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Indian Polity – Mains Question 04

1. The Indian concept of secularism is different from the western model of secularism. Elucidate.
(150 Words, 10 Marks)

❖ Introduction: Define in brief the term secularism.
❖ Body: Discuss in detail the difference between western model of secularism to that of the Indian model.
❖ Conclusion: Conclude by mentioning secularism in Indian Society.
Secularism refers to the separation of religion from state. The Constitution of India stands for a Secular State.
Hence, it does not uphold any particular religion as the official religion of the Indian State. The term ‘secular’
was added to the Preamble by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act (CAA), 1976.
Western Model of Secularism:
❖ Mutual exclusion of state and religion, i.e., non-interference in affairs of each other.
❖ Follows a negative concept of secularism, i.e., strict separation between religion & state.
❖ No state support to any educational institution run by religious minorities.
❖ No engagement with religion whatsoever.
❖ No public policy can solely be based on religion, as religion is completely a private matter.
Indian Model of Secularism:
❖ Embodies a positive concept of secularism i.e., Equal and neutral support to all religions. E.g., Haj
Subsidy, Jiyo Parsi Scheme.
❖ The state maintains Principled distance from religion, i.e. the state can interfere or engage with religion.
Interference so as to bring social reforms and remove social evils. E.g., Abolition of Triple Talaq.
Abolition of untouchability, etc.
❖ States provide grants and other necessary aid to educational institutions. E.g., Mid-Day Meal to Madrasas.
❖ One can freely profess, practice and propagate any religion (Article 25)
Indian society is multi religious and hence, the negative concept of secularism of west is inapplicable in India.
Thus, Indian society embraces the blending and proliferation of religious affairs into the state domain. The
idea of "Sarva Dharma Sambhava" gives India a distinctive character and makes it the most diversified
democracy in the world.
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