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Free Women

Hi all, and a great great thanks for giving me another opportunity for writing in
Katha Utsav. Now let us go into the story.

Chapter 1
“Samp men and Samp women “cried Astember’s Soldier. Weird people live in weird
lands. People called Samp lived in Astember. Astember is an island in the middle of the
Pacific Ocean. The weird thing is that, this island is not covered with trees. Instead,
it is covered with Buildings. Now that we had an introduction about the Samp people,
let’s hear what the Soldier was about to tell. “We are invaded by the Pams People
living in Stampourtous. The king, Kinf Ember is so old that he cannot fight anymore.
He has no Prince, Princess or a Queen to fight against the Pams people. So, pack up
your things and let us go to our neighbourhood kingdom, Rebemsat, “said the Soldier.
People living in Rebemsat were called as Free Women. But the weird thing is only
women are present here. All were poor. But they were very kind and brave So, they
accepted their request. The request was “O, Free Women let us stay in your kingdom.
We have no other go because the Pams people have invaded our kingdom and nobody even
the king cannot fight against the Pams people.” said the people. The brave old leader
of the Free Women, Dame Astrella said “We accept your request O, Samp people, but
we should not be a coward. Let us fight against them “. King Kinf Ember said “We
cannot come O, Dame Astrella. We are weak.” So, the Free women planned to fight
against the Pams People. Next morning the Free Woman followed Dame Astrella and
went to the Astember Kingdom,only to see the Pams people happily living, ruling
This made the Free Women furious. So, they hid in the palace’s pillar and started to
kill the Pams soldiers one by one. One night, Dame Astrella and her assistant, Sarcs
followed Silver Hawkins,who was the Pams people’s leader and entered the Royal
Treasury and Challenged him. And the Great Silber War started.

Chapter 2
The Plan
Before thw war, Silver and his crew were discussing about how to defeat the Free
Women in the war on the kirtans, an island with no life (Which is sort of a desert).
Meanwhile, the Free Women were discussing the same topic as big as Pams people, but
different. Dame Astrella said “When the war starts… One of her assistants,
Petrella interrupted “Which war? “ Dame Astrella became furious and said “The
Silber war you fool. The one which is going to happen now!” Petrella was feeling
guilty with downcast eyes. Dame Astrella said “I’m sorry friend. I lost my temper.
Now listen to me. When the war starts, The Pams people will surely charge on us.
When the Pams people does so, act as if you're running”. “Sarcs interrupted “How to
act so? “Dame Astrella said “Run on the spot. Then, when they near us keep your
spears ready and when they come nearly like 2 feet near us, hold your spears in a
horizontal position and finally kill the soldiers by inserting the spears inside their
stomach. The war continued for days. Silver’s team had 1000 members and the Free
Women’s team had only 100 members. But none of them in the Free Women’s team died
as they were strong and United too. Days passed and the members in Silver’s team
continue to die and got reduced to the number of 99. Silver Hawkins could not control
his anger. He called his brother, Revlis Hawkins and the number increased to 100, as
same as Free Women. The Free Women were fighting seriously that they totally
forgot about their plan and the Pams people forgot their plan too. This is also the
reason why the war continued for days. Both the teams had weapons like :
Headcover etc …
Chapter 3
The Battle

Using weapons like I told in the previous chapter, the war became fearsome. The
Free Women tried and tried to defeat the Pams people. because of Silver’s brother,
Revlis Hawkins they could not defeat them. But the main aim for the Free Women’s is
to find the weak point of Revlis Hawkins. Suddenly, Dame Astrella said “The
weakness of every Human Being is their head. So, let’s try to hit Revlis’s head”.
Nobody could hear it, so they continued to fight against the Pams People. Days
passed, but the fight didn’t get over. The Pams People’s tent & the Free Women’s
tent were destroyed. They couldn’t bear the cold and the heat. Fortunately, The
Free Women had an extra Tarpaulin sheet, so that they could build it again. But The
Pams people had nothing except for some dry logs & some stones. The Pams People
had an idea. They placed some dry logs in a triangular shape. They frictioned the
stone to make fire and placed the stone on the log carefully when it caught fire.
They got a break only at night and the day, But the fight continued. One day, the
battle seemed to calm down. The soldiers were tired. But the Free Women were
cautious.” The Pams people can attack us at any time “Petrella said. “Nice Petrella.
This is the first time you’re speaking with sense, giggled Sarcs. Dame Astrella said
“No time for jokes, Sarcs. We need to do something that should defeat the Pams
People “
(To be continued in the next chapter)
Chapter 4
Freedom & Victory

One night everyone was thinking about how to defeat the Pams. Suddenly, one of Dame
Astrella’s assistants, Florence said “Dame Astrella, we forgot the plan we thought
of!” “Oh! Thank you, Florence. I totally forgot about it. Thank you so much
Florence” said Dame Astrella as she hugged her tightly. Sarcs said “But Dame
Astrella, we have to wait until tomorrow morning. We cannot fight the Pams because
it’s mid – night and in this pitch-dark night we cannot find even a speck.” Concluded
Sarcs.” You’re right, Sarcs. We must wait until tomorrow morning. Said Dame
Astrella as everybody, including Dame Astrella dozed off. The next morning, The
Free Women woke up at 3:00 am. The Battle started at 6:00 am. The Pams woke up
at 5:00 am. The Pams were surprised to see that the Free Women were already
ready. The Pams hurriedly got ready, and the Battle started. They followed the
plan and it worked out. Everyone died except Silver Hawkins and his brother Revlis
Hawkins. Dame Astrella, Sarcs, Petrella, & Florence fought with Silver Hawkins
& The other Free Womens fought against Revlis Hawkins. Finally, they defeated
Silver Hawkins and killed him. But they couldn’t fight against Revlis Hawkins. He
became wild when he saw his brother being killed. He pushed everybody in anger. He
was about to kill everyone when the bell rang. It was Mid-Day. Phew… It was a sly
escape. Suddenly Dame Astrella tripped on Petrella’s weapon. Dame Astrella stared
at Petrella. Petrella said “I was keeping my Armour when Phooey! a gust of wind
pushed everything down. I couldn’t take them up and you called me suddenly and I
forgot about it” “One more try? “said Dame Astrella. All went in. After the break,
the Battle started. It took a long time to defeat Revlis and finally the won!!!!! King
Kinf Ember thanked everyone and decided to marry Dame Astrella who is sort of an
old lady. They celebrated the Victory and Freedom by announcing that Women and
Men are equal and a grand Feast & Party was held. Which means Feast + Party =

Thank You !

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