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Internship Training



SHAMBU BRANCH Organization


By:- Students name


Under supervision of Mr TAKELE

Date: _September,2023 G,C

Gambella, Ethiopia

I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all those who contributed to the successful
completion of this internship.
First and foremost, I express my deep appreciation to Mr. Tolamaram Sufa, my dedicated
supervisor at Cooperative Bank of Oromia (CBO). His guidance, mentorship, and unwavering
support were instrumental in providing me with a rich learning experience during my internship.
His insights and expertise in network management were invaluable, and I am immensely grateful
for the opportunity to work under his supervision. I would also like to acknowledge the entire
team at CBO, whose cooperation and willingness to share knowledge significantly enhanced my
learning experience. Their welcoming and collaborative spirit created an environment conducive
to learning and growth.
In addition, I extend my gratitude to Mr. TAKELE, my academic supervisor and advisor at
Gambella University, for his guidance and encouragement throughout the internship process. His
commitment to my academic and professional growth has been truly inspiring. Furthermore, I
offer my thanks to the Divine for providing me with the strength and resilience to undertake this
internship successfully. This internship experience has been invaluable, and the knowledge and
skills gained will undoubtedly shape my future endeavors. Thank you to all who played a role in
this enriching experience.

List of Abbreviation
CBO -------------- Cooperative Bank of Oromia
List of Figure
Figure 1.1: Logo of CBO ....................................................................... 1
Figure 1.2: Organizational Structure of CBO ................................... 3
Figure 4.1: Cisco switch…….…………………………………………………………….18
Figure 4.2: Cisco Router ………………………………………………………………….19
Figure 4.3: Cisco Firewall …..…………………………………………………………….19
This abstract provides a concise overview of my internship experience at the Cooperative Bank of
Oromia (CBO), focusing on network management. As a student of Gambella University, this internship
was a valuable opportunity to apply my academic knowledge in the real-world context of professional
network management.
The heart of my internship was the CBO Network Infrastructure Enhancement and Expansion Project,
which entailed upgrading existing network infrastructure and deploying new systems for recently
established branches. Working closely with a dedicated team and under the guidance of my supervisor,
Mr. Tolamaram Sufa, I actively participated in project phases such as design, implementation, and
testing. This report offers insights into these project aspects and outlines potential considerations for the
The skills and knowledge I gained during this internship, along with the supportive environment at CBO,
have left a lasting impact on my professional journey. I extend my gratitude to everyone who contributed
to this enriching experience. This internship not only expanded my horizons but also deepened my
appreciation for the dynamic field of network management. It highlights the significance of practical
experience in preparing future professionals and underscores the synergy between academic learning and
real-world application.
Table of Contents
Declaration ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Acknowledgments ............................................................................................................................. 2
List of Abbreviation ........................................................................................................................... 3
List of Figure ...................................................................................................................................... 4
Abstract ............................................................................................................................................ 5

CHAPTER-ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1
................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Mission and Vision of the organization ....................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Mission ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2.2 Vision ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.3 Values .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.2.4 Object of the organization .................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Services and products of the organization .................................................................................. 2
1.4 The Overall Organizational Structure ......................................................................................... 3

CHAPTER-TWO ..........................................................................................................................
............................................................... 4
2.1 Abstract of the project ................................................................................................................ 4
2.2 Problem Statement ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.3 Objective of the project .............................................................................................................. 5
2.3.1 General objective ................................................................................................................. 5
2.3.2 Specific objective ................................................................................................................. 5
2.4 Scope of the Project .................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Project Methodology .................................................................................................................. 6
2.6 Implementation Technologies Used ............................................................................................. 7
2.6.1 Hardware ............................................................................................................................. 7
2.6.2 Software ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Detail Design and description of the project ............................................................................ 10
2.7.1 Upgrade of Existing Network Infrastructure ..................................................................... 10
2.7.2 Installation of New Network Systems ............................................................................... 10
2.7.3 Testing and Quality Assurance .......................................................................................... 11
2.8 Future Work .............................................................................................................................. 11
2.9 Conclusion on the Project ......................................................................................................... 13

CHAPTER-THREE .......................................................................................................................
......................................................................... 14
3.1 Benefit I gained in enhancing my practical skill ......................................................................... 14
3.2 Benefit I gained in strengthening my theoretical knowledge .................................................... 14
3.3 Benefits I gained in terms of improving interpersonal communication skills ............................. 14
3.4 Benefit I gained in terms of improving team playing skill ......................................................... 15
3.5 Benefits I gained in terms of improving leadership skills ......................................................... 15
3.6 Benefits I gained in terms of understanding about work ethics and related issues ................. 15
3.7 Benefits I gained in terms of entrepreneurship skill ................................................................. 15
CHAPTER- FOUR...........................................................................................................................
...................................................................... 17
4.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 17
4.2 Recommendation ...................................................................................................................... 17
Reference ........................................................................................................................................ 19

1.1 Introduction

1.2, Historical Background of Cooperative Bank Of Oromia( S.C)

Bank is a lawful organization, which accepts deposits that can be
withdrawn on demand. It also lends money to individuals and
business houses that need it. Also the word, banking has been
defined as accepting deposits from the public for the purpose of
lending and investing.
After the fall of socialism the private bank was established in Ethiopia in
1994 and currently there are about 16 private banks in Ethiopia among
of them, CBO (S.C.) was registered commercially on October 29, 2004
in accordance with article 304 of Commercial Code of Ethiopia & in line
with proclamation no. 84/1994 with authorized capital of Birr 300
march 2005, with paid up share capital of birr
It started operation on 8
112 million.
62.86 % of Ownership was occupied by Cooperatives while the
remaining 37.14% was occupied by non-cooperatives.

Principle issues of Cooperative Bank of Oromia (S.C)

. Accepting depositsProviding loans;
• Providing loans;
• Buying and Selling FCY
• Engaging in other banking activity customarily carried out by
commercial banks
• Creating financial inclusion focusing on cooperatives society

• Vision ,Mission , and Value of CBO

A, Vision
The vision of the Cooperative Bank of Oromia (S.C)was what must
Bank become to accomplish his purpose?
“To be the leading private bank in Ethiopia by 2025.”
B, Mission
• The mission of Cooperative Bank OfOromia (S.C) was We root
our foundation in communities to provide banking solutions that
create greater customer experience with emphasis to cooperatives
and agro-based businesses through proper use of human resource
and up-to-date technologies to maximize stakeholders’ value.”
C, Value
There are six (6) core value of Cooperative Bank of Oromia
Integriry–Qualifications of being honest, fair, disciplined and open.
• Having moral uprightness and doing what is right.
• Adherences to ethical standards
Customer Satisfaction-
• Strive to provide quality customer service/products.
• Respect clients, understand their needs and wants,
and do the best to fulfill their request.
• We meet/exceed customer expectations.
Learning Organization-
• We facilitate learning and continuously transform
• We learn from our experiences, Disseminate the
knowledge throughout bank;
• We transform new knowledge into action,
Encourage an ability to see the big picture;
• We build a common sense of purpose and
commitment (shared vision);
• We are adaptable to change;
• We have a commitment to common vision -showing concern
and support for each other.
• We are one team─ where every person is a valued member,
treated with respect?
• We work together for common purpose by sharing
knowledge and common culture.
Cost Consciousness-
• We are careful about spending.
• We encourage employees to be efficient and cost-effective
approach in all aspects of operations.
Concern for Community-
• We take commitment to support the communities
• We collaborate with organs working for communities’ ends.
• We utilize socio-cultural attributes of the communities
1.2.4 Object of the organization
The Cooperative Bank of Oromia's main objectives are: promoting financial inclusion, fostering
economic development, enhancing member welfare, empowering communities, practicing ethical
banking, and ensuring long-term profitability and sustainability.

1.3 Services and products of the organization

The Cooperative Bank of Oromia provides a range of financial services and products, including savings
and current accounts, loans, digital banking, ATM services, international banking, debit and credit cards,
investment opportunities, insurance services, business banking, remittance services, and financial
education. These offerings cater to the diverse financial needs of individuals and businesses in the Oromia
region, promoting financial inclusion and economic development.

1.4 The Overall Organizational Structure

Figure 1.2: Organizational Structure of CBO

2.1 Abstract of the project
My internship at the CBO provided me with a valuable opportunity to contribute to network
management, focusing on the installation and enhancement of network infrastructure for the bank's
branch operations. The project encompassed both the upgrade of existing infrastructure and the
installation of entirely new networks to support the bank's expanding branch network.
The project initiation phase involved a comprehensive assessment of the existing network infrastructure,
identifying areas for improvement and expansion. Working collaboratively with the CBO IT and network
teams, we developed a strategic plan to address these requirements. This included updating the
infrastructure of established branches to ensure enhanced connectivity, security, and efficiency, while also
designing and implementing new networks to support recently opened branches.
Throughout the project, I actively engaged in tasks such as hardware selection, configuration, and secure
setup. The experience not only provided hands-on exposure to network management but also allowed me
to witness firsthand how a robust network infrastructure is essential for the seamless operation of a
banking institution. This report delves into the project's objectives, methodologies, challenges, and
outcomes, emphasizing the pivotal role of network management in modern banking operations and
expansion strategies.

2.2 Problem Statement

The CBO recognized the critical need to address network infrastructure challenges in response to its
expanding branch network. These challenges included outdated infrastructure, connectivity limitations,
securnewly established branches. The existing network infrastructure posed operational inefficiencies
and hindered the bank's ability to deliver seamless banking services to its customers. Thus, the primary
problem was the inadequacy of the current network infrastructure to accommodate both the
modernization of existing branches and the establishment of new ones. Consequently, the initiation of a
network infrastructure project became imperative to ensure the bank's sustained growth and effective
service delivery.

2.3 Objective of the project

2.3.1 General objective
The general objective of this project was to enhance the network infrastructure of the CBO by addressing
existing limitations and accommodating the network needs of newly opened branches. This aimed to
establish a robust and secure network framework that would support the bank's operations, improve
connectivity, ensure data security, and facilitate efficient banking services.

2.3.2 Specific objective

The specific objectives of the project were twofold: firstly, to upgrade the network infrastructure of
existing CBO branches, encompassing hardware and software improvements, security enhancements, and
overall optimization; and secondly, to design, install, and configure entirely new network systems for
recently established branches, ensuring they met industry standards and regulatory requirements. These
objectives collectively aimed to enable the bank to operate seamlessly, adapt to technological
advancements, and cater to the growing demands of its clientele effectively.

2.4 Scope of the Project

The scope of this project encompassed a comprehensive overhaul of the CBO network infrastructure. It
included the assessment and modernization of existing network systems within CBO branches, involving
the upgrade of hardware, software, and security measures. Additionally, the project extended its reach to
accommodate the installation, configuration, and secure setup of new network infrastructure for recently
opened bank branches. This scope aimed to ensure that the bank's network capabilities aligned with
industry standards, regulatory requirements, and the evolving needs of a modern banking institution, there
by facilitating efficient, secure, and reliable banking services .

2.5 Project Methodology

The methodology employed for the CBO Network Infrastructure Enhancement and Expansion Project
was meticulously planned to ensure the successful execution of this multifaceted endeavor. It
encompassed the following key phases:
1. Project Initiation:
This phase involved an in-depth analysis of the existing network infrastructure and the identification of
challenges and opportunities. It included discussions with CBO stakeholders and an initial scoping of the
project's requirements.
2. Needs Assessment:

A comprehensive assessment was conducted to determine the specific needs of CBO branches in terms of
network connectivity, security, and efficiency. This phase entailed surveys, interviews, and data
collection to gain insights into the unique requirements of each branch.
3. Planning and Design:
Based on the needs assessment, detailed project plans and network designs were formulated. This
included hardware and software selection, security protocols, and the architectural layout of the network
systems for both branch upgrades and new installations.
4. Implementation:
The implementation phase involved the physical setup of network components, including routers,
switches, firewalls, and other hardware. Configuration and security measures were implemented to align
with industry standards and regulatory requirements.

5. Testing and Quality Assurance:

Rigorous testing procedures were conducted to ensure the network infrastructure's functionality,
reliability, and security. This phase involved simulated scenarios and assessments to validate the
effectiveness of the installations and upgrades.
6. Deployment:
After successful testing and quality assurance, the network infrastructure was deployed across CBO

7. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Continuous monitoring of the network infrastructure was established to identify and address any issues
promptly. Regular evaluations were conducted to assess the project's success in meeting its objectives.
This methodology ensured a systematic approach to project management, from inception to completion,
and allowed for flexibility to adapt to evolving requirements. Collaboration with CBO's IT and network
teams throughout these phases ensured that the project aligned with the bank's strategic goals and
provided a foundation for enhanced banking services.

2.6 Implementation Technologies Used

The successful execution of the CBO Network Infrastructure Enhancement and Expansion Project relied
on the utilization of advanced implementation technologies across various phases. Key technologies and
tools applied during the project included:

2.6.1 Hardware
1. Networking Hardware: We utilized advanced networking devices like routers and switches to
connect computers and devices together, ensuring data could flow smoothly across the network.
2. Network Security Appliances: To enhance security, we deployed specialized hardware devices such
as firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS) to protect the network from cyber threats.

3. Virtualization Hardware: Hardware components that supported virtualization, like servers with
multiple processors and ample memory, enabled us to create and manage virtual networks efficiently.

2.6.2 Software
4. Network Configuration Software: We used software tools to configure and manage the network
devices, ensuring they operated according to specific parameters and security settings.
5. Network Monitoring Software: Advanced software applications were employed to monitor the
network's performance and detect any anomalies or issues is real time.
6. Virtualization Software: Virtualization software like VMware or Hyper-V was utilized to create and
manage virtual LANs (VLANs) and virtual private networks (VPNs).
7. Encryption Software: Encryption protocols and software applications were implemented to secure data
transmission and protect sensitive information.
8. Training and Knowledge Transfer Platforms: Online training platforms and educational software
resources were used to equip branch staff with the skills required to manage and maintain the new
network infrastructure effectively.
These hardware and software technologies collectively contributed to the successful implementation of
the project, ensuring a robust and secure network infrastructure.

2.7 Detail Design and description of the project

2.7.1 Upgrade of Existing Network Infrastructure
1. Network Assessment: The initial step involved conducting a thorough network assessment of the
existing infrastructure. This assessment encompassed evaluating network performance, identifying
bottlenecks, and assessing the overall reliability and security of the system.
2. Hardware Selection: During the design phase, careful consideration was given to the selection of
networking hardware. High-quality routers, switches, and firewalls were chosen to ensure seamless
connectivity and robust security.
3. Security Enhancements: To address security concerns, the implementation phase included the
deployment of advanced security measures777 These measures were strategically placed within the
network to detect and respond to any suspicious activities.
4. Configuration Optimization: Configuration settings were fine-tuned to optimize network
performance and security. This involved creating access control lists (ACLs), defining virtual LANs
(VLANs), and implementing Quality of Service (QoS) policies to prioritize network traffic

2.2 Installation of New Network Systems

1. Site Surveys: Before installation, site surveys were conducted at the newly opened branches to assess
the physical layout and requirements. These surveys informed decisions regarding the placement of
networking equipment.
2. Redundancy and Failover: To ensure high availability, redundancy and failover mechanisms were
implemented in the network design. This included redundant links, backup power supplies, and failover
3. Remote Management: Remote management capabilities were established to enable centralized
monitoring and management of network devices. This allowed for quick response to any issues that arose
at the remote branches.
4. Training Materials: In addition to training sessions, comprehensive training materials were developed
to serve as references for branch staff These material included step by step guides for common.

2.7.3 Testing and Quality Assurance

1. Performance Testing: Rigorous performance testing was conducted to evaluate the network's capacity
to handle peak loads. Network performance metrics were collected to ensure that the upgrades met or
exceeded expectations.
2. Security Auditing: Security audits were performed to assess the effectiveness of security measures.
Penetration testing and vulnerability assessments were conducted to identify and rectify any potential
3. Documentation: Detailed documentation was created, including network diagrams, equipment
inventories, and configuration files. This documentation served as a valuable resource for ongoing
maintenance and troubleshooting.

2.8 Future Work

As I conclude this report on the CBO Network Infrastructure Enhancement and Expansion Project, it's
important to highlight potential areas for future work and improvement:
1. Continuous Monitoring and Updates: Network technology is ever-evolving, and it's crucial to keep
abreast of the latest advancements. Regular monitoring and updates of network hardware and software
will help ensure that CBO's network infrastructure remains resilient and secure.
2. Cyber security Measures: With the constantly evolving threat landscape, strengthening cyber security
measures should be an ongoing focus. Future work could include implementing advanced threat detection
systems and conducting periodic security audits to identify vulnerabilities.
3. Scalability: As CBO continues to grow and open new branches, scalability remains a consideration.
Future projects should explore how to seamlessly integrate the branches into the existing network while
maintaining optimal performance.
4. Disaster Recovery Planning: Developing a robust disaster recovery plan is essential to minimize
downtime and data loss in the event of unexpected network disruptions. This could involve setting up
redundant data centers or cloud-based backup solutions.
5. Energy Efficiency: Given the increasing emphasis on sustainability, future projects may explore ways
to enhance the energy efficiency of the network infrastructure. This could include the adoption of energy-
efficient networking hardware and practices.

6. User Training and Awareness: Ongoing user training and awareness programs should be considered
to ensure that all staff members are well-versed in network best practices and security protocols.
7. Network Automation: Exploring network automation tools and practices can streamline network
management tasks, reduce human error, and improve overall efficiency.
8. Cloud Integration: Leveraging cloud services for specific network functions, such as data storage and
disaster recovery, can provide scalability and cost-effectiveness. Future work might involve further
integrating cloud solutions into the network architecture.
9. Collaboration Tools: With the increasing demand for remote work and collaboration, future projects
could focus on enhancing collaboration tools and virtual private networks (VPNs) to support a more
flexible workforce.
These areas of future work align with the evolving landscape of network technology and the ongoing
growth and development of CBO. Addressing these considerations will help ensure that CBO's network
infrastructure remains robust, secure, and aligned with the with the banks strategies goal.

2.9 Conclusion on the Project

The CBO Network Infrastructure Enhancement and Expansion Project stands as a testament to the
dedication and collaborative efforts of all those involved. This endeavor aimed to fortify CBO's network
infrastructure, ensuring it not only met the present operational demands but also positioned the bank for
future growth and resilience.
Throughout the project's lifecycle, from the meticulous design phase to the precise implementation and
rigorous testing, our team worked diligently to deliver a network that embodies the highest standards of
performance, security, and reliability. The upgrade of existing infrastructure and the establishment of
network systems for newly opened branches have collectively bolstered CBO's ability to provide seamless
banking services to its customers.
The adoption of advanced implementation technologies, vigilant security measures, and meticulous
attention to detail have resulted in a network infrastructure that is not only robust but also adaptable to the
dynamic technological landscape. Furthermore, the successful knowledge transfer to branch staff through
comprehensive training ensures the network's efficient day-to-day operation.
As we look back on this project, we acknowledge the invaluable support and collaboration of CBO's IT
and network teams, who played a pivotal role in its success. This project not only enhances the bank's
operational efficiency but also reinforces its commitment to providing secure and efficient banking
services to its customers.
In conclusion, the CBO Network Infrastructure Enhancement and Expansion Project stands as a
significant milestone in the bank's journey towards technological excellence. It serves as a testament to
CBO's proactive approach to embracing cutting-edge technology and its dedication to maintaining the
highest standards of service. The project's success underscores the bank's commitment to innovation and
its unwavering focus on delivering exceptional banking experiences to its valued customers.

Internships are a way for me, as a college student, to become more valuable and to discover potential
career paths and specific companies. These programs also bring benefits to the companies themselves.
When I started this internship, I thought I'd only gain practical knowledge, but as I've finished it, I've
realized that I've gained much more than just technical skills.
3.1 Benefit I gained in enhancing my practical skill
This internship program has been instrumental in boosting my practical skills. It has fostered my self-
confidence, commitment to work, punctuality, and technical expertise. Additionally, it has nurtured my
creativity, encouraging innovative problem-solving, critical thinking, and the ability to assess and manage
risks, resources, and time effectively. I've also honed my interpersonal skills, including persuasion and

3.2 Benefit I gained in strengthening my theoretical knowledge

This internship program has been incredibly beneficial in enhancing my theoretical knowledge. It has
fundamentally altered my perspective on theoretical concepts. This experience has equipped me with
valuable tools, the capacity to pinpoint logical errors, implement efficient error-solving strategies, and
comprehend both fundamental and advanced concepts in the field of network management.

3.3 Benefits I gained in terms of improving interpersonal communication skills

I have acquired various insights through communication with colleagues, which has significantly
enhanced my interpersonal communication skills. Effective communication is a transformative tool that
allows individuals, especially engineers like me, to progress and acquire new professional knowledge and
abilities that prove useful both in overcoming challenges and in everyday life. It encompasses various
forms, including speaking, writing and listening.
At CBO, I had the genuine opportunity to enhance my communication skills, primarily through
presentations that encompassed the entire week's activities organized by interns. This experience enabled
me to efficiently handle information, persuade individuals, adapt to change, and cultivate stronger
relationships with others.

3.4 Benefit I gained in terms of improving team playing skill

Throughout my internship, I had the invaluable opportunity to refine my teamwork skills. Working
collaboratively with colleagues on diverse projects and tasks, I learned the importance of effective
teamwork in achieving common goals. This experience enhanced my ability to communicate, share
responsibilities, and contribute productively within a team environment. It allowed me to appreciate the
significance of collective efforts and synergy in achieving success, a skillset I can carry forward into my
future professional endeavors.

3.5 Benefits I gained in terms of improving leadership skills

My internship experience played a pivotal role in enhancing my leadership abilities. As I took on various
responsibilities and collaborated with team members, I had the chance to develop and refine my
leadership skills. This included learning how to motivate and guide others, make decisions under
pressure, and take initiative when necessary. Through practical experience, I gained confidence in my
capacity to lead and inspire others, a valuable asset for my future professional growth.

3.6 Benefits I gained in terms of understanding about work ethics and related issues
During my internship, I deepened my understanding of work ethics and related issues. I observed
firsthand the importance of integrity, responsibility, and professionalism in the workplace. This
experience exposed me to ethical dilemmas and the significance of making principled decisions. I also
gained insights into workplace norms and standards, which have provided me with a solid foundation for
ethical conduct in my future career.

3.7 Benefits I gained in terms of entrepreneurship skill

My internship experience also contributed to the development of my entrepreneurship skills. While
working on various projects, I learned how to identify opportunities, take calculated risks, and think
creatively to solve problems. This exposure to entrepreneurial thinking has equipped me with the mindset
and skills needed to innovate, adapt to changing circumstances, and explore new avenues for success in
the business world.

4.1 Conclusion
In short, this internship has been a priceless experience. During my time at CBO, I actively delved into
various aspects of our field of study, soaking up knowledge and practical skills. I didn't just gain new
expertise; I also had the privilege of interacting with a diverse group of people. What's most important,
this internship acted as a bridge, showing me the subtle differences between what we learn in school and
the real world of work.
My journey gave me deep insights into the complexities of network management. I strengthened my
understanding of the theory and got better at solving real-world problems. I also improved my teamwork,
leadership, and communication skills – all of which are vital for professional growth. Plus, this experience
helped me see my strengths and areas where I can improve, guiding my efforts to enhance my skills and
expand my knowledge. In a nutshell, this internship has been an incredible opportunity for both my
personal and professional development.

4.2 Recommendation
My experience as an intern student at CBO was indeed rewarding, but it wasn't without its challenges. As
I conclude my internship, I want to offer some recommendations for the benefit of future interns who will
walk in my footsteps. These suggestions are meant to help improve the internship experience:

4.2.1 Recommendation for the Company

For the betterment of the company, I suggest implementing a more structured orientation program for
incoming interns. This would include a comprehensive introduction to the company's culture, values, and
specific job expectations. Moreover, giving interns more time and guidance during their initial days can
significantly contribute to their understanding of the company's operations. Additionally, providing a
robust mentorship program where experienced employees actively guide interns throughout their
internship can greatly enhance their learning experience. This extended support and guidance will not
only help interns adapt more smoothly but also make them feel more engaged and supported throughout
their entire tenure at CBO.

4.2.2. Recommendation for the university

I suggest that the university plays a more involved role in preparing students for internships by offering
ongoing supervision and monitoring during their internship training. This proactive approach will
motivate students to excel in their roles and establish a stronger connection between academic and field
supervisors, enabling more accurate assessment. These actions will enhance students' internship
experiences and better equip them for success in the professional world

• Gambella University Internship Manual.




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