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Introduction day

Gosta de Inglês ?

Como é na sua escola ou em outra escola ?

Importância do inglês ?

Como estudar ?

O que estudar?

Contar experiências e histórias de successo?

What’s this ? - O que é isso?

What is that ? – O que é aquilo ?

Repeat please – Repita por favor

I don’t understand – Eu não entendo

I don’t know – Eu não sei

Please speak more slowly – Por favor fale mais devagar

Can I go to the bathroom? – Posso ir ao banheiro?

Can I go drink water ? – Posso ir beber água?

Can I open the door? – Posso abrir a porta?

Can I come in? – Posso entrar?

Can I take a break? – Posso dar uma pausa?

How can I say …….. in english? Port ->inglês

How do you say ______ ? Inglês -> Port

What does ……. mean ?


How can I spell that?
ei i ai ou iu
What is your name? Full name?

What is your last name ? surname?

Do you have a sister ? brother?

What is your address?

First Class
Polite words

Please Apologize

Excuse me Pardon

Sorry Thanks

Thank you

Thanks a lot

Thank you very much

Thank you so much

You’re welcome

Not at all

How are you? – Como você está?

How are things? – Como estão as coisas ?

How is it going? – Como você está indo?

How you doing ? como vai? 2

Is everything ok?

Are you ok?

Are you fine?

What s up? – E ai ?

I’m ok

I am fine

I am well

I am good

I am great

I am very well

I am pretty good

I am awesome

So so

Not so good



So bad


Good morning

Good afternoon

Good evening

Good night


Bye bye

See you

Later/tomorrow/soon/next week/next class

Hello /hi/hey…

what is your name?/ My name is …

Nice to meet you/nice to meet you too

How are you ?...

I am fine thanks and you?...

I am ok thanks…

Bye bye see you tomorrow…

Bye, see you…

Verb to be
Subj. I You he she it you we they

Am is are



Affirm. /Negat/ interr.


Af. I am happy

Neg. I Am not happy

Int. Am I happy?

Yes , I am
No, I am not


Tall, short, thin ,fat, plump, chubby, slim, beautiful, handsome, ugly, smart, clever, cute,
talkative, quiet, calm, rude ,polite, shy, funny, serious, outgoing, bad, mean,
boring ,bored, strong ,weak, friendly, tiring, tired, lazy

Dynamic faces(happy/sad/glad/angry) 4

Present continuous

Subj . v. to be p.v. ing

I am working now/ he is playing now

Af. You are talking now

Neg. You are not talking now

Int. Are you talking now?

Yes ,I am

No ,I am not

Dynamic Cards(what are you doing?)


Write, listen, read, speak ,see, study, run, walk, play, drive, jump ,talk, buy ,call,
close ,open, come, cry, drink ,eat, give ,go, help ,keep, kiss ,know ,like ,look, pay,
practice, rest, relax, send, sleep ,swim ,use, watch, work, wash, take.

Explain about irregular and regular verbs

Students have to study at home and do a test.


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