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Good Morning, Prof,

“Many” is used with countable plural nouns like “children” and “students.” (Use “many” with

“Much,” on the other hand, can only be used with uncountable nouns
like “money” or “homework.” (Use “much” with uncountable nouns. An uncountable noun has
no correct plural form.)

“A lot” can be used with both. (“Much” and “many” are used mainly in negatives and questions.
In affirmative sentences, use “a lot of.”)

Give example in sentences!

Example of Many:

There were many people waiting in line.

Many people would disagree with your idea.

Do we have many books?

Example of Much:

Do you make much money at your job?

There wasn’t much to do.

There wasn’t much work to do.

Example of a lot :

I have a lot of homework.

I need a lot of coffee to wake up in the morning.

She eats a lot of fruit.

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