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Vividness > energy
The Chariot rider statue
Rhytian Games
doric frieze
Xenophon (famous athenian historian, a pupil of Socrates, author of Memorabilia,
late 5th and early 4th BC)
"Since he had one met Kleiton the sculptor he was talking with him he said: Is ee
and I know that those werestlers, those runners and boxers you do create are
beautiful but how do you make come real and true with your statues that thing most
men are attracted by which is the sensation of looking at oneself as a living
creature? And for Kleiton almost with dificulty was not answering right away, he
wnent on: perhaps comparing you works to the forms of living things you make you
statues appear more vivid more alive? Yes indeed he Kleiton said""
Kleiton can be considered the first artist to make a theory of art, thansk to a
work of art - the applicaiton of the theory (classical canon) which was
experimented with the statue of

The two priniples of the canon were the perfect proportions (1) and chiasm (2)
Chiasm - cross bond balance between tension and relaxation - the contrast in the
atmosphere of the piece - contrast between tension and relaxation. In this case
hips and shoulders are linked - right hip is higher and the left shoulder is lower
and contrary on other side - its called contraposto in italian

Made by Polyclates
marble copy of a bronze
the original statue had a headband on
the statue is written into the retangle which is the base of its structure
Phydias influenced

Elgin Marbles
bought the statues from the contemporary turkish sultan
example of vividness
the models would wear wet clothes to create a mimsesis of the body
nymph dione and aphrodite and hestia

Apollo Cassel
was a part of recycling beauty exhibition
Many copies
originally Apollo was holding an arch
showcases entheon - typical archaic feature of art, "divine aspect" = "looking like
infused with life"?

Cella decor
Pathaneic procession is displayed (an athena festival)

via colombo building 32.3 e.p.1

Zeus of Olympia
1 of 10 marvels of the antquity
made of ivory and gold
Juno, Jupiter and Minerva were put in the Capitoline temple by Romans and Jupiter
was almost a replica of Zeus of Olympia

Athena of Parthenon
put in Kalicrates and Iktinos designed parthenon
Previously place for the hecatomb temple, comemorising a massacre by the Persians

Western pediment represents the fight of poseidon and athena for the conquest of
Eastern pediment represented the birth of Athena

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