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Quiroga 1

Gael Quiroga

English 1301-102

Dr. Sharity Nelson

4 October 2023

A Reflection of Informative Flyer Genre

In the Genre Analysis essay, I learned how the informative flyer genre is used to inform

the audience and how rhetorical situations help convey a message to the audience. For instance,

Essay 1 gave me a better understanding of how I can use the informative flyer genre to inform

the audience by using specific words that target the audience. An example is shown in Gael

Quiroga’s essay when he states, “The title of the informative flyer is “All incoming students are

required to use Med+Proctor to submit medical/immunization records.” this title states that “All

incoming students” to show what their target audience is.” (Quiroga, “A General Analyst of

Vaccine Informative Flyer”, 1). As said in Quiroga’s essay, the informative flyer used the

statement “All incoming students are required” to reveal the target audience, as well as informing

the audience that it is “required” to submit their medical and immunization records. This gave

me a better understanding of the informative genre because it shows how they use the genre to

quickly target the audience and inform them.

Throughout the first essay unit, I started to learn more about drafting and revising my

work. I learned about how brainstorming, prewriting, drafting, and the revision process help me

become a better writer. These steps I followed will help me in the future because now I

understand how the writing process works. The first thing I did before composing my essay is

brainstorming. This is an important step to because it helps you collect all ideas in your head and

insert them onto a piece of paper. Next is the prewriting; before writing your essay, you should
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have a layout that you should follow. The lay out I followed was the assignment “Genre Analysis

Worksheet” (Nelson, “English 1301 Genre Analysis Notes Assignment”), which helped me

format my conventions and my evidence I gathered through the brainstorming process. Once I

finished the worksheet, I then started my drafting process. The drafting process was long for me

but what really helped me was the drafting demo I followed, which was a video by Dr. Nelson.

The video helps me understand how to draft and how to incorporate all my ideas into one essay.

Finally, once I completed my Genre Analyst Draft, I started to revise my work. I used multiply

tools to finalize my work, such as feedback from Dr. Nelson, peer review with classmates, and

finally editing and proofreading my work. During my journey through the writing process, I

faced my fair share of challenges along with the easy parts of writing a Genre Analyst essay.

During my conference with Dr. Nelson, she showed me two elements of my work that I

must improve. One of them was to build background evidence for your introduction. Dr. Nelson

stated, “Need to build contextual information about author, artifact, and the community

background information, who, what, when, where” (Dr. Sharity Nelson, Comment on “A General

Analysis Draft 1”, 1). This helped me build a very strong introduction so I can grasp the reader’s

attention and inform them on background info about the flyer. Dr. Sharity Nelson also taught me

to really go in depth with my body paragraphs. Dr. Sharity Nelson told me to break down the

quote and really explain the meaning of each thing said in the quote. For instance, when I

explained the title of my essay Dr. Sharity Nelson said, “Explain how the specific information in

the title is working to help the author achieve its purpose” (Dr. Sharity Nelson, Comment on “A

General Analysis Draft 1”, 1). This told me to break down the title and explain every detail listed

in the title.
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The peer review with classmates helped me improve my essay because I got another

perspective. The person who reviewed my paper was Bibek Malik; he really did a great job with

reviewing my paper. Mr. Malik went in depth and wrote multiple comments which corrected

grammar mistakes, and he also helped with words I used repeatedly. I truly enjoyed his feedback,

and I give credit to him for helping me build my final essay.

After I completed the peer review, I then started editing and proofreading my final draft.

While editing and proofreading my work, I started to see missing connections and irrelevant

information that was in my final draft. I recall two main things I spotted in my final draft, which

was in paragraph two and my conclusion. In paragraph two, I saw irrelevant information that I

had imputed to keep my word count high. I then removed the information and added something

relevant to the topic at hand. I also spotted a miss connection in my conclusion; I saw that my

conclusion was not relaying the same information as my introduction. I changed the conclusion

around to really focus on my theisis statement.

In the end, I can say that I faced multiple challenges while writing this genre analysis

essay, as well as things that I felt I strived on. The most challenging part of writing essay was

probably writing all my ideas into one paragraph. I tend to include too much information that is

not needed. What helped me address this problem is peer review, as well as my proofreading my

work to see if any run on sentences occurred. Recognizing this challenge helps me really focus

on my proofreading and editing skills, which would lead me to better writing in the future. The

least challenging part of my essay was creating the points for my three paragraphs. When I was

doing my formatting, I came to realize how strong my points where and how fast I came up with

them. I really enjoyed writing this essay; I believe it made me a better writing in general and I

am looking forward to Essay 2.

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Works Cited
“A General Analysis Draft 1.” Peer Review Draft. 19 September 2023. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M

International University, student paper.

“A General Analysis Draft 1” Draft 1. 19 September 2023. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M

International University, student paper.

Malik, Bibek. “Peer Review.” 26 September 2023. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M International

University, student activity.

Nelson, Sharity. “A General Analysis Draft 1.” 19 September 2023 ENGL 1301, Texas A&M

International University, Conference.

Nelson, Sharity. “English 1301 Genre Analysis Notes Assignment.” 14 September 2023 ENGL

1301, Texas A&M International University, homework assignment.

Nelson, Sharity. “Pre-Writing Demo.” 12 September 2023. ENGL 1301, Texas A&M

International University, Video.

Quiroga, Gael. “A General Analyst of Vaccine Informative Flyer.”28 September 2023. ENGL

1301, Texas A&M International University, student paper.

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