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The concept of the text consists in idea of encancing your life by putting your self

esteem and self confidence in a higher level. This text gives us meaningful
practical pieces of advice how to do it. This text provides guidance on a self-
awareness exercise aimed at helping individuals create a 30-second commercial
about themselves. The exercise involves identifying and listing one's best
attributes, defining personal traits, and presenting them in a concise advertisement.
The goal is to develop self-awareness and understand the impact one has on others.
The text also suggests a storytelling exercise where individuals share their stories
fostering a sense of worth and belonging. Additionally, it introduces a confidence-
boosting technique by recalling moments of supreme confidence and creating an
anchor to feel confidence when needed. Finally, the text proposes an exercise
where individuals follow on characteristics of someone they admire, incorporating
those qualities into their behavior and reactions to improve themselves.
I think that this text is truly full of useful information and can give even a new look
for those who has high self-confidence and self-esteem.

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