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Sample Paper Annual Exam, 2022-23

Subject: Computer Science(083)
Time: 3:00 Hours Class 11 Max. Marks: 70

Section –A
1. The physical components of computer system are known as __________
a) Software c) Humanware
b) Hardware d) Drivers
2. 8 bits makes _________
a) 1 Byte c) 1 MB
b) 1 KB d) 1 Nibble
3. Which of the following is not a logical gate?
a) AND c) NOT
b) OR d) NONE
4. When python was developed?
a) 1990 c) 1992
b) 1991 d) 1993
5. To run python program which of the following key is used?
a) Ctrl + F5 c) Ctrl + F9
b) Alt + F5 d) F5
6. Which of the following is not a python tokens?
a) Keyword c) List
b) Literals d) Operators
7. What will be the output of the following code segment?



a) 5 + 6 c) 11

b) 6 + 5 d) None

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8. Kriza wants to divide a number and store the result without decimal places
into an integer variable. Suggest her an appropriate operator from the
a) / c) //
b) % d) Both a) & b)
9. What will be the output of following code:
if True:
a) True c) true
b) False d) false
10. Dhyana wants to terminates the while loop at the end of program. Suggest
her a suitable keyword from the following:
a) terminate c) continue
b) break d) stop
11. Observe the given code and select an appropriate output:
a) h c) 30
b) hello d) hello30
12. Rudra wants to access a second last list element of list object L. Help him
to select an appropriate option to accomplish his task.
a) L[2] c) L[len(l)-2]
b) L[-2] d) L-2
13. Consider these statements:
What will be the output?
a) <class ‘int’> c) <class ‘list’>
b) <class ‘tuple’> d) <class ‘str’>

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14. Observe the given declarations:

i. d={}
ii. d=dict()
iii. d=Dict()
iv. d=dict.fromkeys()
Which of the following are correct ways to create an empty dictionary?
a) i and ii c) i,iii and iv
b) i,ii and iv d) i and iii
15. Jay forgot to sign off from his email account on his laptop. Later, his
classmate Rishi started using the same computer. He is now logged in as
Jay. He sends inflammatory email messages to few of his classmates using
Jay’s email account. Rishi’s activity is an example of which of the following
cybercrime? Justify your answer.
a) Hacking c) Cyber bullying
b) Identity theft d) Plagiarism
16. Which act protects against cybercrime in India?
a) Indian IT Act
b) India Computer Security Act
c) Indian Cyber Law
d) Indian Data Security Law
17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct
choice as
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation (A)
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and R is not the correct explanation (A)
(C) (A) is True but (R) is False
(D) (A) is false but (R) is True
17. Assertion(A): Data submitted online intentionally known as active digital
foot print.
Reasoning(R): Active digital footprints includes emails, replies, comments
or posts made on different websites or apps.
Ans: (A)

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18. Assertion(A): Python lists allows to modify their elements by indexes

Reasoning(R): Python lists are mutable.
Ans.: (A)

Section B
19. Write equivalent ASCII code for the following:
a) CAB - 676566 c) FUN - 708578
b) Dad - 6897100 d) ego - 101103111
20. Draw logical circuit for the following equation:
a) AB’+C’ b) P’Q’ + R
Ans.: a)
A AB’ AB’+C’


P P’Q’ P’Q’+R

21. What do you mean by tokens? List out python tokens.

Ans.: Tokens are lexical units of a python program. Python supports following
i. Keywords
ii. Identifiers
iii. Literals
iv. Operators
v. Punctuators

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22. Consider the following string mySubject:

mySubject = "Computer Science"
What will be the output of:
a) print(mySubject[:3]) c) print(mySubject[::-1])
b) print(mySubject[-5:-1]) d) print(mySubject*2)
a) Com

b) ience

c) ecneicS retupmoC

d) Computer ScienceComputer Science


Differentiate between append() and extend() methods with example.

Append() Extend()
Append() allows to insert a single Extend() allows to insert multiple
element to the list at a time. elements at a time.
Append() accepts a single value as a Extend() accepts lists as a parameter.
Ex.: l=[22,45,67] Ex.: l=[22,54,89]
l.append(73) l.extend([43,32,89])
23. Create a dictionary to assign day number as key and day name as value.
Ans.: d={1:’Monday’,2:’Tuesday’,3:’Wednesday’,4:’Thursday’,5:
24. List any four benefits of e-waste management.
Ans.: The e-waste management:
i. Saves the environment and natural resources
ii. Allows for recovery of precious metals
iii. Protects public health and water quality
iv. Saves landfill space

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Mention any four net etiquettes.

Ans.: Four net etiquettes are as follows:
i. No copyright violation
ii. Share the expertise with others on the internet
iii. Avoid cyber bullying
iv. Respect other’s privacy and diversity
25. Differentiate between copyright and plagiarism.
Copyright Plagiarism
Use of copyrighted material without The act of taking someone’s work or
written permission of the creator ideas and passing them off as own
Copyright is a legal issue Plagiarism an ethical issue
It includes copying the work has It includes copying any work
copyright protection
Copyright is applied to music, art, It is applied to written or printed in
novels, movies, website content, electronic form
software etc.
Its considered as a crime It has some panalties
Section C
26. Draw the basic architecture of computer system. Explain memory unit in

Input Unit CPU


Primary Secondary
memory memory

Sequential Direct
Access Access

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Memory Unit:
• Memory Unit is very important component of CPU. It holds the data either
in permanent or temporary base.
• Memory unit provides space to store data.
• There are two parts of memory unit :
o Primary Memory
▪ It is also known as main memory
▪ It saves data temporarily
▪ There are two types of Primary Memory
o Secondary Memory
▪ It saves data permanently
▪ It has two types
• Sequential Access
• Direct Access
27. Explain the numeric data types used in python with example.
Ans.: Python supports these types of numeric data type:


Integer Float Complex


The numeric data type stores numeric values in a program. It is classified into
three main data types:

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1) Integer – Can accept values without decimal places such as -234, 456, 1234
a. Integer has one sub type i.e. Boolean contains values True and False.
2) Float – Can accept values with decimal places such as 345.67, 56.98 etc.
3) Complex – Can accept values as 2 + 5i, 3-2i etc.

Explain the following string operations in detail with example.

a) String Concatenation: The string concatenation is done by + operator. It
accepts both operands as string only. The combination of string and
number is invalid for concatenation.
print(s1+s2) #Output is: TutorialAICSIP
s1+2 is invalid.
b) String Replication: The string replication is done by * operator. It
accepts one string and one integer as operand. The combination of two
strings are invalid for replication.
#Output is: HelloHelloHello
s1* ‘Hello’ is invalid.
c) Membership: It is an operator of checking the value exists in string or
not. It returns True if the string is exists in the given string and returns
False if string doesn’t exist in the string.
print(‘CS’ in s ) #Output:True
print(‘Computer Science’ in s)

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28. Find the output of the given code:

l = [6 , 3 , 8 , 10 , 4 , 6 , 7]
print( '@', l[3] - l[2])
for i in range (len(l)-1,-1,-2) :
print( '@',l[i],end='' )

Ans.: @ 2
@ 7@ 4@ 8@ 6
What will be the output of the following code?
tuple1 = (11, 22, 33, 44, 55 ,66)
list1 =list(tuple1)
new_list = []
for i in list1:
if i%2==0:
new_tuple = tuple(new_list)

Ans.: (22,44,66)
29. What are the characteristics of dictionary?
Ans.: The characteristics of dictionary are as follows:
1. The dictionary is falling under mapping between a set of keys and set of
2. The key and value is separated by a colon.
3. The key:value pair in dictionaries are unordered.
4. The dictionary doesn’t contain any index as keys are considered as index.
5. Dictionary keys are unique.
6. Dictionaries are also known as associated arrays.

30. Pranjal has downloaded an image from internet and used it in his
PowerPoint presentation. But the owner of image does not permit the free
uses of it.

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a) What do you mean by IPR?

Ans.: Intellectual property refers to the inventions, literary and artistic
expressions, designs and symbols, names and logos. The ownership of such
concepts lies with the creator, or the holder of the intellectual property. This
enables the creator or copyright owner to earn recognition or financial
benefit by using their creation or invention.
b) Which type of violation of IPR has been done by Pranjal here?
Ans.: Copyright
c) Can he use this image legally? Explain how?
Ans.: Yes, he can use this image legally with written permission of user.

Section D
31. Write an algorithm and flow chart to find the square of given number.
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Read num
Step 3: compute z=num*num
Step 4: Print “Square of number:”, z
Step 5: Stop

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Write a program to print the following pattern up to n terms:

32. Write a program to accept n number of elements and add them into a list.
Find the maximum and minimum values and print them.

Write a program to create a dictionary as follows:
Print the names of employees who earns more than 20000 salary.

33. Prakash has created a group on whatsapp to share the study material. But
his friend Jahan is posting rumours in the group.
a) Which term is used for the task done by Jahan?
Ans.: Cyber Bullying
b) Write any three safety measures Prakash has to follow for this situation.

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i. Be responsible and sensible before posting anything online.

ii. Report any unusual post immediately to the company.
iii. Delete the post immediately.
iv. If required lodge police complaint with cybercrime department.
c) What do you mean by cyberstalking?
Ans.: Cyberstalking is the use of the Internet or other electronic means to
stalk or harass an individual, group, or organization.
d) What do you mean by cyberbullying?
Ans.: any insulting, degrading or intimidating online behaviour like repeated
posting of rumours, giving threats online, posting the victim’s personal
information, sexual harassment or comments aimed to publicly ridicule a
victim is termed as cyber bullying.
e) Which government portal helps to control cybercrime in India?

Section E
34. Observe the code given below and write answer of the following questions:
n=___________ # Statement 1
if _________: #Statement 2
print(“Please enter a positive number”)
elif _______: #Statement 3
print(“You have entered 0”)
_______________ #Statement 4
c = a+b
i. Write input statement to accept n number of terms – Statement 1
Ans.: int(iinput(“enter n:”))
ii. Write if condition to check whether input is positive number or not -
Statement 2
Ans.: n<0
iii. Write if condition to check whether input is 0 or not -
Statement 3

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OR (For iii Only)
Write for loop for to iterate the values up to n terms
Ans.: for i in range(n):
35. Dhruvin is learning python modules. Help him to complete the given partial
import ____________ # Statement 1
COUNT=____________ # Statement 2
while TEXT[C]!='L':
(i) Write the name of module required to be imported – Statement 1
Ans.: random()
(ii) Write the random function to generate random number between 0 and
3 – Statement 2
(iii) Write the possible output for the given code
Ans.:SL* AA*
(iv) What are the minimum and maximum values can be generated from
this module
Ans.: Minimum value is 0 and maximum is 3

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