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 Designing a vocabulary test & Writing Test Specifications

1. Design a vocabulary test

 Decide on the proficiency level aimed at (A1, A2, B1 …) and the kind
of the test (e.g. proficiency, achievement, placement, etc.)

 Choose two words that will be tested and try to use different
techniques to write your items /test questions (e.g. multiple choice,
gap filling, etc.). Write one item (test question) for the each word that
will be tested.

Kind of the test: Proficiency

Proficiency level: A2

Word 1: Accommodation

Multiple Choice Question:

Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word "accommodation"?

A) Entertainment B) Food and drink C) Lodging or housing D) Transportation

Gap Filling Question: (There are different words alongside with the word

Please, fill in the blank with the appropriate word:

We need to find ________ for our vacation before we book our flights.

Word 2: Enthusiastic

Multiple Choice Question:

Which of the following options is the closest in meaning to the word "enthusiastic"?

A) Bored B) Confused C) Eager and excited D) Sad

Gap Filling Question:

Please, fill in the blank with the appropriate word:

Sarah is always ________ about trying new things and exploring new places.

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