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Act #4

1. Draw a person that shows signs of deception and explain what those signs

It is frequently said that eyes are the windows to the soul as they have the ability to
convey great amounts of information and emotion without the need for language.
Comparing eyes to silent messengers would not be off the mark. This makes the eyes
key factors for detecting dishonesty. Let's take a closer look at how the eyes can serve
as red flags for lying.

2. Is it necessary for the investigators to perform different methods of

interrogation? Explain.

Police investigations can be dynamic, and the way events unfold and evidence is
revealed can be unpredictable. This premise also holds true for interviewing,
questioning, interrogating suspects. Players in a criminal event may be revealed as
suspects at different stages of the investigation. To properly secure and manage the
statement evidence that is gained during interactions with suspects or possible
suspects, it is important for investigators to understand the actions that should be taken
at each stage, while remembering that interviewing, questioning, and interrogating are
terms that refer to separate stages in the process of gathering verbal responses from a
suspect or a possible suspect.

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