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Personalized Meal Planning and Recipe Recommendations for Enhanced

Dietary Management"

Submitted by:

June Clyde Elago

Frances E. Manalo

Cyrel James Tolentino

Submitted to:

Sir Hobert Abrigana,


May 16, 2023


According to Fitch Solutions, over 5.1 percent of Filipino people are

obese, as rising consumer prosperity promotes unhealthy diets across the
area and strains healthcare expenses across the Asia-Pacific region. Between
2010 and 2014, the number of obese adults in the Philippines increased by
6%. Based on 2014 data, the obesity incidence was 5.1 percent, up from 4.1
percent in 2010. MealMaster is an innovative app that provides individualized
meal planning and dish suggestions to improve dietary management.
Traditional meal planning systems frequently fall short of satisfying individual
requirements and tastes, resulting in frustration and trouble meeting nutritional
goals. The MealMaster app tries to address these constraints by generating
personalized meal planning and dish suggestions based on user-specific data
such as dietary requirements, health issues, and taste preferences.

Problem Statement

The fundamental issue addressed by MealMaster is the limits of traditional

meal planning and recipe recommendation systems. These systems
frequently generate general meal plans that do not take into consideration an
individual's unique nutritional needs and preferences. As a result, people
struggle to stick to their dietary goals, limiting their capacity to obtain optimal
nutrition and enjoyment. Limited access to comprehensive meal planning
information exacerbates the problem, as individuals struggle to find credible
direction for making educated food selections. Furthermore, the time and
effort limits connected with meal planning and finding suitable recipes provide
considerable challenges, particularly for individuals who lead hectic lives.


The purpose of this study is to assess the effectiveness and impact of the
MealMaster app in improving dietary management. The research intends to
analyze the potential benefits and limitations of MealMaster in innovating
personalized meal planning and recipe recommendations by assessing user
experiences, satisfaction levels, and adherence to dietary standards. The
study also aims to provide insight into the importance of tailored approaches
in fostering healthy eating habits and meeting dietary goals. The findings will
add to the increasing body of knowledge in customized nutrition and provide
vital insights into MealMaster's transformative potential as a tool for
empowering individuals to make informed diet decisions.

Scope and Limitations

MealMaster will offer personalized meal planning and recipe

recommendations for people with specific dietary needs and preferences. The
platform will focus on recommending healthy meals that align with the user's
goals, while also considering factors like budget and time constraints.
However, MealMaster will not provide medical advice or recommendations for
individuals with specific medical conditions, and users are advised to consult
with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to their

Chapter 2


MealMaster will be developed using an agile methodology, which involves an

incremental and iterative approach to software development. This approach
enables regular feedback and adaptation to evolving specifications, ensuring
that the finished product satisfies the users' needs. The platform will be tested
and improved based on user feedback during the development process after
user requirements are identified and prototypes are created. We will be able
to deliver a user-friendly and efficient platform that addresses the research
problem and achieves the research objectives by employing the agile

Problem statement

MealMaster addresses the problem of the inability of current meal planning

and recipe recommendation systems to provide individualized solutions for
individuals with distinct dietary needs and preferences.

1. Lack of Personalization: Traditional approaches provide general meal

planning and recipe ideas that fail to take into account an individual's
unique dietary needs, such as health issues, dietary restrictions, and
personal taste preferences. Individuals' capacity to adhere to their
particular dietary goals is hampered by this lack of personalization,
resulting in frustration and inadequate nutrition.
2. Limited Access: Many people struggle to find complete and
dependable meal-planning options. The scarcity of easily accessible
platforms that provide personalized information makes it difficult for
individuals to make informed diet decisions, impeding their capacity to
reach optimal nutrition and dietary goals
3. Time and Effort Constraints: Planning meals and finding appropriate
recipes can be time-consuming and overwhelming, especially for
people who lead hectic lives. The lack of a streamlined and efficient
solution exacerbates the difficulty of maintaining a balanced diet and
properly addressing individual nutritional needs.
Gantt Chart


- Use Case
- UML(Class Diagram)
- Database Design(ERD)
- Prototype Design

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