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Santa Cruz 1

Luis Santa Cruz

Trishia Briones

ENGL 1301-123

October 23rd, 2023

Reflection Essay 2

What I’ve learned about visual analysis and rhetorical situation from this essay is how

every detail means something. Especially if the details seem minor such as the color palette. I’ve

learned about visual analysis and rhetorical situations that I’ve learned from writing this essay

show me to be more attentive to the details and backstory of images. For example, when writing

an essay using double meanings, details, and background information, I can provide the reader

with an informative and rhetorical paper. Details make or break a rhetorical writing or image so

implementing those elements are super important to the piece,

The way I built upon the drafting and revision process was to proofread my paper and to

check for all grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and repetitive paragraphs. This ensured my

paper to be clear and easy to read. In addition, the concept of brainstorming was more thought

out in this essay. As my brainstorming included all the ideas and facts, I’ve received from

searching up facts about the topic of my paper which was the album cover. Using this concept

my future papers will be more thorough because I used the concept of brainstorming and

prewriting and proof reading in turn making my papers better.

Conferencing and receiving feedback helped me clean up my paper. For example, one of

my mistakes that was pointed out was spelling out an abbreviation. This correction makes it clear
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for the reader just in case they didn’t know what the abbreviation meant. In addition, another

mistake that was pointed out was the MLA format as I didn’t include the page number or my

professor’s name. Lastly, they corrected my spacing in between paragraphs, this helped my

paper be easier to read when it’s printed out on paper.

The Peer review of this essay was the best one I received. This peer review shows that im

improving greatly on my essays. The only mistakes they pointed out were minor. My MLA

format was missing a few points such as the page number and spacing. This was a simple fix and

was the only error that they could find. For example, a point they found that was major was the

abbreviation so as to make my paper read clear and to give context to those who wouldn’t know

the meaning of the abbreviation.

The editing and proofreading of my essay helped me convey my message thoroughly. For

example, the point I made on the white color of the album was cluttered, incoherent and not

explained thoroughly. By proofreading this helped me change around the paragraph and made

that point clearer. Proofreading and editing made me make connections between my main points

to the main topic of the essay. As before I proofread, I went off topic and started explaining

another artist that was influential to the album, though however, that artist did not need to be

explained and take up space from the main topic and artist it was about.

The most challenging part was finding information and interviews from the artist

explaining the cover. This is due in part to the artist being private and not doing a lot of

interviews. However, I was able to find information because of many people who researched this

topic before and figured out the meanings of the cover details. In addition, I was able to find

interviews he had done even though they were a few and short, they were able to provide me

resources on my information to base in facts. Recognizing this challenge will help me because it
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taught me to use secondary sources from people who also know about the topic well enough and

help me use information from these articles.

The least challenging part of the essay was the topic decided to write on. This is because I

was already familiar with the topic beforehand as I am a fan of the artist. The cover I chose was

one of my favorites because of the backstory that I knew about so well. Another least challenging

part of the essay was the main points. Although the cover was minimal, it still was able to give

me a ton of details to work with. In addition, was the cover itself. This is because there is so

much detail that was placed within the cover such as the background color, the self-portrait, and

the album name. All in all, this was my least challenging essay because of the essay topic and


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