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1. What is Self Concept?

- Self-concept is a term used in psychology to describe a person's overall understanding and

perception of their own identity, including their traits, characteristics, beliefs, and values.

2. What are the Theories on Self Concept? give at least 5 theories and explain each.
- The theories on self-concept are the following.
First is Self-Perception Theory, it suggests that people determine their own attitudes and
beliefs by observing their own behavior and the context in which it occurs.
Second is Social Comparison Theory, people form their self-concept based on comparisons to
others, including family members, friends, and cultural icons.
Third is Self-Schema Theory, the self-concept is seen as an organized set of beliefs about
oneself, shaped by past experiences and stored in memory, that influences the interpretation
of new information.
Fourth is Social Learning Theory, the self-concept is shaped by reinforcement and
punishment, as well as the modeling of behavior observed in others.
Lastly the Self-Discrepancy Theory, it suggests that people experience psychological distress
when there is a discrepancy between their ideal self on who they want to be and their actual
self and who they perceive themselves to be.

3. What are the Two Lewis Aspect of the Development of self Concept explain each.
- The Two Lewis Aspect of the Development of Self-Concept, as proposed by psychologist
Calvin S. Hall and Gardner Lindzey, are: The Self-Concept as a Structural Entity, This aspect of
self-concept refers to the idea that the self-concept is organized and structured like a mental
framework, with different aspects of the self that are organized into a coherent whole. This
structure can be thought of as a map of the self that helps people understand and organize
information about themselves. Next is The Self-Concept as a Process, This aspect of self-
concept refers to the idea that the self-concept is not a static entity, but rather a dynamic
process that changes and evolves over time. This process is shaped by a person's experiences
and interactions with the world around them, as well as by the individual's self-reflection and

4. What are the Three Rogers Parts of Self Concept Explain each.
- The Three Parts of Self-Concept, as proposed by psychologist Carl Rogers, are: The Ideal Self,
this part of the self-concept refers to a person's aspirations, goals, and idealized image of
themselves. The ideal self represents the person's hopes and dreams for themselves, and
often reflects their deepest desires and aspirations. Next is The Actual Self, In this part of the
self-concept it refers to a person's perceived and evaluated self-image. It represents how a
person sees themselves based on their experiences and interactions with the world and can
include both positive and negative evaluations. Next is The Self-Image, In this part of the self-
concept refers to the overall picture of oneself that is created through the integration of the
ideal self and the actual self. The self-image can be thought of as a snapshot of the person's
current self-concept and can change over time as the individual's experiences and
perceptions of themselves change.

5. What are the Five Characteristics of a fully functioning person according to Carl Rogers?
Explain each.
- The Five Characteristics of a Fully Functioning Person, as described by Carl Rogers, are:
Openness to Experience, This refers to a person's willingness to accept and embrace new
experiences, ideas, and perspectives, without fear or judgment. A fully functioning person is
open-minded and curious about the world and is not afraid to challenge their own beliefs and
Next is Trust in Oneself, This refers to a person's confidence in their own abilities and
instincts, and their ability to rely on themselves in times of uncertainty. A fully functioning
person trusts their own instincts and beliefs and is not swayed by the opinions or
expectations of others. Next is Self-directed growth, A fully functioning person has a strong
sense of personal responsibility for their own growth and development, and actively works
towards their goals and aspirations. Next is Experiencing, A fully functioning person is able to
fully experience and express their emotions, both positive and negative, without becoming
overwhelmed or shutting down. Lastly Relationships, A fully functioning person is able to
form authentic and fulfilling relationships with others, based on mutual respect,
understanding, and trust.

6. What are the six aspects of self-concept that are critical to the positive social and
emotional adjustment of youth and adolescents. explain each.
- The six aspects of self-concept that are critical to the positive social and emotional
adjustment of youth and adolescents are:
1. Self-esteem, This refers to an individual's overall sense of self-worth and the value they
place on themselves. High self-esteem is associated with greater resilience and overall well-
being. 2. Body image, This refers to an individual's perception of their physical appearance,
including their weight, shape, and size. Body image can have a significant impact on an
individual's self-esteem and overall mental health. 3. Social identity, This refers to an
individual's sense of belonging to a particular group or groups based on characteristics such
as race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. Having a strong social identity can provide a
sense of belonging and support. 4. Academic self-concept, This refers to an individual's belief
in their abilities and their sense of competence in academic domains. Positive academic self-
concept is associated with higher motivation and achievement. 5. Athletic self-concept, This
refers to an individual's belief in their abilities and their sense of competence in athletic
domains. Positive athletic self-concept can improve physical health and well-being. 6. Moral
self-concept, This refers to an individual's sense of morality and the values they hold, and
their beliefs about what is right and wrong. A strong moral self-concept can promote ethical
behavior and decision-making.

7. What are the three major constructs in Social Cognitive Theory that interact to influence
behavior. Explain each.
1. Cognitive processes, This refers to the mental processes of perception, attention, memory,
and reasoning that people use to interpret and make sense of their experiences and the world
around them. These cognitive processes help shape an individual's beliefs and attitudes.
2. Personal factors, This includes the individual's personal characteristics such as personality,
motivation, attitudes, values, and self-efficacy. Personal factors can influence an individual's
goals, interests, and the behaviors they engage in.
3. Environmental factors, This includes the physical and social surroundings in which an
individual lives and interacts. This includes the influence of family, friends, media, culture, and
social norms, which can shape an individual's beliefs and behaviors.
8. What are the ways to develop Self-Leadership? At least 300 words
- Self-leadership is about having an important skill in order to be successful in life. It is a process
of taking ownership of your own actions, thoughts, and decisions in order for you to reach a
certain goal. Self-leadership can also be developed by adopting various approaches and
techniques. There are some ways to develop self-leadership and first of it is to set some
personal goals. Our Goals give us direction and help us to focus on achieving them. It is
important to set short-term and long-term goals and to make a plan of how to achieve them.
Setting some realistic goals and breaking them down into smaller steps can also help us to stay
Moreover, Another way to develop self-leadership is to take responsibility for our actions. It is
like taking responsibility for your actions means that we understands the consequences of our
own actions. This helps us to learn from our mistakes and become a better leader or person.
Also, it is important to be able to recognize when you need help and to ask for it when
necessary. It is also important to develop self-awareness in order to become a better leader.
Self-awareness involves understanding our own strengths and weaknesses and using them to
our advantage. It also involves being aware of our own emotions and how they can affect us in
every decisions we make. By becoming more self-aware, we can become more effective in
terms of leadership. The last way to develop self-leadership is to develop positive relationships
with other people. Having positive relationships with others helps us to create an environment
in which we can learn, grow, and develop. It also helps to create trust and respect between
ourself and others. Lastly, having positive relationships with others can help us to foster
collaboration and teamwork.
9. What is the Significance of Self Leadership? At least 300 words
- self-leadership has become increasingly important in today’s society. In Self-leadership, it
involves the ability to take responsibility for one’s own life, actions and outcomes, and to
direct oneself towards a desired outcome. In essence, self-leadership is about being able to
think, act and behave in a way that leads to success or the achievement of goals. The
significance of self-leadership lies in its ability to empower individuals to take control of their
lives and make positive changes. Self-leadership can help some individuals to take
responsibility for their own development and growth, than relying on others or other
external sources. Self-leadership encourages individuals to think critically and creatively, and
to develop strategies to solve problems, set goals and achieve success. It is also important
because it helps us to build resilience. By being able to take responsibility for one’s own life
and decisions, an individual is better prepared to cope with adversity or failure. Self-
leadership encourages individuals to develop a growth mindset, to persevere in the face of
challenge and to take responsibility for their own learning and development. Moreover, self-
leadership can help to foster creativity and innovation. By taking ownership of one’s own
development and growth, individuals are more likely to explore new ideas, take risks and
develop creative solutions to problems. This can lead to increased productivity and improved
performance. Lastly, self-leadership has the potential to lead to increased job satisfaction. By
taking responsibility for one’s own career and development, individuals are more likely to be
engaged and motivated.
10. What are the strategies on how to improve Self Leadership. At least 300 words
- To improve self-leadership, there are many strategies and techniques that can be used. One
key strategy for improving self-leadership is to set clear goals. Goal-setting helps to focus on
efforts and provides motivation to keep going when things get tough. When we are setting
some goals, it is important to make sure that the goals are realistic and achievable. It is also
helpful to break down large goals into smaller, more manageable tasks that can be completed
over time. Another important strategy for improving self-leadership is to create an action
plan. This plan should include specific steps that can be taken to reach the desired goal.
Having a plan will help us to ensure that progress that is being made and that deadlines are
being met. It can also help to identify any areas where help or support is needed. It is also
important to take time to reflect on successes and failures. Reflecting on the past can provide
valuable insight into the successes and failures experienced in the past. It can also help to
identify patterns that can be avoided in the future. This can be done through doing regular
writing on journals, or by talking to a trusted friend or mentor. Lastly, it is important to
practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and
focusing on one’s thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment. This can help to
improve self-awareness, reduce stress, and increase clarity of thought. It can also help to
combat negative thoughts and feelings and increase focus.

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