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1. Indicates to the person who will receive the letter.

2. Is the contents of the letter where the contents are in the form of a summons to
attend an activity.

3. As a sender.

4. It does not show directly what the previous sender wanted and the contents of
the letter are too convoluted5. Complaint letter example To: Head of Customer
Service, PT. Siloam From: Ricky Subject: Complaints of expired products
Regards, I'm Riki, I want to file a complaint regarding an expired product provided
by PT. Siloam. I recently encountered a problem with the service provided by your
company, which made me very disappointed and uncomfortable. On March 27,
2023, I ordered medicine from PT. Siloam. but the medicine given has expired. In
addition, when I tried to contact customer service, I got very slow and unhelpful
responses I hope this problem can be resolved soon and the customer service
provided by PT. Siloam can do better in the future. Manado, 27 March 2023 Best
wishes, Ricky

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