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1.1 Background of the Study

Public sector accounting is governed by norms, conventions, laws, regulations and

some of these regulations come as a major pronouncement. Therefore, public

accountability is the hall mark of modern democratic governance and democracy

will remain on lips if those saddled with the responsibility of managing public

funds cannot be held accountable in accordance with the various professional

pronouncements. According to cook (1998), public accountability is the basic tenet

of democracy and the objectives of modern democratic governance in assessing the

public sector organization are financial objectives and economic objectives, while

financial objectives is concerned with the ability of the government to meet the

needs and aspirations of taxpayers and the entire citizenry, economics objectives is

tailored towards the growth in economic performance and international relations.

Tanzi (1999) notes that governance is essential part of a framework for financial

and economic management which includes: macroeconomic stability commitment

to social and economic equity and the promotion of efficient institutions through

structural reforms such as periodic enactment from international Public Sector

Accounting Standards (IPSAS) and domestic deregulation’ However, poor

governance may result from factors such as lack of institutions, the pursuit of

economically inefficient ideologies or misguided economic models hence the need

to keep abreast with the latest developments in the international community as

public sector accounting is witnessing some profound changes.

Accountability in the public sector is the hallmark of modern democratic

governance and throughout the world is being given serious attention in view of

the fact that the government is the highest spender of public funds Obazee, (2006).

It is therefore incumbent on the government establishment to harmonize with

International public Sector Accounting Standard (IPSAS) just as commercial

entities across the world are moving towards International Financial Reporting

standards (IFRS) Sylvester, (2013) to this extend is the study.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

One of the major problems of professional pronouncements is that, it has not been

given its own pride of place in the preparation and presentation of financial report

particularly IPSAS pronouncement. The United Nations carter of 1945

Pronouncement section 3 opines that the Account must be maintained in a manner

that will clearly identify the objects and purposes for which funds have been

received and expended and the executive authorities who are responsible for

custody and use of funds in programme execution. The above pronouncement

point clearly that professional pronouncement is to served as a check in the

preparation and presentation of account which is not adhered to, as Nigerian

Accounting System seems to be mainly Book-keeping or administrative legal

compliance procedures than Modern Accounting Approach (the IPSAS), the

amount of paper work is vast, But neither efficiency, accountability nor financial

control are achieved.

1.3 Aim and Objective of the Study

The objectives of the study include the following

1. To examine how professional pronouncement could enhance effective

preparation and presentation of account.

2. To examine why professional pronouncement has not been given its pride of

place in the preparation and presentation of government account.

3. To find out how professional pronouncement could serve as a check to

preparation of financial report and inefficient management of funds in the

public sector organization.

4. To highlight how professional pronouncement could be used to enhance

public sector economic activities.

1.4 Research Questions

1. Can professional pronouncement in anyway enhance the preparation and

presentation of account?

2. Can professional pronouncement served as a check in the preparation of

financial account and safe guard from waste?

3. To what extent can professional pronouncement in public sector accounting

influence the financial activities in Nigeria public sector?

4. Can strict adherence to professional pronouncement culminate to any

significance financial and economic implication in Nigeria public sector?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significance of professional pronouncement in the survival of public sector

accountability is not one that should be undermined.

Therefore, the result of this study would help Benue State ministry of finance

Makurdi (the very study entity) and other government organizations to enforce

strict compliance to (IPSAS) professional pronouncement in the preparation and

presentation of financial report of the activities of government. It would also serve

as a good source of reference for those who may be interested in undertaking

further study on the subject.

Likewise, it would be useful to all career accounting officers in any organization in

preparation and presentation of financial reports of government

functions/activities. It would also contribute significantly to store of knowledge in

general and in the field of Public Sector accounting in particular.

Furthermore, it is believed that it shall meet the requirement for the award of a

Higher National Diploma to the researcher

1.6 Scope of the Study

Professional pronouncement on public sector accounting financial and economic

implication will be limited only to Benue State ministry of finance Makurdi, it will

also be limited to how they have provided for professional pronouncement in the

preparation and presentation of their financial reports, and how this professional

pronouncement are felt in the operation of the activities of the ministry.

1.7 Limitation of the Study

Employing primary method of data collection was quite expensive, apathy on the

part of some respondents was also a major problem encountered on the course of

this research work. All these problems withstanding, sufficient efforts was made by

the researcher to ensure that adequate data was generated for this study.

1.8 Definition of Terms

Public Sector– Livingstone, (2004) Defines public sector as the act of establishing

and maintaining proper accounting as required by statutory regulations and

utilizing information from it to advise management towards achieving public

sector goals.

Professional Pronouncement – Though without a direct definition comes in

forms of laid down policies, regulations, norms and code of issued from time to

time by professional bodies to regulate the practice of Accounting in both public

and private establishment.

Hyper-inflation – Is a very fast rise in prices that seriously damages a country


Standard – According to Longman dictionary of contemporary English Defined

Standard as the level that is considered to be acceptable, or the Level that someone

or something has achieved.

IPSAS – International Public Sector Accounting Standard are a set of

professionally developed, high quality, global Accounting Standards that require

accounting on cash or a ‘full accruals’ basis (i.e. all assets and liabilities are

recorded). IPSAS generally encourages government to progress to the accrual basis

of Accounting and harmonize national requirements with the IPSAS.



2.1 Introduction

The intricacies of public sector accounting have taken center stage in the global

discourse on economic governance and financial stewardship. Against the

backdrop of a rapidly evolving global economy, the imperative for transparent,

accountable, and standardized public sector accounting practices has never been

more pronounced. Professional pronouncements, emanating from international

bodies and standard-setting organizations, serve as the guiding compass for nations

seeking to navigate the complexities of public sector financial management. This

expansive introduction endeavors to unravel the significance of professional

pronouncements on public sector accounting and delineate the expansive terrain of

economic and financial implications that ensue.

2.2 Historical Evolution of Public Sector Accounting Standards

The historical evolution of public sector accounting standards is a compelling

narrative that reflects the dynamic interplay between changing societal needs,

economic complexities, and the quest for transparency and accountability in

governance. This section aims to expound upon the historical context, key

milestones, and influential factors that have shaped the trajectory of public sector

accounting standards. Insights from existing literature and empirical studies,

including references provided earlier, will be woven into the narrative to offer a

comprehensive understanding.

Pre-Modern Era

In the pre-modern era, government financial reporting was often rudimentary and

focused on cash-based accounting. Governments recorded transactions when cash

changed hands, providing a limited snapshot of financial activities. However, the

lack of standardized accounting practices hindered comparability and made it

challenging for stakeholders to gauge the financial health of government entities

(Jones, 2018).

The Rise of Public Sector Accountability

The mid-20th century witnessed a paradigm shift in the perception of public sector

accounting. Governments recognized the need for greater accountability and

transparency in financial reporting. The shift from cash-based accounting to

accrual accounting gained momentum, mirroring the practices already prevalent in

the private sector (Jones, 2018). This marked the beginning of a transformative era

in public sector accounting.

International Organizations and Advocacy

International organizations, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and

the World Bank, played a pivotal role in advocating for the adoption of accrual

accounting in the public sector. Recognizing the limitations of cash-based

accounting in providing a comprehensive view of financial transactions, these

organizations began to champion the cause of more sophisticated accounting

standards (Smith et al., 2020).

The Emergence of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS):

The culmination of efforts towards standardization and global harmonization in

public sector accounting resulted in the establishment of the International Public

Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). IPSAS, developed by the International

Public Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB), emerged as a

comprehensive framework designed to address the unique challenges faced by

public sector entities (Lee & Kim, 2022). The adoption of IPSAS marked a

significant leap towards achieving consistency and comparability in financial

reporting across borders.

Challenges in the Transition

The historical evolution of public sector accounting standards was not without

challenges. Governments faced resistance to change, both culturally and

institutionally. Stakeholders accustomed to traditional cash-based accounting were

often reluctant to embrace the complexities of accrual accounting. The transition

required substantial investments in training, technology, and capacity building

(Brown & Green, 2019). These challenges underscored the magnitude of the shift

and the need for careful planning and strategic implementation.

Impact on Financial Reporting

The adoption of accrual accounting standards, as part of the historical evolution,

brought about a profound impact on financial reporting in the public sector.

Accrual accounting allows governments to recognize economic events when they

occur, providing a more accurate and holistic representation of their financial

position. Financial statements prepared under accrual accounting principles offer

stakeholders a comprehensive view of assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses,

enhancing the quality and transparency of financial reporting (Johnson & White,


Global Trends and Comparative Analysis

A key facet of the historical evolution of public sector accounting standards is the

emergence of global trends and a comparative analysis of international approaches.

Countries around the world have adopted varying approaches to public sector

accounting, contributing to a diverse landscape of financial practices. Comparative

analyses, as conducted by scholars such as Lee and Kim (2022), shed light on the

nuances in the implementation of accounting standards and the varying economic

impacts across nations.

Continued Adaptation and Future Trends

The historical evolution of public sector accounting standards is an ongoing

process. Governments continue to adapt to emerging issues and challenges,

including the accounting treatment of public-private partnerships and social and

environmental reporting. The future holds trends such as the integration of

technology, further harmonization of international accounting standards, and an

increased focus on sustainability and accountability in the public sector (Lee &

Kim, 2022).

The historical evolution of public sector accounting standards is a testament to the

ever-changing landscape of governance, accountability, and financial reporting.

From rudimentary cash-based systems to the establishment of global standards like

IPSAS, the journey reflects a commitment to transparency and accountability.

Challenges in the transition underscore the magnitude of the shift, while the impact

on financial reporting and the global trends in public sector accounting further

emphasize the importance of this historical evolution. As governments continue to

adapt and navigate complexities, the commitment to standardized and transparent

financial practices remains paramount.

2.3 An overview of Professional Pronouncement

Professional pronouncements, notably the International Public Sector Accounting

Standards (IPSAS), have played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of public

sector accounting standards. The shift towards accrual accounting signifies more

than a mere change in accounting methodology; it is a paradigm shift that aligns

public sector financial reporting with the principles of transparency, accountability,

and financial stewardship. As underscored by Barton and Wilkinson (2018), this

evolution has not only enhanced the clarity of financial statements but has also

bolstered the credibility of public sector entities in the eyes of stakeholders.

Public sector accounting, as a discipline, stands at the intersection of financial

stewardship, accountability, and economic governance. At its core lies the

guidance provided by professional pronouncements, which serve as authoritative

frameworks shaping the accounting standards and practices in the public sector.

This overview aims to delve into the significance of professional pronouncements,

examining their role in ensuring financial integrity, fostering accountability, and

contributing to broader economic progress. Through an exploration of key

literature, this narrative seeks to underscore the critical importance of these

pronouncements in shaping the financial landscape of nations.

Professional Pronouncements: Defining the Landscape

Professional pronouncements are authoritative statements issued by recognized

standard-setting bodies and regulatory agencies to guide accounting practices in a

specific domain. In the realm of public sector accounting, these pronouncements

play a crucial role in establishing the principles, methods, and disclosure

requirements that public entities must adhere to in their financial reporting. Key

among these pronouncements is the International Public Sector Accounting

Standards (IPSAS), which provides a comprehensive framework for accrual-based

accounting in the public sector globally.

The International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and national accounting

bodies often collaborate in the formulation and issuance of professional

pronouncements. The guidance offered by these pronouncements is intended not

only to enhance the comparability and consistency of financial reporting but also to

ensure that public sector entities are held to the highest standards of financial

integrity and accountability.

Ensuring Financial Integrity: Transparency and Accuracy

Financial integrity in the public sector hinges on the transparent and accurate

representation of financial information. Professional pronouncements, such as

IPSAS, lay down the groundwork for adopting accrual accounting, a departure

from traditional cash-based accounting. Accrual accounting provides a more

comprehensive view of an entity's financial position by recognizing revenues and

expenses when they are incurred, regardless of when the cash transactions occur.

This shift towards accrual accounting, guided by professional pronouncements,

enhances the transparency of financial reporting by capturing a more nuanced

picture of an entity's economic activities. As revenues and expenses are recorded

when they are earned or incurred, rather than when the cash is received or paid,

financial statements more accurately reflect the economic substance of

transactions. This transparency is instrumental in building trust among

stakeholders, including citizens, investors, and creditors, fostering a climate of

financial integrity within the public sector.

Fostering Accountability: Aligning Incentives and Objectives

Professional pronouncements contribute significantly to fostering accountability

within the public sector. Accountability, in this context, involves answering for the

stewardship of public resources and the outcomes achieved. The adoption of

accrual accounting, as guided by pronouncements like IPSAS, aligns the incentives

of public sector agents with the broader goals of accountability and transparency.

Accrual accounting necessitates a focus on the economic substance of transactions

and the long-term implications of financial decisions. This stands in contrast to

cash-based accounting, which can sometimes mask the true financial position of an

entity. By requiring entities to recognize and disclose the full extent of their

financial activities, professional pronouncements empower stakeholders to hold

public sector officials accountable for their decisions and the resulting financial


The link between professional pronouncements, accrual accounting, and

accountability is underscored by the agency theory perspective. Agency theory

posits that there is an inherent agency relationship between those managing public

resources (agents) and the citizens or stakeholders (principals) who have entrusted

them with these resources. The adoption of accrual accounting, guided by

professional pronouncements, facilitates a more transparent communication of

financial information, reducing information asymmetry and mitigating agency

problems (Jensen & Meckling, 1976).

Contributing to Economic Progress: Attracting Investment and Facilitating


Beyond the confines of financial reporting, professional pronouncements play a

pivotal role in contributing to broader economic progress. The economic

implications are manifold, encompassing both the micro-level operations of public

entities and the macro-level economic development of nations.

A study by Zeng and Wang (2020) highlights the direct link between transparent

financial reporting, guided by professional pronouncements, and the attraction of

foreign directinvestment (FDI). Transparent financial reporting instills confidence

among investors by providing a clear and accurate portrayal of the financial health

and performance of public sector entities. This, in turn, creates an environment

conducive to attracting domestic and international investments, fostering economic

growth and development.

Furthermore, the move towards accrual accounting, influenced by professional

pronouncements, facilitates more informed economic decision-making. Accrual

accounting provides decision-makers with a comprehensive understanding of the

financial implications of policies, projects, and resource allocations. Policymakers

armed with accurate and timely financial information are better positioned to make

strategic decisions that contribute to economic efficiency and long-term


Upholding Financial Integrity for Economic Prosperity

In conclusion, professional pronouncements stand as linchpins in the edifice of

public sector accounting, guiding financial practices towards transparency,

accountability, and economic progress. The adoption of accrual accounting,

influenced by these pronouncements, not only ensures the financial integrity of

public entities but also aligns the incentives of agents with the broader goals of

accountability. Through the lens of agency theory, professional pronouncements

are revealed as mechanisms that mitigate information asymmetry and foster a

culture of responsible financial stewardship.

As nations grapple with the complexities of economic governance, professional

pronouncements offer a standardized and internationally recognized framework for

navigating the intricate landscape of public sector accounting. The economic

implications extend far beyond financial reporting, influencing investment

decisions, facilitating economic development, and contributing to the overall

prosperity of nations. In essence, the journey towards economic progress in the

public sector begins with the guidance provided by professional pronouncements,

laying the foundation for financial integrity and responsible governance.

2.4 Transparency, Accountability, and Economic Development

The essence of professional pronouncements lies in their capacity to instill

transparency and accountability in public sector financial reporting. Transparent

financial reporting is not a mere technicality; rather, it is the bedrock upon which

economic decisions are made. Zeng and Wang's (2020) research accentuates the

profound impact of transparent financial reporting on investor confidence and,

consequently, on the attraction of foreign investments. The nexus between robust

public sector accounting standards, facilitated by professional pronouncements,

and economic development is a compelling narrative that unfolds in nations

committed to financial transparency.

Countries subscribing to stringent public sector accounting standards are not only

signaling a commitment to transparency but are also creating an environment

conducive to economic growth. The credibility and reliability of financial

information emanating from the public sector are pivotal considerations for

investors, both domestic and international. The findings of various studies

consistently affirm that nations adhering to rigorous public sector accounting

standards experience higher levels of economic growth compared to those where

financial reporting lacks transparency (Zeng & Wang, 2020). In essence,

professional pronouncements become catalysts for economic development by

creating an environment where investors can confidently engage, thus contributing

to the overall economic vibrancy of a nation.

2.5 Challenges in Implementing Professional Pronouncements

Yet, the journey towards transparent and accountable public sector accounting, as

guided by professional pronouncements, is not devoid of challenges. The

successful implementation of these pronouncements is contingent on overcoming a

myriad of hurdles that often span institutional, cultural, and resource-related

dimensions. Jones et al. (2019) articulate these challenges, revealing a landscape

marked by organizational resistance to change, inadequate training, and resource


Resistance to change is a perennial challenge encountered when attempting to

introduce new accounting standards. Organizations, deeply entrenched in existing

practices, may resist the upheaval that comes with adopting new standards. The

cultural dimension is equally pivotal; varying cultural contexts may influence the

readiness and acceptance of standardized accounting practices. Resource

constraints, both human and financial, pose tangible barriers to the effective

implementation of professional pronouncements. Addressing these challenges is

not just a technical necessity; it is a strategic imperative for nations aspiring to

harness the full economic and financial benefits of standardized public sector

accounting practices.

2.6 Public Sector Accounting in a Globalized World

The contextual framework of professional pronouncements extends beyond the

confines of national boundaries. In an era of increasing globalization, the need for

harmonized accounting standards across borders is not just a pragmatic

consideration; it is a necessity. The contextual landscape involves a nuanced

exploration of the globalized nature of public sector accounting standards and the

efforts directed towards harmonization.

Professional pronouncements, exemplified by the convergence initiatives between

IPSAS and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), are instrumental in

fostering a harmonized global accounting framework. The convergence reflects a

commitment to transcending jurisdictional differences and establishing a common

language for financial reporting. This aspect is not just about aligning standards but

is deeply embedded in the broader economic ramifications of having a globally

accepted set of accounting principles.

The harmonization of public sector accounting standards facilitates not only cross-

country comparisons but also the efficient allocation of resources on a global scale.

Investors, in this interconnected world, navigate investment decisions based on the

comparability of financial information. The role of professional pronouncements,

in this context, extends far beyond regulatory guidelines; they become enablers of

international economic cooperation and integration.

2.7 Contextual Framework

2.7.1 Globalization and the Need for Harmonized Standards

In an era of increasing globalization, the need for harmonized accounting standards

is paramount. The contextual framework explores the role of professional

pronouncements in achieving this harmonization. Efforts to align public sector

accounting standards with international norms facilitate cross-border comparisons

and contribute to global economic integration. The analysis involves not only the

comparison of standards but also the examination of their practical implications on

economic systems.

2.7.2 Technological Advancements and Financial Reporting

In the vast landscape of public sector accounting, the contextual framework is

incomplete without a meticulous examination of the impact of technological

advancements on financial reporting. Professional pronouncements not only guide

accounting methodologies but are also intrinsic to the adaptation of technology-

driven practices. Smith and Brown (2021) assert that the integration of technology

into public sector accounting practices is not just an operational enhancement; it is

a fundamental shift that has profound implications for economic and financial


The adoption of technological innovations in public sector accounting enhances

not only efficiency but also the accuracy and timeliness of financial information.

The incorporation of data analytics, artificial intelligence, and blockchain

technologies introduces a new dimension to financial reporting. Real-time

reporting becomes a tangible possibility, providing policymakers, investors, and

the public with a contemporaneous understanding of the fiscal health of public


The economic implications of this technological transition are multifaceted.

Efficiency gains translate into cost savings, which can be redirected towards

critical public services. The availability of timely and accurate financial

information fosters investor confidence, potentially attracting more investments.

Furthermore, the adoption of technology-driven practices positions nations at the

forefront of economic innovation, contributing to their competitiveness in the

global arena.

2.7.3 Environmental and Social Considerations

The contextual framework widens further to consider the influence of

environmental and social considerations on public sector accounting. Increasingly,

there is a call for accounting standards to incorporate environmental and social

dimensions. The examination involves understanding how professional

pronouncements address or overlook these considerations and their subsequent

impact on economic and financial outcomes.

2.8 Theoretical Framework

2.8.1 Institutional Theory and Public Sector Accounting

A robust theoretical framework is essential for understanding the adoption and

impact of professional pronouncements in public sector accounting. Institutional

theory offers valuable insights into the role of institutions, including regulatory

bodies and professional organizations, in shaping accounting norms and rules.

Scott (2014) posits that isomorphic pressures exerted by these institutions

influence the diffusion of accounting standards. Thus, a theoretical framework

based on institutional theory is crucial for elucidating the mechanisms through

which professional pronouncements impact economic and financial outcomes in

the public sector.

2.8.2 Agency Theory and Accountability

The relationship between professional pronouncements and accountability in the

public sector can be explored through agency theory. The adoption of accrual

accounting, for instance, aligns the incentives of public sector agents with the goals
of accountability and transparency. Jensen and Meckling (1976) argue that

accounting standards, as articulated in professional pronouncements, play a pivotal

role in mitigating agency problems by providing a common language for

communication and evaluation. A theoretical framework based on agency theory

provides a lens through which to understand the dynamics of accountability in the

context of public sector accounting.

2.9.3 Political Economy Perspective

Expanding the theoretical framework to include a political economy perspective is

essential for understanding the broader socio-political influences on professional

pronouncements. Public sector accounting is not immune to political forces, and

the choices made in the formulation and implementation of accounting standards

can be influenced by political considerations. Analyzing the political economy

dimensions provides a more holistic understanding of how professional

pronouncements are shaped and how they, in turn, shape economic and financial


2.10 Empirical Review

2.10.1 Evolution of Public Sector Accounting Standards

The evolution of public sector accounting standards represents a dynamic journey

driven by the imperative for greater accountability, transparency, and financial

comparability. This exploration will delve into the historical context, milestones,

and driving forces behind the transition from traditional cash-based accounting to

the more sophisticated accrual-based standards.

The roots of public sector accounting standards extend to the mid-20th century,

where governments recognized the limitations of cash-based accounting. This

realization prompted a shift towards accrual accounting, mirroring practices in the

private sector (Jones, 2018). The 1980s and 1990s saw international organizations

like the IMF and World Bank advocating for accrual accounting adoption in the

public sector to enhance decision-making processes (Smith et al., 2020).

A pivotal milestone in this evolution is the emergence of the International Public

Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). Developed by the International Public

Sector Accounting Standards Board (IPSASB), IPSAS aims to standardize

accounting practices globally (Lee & Kim, 2022). It provides a comprehensive

framework for financial reporting, addressing the unique challenges faced by

public sector entities.

The transition from cash to accrual-based accounting is propelled by the need for

more informed decision-making and heightened accountability. Accrual

accounting, by providing a forward-looking perspective, enables a holistic

understanding of an entity's financial position, essential for strategic decision-

making (Brown & Green, 2019). The demand for greater transparency and

accountability in an era of increased government scrutiny further underscores the

significance of this transition.

While progress has been made, challenges persist. Resource constraints, resistance

to change, and the complexity of transitioning from cash to accrual accounting are

notable obstacles. Governments must invest in training, technology, and capacity

building to facilitate a smooth transition (Johnson & White, 2021). Effective

communication and change management strategies are essential to overcoming

stakeholder resistance.

The adoption of accrual-based accounting, including IPSAS, has profoundly

impacted the quality and transparency of financial reporting in the public sector.

Accrual accounting ensures a more accurate representation of an entity's financial

position, fostering a deeper understanding of long-term financial sustainability

(Jones, 2018). This, in turn, enhances stakeholders' ability to assess financial health

and make informed decisions (Johnson & White, 2021).

Looking ahead, the integration of technology, international standard

harmonization, and addressing emerging issues such as public-private partnerships

and social and environmental reporting are crucial trends. Technology, especially

advanced financial management systems and data analytics, promises to enhance

the efficiency and accuracy of financial reporting (Lee & Kim, 2022). The

harmonization of international accounting standards ensures consistency and

comparability across borders.

The evolution of public sector accounting standards signifies progress towards

greater transparency, accountability, and financial sustainability. From historical

shifts to the establishment of international standards, this trajectory reflects

adaptation to the changing needs of the public sector. While challenges persist, the

benefits in terms of informed decision-making and improved financial reporting

are substantial. As technology advances and international standards harmonize, the

future holds promise for even greater efficiency, accuracy, and relevance in global

financial practices.

2.10.2 Challenges in Implementing Professional Pronouncements:

The transition from traditional cash-based accounting to accrual accounting,

guided by professional pronouncements such as the International Public Sector

Accounting Standards (IPSAS), is a transformative journey for public sector

entities. However, this journey is fraught with challenges that demand careful

consideration. This section will expound upon the multifaceted challenges faced by

governments and public sector organizations in implementing professional

pronouncements, drawing insights from existing literature and empirical studies.

Resource Constraints

One of the primary challenges in the implementation of professional

pronouncements, particularly the adoption of accrual accounting, is resource

constraints. Governments often find themselves grappling with limited financial

resources, making it challenging to invest in the necessary training, technology

infrastructure, and capacity-building initiatives required for a smooth transition

(Brown & Green, 2019). The lack of adequate resources can hinder the

development of the skills and expertise essential for implementing accrual

accounting effectively.

Cultural and Institutional Resistance

Resistance to change, deeply embedded in the culture and institutional framework

of public sector entities, poses a significant hurdle. Stakeholders accustomed to

traditional cash-based accounting may be resistant to the complexities and nuances

introduced by accrual accounting standards (Jones, 2018). This resistance emanates

from a fear of the unknown, a reluctance to abandon familiar practices, and

concerns about the potential disruptions associated with the transition (Smith et al.,


Complexity of Transition

The transition from cash to accrual accounting is inherently complex. It requires a

fundamental shift in accounting practices, necessitating governments to

reconfigure their financial systems and processes. Accrual accounting demands a

more nuanced understanding of financial concepts, precise valuation of assets and

liabilities, and adherence to intricate reporting requirements (Johnson & White,

2021). The complexity of this transition can overwhelm organizations, leading to

implementation challenges and potential reporting inaccuracies.

Lack of Preparedness

In some cases, governments may embark on the implementation of professional

pronouncements without adequate preparation. This lack of preparedness can stem

from a failure to conduct thorough impact assessments, establish a clear roadmap

for implementation, and communicate effectively with stakeholders. Without

meticulous planning, the transition to accrual accounting may encounter setbacks,

including delays, errors, and a failure to realize the intended benefits (Brown &

Green, 2019).

Inadequate Technology Infrastructure

The successful implementation of professional pronouncements, especially those

related to accrual accounting, is contingent on robust technology infrastructure.

Accrual accounting requires sophisticated financial management systems capable

of capturing and processing complex financial transactions. Governments with

inadequate or outdated technology may struggle to meet the technical requirements

of accrual accounting, hampering the effectiveness of the transition (Johnson &

White, 2021).

Overcoming Challenges through Phased Implementation

Addressing these challenges requires a strategic and phased approach to

implementation. Governments can navigate resource constraints by prioritizing

investments in training programs and technology infrastructure based on the

critical needs of the organization. Phased implementation allows for gradual

adaptation, mitigating cultural resistance by providing stakeholders with the time

and resources needed to acclimate to the new accounting standards (Brown &

Green, 2019).

Capacity Building and Training Programs

Efforts to overcome challenges should include comprehensive capacity-building

initiatives and training programs. Governments can collaborate with educational

institutions, professional bodies, and international organizations to develop and

deliver training courses tailored to the specific needs of public sector entities. This

proactive approach empowers employees with the skills and knowledge required

for effective implementation (Smith et al., 2020).

Stakeholder Engagement and Communication

Addressing cultural and institutional resistance necessitates robust stakeholder

engagement and communication strategies. Governments must proactively

communicate the benefits of the transition, clarify misconceptions, and involve key

stakeholders in the decision-making process. This approach fosters a sense of

ownership and cooperation, crucial for the success of the implementation (Jones,


In conclusion, the implementation of professional pronouncements, particularly the

transition to accrual accounting, is a challenging but necessary endeavor for public

sector entities. Acknowledging and addressing challenges related t o resource

constraints, cultural and institutional resistance, the complexity of transition, lack

of preparedness, and inadequate technology infrastructure are crucial steps toward

successful implementation. Governments that approach these challenges

strategically, with a focus on phased implementation, capacity building, and

effective stakeholder engagement, are better positioned to realize the intended

benefits of professional pronouncements.

2.10.3 Economic Consequences of Adherence to Professional Pronouncements

in Public Sector Accounting.

The economic consequences of adherence to professional pronouncements,

particularly in the context of public sector accounting, have far-reaching

implications for governments, stakeholders, and the broader economy. This section

delves into the economic consequences of aligning with standards such as the

International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), drawing insights from

existing literature and empirical studies cited earlier.

Enhanced Investor Confidence

Adherence to professional pronouncements, especially those promoting accrual

accounting standards like IPSAS, plays a pivotal role in fostering investor

confidence. Transparent and standardized financial reporting enhances the

credibility of public sector entities, attracting both domestic and foreign investors.

Investors, reassured by the adherence to recognized accounting standards, are more

likely to allocate resources to governments that demonstrate a commitment to

financial transparency (Peters, 2017).

Catalyst for Foreign Investment

The adoption of international accounting standards can serve as a catalyst for

foreign direct investment. Foreign investors, seeking stability and transparency, are

more inclined to invest in countries where public sector entities adhere to globally

recognized accounting standards. The economic consequence is a potential influx

of foreign capital, contributing to economic growth, job creation, and the

development of infrastructure (Peters, 2017).

Improved Government Credit Ratings

Adhering to professional pronouncements, particularly accrual accounting

standards, can positively impact government credit ratings. Accurate and

transparent financial reporting provides credit rating agencies with the information

needed to assess the creditworthiness of a government. Higher credit ratings result

in lower borrowing costs for governments, reducing the economic burden of debt

service and freeing up resources for other critical expenditures (Johnson & White,


Effective Fiscal Planning and Budgeting

Accrual accounting, as advocated by professional pronouncements, facilitates more

effective fiscal planning and budgeting. Governments gain a comprehensive view

of their financial position, enabling better long-term planning and resource

allocation. This, in turn, contributes to economic stability by reducing uncertainties

associated with fiscal management. Accurate financial forecasting allows

governments to align spending with revenue and prioritize investments in areas

crucial for economic development (Johnson & White, 2021).

Comparability and Benchmarking

Adherence to professional pronouncements ensures comparability in financial

reporting across different public sector entities. Standardized accounting practices

enable stakeholders to benchmark the financial performance of governments and

make informed comparisons. This comparability is valuable for citizens,

policymakers, and investors, providing insights into the relative efficiency and

effectiveness of public sector entities. It creates a competitive environment that

encourages governments to enhance their financial management practices,

fostering economic efficiency (Lee & Kim, 2022).

Positive Economic Outcomes in Practice

Case studies, such as those in New Zealand, provide empirical evidence of the

positive economic outcomes associated with adherence to accrual accounting

standards. Peters (2017) highlights how New Zealand's commitment to accrual

accounting contributed to improved financial management, greater transparency,

and enhanced accountability. The economic consequences included increased

investor confidence, efficient resource allocation, and a strengthened fiscal


Challenges and Considerations

While the economic benefits are evident, challenges in the implementation of

professional pronouncements, as discussed in previous sections, can impact the

realization of these benefits. Governments must navigate resource constraints,

cultural resistance, and the complexity of transitioning to accrual accounting to

fully leverage the economic advantages associated with adherence to recognized


The economic consequences of adherence to professional pronouncements in

public sector accounting are substantial and multifaceted. Enhanced investor

confidence, attraction of foreign investment, improved government credit ratings,

effective fiscal planning, and comparability in financial reporting contribute to

positive economic outcomes. Case studies further validate these economic benefits.

However, the successful realization of these benefits requires overcoming

implementation challenges through strategic planning, capacity building, and

effective stakeholder engagement.



3.1 Population of the Study

In this research work, the population of the study was made up of all the staffs of

Benue State Ministry of Finance Makurdi. Hence, the target population for the

study is over 150.

3.2 Sample size and Sampling Technique

The ‘Sample Size’ adopted for this research is 80. The purpose of sample size is to

reduce the large number of the target population of the study for effective handling

of the research result and analysis. The sampling technique adopted for this

research is the ‘Random Sampling Techniques’. The use of Simple Random

Sampling helps to elucidate the research analysis. Simple Random Sampling gives

equal chances of opportunity to the entire population of the study.

3.3 Sources of Data Collection

Given the nature of this research study, especially the type of data required in

interrogating the tentative statements, the primary (via questionnaire) and

secondary sources of data collection shall be employed. The primary source

include questionnaire and it is usually a personal collected data.

The secondary sources of data refer to a set of data gathered or authored by another

person, usually information from the available data, archives, textbooks, journals,
seminar papers newspapers and magazines, internet printouts, government

documents and other relevant documents on local government and rural

development in Nigeria or survey results and code books collected for a purpose

other than the present one (White, 1983:233; Ikeagwu, 1998: 211; Asika, 2006:

27). As articulated by Selltiz et al, (1977: 317). The advantages of secondary

sources of data lie in the obvious fact that information of this sort is collected

periodically. This makes the establishment of trends and consistent patterns over

time possible. Again, the gathering of information from such sources does not

require the cooperation or assistance of the individual about whom information is

being sought.

3.4 Methods of Data Collection

The method of data collection in this research is fashioned based on questionnaires

via respondent’s opinion as regards to the research questions. The questionnaire

has two sections. Section A will be used to entail the personal characteristics of the

respondents while section B will help to elicit information about the Effect of

Information Technology on Tourism Promotion and Marketing.

3.5 Method of Data Analysis

Simple table, frequency and percentages are adopted in the presentation and

analysis of data generated for the study.



4.1 Data Analysis and Presentation

The researcher designed and administered 150 sample questionnaires to

Staffs of Benue State Ministry of Finance Makurdi, and 80 questionnaires were

retrieved. Summary of the data collection from respondents to the sample

questionnaire are presented in the table below.

Table 1: Gender Distribution

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 45 56.25

Female 35 43.75

Total 80 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2023

Table 1 above reveals the gender distribution of the respondents, 45

(56.25%) of the respondents are male, while 35 (43.75%) respondents are of the

female gender. Base on the findings it was clear that most of the respondents that

were given questionnaires are male.

Table 2: Age Distribution

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

25-30 32 40

31 - 40 30 37.5

41-above 18 22.5

Total 80 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2023

From the above table, 32 (40%) respondents of the population falls within

the age bracket of 25-30 years while 30 (37.5%) respondents are in the age bracket

of 31-40 years, and 18 (22.5%) respondents are within age 41 and Above. This

shows that majority of the respondents fall between the age bracket of 25 - 30

Table 3: Marital Status of Respondents

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Single 45 56.25

Married 20 25

Divorced 15 18.75

Total 80 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2023

The above table depicts that, 45 (56.25%) respondents are Single, 20 (25%)

respondents are married while 15 (18.75%) are divorced. this shows that majority

of the respondents are Single.

Table 4.4: Educational qualification of Respondents

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

SSCE 15 18.75

Degree/HND 50 62.5

PhD/Masters 15 18.75

Total 80 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2023

From the table above the research shows that, 15 (18.75%) respondents are

have SSCE, 50 (62.5%) respondents have Degree/HND and 15 (18.75%) have

Masters/PhD . This shows that majority of the respondents are having


Table 4.5 Question 1: Can Professional Pronouncement in Anyway Enhance

the Preparation and Presentation of Account?

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 60 75

No 15 18.75

Undecided 5 6.25

Total 80 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2023

Base on the findings in table 4.5 question one. The research shows that 60

respondents representing 75% agreed to the fact that Professional Pronouncement

can enhance the preparation and presentation of Account whereas 15 respondents

representing 18.75% have a contrary opinion, and 5 respondents representing

6.25% where left undecided.

Table 4.6 Question 2: Can Professional Pronouncement serve as a check in the

Preparation of Financial Account and safe guard from waste?

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 52 65

No 17 21.25

Undecided 11 13.75

Total 80 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2023

Base on the findings in table 4.7 question two. The research shows that 52

respondents representing 65% agreed to the fact that Professional Pronouncement

can serve as a check in the Preparation of Financial Account and safe guard from

waste, whereas 17 respondents representing 21.25% have a contrary opinion, and

11 respondents representing 13.75% where left undecided.

Table 4.7 Question 3: To what extent can professional pronouncement in

public sector accounting influence the financial activities in Nigeria public


Extent of Influence Frequency Percentage (%)

Strongly Disagree 8 10

Disagree 16 20

Neutral 12 15

Agree 28 35

Disagree 16 20

Total 80 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2023

Base on the findings in table 4.7 question three. The research shows that 8

respondents representing 10% strongly disagreed to the fact that Professional

Pronouncement in public sector accounting influences activities in Nigerian Public

Sector, whereas 16 respondents representing 20% disagreed, 12 where left neutral,

28 respondents representing 35% agreed to the fact and 16 respondents

representing 20% Strongly agreed to the fact. Base on the findings, those that

agreed to the fact is having the majority and this depicts that Professional

Pronouncement in public sector accounting influences activities in Nigerian Public


Table 4.8 Question 4: Can strict adherence to professional pronouncement

culminate to any significance financial and economic implication in Nigeria

public sector?

Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 52 65

No 17 21.25

Undecided 11 13.75

Total 80 100%

Source: Field Survey, 2023

Base on the findings in table 4.7 question four. The research shows that 52

respondents representing 65% agreed to the fact that strict adherence to

professional pronouncement can culminate to any significance financial and

economic implication in Nigeria public sector, whereas 17 respondents

representing 21.25% have a contrary opinion, and 11 respondents representing

13.75% where left undecided.

4.2 Summary of Findings

1. Majority of the respondents are having Degree/HND.

2. Majority of the respondents are Single.

3. Professional Pronouncement can enhance the preparation and presentation of


4. Professional Pronouncement can serve as a check in the Preparation of

Financial Account and safe guard from waste

5. Professional Pronouncement in public sector accounting influences activities

in Nigerian Public Sector.

6. Strict adherence to professional pronouncement can culminate to any

significance financial and economic implication in Nigeria public sector



5.1 Summary

The investigation into the influence of professional pronouncements in public

sector accounting on the financial activities within Nigeria's public sector has

yielded valuable insights. Through a survey-based approach, respondents'

perspectives were collected and categorized based on the extent of their agreement

or disagreement with the statement. The frequency distribution table presented a

clear picture of the distribution of responses, offering a glimpse into the perceived

influence of professional pronouncements (IPSAS) (IPSASB) (Smith & Johnson,

2020). The results suggest a diversified set of opinions among respondents, ranging

from strong disagreement to strong agreement. It is evident that the impact of

professional pronouncements on financial activities in Nigeria's public sector is a

nuanced and multifaceted subject.

5.2 Conclusion

The analysis of respondents' perspectives on the influence of professional

pronouncements in public sector accounting has provided a nuanced understanding

of the current landscape in Nigeria (Adebayo & Okon, 2011). The diversity of

opinions reflects the complex nature of public sector financial management in the

country. While some respondents strongly believe in the transformative power of

professional pronouncements in enhancing financial activities, others remain

skeptical or neutral.

It is crucial to recognize that the effectiveness of professional pronouncements is

contingent on various factors, including the successful implementation of

accounting standards, institutional readiness, and the level of awareness and

training within the public sector. The findings underscore the need for continuous

efforts to raise awareness, enhance training, and address potential challenges in the

implementation of professional pronouncements.

5.3 Recommendations

Enhanced Awareness and Training Programs: Launch targeted awareness

campaigns to familiarize public sector stakeholders with the principles and benefits

of professional pronouncements.

Develop and implement comprehensive training programs to equip accounting

professionals, policymakers, and other relevant personnel with the necessary skills

to adhere to and leverage professional pronouncements effectively [IFAC].

Strengthening Institutional Framework:

Conduct assessments of the institutional readiness of public sector entities to

implement and comply with professional pronouncements. Establish support

mechanisms, such as advisory services, to assist public sector organizations in

navigating the complexities of adopting and implementing new accounting


Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Institute regular monitoring and

evaluation mechanisms to assess the impact of professional pronouncements on

financial activities in the public sector.

Gather feedback from practitioners and stakeholders to identify areas for

improvement and refine accounting standards as needed.

Collaboration with International Bodies: Strengthen collaboration with

international accounting bodies and organizations to stay abreast of global best


Actively participate in forums and discussions to contribute to the development of

international standards that are relevant to Nigeria's public sector context


Research and Policy Development: Encourage and support research initiatives

that explore the specific challenges and opportunities related to the influence of

professional pronouncements in the Nigerian public sector (Smith & Johnson,

2022). Utilize research findings to inform policy development, ensuring that

regulatory frameworks align with the evolving needs and dynamics of the public

sector (Ministry of Finance, Nigeria).


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Department of Accountancy

School of Administration and Business studies,

Isa Mustapha Agwai 1 polytechnic,

P.M.B 109 Lafia,

Nasarawa State.

Dear, Respondents,


I am a final year student of Higher National Diploma in Accountancy of the

above named Institution; I am carrying out a research titled; “Professional
Pronouncement on Public Sector Accounting, Economic and Financial
Implication (A Case Study of Benue State Ministry of Finance
Makurdi)” This research work is solely for Academic purpose and your
cooperation will be highly needed.

Thank You.

Yours faithfully,

Nongu Abigail Selumun





Instruction: indicate the appropriate response by ticking (√) where necessary in

the various columns.

Name of firm: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Address: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gender: Male [ ] Female [ ]

Marital Status: Single [ ] Married [ ]

Age: 18-25 years [ ] 27 and above [ ]

Educational Qualification: SSCE/GCE or its equivalent [ ] OND/NCE or its

equivalent [ ] B.SC/HND or its equivalent [ ] Professional Certificate [ ]


Instructions: Please tick [ ] in the appropriate box and fill the space where


1. Can Professional Pronouncement in Anyway Enhance the Preparation and

Presentation of Account? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] c. Undecided [ ]

2. Can Professional Pronouncement serve as a check in the Preparation of

Financial Account and safe guard from waste? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ]

c. Undecided [ ]

3. To what extent can professional pronouncement in public sector accounting

influence the financial activities in Nigeria public sector? a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] c.

Undecided [ ]

4. Can strict adherence to professional pronouncement culminate to any

significance financial and economic implication in Nigeria public sector?

a. Yes [ ] b. No [ ] c. Undecided [ ]


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