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Dariana Contreras

ENGL 1301-130

Dr. Sharity Nelson

28 September 2023

Final Reflection Essay

Throughout English 1301, the process of refining my writing skills has been a

transformative experience. The course has provided a platform for learning and growth, enabling

me to adjust the components of my essays with precision and purpose. In this reflective essay, I

will go in-depth on the challenges faced and the progress made in understanding concepts like

genre analysis, rhetorical analysis, and the writing process.

I learned how to correctly adjust the components of my essay, such as where to place my

controlling ideas, evidence, explanations, and citations. This understanding became specifically

evident through the outline worksheets provided by Dr. Nelson. These worksheets clearly

demonstrated the appropriate placement for each element and guided me on what to include in

every category. Moreover, the work analysis worksheets were beneficial for a startup, helping in

comprehending the depth of my exploration and identifying key points. In essay two, the work

analysis required observing the visual text and discerning the implied messages conveyed

through various aspects of the author's work. To be specific, analyzing the visual components

and the accompanying described evidence prompted me to reconsider which characters were

emphasized and notice how each character exhibited distinctiveness. The depiction of modernity

in the background hinted at the movie's theme, suggesting a narrative centered around animals

living in a contemporary setting, mocking human life in the real world. Additionally, the project

management worksheets provided insights into the rhetorical analysis of my text. Filling out
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boxes with due dates and assignments helped me determine the pace at which I needed to

progress. Practicing writing in this course has helped me realize how essays can be written

differently, depending on their genre. In addition, before this course, I didn’t know how to cite

and now I apply it to my work such as presentations, essays, and reports. In my Biology Lab,

where my group and I made weekly lab reports, the knowledge of rhetorical situations became

particularly valuable. This course illustrated that citations come in various styles, each serving a

specific purpose. Moreover, lab reports are used to articulate scientific methods and principles,

demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. The genre of lab reports,

which includes breaking down research into structured sections like introduction, methodology,

results, discussion, and conclusion, was a crucial aspect highlighted in the context of rhetorical

situations. Furthermore, the significance of maintaining an objective tone in lab reports, simply

presenting scientific findings without personal bias, was clearer after being aware of the writing


Two activities significantly contributed to my understanding of the analytical process and

guided me in its intricate parts. In constructing essay two, an exercise named "Visual Text

Analysis Practice" accelerated my analytical skills. The specific visual text under observance

was "Kepler-186F: Visions of the Future." During this exercise, Dr. Nelson stated the importance

of avoiding assumptions and encouraged us to carefully describe the elements illustrated in the

image. This initial step formed the base by collecting our elements for a well-rounded analysis.

The subsequent phase was to rationalize the author's design choices, making us, for example,

contemplate why a particular object was positioned to be the audience's focal point. This

essential observation served as the core of the analysis, where I’d narrow down what effect the

aspects would create and the purpose behind it. Furthermore, we were assigned with listing
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textual identifiers from the poster, such as the title or link, which served as elements in

determining the genre, purpose, and target audience of the visual text. With this contextual

information, we were then able to make a compelling claim regarding the hidden meanings the

author tried to convey. This claim was supported by evidence collected during the first phase and

the second phase. In our lesson of Peer Reviewed Articles, one of our schoolwork was

determining whether an article was peer-reviewed. We were given three articles and a helpful

website sourced by Dr. Nelson to conduct this. This resource offered a comprehensive checklist

of what a peer-reviewed article should have. One of the primary elements to verify was the

formatting of the article. A legitimate peer-reviewed article is generally divided into several

sections, including an abstract, literature review, methodology, results, conclusion, and

references. Each of these sections plays a role in the credibility of the research presented. The

next step involved pointing out the authors of the articles. It was important to check if the authors

had the academic background that proves their expertise in the field the article pertains to. Lastly,

I examined the references used in the articles. An implication that’s often in a peer-reviewed

article is the inclusion of properly cited sources, which are often listed in footnotes or

bibliographies. Through this process, I was able to effectively determine the authenticity of each

peer-reviewed article, gaining the concept of reviewing your articles even if a website

inaccurately labels their work.

During the conference meeting for my Essay 2, I grabbed valuable insights into revision,

and my writing choices in refining the essay were made by instructor feedback. Notably, I made

strategic changes in response to numerous elements. Firstly, I focused on strengthening my

essay's evidence related to the controlling idea. I recognized the need for stronger and more

appropriate support and integrated additional evidence into my body paragraphs. This adjustment
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made a clearer argument, aligning it with the purpose of my rhetorical analysis essay. Next, I

refined the introductory paragraph by acknowledging feedback from the conference meeting. I

realized the importance of providing more precise context in the opening sentences to prevent the

audience from getting confused. This choice was to enhance the readability and coherence of the

introduction. Another critical aspect of my revision process was the conclusion's "what"

statement. The instructor’s feedback indicated that my first draft was not specific enough,

particularly in elaborating my claim on how the author was portraying a theme. In my final

essay, I made changes to use more advanced and clearer words, provide more context, focus on

supporting my topic sentences with appropriate evidence, and make sure my citations were

formatted correctly. The main goal was to fix my essay to align with the constraints and

instructions of the prompt.

The most challenging aspect of revising a rhetorical analysis essay on visual text one last

time was considering how descriptive I had to be and ensuring that every aspect of the visual text

was acknowledged. This involved examining the author's choices regarding alignment, visual

elements, color, and the effect on the poster’s tone. For example, in my initial draft, I missed the

subtle emphasis on color choices, layout, or symbolism that impacted the overall poster. Making

a comprehensive and well-rounded analysis required careful consideration of every visual

element and its probable rhetorical significance. On the other hand, the least challenging aspect

was editing errors such as grammar and citation formatting. For instance, fixing a citation or

reconstructing a paragraph for a clearer outcome takes less to reflect on compared to figuring out

the deeper meaning the author wants to show from visual elements and evaluating their

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To communicate course concepts such as the writing process, analysis, genre, rhetorical

situation, etc., to a general audience on my website, I reintroduced topics that they may be

unfamiliar with. The three specific elements I incorporated were breaking down the rhetorical

process, describing the steps in simple words, and relating the topics with real-life examples. I

used them to enhance clarity for an audience new to this course. To illustrate, in explaining genre

analysis, I likened it to understanding different movie genres, making it relatable for those

unfamiliar with academic genres. This choice helped bridge the gap between academic

terminology and everyday experiences, making the concept more accessible. Moreover, breaking

down the writing process into clear, step-by-step explanations was one of my elements. This

approach allowed readers to follow a logical progression, growing comprehension. I also

included real-life examples and scenarios that would relate to the rhetorical strategies both

shown in your assigned article and everyday content. In summary, I utilized plain wording and

everyday examples, provided a step-by-step breakdown of processes, and incorporated real-life

applications to communicate course concepts effectively to a general audience. These choices

were geared towards fostering accessibility, aiding comprehension, and showcasing the real-

world relevance of the concepts discussed in the unit writing assignments.

The most challenging part of this course was to thoroughly distinguish a peer-reviewed

article and how to find evidence appropriate to support your rhetorical situation and then have a

detailed explanation because I would get lost in what’s important to point out. I also had a hard

time elaborating on how the evidence and topic sentences connected. I would somehow end up

being vague or talking about another idea that should be set up as a separate paragraph.

Overcoming this confusion required reconsidering the purpose of the essay and what I had to

base my paragraphs on.

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The least challenging aspect of this course was the revision of editing, such as grammar

and recognizing the context of your text. Correcting errors and finding the details of the

publication were clearer responses than creating an argument that’s explained with textual

evidence. For instance, adjusting a sentence for clarity requires adherence to established rules,

providing an easy guide for a free-of-error essay. As for finding the context of my work, it's very

logical to just scan through my text to fill out the context.

In analytical and writing skills, I discovered strengths in analyzing visual text and being

organized in my assignments and overall schedule for school. The "Visual Text Analysis

Practice" exercise improved my ability to dissect visual elements and recognize insinuated

messages. For instance, in analyzing "Kepler-186F: Visions of the Future," I successfully

identified the symbolism in color choices and layout, revealing a deeper understanding of visuals

showing expression. Filling out project management worksheets provided insights into the

instructions made for each essay. This practical approach, showing due dates in future weeks,

strengthened my ability to organize and pace my writing, reinforcing my proficiency in project

management. Furthermore, my strengths in analytical and writing skills extended to my

proficiency in organizing assignments and managing my overall schedule for school.

Moreover, using project management worksheets offered a structured approach to look ahead

into what you’re heading to. For instance, essay 3 was significantly faster paced than any other

essay, so it would be beneficial If I looked ahead on my days to ensure I finished with a good

time. Aligning due dates with specific assignments enhanced my organizational skills and

contributed to a well-paced writing process. This demonstrated project management facility,

ensuring tasks were systematically addressed and completed within proper timelines.
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Regarding preparation for the academic writing community, this course has been helpful

in encouraging the necessary skills and mindset. It provided an organized method to analyzing

and writing, guiding me through the matters of academic work. The emphasis on genre analysis,

visual text analysis, and rhetorical analysis prepared me with devices essential for engaging in

scholarly discussions. Specifically, the exposure to peer-reviewed articles and the judgment of

authentic sources have given me an understanding of how analyzing yourself can give you a

more accurate analysis than depending on unreliable sources. The ability to distinguish credible

research, examine author credentials, and evaluate references aligns with the expectations of the

academic writing community. Additionally, the comprehensive understanding of genres has laid a

strong foundation for effective communication within academic arguments. In essence, this

course has strengthened my analytical and writing skills and provided a solid groundwork for

active participation in the academic writing community. The challenges faced and overcome,

coupled with the discovered strengths, collectively contribute to my readiness to contribute

meaningfully to academic conversations.

In conclusion, the course has been a journey of challenges and growth, from

understanding the complexities of analysis to refining the art of revision. Through these

experiences, I have emerged as a more confident writer, equipped with the skills to navigate

diverse writing situations. This reflective essay serves as an indication of the progress made,

acknowledging both the obstacles overcome and the knowledge gained in English 1301.

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Work Cited

Jet Propulsion Laboratory. "Kepler-186F: Visions of the Future.", 24 Dec. 2020, Accessed 4 Dec. 2023.

"Peer-Reviewed Journals." Angelo State University Library,

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