talk about the factors that influence the choices that you make.
peer pressure among groups, we are acknowledging In reality, your ethical principles are most likely to be
that the expectations of this majority can sometimes tested when you face a situation in which there is no
have negative consequences. obvious right or wrong decision but rather a right or
right answer. Such situations are referred to as ethical
>> Ethical Dilemmas As we saw earlier in our review of value systems
Up to now we have been concerned with the notion and value conflicts, any idealized set of principles or
of ethical theory—how we conduct ourselves as indi- standards inevitably faces some form of challenge.
viduals and as a community in order to live a good For ethical theories, that challenge takes the form of

In the days before the dominance of technology in

the lives of teenagers and young adults, concerns
over peer pressure (stress exerted by friends and
classmates) focused on bullying, criminal behavior,
drug use, and sexual activity. The arrival of “smart
phones” and the ability to send text messages to
a wide audience and post short videos on the In-
ternet have brought a new element to concerns
over peer pressure at school. A 2008 survey by the
National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned
Pregnancy found that 20 percent of teens ages 13
to 19 said they have electronically sent or posted
online nude or seminude pictures or video of them-

selves. Nearly 50 percent of the teen girls surveyed

said “pressure from guys” was the reason they
shared sexually explicit photos or messages, and
boys cited “pressure from friends.”
Incidents of “sexting” have increased so quickly
that local communities and law enforcement agen-
cies have been caught unprepared. While many
consider the incidents to be examples of negligent hundreds of students. Even though only five teens were
behavior on the part of the teens involved, the viewing involved in sending the pictures, their unlimited access
and distribution of such materials could result in charges to technology allowed them to reach several hundred
of felony child pornography and a listing on a sex offend- students in four school districts before the incident was
er registry for decades to come. In one case, 18-year-old stopped. At the time of writing this case, 15 states are
Philip Alpert was convicted of child pornography after now considering laws to deter teens from sexting with-
distributing a revealing photo of his 16-year-old girlfriend out charging them as adult sex offenders.
after they got into an argument. He will be labeled a “sex
offender” until he is 43 years old. QUESTIONS
Unfortunately, the dramatic increase in the number 1. In what ways does giving in to peer pressure consti-
of incidents of sexting has brought about tragic conse- tute ethical relativism?
quences. Cincinnati teen Jessie Logan killed herself after 2. How could you use your personal value system to
nude pictures she had sent to her boyfriend were sent to fight back against peer pressure?

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3. How would you communicate the risks of sexting to Sources: Satta Sarmah, “ ‘Sexting’ on the Rise among Teens,” http://rye.patch

.com, May 21, 2010; “Sexting Bill Introduced at Statehouse,”,

students who are struggling to deal with peer pres- May 13, 2010; and “Sex and Tech: Results from a Survey of Teens and Young
sure? Adults,”
4. Is a change in the law the best option for addressing .pdf, October 20, 2010.
this problem? Why or why not?

a dilemma in which the decision you must make re- When we review the ethical theories covered in
quires you to make a right choice knowing full well this chapter, we can identify two distinct approaches
that you are: to handling ethical dilemmas. One is to focus on the
practical consequences of what we choose to do, and
• Leaving an equally right choice undone.
the other focuses on the actions themselves and the
• Likely to suffer something bad as a result of that
degree to which they were the right actions to take.
The first school of thought argues that the ends justify
• Contradicting a personal ethical principle in mak-
the means and that if there is no harm, there is no
ing that choice.
foul. The second claims that some actions are simply
• Abandoning an ethical value of your community
wrong in and of themselves.
or society in making that choice.
So what should you do? Consider this three-step
process for solving an ethical problem:2
Step 1. Analyze the consequences. Who will be helped
RESOLVING ETHICAL DILEMMAS by what you do? Who will be harmed? What kind
By its very definition, an ethical dilemma cannot of benefits and harm are we talking about? (Some
really be resolved in the sense that a resolution of the are more valuable or more harmful than others:
problem implies a satisfactory answer to the problem. good health, someone’s trust, and a clean environ-
Since, in reality, the “answer” to an ethical dilemma ment are very valuable benefits, more so than a
is often the lesser of two evils, it is questionable to as- faster remote control device.) How does all of this
sume that there will always be an acceptable answer— look over the long run as well as the short run?
it’s more a question of whether or not you can arrive Step 2. Analyze the actions. Consider all the options
at an outcome you can live with. from a different perspective, without think-
Joseph L. Badaracco Jr.’s book Defining Moments ing about the consequences. How do the actions
captures this notion of living with an outcome in a measure up against moral principles like honesty,
discussion of “sleep-test ethics”:1

The sleep test . . . is supposed to tell people wheth-

er or not they have made a morally sound decision.
In its literal version, a person who has made the
right choice can sleep soundly afterward; someone
who has made the wrong choice cannot. . . . De-
fi ned less literally and more broadly, sleep-test
ethics rests on a single, fundamental belief: that
we should rely on our personal insights, feelings,
and instincts when we face a difficult problem.
Defi ned this way, sleep-test ethics is the ethics of
intuition. It advises us to follow our hearts, partic-
ularly when our minds are confused. It says that,
if something continues to gnaw at us, it probably

Chapter 1 / Understanding Ethics • 9

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fairness, equality, respecting the dignity of oth- what will happen if you follow a particular course
ers, and people’s rights? (Consider the common of action. Decide whether you think more good or
good.) Are any of the actions at odds with those harm will come of your action.
standards? If there’s a conflict between principles 6. What do your feelings tell you? Feelings are facts
or between the rights of different people involved, too. Your feelings about ethical issues may give
is there a way to see one principle as more impor- you a clue as to parts of your decision that your
tant than the others? Which option offers actions rational mind may overlook.
that are least problematic? 7. What will you think of yourself if you decide one
Step 3. Make a decision. Take both parts of your analy- thing or another? Some call this your conscience.
sis into account, and make a decision. This strategy It is a form of self-appraisal. It helps you decide
at least gives you some basic steps you can follow. whether you are the kind of person you would like
to be. It helps you live with yourself.
PROGRESS ✓QUESTIONS 8. Can you explain and justify your decision to others?
Your behavior shouldn’t be based on a whim. Nei-
ther should it be self-centered. Ethics involves you
9. Define ethical relativism. in the life of the world around you. For this reason
10. Define applied ethics. you must be able to justify your moral decisions
11. What is an ethical dilemma? in ways that seem reasonable to reasonable people.
12. Explain the three-step process for resolving an Ethical reasons can’t be private reasons.
ethical dilemma. The application of these steps is based on some
key assumptions: first, that there is sufficient time for
the degree of contemplation that such questions re-
Ethical Reasoning Looking
If a three-step model quire; second, that there is enough information avail-
at the information available
to us in resolving an ethical seems too simple, Arthur able for you to answer the questions; and third, that
dilemma, and drawing Dobrin identified eight the dilemma presents alternative resolutions for you
conclusions based on that questions you should con- to select from. Without alternatives, your analysis
information in relation to our
own ethical standards. sider when resolving an becomes a question of finding a palatable resolution
ethical dilemma:3 that you can live with—much like Badaracco’s sleep
test—rather than the most appropriate solution.
1. What are the facts? Know the facts as best you can.
If your facts are wrong, you’re liable to make a bad
2. What can you guess about the facts you don’t know? When we are attempting to resolve an ethical di-
Since it is impossible to know all the facts, make lemma, we follow a process of ethical reasoning. We
reasonable assumptions about the missing pieces look at the information available to us and draw con-
of information. clusions based on that information in relation to our
3. What do the facts mean? Facts by themselves have own ethical standards. Lawrence Kohlberg developed
no meaning. You need to interpret the information a framework (see Figure 1.1) that presents the argu-
in light of the values that are important to you.
4. What does the problem look like through the eyes
of the people involved? The ability to walk in an-
other’s shoes is essen-

Study Alert tial. Understanding the
problem through a va-
Apply Dobrin’s eight riety of perspectives
questions to an ethical increases the possibil-
dilemma you have ity that you will choose
faced in the past. wisely.
Would applying this
5. What will happen if you
choose one thing rather
process have changed
than another? All actions
your decision? Why or
have consequences. Make Figure 1.1 • Lawrence Kohlberg’s
why not? a reasonable guess as to Stages of Ethical Reasoning

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In 1842, a ship struck an iceberg, and more than 30 sur-
vivors were crowded into a lifeboat intended to hold 7. As
a storm threatened, it became obvious that the lifeboat
would have to be lightened if anyone were to survive.
The captain reasoned that the right thing to do in this
situation was to force some individuals to go over the
side and drown. Such an action, he reasoned, was not
unjust to those thrown overboard, for they would have
drowned anyway. If he did nothing, however, he would

be responsible for the deaths of those whom he could

have saved. Some people opposed the captain’s decision.
They claimed that if nothing were done and everyone
died as a result, no one would be responsible for these
deaths. On the other hand, if the captain attempted to
save some, he could do so only by killing others and their
deaths would be his responsibility; this would be worse
than doing nothing and letting all die. The captain rejected
this reasoning. Since the only possibility for rescue re-
quired great efforts of rowing, the captain decided that
the weakest would have to be sacrificed. In this situation
it would be absurd, he thought, to decide by drawing lots
who should be thrown overboard. As it turned out, after
days of hard rowing, the survivors were rescued and the
captain was tried for his action.

1. Did the captain make the right decision? Why or why 4. Which ethical theory or theories could be applied
not? here?
2. What other choices could the captain have made? Source: Adapted from
3. If you had been on the jury, how would you have
decided? Why?

ment that we develop a reasoning process over time, Level 2: Conventional. At this level, a person con-
moving through six distinct stages (classified into tinues to become aware of broader influences outside
three levels of moral development) as we are exposed of the family.
to major influences in our lives.4 • Stage 3: “Good boy/nice girl” orientation. At this
Level 1: Preconventional. At this lowest level of stage, a person is focused on meeting the expec-
moral development, a person’s response to a percep- tations of family members—that is, something
tion of right and wrong is initially directly linked to is right or wrong because it pleases those family
the expectation of punishment or reward. members. Stereotypical behavior is recognized,
and conformity to that behavior develops.
• Stage 1: Obedience and punishment orientation.
• Stage 4: Law-and-order orientation. At this stage, a
A person is focused on avoidance of punishment
person is increasingly aware of his or her membership
and deference to power and authority—that is,
in a society and the existence of codes of behavior—
something is right or wrong because a recognized
that is, something is right or wrong because codes of
authority figure says it is.
legal, religious, or social behavior dictate it.
• Stage 2: Individualism, instrumentalism, and
exchange. As a more organized and advanced Level 3: Postconventional. At this highest level of
form of stage 1, a person is focused on satisfying ethical reasoning, a person makes a clear effort to
his or her own needs—that is, something is right define principles and moral values that reflect an
or wrong because it helps the person get what he individual value system rather than simply reflecting
or she wants or needs. the group position.

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• Stage 5: Social contract legalistic orientation. At wrong because it has withstood scrutiny by the
this stage, a person is focused on individual rights society in which the principle is accepted.
and the development of standards based on criti- • Stage 6: Universal ethical principle orientation. At
cal examination—that is, something is right or this stage, a person is focused on self-chosen ethi-
cal principles that are found to be comprehensive
and consistent—that is, something is right or
wrong because it reflects that person’s individual
value system and the conscious choices he or she
makes in life. While Kohlberg always believed in
the existence of stage 6, he was never able to find
enough research subjects to prove the long-term
stability of this stage.
Kohlberg’s framework offers us a clearer view into
the process of ethical reasoning—that is, that some-
one can arrive at a decision, in this case the resolu-
tion of an ethical dilemma—on the basis of a moral

rationale that is built on the cumulative experience of

Real World his or her life.
Kohlberg also believed that a person could not

Applications move or jump beyond the next stage of his or her six
stages. It would be impossible, he argued, for a per-
Michelle Lopane takes her managerial role very seri- son to comprehend the moral issues and dilemmas
ously. Sometimes managers are called on to make tough at a level so far beyond his or her life experience and
decisions—firing nonperformers and letting people go education.
when cost cuts have to be made. She has always found a
way to come to terms with the tough decisions: “As long
as I can sleep at night, then I know I have made the best
decision I can under the circumstances.” Lately, however, PROGRESS ✓QUESTIONS
the material in her business ethics class has made her
reconsider some of her previous decisions. “Am I really 13. What are the eight questions you should con-
making the best decision or just the decision I can live sider in resolving an ethical dilemma?
with?” How do you think most managers would answer 14. What assumptions are we making in the resolu-
that question? tion of a dilemma? What should you do if you
can’t answer these eight questions for the
dilemma you are looking to resolve?
15. What are Kohlberg’s three levels of moral
16. What are the six stages of development in
those three levels?

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>> Conclusion do you do what the top performers do and “up sell
like crazy” and make every sale count?
Now that we have reviewed the processes by which we • You are a tech-support specialist for a small com-
arrive at our personal ethical principles, let’s consider puter software manufacturer. Your supervisor
what happens when we take the study of ethics into informs you that a bug has been found in the
the business world. What happens when the decision soft ware that will take several weeks to fi x. You
that is expected of you by your supervisor or manager are instructed to handle all calls without admit-
goes against your personal value system? Consider ting the existence of the bug. Specific examples
these situations: are provided to divert customers’ concerns with
• As a salesperson, you work on a monthly quota. suggestions of user error, hardware issues, and
Your sales training outlines several techniques to conflicts with other soft ware packages. The bug,
“up sell” each customer—that is, to add additional you are told, will be fi xed in a scheduled version
features, benefits, or warranties to your product upgrade without any admission of its existence.
that the average customer doesn’t really need. Your Could you do that?
sales manager draws a very clear picture for you: If How organizations reach a point in their growth
you don’t make your quota, you don’t have a job. So where such behavior can become the norm, and how
if your personal value system requires that you sell employees of those organizations find a way to work
customers only what they really need, are you will- in such environments, is what the field of business
ing to make more smaller sales to hit your quota, or ethics is all about.

Doing the Right Thing—Megan Makes a Decision
ate was right; they did receive several more applications at the open expose all of them to legal action if the Wilsons ever found out—plus it was
K house, but each one was less attractive as a potential tenant than
the Wilsons. Some had credit problems, others couldn’t provide references
just plain wrong. There was nothing in their application that suggested that
they would be anything other than model tenants, and just because Kate had
because they had been “living with a family member,” and others had short experienced bad tenants like “those people” in the past, there was no reason
work histories or were brand new to the area. to group the Wilsons with that group.
This left Megan with a tough choice. The Wilsons were the best Megan picked up the phone and started dialing. “Mrs. Wilson? Hi, this is
applicants, but Kate had made her feelings about them very clear, so Megan’s Megan with Oxford Lake Apartments. I have some wonderful news.”
options were fairly obvious—she could follow Kate’s instructions and bury
the Wilsons’ application in favor of another couple, or she could give the QUESTIONS
apartment to the best tenants and run the risk of making an enemy of her 1. Did Megan make the right choice here?
new boss. 2. What do you think Kate’s reaction will be?
The more Megan thought about the situation, the angrier she became. 3. What would have been the risks for Oxford Lake if Megan had
Not giving the apartment to the Wilsons was discriminatory and would decided not to rent the apartment to the Wilsons?

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For Review
1. Define ethics. therefore unlikely to be a consistent standard. Utilitarian-
Ethics is the study of how we try to live our lives accord- ism only focuses on the outcome of the choice without
ing to a standard of “right” or “wrong” behavior—in any real concern for the virtue of the actions themselves,
both how we think and behave toward others and how and human history has produced many atrocities that
we would like them to think and behave toward us. For have been committed in the name of the “end justifying
some, it is a conscious choice to follow a set of moral the means.” At the other end of the scale, staying true to
standards or ethical principles that provide guidance morally pure ethical principles without considering the
on how they should conduct themselves in their daily outcome of that choice is equally problematic.
lives. For others, where the choice is not so clear, they 4. Discuss “ethical relativism.”
look to the behavior of others to determine what is an In the absence of a truly comprehensive theory of eth-
acceptable standard of right and wrong or good and ics and a corresponding model or checklist to guide
bad behavior. them, many people choose to approach ethical deci-
2. Explain the role of values in ethical decision sions by pursuing the comfort of an ethical majority that
making. reflects a combination of the traditions of their society,
Values represent a set of personal principles by which their personal opinions, and the circumstances of the
you aim to live your life. Those principles are most often present moment. This relativist approach offers more
based on religious, cultural, or philosophical beliefs flexibility than the pursuit of definitive black-and-white
that you have developed over time as a collection of rules. However, the pursuit of an ethical majority in a
influences from family, friends, school, religion, ethnic peer pressure situation can sometimes have negative
background, the media, and your personal mentors and consequences.
role models. When you try to formalize these principles 5. Explain an ethical dilemma, and apply a pro-
into a code of behavior, then you are seen to be adopting cess to resolve it.
a value system which becomes your benchmark in de- An ethical dilemma is a situation in which there is no
ciding which choices and behaviors meet the standard obvious right or wrong decision, but rather a right or right
of “doing the right thing.” answer. In such cases you are required to make a choice
3. Understand opposing ethical theories and even though you are probably leaving an equally valid
their limitations. choice unmade and contradicting a personal or societal
Ethical theories can be divided into three categories: ethical value in making that choice. There is no defini-
virtue ethics (focusing on individual character and integ- tive checklist for ethical dilemmas because the issues
rity); ethics for the greater good, also referred to as utili- are often situational in nature. Therefore the best hope
tarianism (focusing on the choices that offer the greatest for a “right” choice can often fall to the “lesser of two
good for the greatest number of people); and universal evils” and an outcome you can live with. Arthur Dobrin
ethics (focusing on universal principles that should apply offers eight questions that should be asked to ensure
to all ethical judgments, irrespective of the outcome). that you have as much relevant information available as
Each category is limited by the absence of a clear possible (in addition to a clear sense of what you don’t
sense of accountability for the choices being made. know) as to the available choices, the actions needed for
As we have seen in this chapter, individual character each choice, and the anticipated consequences of each
and integrity can depend on many influences and are choice.

Key Terms
Applied Ethics 8 Ethics 4 Universal Ethics 6
Culture 4 The Golden Rule 6 Utilitarianism 6
Ethical Dilemma 8 Instrumental Value 5 Value System 4
Ethical Reasoning 10 Intrinsic Value 4 Virtue Ethics 6
Ethical Relativism 7 Society 4

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