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SYNONYMS ANTONYMS snowy ANTONYMS THE PITMAN BOOK OF SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS Copyright 1970 in India, Nepal and Burma by ', H, Wheeler & Company (P) Limited., Allahabad by arrangement with Pitman Publishing Limited., 30-41, Parker Strect, London WC 2B SPB (England), First Indian reprint 1971 Fifth Indian Reprint 1981 Sales Territory : India, Nepal and Burma This book can’ be exported from India only by the Publishers, A. H. Wheeler & Company Private Limited., and this constitutes a condition of its intial sale and its subsequent sales. Infringement of this condition of sale will lead to civil andjor criminal legal action and prosecution. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording andJor otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. Published by Y. P. Chopra for A H. Wheeler and Company (P) Limited, Allahabad and printed at Paper Packaging Co, Allahabad. Bound at Agrawal Book Binders, 22D. N. Marg, Allahabad, PREFACE ‘Tue English language, derived as it is from many different sources, is peculiarly rich in synonymous words—words. that is to say, which, conveying more or less exactly the same meaning, can be substituted for a given word. In this way the speaker, or the writer, has at his command a variety of equivalent terms to relieve the monotony of a restricted vocabulary. It must be remembered. however. that, except in rare instances, no two words are exactly synonymous, for. through its use in so many contexts, a word acquites a diversity of meanings, while its synonym has also taken on its own different shades of meaning; and the greatest care has to be taken in choosing a synonym that most clearly expresses the sense of the word for which it is to be substituted; and is suitable to the context in which it will appear. An example from the book will show what is meant— Cuarce. Care, custody, trust; order, injunction, command, instruction, address; allegation, impeachment, indictment; attack, assault; cost, expense; heraldic bearing. Here we have sixteen words, all synonymous with the initial word “Charge,” but not synonymous, for the most part, with one another. Thus “custody,” “command,” “impeachment,” “attack,” and “cost” may each be substituted for “‘charge,"" but not for oneanother. Therefore, the differences of meaning must be noted in the choice of synonym, and those differences, where they exist, are marked by the use of semicolons, which must not be disregarded. A characteristic feature of this book is the supply of antonyms, that is, of words opposite in sense to the initial word. These are, in the same way, and with like differences, synonymous among themselves. Thus the list of synonymous words is considerably extended, and light is thrown on the meanings of the initial words by the antonyms, which, where they exist and are supplied here, show what the other words do not mean PREFACE be evident that this book, though it should greatly help the student, will not relieve him of the necessity for thinking. Rather, it should compel him to think in order that his choice of words may the most felicitously express his mind. For the Fifth Edition the book has been completely reset. A number of additional synonyms and antonyms have been supplied, some archaic and little-used words have been removed, and various minor corrections have been inserted. Tt will thus SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS Aba} Abso‘don. Leave relinquish, forsake; ‘cede. ‘ANT. Stay with, retain, Aban‘doned (adj). “Dissolutc, de Praved, profligate, immoral. ANT. Well-principled, moral. Abase’. Humiliate, bring down humble, disgrace. Ant. Exalt, uplift, honour. Abash’. Confound, confuse, discon- cert, shame. ANT. Encourage. Abate’. Diminish, essen, reduce, sub- side, decline. ANT. Raise, increase, rise. Abatement. Diminution, decrease, discount, allowance, Ant. Increase, rise. Abbre’riate, Shorten, reduce, con- dense, it. Lengthen, expand. ‘Avets Heip assist encourage. Awr, Hinder, discourage. Abhor’. Detest, hate, loathe, abomin- wr. Like, ‘approve. Abbor‘rence. Loathing, detestation, repugnance. ‘ANT. Liking, approval. Abide’. See Last and Remain. Abi‘ding (adj.). Lasting, continuing permanent. Ant. Passing, fleeting. Ability, Cleverness, aptitude, skill, talent, faci Nt. Disability, —_feebleness, nn, degraded, grovelling, ANT. Proud, independent. £ Forse, dsclam, Ablure A aon accept, claim. Abnor’msl. Irregular, ‘unusual, un- natural. {Abs ANT. Normal, usual, regular. Abode’, “Dwelling, domicite, house, home, habitation, bonn‘inab! ECRABLE. ‘Abom‘Inate. ‘See Avion. Aborig’inal, Native, indigenous, auto- chthonous. ANT. Immigrant, imported. ‘Aton’ ‘tive, Futile, fruitless, unsuccess- ave. Effective, well-timed, suc- cessful, About’. ‘Near, around; concerning, Tespecting, with fefetence to; ap- proximately, nearly. x. Far from. Abridge’.. Shorten, condense; cur- tail, lessen. Ant. Lengthen, expand, extend, enlarge. Abridg’ment. Compendium, shortea- ing, epitome, summary, abstract. Ant. Enlargement, fuller state- ment; extension. Ab‘rogate. Sce Annut. Abrupt’. Stcep, precipitous; ‘sudden, hasty, curt. ANT. Gently sloping, gentle. Abscond’. Decamp, run off, bolt. ANT. Remain, stay. Abésent. “(edj.). Away, not present, ‘gone; inattentive, preaccupicd. ANT. Present, on the spot, attentive. Ab‘solute. Unconditioned, — inde- pendent, unlimited, supreme, des- otic. ANT. Limited, constitutional, mild. Absolve’. See Acquit. Absorb’. Swallow up, imbibe, drink * it Di t, discharge. ANT. Disgorge, eject Abstain’ See Fon i ake Ab’stract. Sce ABRIDGMENT. Abs} ‘Abstruse’. Hidden, recondite, ob- ‘sure, occult, deep. Nr. Open. simple. anette Shin foolish, ridiculous, Ast. Ratlonal, sane. Absurdity. Folly, unreasonableness. See also FOOLERY- Plentiful, lenteous, ample, rich, copious, exuberant. Trt, Meagre, inadequate, POOr- Abuse: (cb), Use il, maltteat, injure; revile, upbraid. "ANT. Use well, praise. Abuse! i-usage, insolent lan- wage, vituperation, invective. 5 in Use: ‘approcal, commenda- tion. Accede’. Consent, assent, comply; center vpon (an office). "ANT. Refuse: resign quit. Accelerate. Quicken, hasten, ¢x- ite, forward. reduce speed. jon, enlargement, ‘a thing added, entrance ‘pon (an office). ‘AnT. Diminution, loss. Ac‘cldent. Chance, casualty, mishap; non-essential property. ‘Ant. Expected event; design; substance. Accldent’al, See Casvat. cally. Ascent rising ground, in cline. ‘An. Dectity, downward slope, ine. ‘Accom’modate, Suit, fit, reconcile; ‘oblige, supply with. ‘ANT. Disoblige, refuse. ‘Accomplish. Finish, execute, fulfil, achieve, do. new T Fah leave undone. cord’. Harmony, agreement. Ant. Discord, dbagreement. Accord’ (vb.). Harmonize, agree, allow, vouchsafe. ANT. Be discordant, refuse. Accost’., See Grter. ‘Account’. Reckoning, narration, story. ‘Account’ (cb... Consider, regard, reckon, estimate, | INT. Disregaré 1, ignore. Accou‘trement. “Equipment, dress, Authorized, delegated entrusted. [Ade srt, Unauthorized, discredited, Acevtaulate. Pile up, amass, collect, store. ‘ANT. Squander, waste, distri- bute. ‘Accusa'tlon. See IMPUTATION. ‘Ac‘curate. Exact, careful, precise, true. Ant. Iuaccurate inexact, care- less. Accuse’. See IMPEACH. ‘Accus'toa. See INURE. ‘Accust‘omed. See HasiTuaL. ‘Acerbiity. Bitterness, harshness, as- perity, acrimony. ANT. Sweetness, mildness. Achieve’. ‘Achleve'ment. See EXPLoit. ‘Acknonledge. Allow, admit, own, recognize. ‘ANT. Disavow, deny, disown. Acme, See HeiGur. Acquaint’, See APPRISE. . ‘Acquaint‘ance. Knowledge, cogni- zance; @ person known, but not intimately. ANT. — Ignorance; friend, an intimate. Acquiesce, See ACCEDE. Acquire’, Gain, attain, obtain. ANT. Miss, lose. Acquit’. ' Absolve, release, clear, exonerate, ANT. Condemn, sentence, Acrimo’nious. See PUNGENT. Ac'rimony. See ActRal Act‘lve. Busy, alert, nimble brisk, an intimate eager. Ant. Inactive, inert, lazy. ‘Act’uate. Instigate, impel, cause to operate. ‘ANT. Arrest, stop Acute’. Sharp, penetrating; shrewd, intelligent. ANT. Dull, blunt; stupid. Acute’ness. Sec GUMPTION. Ad‘age. Saw, maxira, proverb. ‘Adapt See ACCOMMODATE. Addict’ed. Devoted, accustomed to, given up to. aac Fie, maddie. ess’. Appeal, petition; discou speech, direction; ability, adroit: ness. Adept’, Skilful, expert. Ant. Clumsy, ine ag equate, Equal, s ual. ient, effoc+ Adh) ANT. — Inadequate, unequal, ineffectual, Adhere’. Stick, abide by, cling. ANT. Come undone, break from. Adhe'rent. See Foutowen. ‘Adhe‘sion. Attachment, union, sup- insuffictent. port. ANT, Detachment, FAREWELL, Close to, near, contiguous. ANT. Remote, distart. Put off, postpone, delay, ‘ANT. Hurry on, adcunce. Ad‘Junet.” Appendage, addition. _ Adjust’, Fit, regulate; scttle, put right. Ant. Upset, disorder. ter. Direct, superintend, exe- cute, supply. ANT. Neglect, withhold. Admira’tion. See Estimation. ‘Aduire’, Wonder at, esteem, respect. Ant. Despise, dislike. ANT. Praise, commend. Adopt’. “Appropriate, choose, take, assume, ANT. Reject, drop. Adora’tion. Worship, reverence, love. ANT. Irreverence, contempt. Adom, See EMDELLi ; Adroit’. Clever, dexterous, skilful, expert. Ant. Clumsy, unskilled, inexpert. Advance’. Bring (or move)’ forwa Promote; allege, adduce. ANT. Hinder, retard; deny. Advant’age. Gain, profit, benefit: ‘Superiority. Ant. Loss, injury, faildre. Advantage’ous. See PROFITABLE. Advent‘ure. See ENTeReRise. Advent'urous, Daring, enterprising, bold, rash. Ant. Timid, cautious. Ad’versary, See ENemy. . Ad’verse. Opposed to, inimical, host unwilling; unfortunate ANT. Friendly, favourable: for- tunate. Advers‘ity, | Misfortune, distress, + calamity, hardship. f ANT. Prosperity, good fortune. Advert’, Refer to, notice. last AST. Ont. ; Ad'rertive. Apprise, announce, noti- /, Publish, herald. ‘ANT. Conceal, suppress. Advice » Warning; notice, intelligence. advice; inform; confer, consult with. Ad‘rocate. Defend, support, favour, recommend, countenance. Anr. Oppose, disapproce, dis- countenance. " | Af'able. Courteous, civil, accessible, poli Axt. Surly, unavprouchable. Affect’. Influence, act upon, move; retend, assume. . fecta‘tion. Pretence, mannerism, conceited ait ANT. Simplicity, naturalness, Affectied. See Jaunty. See Impressive Feeling, love, fondness; inclination. ANT. Dislike, disinclination, Affinity. "Alliance, kinship; sympathy wi ANT. Antipathy. Affirm’. “Asseverate, assert, maintain, declare. Ant. Deny, disclaim. Atilic'tion. Trouble, distress, calam- ity, sorrow, grief. Axr. Comfort, ease, well-being. Af‘luence. Wealth, opuience, riches. ANT. Porerty, inuligence, need. Affray. Fight, contest, brawl, feud. AGright’. Terrify, alarm, confound, idate, dismay. Encourage, hearten, se: uncicil, impolite, Insult, outrage, offence, (ANT. Compliment. Time, eta, epoch, decline of x Ant. preut ‘gent. Factor, intermediary natural force.’ See also SENTATIVE. Heighten, intensify, Ag’gravate, ANT. Diminish, lighten. FPRE> Take Worse. Aataat, Appaled, awestruck, Agile. See Actives ee Ag'itate. See Fiuster. g,, violent mover turbance, ¢%- ‘ANT. Ag‘onize, See EXCRUCIATE. Afree’. See ACCEDE. ‘Agrec‘able. See Astaste and De * suecour, further, assist. promot ‘ANT. Hinder, oppose. Akin’, See RELATED. . ‘Alaciey. Activity, alertness, Drisk- ness, readiness, promptitude. Ant. Inacii inertness. Alarm. Sec AFFRIGHT. ‘Alarm’ (n,). Sec FEAR. Alert’, See Active. Allien. See Exotic. iate, Estrange: transfer. "ANT. Reconelle; recocer. ‘Alay’, Calm, soothe, assuage, tran- quillize, alleviate, quiet. "ANT, Excite, disturb. Alege’. Sec AFFIRM. Alle'giance, Sec Frauty. ‘Allvance. Union, confederacy, Teague, combination. "ANT. Separation, opposition. Allo. Apportion, share, appro- priate. Allow’, Permit, suffer, concede, admit. ‘ANT. Forbid, deny Allude’. Hint, imply, timate. ‘Ant. State plainly. Allure’, Entice, attract, inveigle, ensnare. Ant. Repel. Alterca'tion. Quarrel, dispute, wrangle. ‘ANT. Agreement. Alvitade. Height, elevation. ANT. Depth. Altogeth‘er. Entirely, completely, in at all ‘Ayr, Partly. Amass’. See ACCUMULATE. ‘Ama'zing, Astonishing, wonderful, surprising, stupendous. ‘Ant. Usual, natural. Amblg‘cous. Doubtful, equivocal, uncertain, ‘Ant. Clear, simple, obvious, te ANE, Clear. simple, obvious, Ine Ame'tlorate, Improve, better, amend. ANT. Worsen,coutevo deirlorate, {Ant ‘Ame‘nable, Responsible, account- rable, tractatle, responsive, ‘ANT. Exempt; surly. Amend’. ‘See AMELIORATE. ‘Amends.’ Compensation, reparation, satisfaction. NT. Injury. | ‘A’miable. Lovable, charming, en- gaging, winning. ‘Ant. Unlocable, unattractive, Am‘icable, Friendly, cordial, sociable, "ANT. Unfriendly, unsociable, cold. Amp'‘le. Large, spacious, wide; ‘abundant. "Ant. Contracted, narrow; scanty. Amuse’nient. ENTERTAINMENT. ,. Resemblance; comparison, imilitude, parallelist Ant. Difference, dissimilarity. An’cestry. Sec RACE. ‘Anvclent. Old, aged, antique, primi- » tive, primevi | ‘An'ger. Wrath, ire, indignation, fury, choler, animos Ant. Caliness, forbearance. An’ger (ub). See ENRAGE. ‘Anguish, Pain, agony, suffering, woe. _Ant. Ease, comfort. Animate. See CHEER. ‘Animosity, See ANGER. An’nals, Archives, records, chroni- : add, append; appro- priate. ANT. Disjoin, detach. Anni‘hilate. Annul, destroy, extir- pate, abolish, ruin. Aur. Resiore, preserve, spare. Announce’. See ADVERTISE. Announce’ment. Sce REPORT. Annoy’. Vex, worry, irritate, molest, trouble, harass, infest. ‘ANT. “Leate alone, please. Annul’, ‘Cancel, invalidate, quash, rescind, abrogate. Ratify, confirm, restore. Anom‘alous. Sec ABNORMAL. An‘swerable. See AMENABLE. ‘Antagonlst'le. Opposed, hostile, ed- verse, inimical. ‘ANT. Friendly, sympathette. Ante'rlor, Preceding, previous, prior, foregoing. Ant. Posterlor, later. Anticipate. Forcstall, forecast, pre- judge, foresee. Ant. Be behindhand, miss. Ant] Antip‘athy. Dislike, hostility, aver- sion. ANT. Sympathy, liking. sane Avcre sin e position, contrast. apa te, Rt anes pa Inert, uBleeling, in- lferent, impassive, Uslicar © ANT. ‘Feeling, inierested, active. Apoc'ryphal. “Hidden, ‘unavthentic, ‘uncanonical Ant. Ganouteal, certain, Apost'ate, Sec Recneant. Appal’. See Arenicnr. ‘Apparent. Clear, distinet, evident, vi seemi specious. Ant. Hazy, obscu genuine, Appeal’, Call 00, invoke, entreat. real, ‘Appease’. Assuage, pacify, quiet, ‘soothe. Avr. Vex, provoke, Appelia‘tion. Title, style, name, igoation. Applacd’. “Cheer, approve, extol, praise, laud. ANT. Cry down, hiss, | Appoint’, Prescribe, ord: iin, desig- fate, settle; equi Appor'tion. See ALLOT. Ap ne te, Pertinent, Televant, apt. PANE Teappeah aera Appake, Pigg una, pre’ a ‘imate, val Fecog- nize, acknowledge; rise in value. ANT. Depreciate. Apprehend’. “Grasp, seize, arrest; Perceive; ear. Jax, le Nt Miss, relox, let go, mis understand, misapprehend; be ute concerned. . Apprise’. Inform, notify, acquaint. ANT. Keep secret. . Approba’tlon. Approval, sanction, authority; praise, commendation. ANT. Disapproval: censure. Appro’pri (eb) Take for oneself, ‘assume, allot, usurp. ANT. Give awa} . Appro'priate. (adj.) ‘Fi suitable, Teet, relevant, ANT. Unfitting, unsuitable, ir- relevant. Appro‘val. Sce APPROBATION. +” Ant. Disapprocal. . Apt’. Sce APPROPRIATE (adj.). Arbitrary. Tyrannical, absolute, im- Perious, dictatorial, intolerant. [Asp ANT. “Reasonable, constitutional, mild. Arbitrator. See Rerense. Archa‘lc, ‘Ancient, antiquated, old fashioned. ANT. Modern, newfangled, re- cent. Archives, Record office; records. See also ANNALS. . Ardent. Fiery, heated, hot, im- passioned, eager, intense. Ant. Calm, cool. | Arduous. Difficult, laborious, trying. Ant. Easy, light. Arg’ue. Debate, dispute, contend; Prove. ANT. Agree; disprove. Arid. See Day. Army. See Host. a Arouse’. Waken, stir, incite, stimu- late; animate. ANT. Leave alone, calm: depress. Arraign’, See IMPEACH. *. See ADIUST. (cb.).. Arrange, dispose, mar- dress, ; jsposition, arrange- uipment, dress. ment; AnT. Disorder. Arrest’, Seize, apprehend; attract, stop. Ant. Let slip, loose. Ar‘rogance. See HauGHTINESs. Arrogant. Imperious, indolent, haughty, overbearing, lordly. Ant.’ Humble, condescending, tolerant. . Art’. Skill, dexterity. profession; cunning, deceit, ANT. Clumsiness. Artificial, “Factitious, not natural: ple, natural, ingenuous. Artful, disingenuous. Ascead’ancy. "Superiority, mastery; sway, upper hand. Ant, Inferiority, subjection. Ascertaln’. “Learn, ‘discover, deter ‘mine. ANT. Be ignorant, fail to perceive. Aseribe’. Impute, attribute, charge. Aa ‘pect. Air, look, mien, a pearance. Asper ity. Harshness, roughness, se erity. ANT. Smoothness, milduess. Asp) Asperse’. Slander, traduce, calumni- ‘ate, vilify. -. Defend, praise, commends Longing, yearning, ambi- . Indifference, apathy Attack, assault, invade, charge. Axt. Defend. Assemvule. Gather together, collect, Meet together. . ANT, Scatter, break up, disperse. Ass‘ent, See ACCEDE. ‘Assert’. See AFFIRM. ‘Assid-vous. See INDEFATIGABLE. ‘Ass'ign, See ALOT. ‘Asst, Be present at, take part ‘Soe also AID. “ANT. Be absent from. Assist'ant, Helper, associate, ‘dant, ally. ‘Ant. Principal, chief. ‘Astorcinte, Sec ASSISTANT. RSocia'tion. Alliance, combination. ‘company, union; group. AgT. Disunion, dissolution. Assuage’. See ALLAY. ‘Xsume’. Undertake, take on, usurp; take for granted y down, decline; reason ANT. ‘Assurance. Confidence, certainty, “conviction; impudence, effrontery. "ANT. Mistrust, uncertainty modesty. Aston'isb, See SURPRISE. ‘Astute’. Cunning, craft ‘ANT. Simple, stupl ‘Asylum, See HARBOUR. . ‘Ailetic, “Museular, brawny, vigor ‘ous, active. ‘ANT. Unathletic, weak, flabby. Aone’ment. Reconciliation, prop tiation amends. . Ateo'clous. Monstrous, heinous, famous, flagrant, fagitious. ANT. Mild, decent. Ateoe'lty. See ENORMITY. ‘See ASSAIL. . ‘Attain’, Reach, obtain, achieve, win. ‘ARI. Miss, foll short of- Try, endeavour, Desist, shirk. in.) See ESSAY. Listen, hearken, accompany, atten- sharp. essay, « {Ava Attentive, Heedful, mindful, watch- ful, civil. ‘ANT. Inattentive, Attest’, Sec AFFIRM. - Attire, Dress, garmeots, clothing, ‘apparel, garb, habiliments. ‘Ant. Nakedness. ‘Attract’, Draw. See also ALLURE. aur Repel . . Auract've. Alluring, charming, enti- ‘cing, agreeable, captivating. "Eure Unatiractive, unpleasing, disagreeable. . Atiifate.-Impute, charge; assign, ascribe. Attribute (n.). Equality, property ‘characteristic, . ‘Avda‘clous. Bold, daring, impudent, presumptuous. ‘Ant. Timid, shrinking. ‘Audae'lty, See EFFRONTERY. ‘Augment. Increase, enlarge, swel ‘Ant. Decrease, lessen. Au'gur, See BETOKEN. ‘August. Majestic, dignified, stately, imposing. a Humble, lowly, undignified, unimpressive. ‘Auspic lous. Lucky, fortunate, favour ‘Able, well-omened, propitious, ‘Ane. Unlucky, Ubomened, n- propitious, unfavourable, tnauspicl- ‘ous. Austere’. Harsh, severe, rigorous, stern, strict. "ANT. Mild, gentle. Authen'tle. True, certain, genuine, veritable. Ant. Unauthentic, spurlous. ‘Authority. Government, rule, sway. command; permission, sanctio licence, . a ‘Authorize. Sanction, commission, ‘empower, Warrant. "ANT. Discountenance, disap prove, forbid. aes Helping, eubsidiary. > lary. ‘Ant. Chief. ‘Available. Accessible, obtainable, ‘useful, advantageous. "ANT. Inaccessible, not unobtainable. Avarlce. Greed dity. Ants Generosity. Avariclous. See GRASPING. heedless, unctell. extend, princely, nil for use, , covetousness, cupi- a Are} Arenge’, Retaliate, requise, punish, wid Forsve, overlook Aver’ See Arne ts Arerse’. Disinclined, unwilling, loth. a ANT Ready, willing, facour- le. Aver’sion, Hostility, unwillingness, distaste, dislike, hatred. Ant. Willingness, readiness, Ing. Arld'ity. See Grrtomiess. Aroca‘tion. Recreation, employment of leisure. Ant. Vocation, business. Avoid’. Shun, flee, escape, elude; re- frain from, forbear. Ant. Follow, meet, confront. ‘Avo’, See Arrina. Babble. Prate, prattle, chatter, ANT. Discourse gravely. Baceh‘anal. Reveller, ‘drunkard, carouser. Back’bite. “Slander, calumniate, de- fame, malign. ANT. Defend, Bad’, Evil, wick raise. P'Se6 also ABaN- ‘ANT. Good, upright, Bat'he. Balk defers clade; 6 confuse. Bait’. Lure, snare, enticement Bal‘ance. Poise, counterpoise, com: equalize, scttle. Baleful.. Harmful ‘noxious, sad, calamitous. ANT. Harmless, cheerful. Balk’. Sec Barre. Balm’y. Fragrant, odorous, ambro- slal;_ soothing, genial. ‘Ant. Malodorous; rough, un- genial . Bane‘ful. Injurious, noxious, buriful, pestitential. ‘Ant. Beneficlal, harmless. Banqu’et. Feast, entertainment, di ner. Bant‘er, Jeering, mockery, rallying, twitting, raillery. ANT. Serious talk. Bar’. Rail, stave; hindrance, obstruc- tion: tribunal; re of lawyers, [Bef Avalt’, See Expect. Award’, Adjudge, decree, assign. Amare’, Conscious, mindful of, ap- prised of, Ant. Unaware, ignorant of. Ame’ Dread, fear, veneration. ANT. Contempt, trrecerence. Awful, Venerable, solemn, dreadful, shocking. ‘ANT. Secular, _unimpressice, pleasant. Awk’ward. Clumsy, unhandy, ua- sainly: clownisb, rude. ‘Ast, Handy, clecer; graceful; refined. Ax‘lom. Established proposition; ‘maxim, aphorism. Amry’. Crooked, twisted, contorted. Avr. Straight. Bar‘barous. Uncivilized, wild, savage: cruel, inhuman, rude. ANT. Civilized, gentle, refined. Bar‘galo. “Acreement, stipulation, deal, negotiation, transaction. Bar'ter. Exchange, deal, trathic. Base’. "(adj.) Low, 5 ignoble, le, counterfeit. Exclted, noble: genuine. Foundation, . ground, groundwork; chief ingredient. ANT. Supersiructure; mixture. Besbal,, See Cor. Ba’sis. Sec Bast. r. Strike, smite, shatter, destroy. Gewgaw, gimerack, trinket, Biavthing Beak. Bill, mandible; prow, stem, wa ‘ANT, Tail; stern. Bear’, Carry, transport, support; endure, suffer; produce, give birth to. Drop, let down; shrink from. Beat’ Strike, buffet, thump, hammer; conquer, defeat, surpass. Beau'tiful.’ Comely, charming, tovely fair, handsome. Ant. Ugly. uncomely, Becom’ing. Betitting, suitable, decent, neat. ‘ANT. Unbecoming. Befriend’, Help, aid, succour, patron ize. Ant. Refuse to help. Bee) Begin’ning. Origin source, inception. commencement. ‘ANT. Ending, termination, sation. Begrudge.’ See GRUDGE. Beguile. Deceive, ensnare, cheat; amuse, divert. ANT. Enlighten, treat honestly, displease. Behest’.. Command, order, charge, injunction. - Behind hand. Slow, tardy, dilatory, ate. Ant. Beforehand, prompt.” Behold’. Scc, observe, regard. Behove’. Befit, bescem, become. "ANT. Be unbecoming. Belief. Faith, trust, confidence, assent, creed. ANT. Unbelief, distrust, mistrust, denial. . Belong’. Appertain, be owned by, Telaic to, concern. Benef‘icent. Kindly. beautiful, gener- ‘ous, liberal. ‘Ant. Maleficent, cess unkind, un generous. efit, See ADVANTAGE. Benevolence. See HUMANITY. Benev’olent. Benign, charitable. See also BENEFICENT. Ant. Malevolent, uncharitable. Benigy. ‘See Benevouet Bent’ (n.). Tendency, bias, preposses- ‘sion, leaning, predilection. Beseech’.. Ask, beg. pray, entreat. ‘Beset’. Surround, environ, encom- pass, besiege. Beston’. Sce IMPART. Betouen. Denote, mark; portend, indicate. . ray’. Disclose, divulge; deceive, give away treacherously. "Ant. Conceal; defend, be loyal Bewail’. See LAMENT. Bewild‘er. Puzzle, perplex. confuse, mystify. "ANT. Enlighten, llluminate. Bewitch’.. Enchant, captivate, ¢n- WANT. Repel di Repel, disgust. Bias. See BENT. Bid’, Charge, command, enjoin, ask, invite; offer a price. Ant. Obey; respond. Big’, Large, great, massive, pregnant. Bar. Small, lisse; empty. huge; (Bi Big’oted. See FANATICAL. Bi’. Note, reckoning, measure (law). See also BEAK. Bind’, See Link. Bind‘ing. Compulsory, ‘stringent; astringent. ‘Ant. Voluntary; laxative. Bit’, See FRAGMEN Bit’ter, Acrid, aci harsh, cruel; poigt Ant. Sweet: mil obligatory, sharp, severe; {; sad, sorrow- ful. Bizarre’. Seo GROTESQUE. Black’. Dark, swarthy; gloomy, dull, dismal; wicked, evil. "ANT. White, pale; bright, cheer- ful; good. Blame’. Censure, reprehend, accuse, upbraid. Ant, Excuse, pardon. Blame’, (1.). See APPR Blame‘less. See INNOCENT. Bland’. Mild, courteous, soft, gentle. Sce also BENEVOLENT. ‘Ant. Rough, discourteous. Bland'ishment. Flattery, cajolery, fawning, coaxing- Bluntness, plain speaking, TION. ANT. disrespect. Bias‘phemy. Profanity, swearing, im- piety. AnT. Reverence. ‘Wind, , storm, squall; clang: explosion. . Noisy, vociferous, clamor- Us. ‘ANT, Quiet, gentle. Bleak’. Cold, chilly, raw; bare, cheer- 5S. ‘Ant. Warm, sunny; comfortable. Biem’ish. Flaw, speck, spot, fault; disgrace. . ‘ANT. Merit, good point. Blend’. Mix, mingle, compound, amalgamate; coalesce. ANT. Dissolve. Bless’. Gladden; consecrate, sancti- fy; give thanks, praise. ‘ANT, Curse, desecrate. Blight’. Wither, shrivel, blast, mildew; tr ANT. Revive, restore. Happiness, felicity, j Fight, aplure Ys joy, de- Al infeltetty, Wr.» Unhoppiness, Bitte,’ Happy, merry, i he Happy, merry, jovous, say Blo} Ant. fed, sorrowful, dispirited. tn, ‘reshness, efflorescence, De.ay, withered state. Blot’ Spolh bepetiets hse, ANT. Inprove, enbellsh Blot®(n.). See Buen Blow Soke, hit Knock; disaster, calamit "ANT. Good tuck, good fortune. ony Abrupt, brusque, ‘ir frank, "ANT. Suave, bland, polite. Blund’er. Error, mistake, oversight, i ‘Ave. efeceraen correc Biuot” Bagels, pointless, buf, praise, favour. NT. Disapproval, disfavour. Comply’. See AcceDe. ‘Compose’. Constitute, form, make; settle, adjust; soothe, calm. Ant. Unsettle,discompose, excite. Compo’sure. See EQuANIMITY. Compound’. (¢b.). Mix, combin blend, settle, adjust, compromise. ANT. Separate,” sift, winnow, leave unsettled. Com’pound (.). tion, medley ANt. Homogeneity, separation. a ’. Comprise, embrace, include; grasp, perceive, under: ‘stand. . misunderstand, perceive. Comprehens’i! Sce INTELLIGIBLE. Com ipreben ‘sive. Inclusive, extensive, 1 road. ANT. Exclusive, narrow, abridgect. Compress’. Squeeze, press; con- dense, contract. ‘ANT, Loosen, widen, expand. Mixture, combina- ANT. Exclude; fail to Comprise’. Embrace, include, com- prohend. ANT. Exclude. Com’promise. Settle, compound; implicate, NT. Leave unsettled; excuse. Compul'sion. Force, coercion, pres- sure. Ar. Freedom, liberty. Compul’sory. See IxvoLUNTARY. _ Compune'tion, Remorse, regret, sting of conscience. ANT, Inipapitence. recklessness. Compute’. See Catcutate. Conceal’. Hide, cover, shelter, dis. veal, disclose, uncover. Concede’, See ALLow. Concelre’. See COMPREHEND. Concern’. Care, anxiety, solicitude; affair, matter, importance, weight: business, establishment. Ant. Indifference, uniportance. Concert’. Contris ANT. Repel, anger, annoy, Concise’. Short, brief tere, sum- mary, succinct pithy tnt NT. e, a wine fuse, lengthy, tong. 4 {Con conclude’. See Close, Eonclu'don’ End, termination, close; inference, deduction. Ant. Beginning, commencement. Con‘cord. Agreement, harmony, ac- cord, unison. Ant. Disagreement, discord. Con‘course. Assembly, gathering crowd, throng. ANT. Solite Concur’, See AcceDE. Condemn’. Blame, censure, reproach, upbraid; sentence, convict. Ant. Praise, approve; pardon, pul. Condense’. Compress, consolidate; abridge; epitomize; thicken, a. ANT. Loosen, disintegrate, dis- solve; lengthen, expand; soften, ‘Condescen’sion. Submission, humilia- 3 deference, courtesy, favour, lrrogance; discourtesy, ine stancos, case, situ- ‘stipulation, ition, Circumst ation plight, state; terms, provision, Contole’, Seo CommmistraTe. Conduct” (vb.). See Guive, Con’duct. Behaviour, demeanour, bearing, management, guidance, escort. Confederacy. See ALLIANCE. Confer’. Give, bestow; consult, dis- cuss, deliberate. ANT. Refuse. Confess’. Admit, grant, allow; reveal, avow, acknowledge, 8 Disallow, deny, conceal, Con'fidence. Assurance, trust, belief; boldness, self-reliance. =" oT Distrust, dlsbelief; fear, Confitm’, Strengthen, establish, settle; verity, corroborate: ratty ind. '. Weaken, ttle, dis i Att, Meaken, unsettle disprove NT. disavow. Con'flict. See Comaar. Confitct'tng. Discordant, disagreeing, ANT. “Agree 1. Agreeing, . Confound’, Mie fies cebarass, Perplox, astonish; Rowe . defeat, over- NT. Nisttr ° : mann cin, Pi inguish; enlighten;

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