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Rob is your manager, aren’t you?

2. I turned off the projector,
wasn’t I?
3. Tim is going to present
next, .isn’t he?
4. She won't be at the meeting
before 2:00, won she?
5. We haven't forgotten
anything, have we?
6. It was a great day, wasn’t it?
7. The agenda can't be printed in
the business center before 8:00
A.M., can it?
8. They were explaining the
meeting etiquette,.weren’t they?
9. She wants to be addressed by
her first name, doesn’t she?
10. There was no one here from
China, was there
Rob is your manager, aren’t you?
2. I turned off the projector,
wasn’t I?
3. Tim is going to present
next, .isn’t he?
4. She won't be at the meeting
before 2:00, won she?
5. We haven't forgotten
anything, have we?
6. It was a great day, wasn’t it?
7. The agenda can't be printed in
the business center before 8:00
A.M., can it?
8. They were explaining the
meeting etiquette,.weren’t they?
9. She wants to be addressed by
her first name, doesn’t she?
10. There was no one here from
China, was there
Rob is your manager, aren’t you?
2. I turned off the projector,
wasn’t I?
3. Tim is going to present
next, .isn’t he?
4. She won't be at the meeting
before 2:00, won she?
5. We haven't forgotten
anything, have we?
6. It was a great day, wasn’t it?
7. The agenda can't be printed in
the business center before 8:00
A.M., can it?
8. They were explaining the
meeting etiquette,.weren’t they?
9. She wants to be addressed by
her first name, doesn’t she?
10. There was no one here from
China, was there
Rob is your manager, aren’t you?
2. I turned off the projector,
wasn’t I?
3. Tim is going to present
next, .isn’t he?
4. She won't be at the meeting
before 2:00, won she?
5. We haven't forgotten
anything, have we?
6. It was a great day, wasn’t it?
7. The agenda can't be printed in
the business center before 8:00
A.M., can it?
8. They were explaining the
meeting etiquette,.weren’t they?
9. She wants to be addressed by
her first name, doesn’t she?
10. There was no one here from
China, was there
1. Rob is your manager, aren’t you?
2. I turned off the projector, wasn’t I?
3. Tim is going to present next, .isn’t he?
4. She won't be at the meeting before 2:00, won she?
5. We haven't forgotten anything, have we?
6. It was a great day, wasn’t it?

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