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[Last Name] 1

Mona Al-Sulaiman & Aryam Al-Mabdy

IDs: 445012718, 445004462

Academic Writing 1

Group 4


Twitter Is Terrible

What makes Twitter an unpleasant place to be? First of all, it is very

addictive. It easily grabs the user’s attention keeping them active on the app for a

long time by constantly recommending them content they are interested in.

Second, cyber bullying is a common occurrence. Since Twitter believes in the

freedom of speech, but that also includes hateful comments. Fourth, it is easy to

fall for scams. Fake accounts and bots flood the app with all kinds of false

advertisements. Especially links which lead to viruses. Lastly, Twitter is not a

suitable place for those who consider starting a small business. Because some

users target them by wrongfully ruining their reputation resulting in failure. In

brief, Twitter has several disadvantages making it a terrible app.

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