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Lighthouse Baptist School

English work

Theme: Advantages and disadvantages of the


Level 12

Teacher: Sandoval Cano

By: Amy Alvarado Canda

Friday, September 25th, 2020

The uses of the internet today are multiple, from the search
of information on the contract between people, going
through leisure, research or teaching. But like any
technological innovation as is the case with any instrument,
its creation – means so much opportunities as ricks
depending on the use decide to give it to him. In the sense
we can determine the both advantages and disadvantages,
some of which which we highlight below.

Main advantages of the Internet

The Internet is an instrument whose creation has enabled a

lot of innovations and changes in our way to relate to each
other and to world, and even seems to have affected our way
to perceive things.
Its creation, expansion and popularity are because using it
brings us a number of benefits that make our lives easier
among its many advantages. We can find the following

1. Speed in comunication.
2. Access to multiple content.
3. Dissemintion of own content.
4. Process simplification.
5. Knowledge masification.
6. Collaborative spirit.
7. Interaction with stakeholders.
8. Generation of new jobs.
9. Access to new entertainment format.
10. New social dynamics.

Disadvantages and risks of its use

As we have seen there are many advantages and

opportunities that the Internet offers us. Despite the many
advantages, it does not mean that this instrument does not
have a dark side: there are great risks and disadvantages in
using it.

1. Use of personal data for unknown purposes.

2. Stimulates sedentary lifestyle.
3. Digital crime.
4. Online harassment.
5. Invasive advertising.
6. Spam.
7. Fake news.
8. Exposure to inappropriate content.
9. It can lead to addiction.
10. Limit face-to-face communication.
As we have seen before, the internet has come to stay and
take a place in our lives so much so that we cannot
understand our society without it or the devices that
incorporate it.

This has changed the way we communicate with other

people, look for work, share information, make friends...
Without the internet we are left out of society, because
now everything is moving around the network to such an
extent that if you don't have mobile you are not part of this
world. All this use has advantages as well as
disadvantages and we have to be aware of all of them
every time we are using it, even if they seem safe.

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