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Absolutely, robots are important in today's world.

They have a significant impact

on various aspects of our lives.
Robots are not only influencing but also transforming the way people live and work.

Yes, robots can affect people��s lives in numerous ways. They are used in
industries for automation,
in healthcare for surgeries and treatments, and even at home for tasks like
vacuuming and cleaning.

Yes, I have watched movies about robots. One popular movie is "Wall-E," which
portrays a robot in a post-apocalyptic world.

Robots can perform various tasks at home, such as cleaning, cooking, and even
monitoring security.
They can make our lives more convenient and efficient.

Regarding letting a robot drive for us on long journeys, it depends on the level of
technology and trust in robotic systems.
It may become a safer and more convenient option in the future, but thorough
testing and regulations are necessary to ensure safety.
But the technology is not mature enough now

I would like to give my parents an expensive cruise trip around the world as a gift
when I save a lot of money.
This trip would take several years of saving to afford, considering its cost. I
want to give this gift to my parents because they have always dreamt of traveling
the world,
experiencing different cultures, and seeing famous landmarks. This gift would not
only be a way to show my gratitude for their hard work and sacrifices but also a
way to fulfill their lifelong dream of exploring the world together.

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