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Prepared by Yuliia Strok
Group COAM 33
Early History: The site has a Royal Residence: Stirling
long history dating back to Castle became a favored
prehistoric times, and the royal residence, particularly
castle itself may have been during the reign of the Stuart
built as early as the 12th monarchs. It was a center of
century. court life and witnessed the
coronation of several
Civil War and Restoration: Scottish kings and queens
The castle played a role in
the English Civil War in the Mary, Queen of Scots, spent
17th century. It was captured part of her childhood at
by the Parliamentarian forces Stirling Castle. The Royal
but was later restored to the Palace, with its richly
Crown decorated chambers, was a
key residence for her.
Stirling Heads: The ceiling of
the King's Presence
Chamber is adorned with
intricately carved wooden
medallions known as the
Stirling Heads, depicting
various historical and
mythical figures.

Historic Importance: Stirling

Castle is often referred to as
the "Key to the Kingdom"
due to its strategic location
and historical significance in
Scottish affairs.
Early History: Dunnottar
Castle's history dates back to
the Early Middle Ages. The site
may have been fortified as early
as the 7th century, and it played
a strategic role in the Viking Age

William Wallace: The castle was

associated with William Wallace,
a Scottish knight who led a
resistance against English
occupation during the Wars of
Scottish Independence. It is
believed that Wallace captured
the castle in 1297.
Ties to the Scottish Crown:
Dunnottar became a
significant fortress for the
Scottish Crown. It was a
place where the Scottish
crown jewels, including the
Stone of Destiny, were
hidden to prevent them
from falling into English
hands during the 17th
1. Film and TV Appearances:
Dunnottar Castle has served
as a location for various films
and television series,
including "Hamlet,"
"Braveheart," and more
recently, the TV series
2. Stunning Views: The castle
offers breathtaking views of
the North Sea, and the
surrounding landscape is
both rugged and beautiful,
adding to the allure of the
Stirling Castle is strategically
located on top of Castle Hill,
a volcanic crag, in the city of
Stirling, Scotland. Its position
provides commanding views
of the surrounding
landscape, including the
River Forth. The castle has
been a key military
stronghold and royal
residence throughout
Scotland's history.

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